82,482 research outputs found

    Initial POLAR MFE observation of substorm signatures in the polar magnetosphere

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    This paper studies substorm influences in the polar magnetosphere using data from the POLAR magnetic field experiment (MFE). The POLAR spacecraft remains in the high altitude polar magnetosphere for extended periods around apogee. There it can stay at nearly constant altitude through all phases of a substorm, which was not possible on previous missions. We report such an event on March 28, 1996. Ground magnetometers monitored substorm activity, while the POLAR spacecraft, directly over the pole at (−0.8, −0.6, 8.5) RE in GSM coordinates, observed a corresponding perturbation in the total magnetic field strength. The total magnetic field first increased, then recovered toward quiet levels, consistent with erosion of magnetic flux from the dayside magnetosphere, followed by transport of that flux to the magnetotail, and eventual onset of tail reconnection and the return of that magnetic flux to the dayside magnetosphere

    Metastable and transient states of chemical ordering in Fe-V nanocrystalline alloys

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    Chemical ordering of the disordered alloys Fe0.78V0.22, Fe0.53V0.47, Fe0.39V0.61, and Fe0.37V0.63 was performed by annealing at temperatures from 723 to 973 K. The initial state of chemical disorder was produced by high-energy ball milling, and the evolution of order was measured by neutron diffractometry and by 57Fe Mössbauer spectrometry. The hyperfine magnetic field distributions obtained from the Mössbauer spectra provided quantitative measurements of the number of antisite Fe atoms in the partially ordered alloys. The long-range order parameters in steady state after long annealing times were used as states of metastable equilibrium for a generally successful comparison with the metastable Fe-V phase diagram calculated by Sanchez et al. [Phys. Rev. B 54, 8958 (1996)]. For the metastable equilibrium state of order in Fe0.53V0.47 at low temperatures, the order parameters were smaller than expected. This corresponded to an abundance of antisite atoms, which were not removed effectively by annealing at the lower temperatures

    A mid-IR study of Hickson Compact Groups II. Multi-wavelength analysis of the complete GALEX-Spitzer Sample

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    We present a comprehensive study on the impact of the environment of compact galaxy groups on the evolution of their members using a multi-wavelength analysis, from the UV to the infrared, for a sample of 32 Hickson compact groups (HCGs) containing 135 galaxies. Fitting the SEDs of all galaxies with the state-of-the-art model of da Cunha (2008) we can accurately calculate their mass, SFR, and extinction, as well as estimate their infrared luminosity and dust content. We compare our findings with samples of field galaxies, early-stage interacting pairs, and cluster galaxies with similar data. We find that classifying the groups as dynamically "old" or "young", depending on whether or not at least one quarter of their members are early-type systems, is physical and consistent with past classifications of HCGs based on their atomic gas content. [...ABRIDGED...] We also examine their SF properties, UV-optical and mid-IR colors, and we conclude that all the evidence point to an evolutionary scenario in which the effects of the group environment and the properties of the galaxy members are not instantaneous. Early on, the influence of close companions to group galaxies is similar to the one of galaxy pairs in the field. However, as the time progresses, the effects of tidal torques and minor merging, shape the morphology and star formation history of the group galaxies, leading to an increase of the fraction of early-type members and a rapid built up of the stellar mass in the remaining late-type galaxies.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Figure resolution degraded for arXiv limits, full resolution paper available at http://www.physics.uoc.gr/~bitsakis/paperII_bitsakis.pd

    Weak local rules for planar octagonal tilings

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    We provide an effective characterization of the planar octagonal tilings which admit weak local rules. As a corollary, we show that they are all based on quadratic irrationalities, as conjectured by Thang Le in the 90s.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Quantifying the Effect of Non-Larmor Motion of Electrons on the Pressure Tensor

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    In space plasma, various effects of magnetic reconnection and turbulence cause the electron motion to significantly deviate from their Larmor orbits. Collectively these orbits affect the electron velocity distribution function and lead to the appearance of the "non-gyrotropic" elements in the pressure tensor. Quantification of this effect has important applications in space and laboratory plasma, one of which is tracing the electron diffusion region (EDR) of magnetic reconnection in space observations. Three different measures of agyrotropy of pressure tensor have previously been proposed, namely, AeA\varnothing_e, DngD_{ng} and QQ. The multitude of contradictory measures has caused confusion within the community. We revisit the problem by considering the basic properties an agyrotropy measure should have. We show that AeA\varnothing_e, DngD_{ng} and QQ are all defined based on the sum of the principle minors (i.e. the rotation invariant I2I_2) of the pressure tensor. We discuss in detail the problems of I2I_2-based measures and explain why they may produce ambiguous and biased results. We introduce a new measure AGAG constructed based on the determinant of the pressure tensor (i.e. the rotation invariant I3I_3) which does not suffer from the problems of I2I_2-based measures. We compare AGAG with other measures in 2 and 3-dimension particle-in-cell magnetic reconnection simulations, and show that AGAG can effectively trace the EDR of reconnection in both Harris and force-free current sheets. On the other hand, AeA\varnothing_e does not show prominent peaks in the EDR and part of the separatrix in the force-free reconnection simulations, demonstrating that AeA\varnothing_e does not measure all the non-gyrotropic effects in this case, and is not suitable for studying magnetic reconnection in more general situations other than Harris sheet reconnection.Comment: accepted by Phys. of Plasm

    Mercury removal in wastewater by iron oxide nanoparticles

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    Mercury is one of the persistent pollutants in wastewater; it is becoming a severe environmental and public health problem, this is why nowadays its removal is an obligation. Iron oxide nanoparticles are receiving much attention due to their properties, such as: great biocompatibility, ease of separation, high relation of surface-area to volume, surface modifiability, reusability, excellent magnetic properties and relative low cost. In this experiment, Fe3O4 and γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles were synthesized using iron salts and NaOH as precipitation agents, and Aloe Vera as stabilizing agent; then these nanoparticles were characterized by three different measurements: first, using a Zetasizer Nano ZS for their size estimation, secondly UV-visible spectroscopy which showed the existence of resonance of plasmon at λmax∼360 nm, and lastly by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to determine nanoparticles form. The results of this characterization showed that the obtained Iron oxides nanoparticles have a narrow size distribution (∼100nm). Mercury removal of 70% approximately was confirmed by atomic absorption spectroscopy measurements

    Specific heat of the quantum Bragg Glass

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    We study the thermodynamics of the vibrational modes of a lattice pinned by impurity disorder in the absence of topological defects (Bragg glass phase). Using a replica variational method we compute the specific heat CvC_v in the quantum regime and find CvT3C_v \propto T^3 at low temperatures in dimension three and two. The prefactor is controlled by the pinning length. The non trivial cancellation of the linear term in CvC_v arises from the so-called marginality condition and has important consequences for other mean field models.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex, strongly revised versio

    Cosmological Constant in LQG Vertex Amplitude

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    A new q-deformation of the Euclidean EPRL/FK vertex amplitude is proposed by using the evaluation of the Vassiliev invariant associated with a 4-simplex graph (related to two copies of quantum SU(2) group at different roots of unity) embedded in a 3-sphere. We show that the large-j asymptotics of the q-deformed vertex amplitude gives the Regge action with a cosmological constant. In the end we also discuss its relation with a Chern-Simons theory on the boundary of 4-simplex.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, result and presentation improve

    A new root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne moensi n. sp. (Nematoda : Meloidogynidae), parasitizing Robusta coffee from Western Highlands, Vietnam

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    A new root-knot nematode, parasitizing Robusta coffee in Dak Lak Province, Western Highlands of Vietnam, is described as Meloidogyne moensi n. sp. Morphological and molecular analyses demonstrated that this species differs clearly from other previously described root-knot nematodes. Morphologically, the new species is characterized by a swollen body of females with a small posterior protuberance that elongated from ovoid to saccate; perineal patterns with smooth striae, continuous and low dorsal arch; lateral lines marked as a faint space or linear depression at junction of the dorsal and ventral striate; distinct phasmids; perivulval region free of striae; visible and wide tail terminus surrounding by concentric circles of striae; medial lips of females in dumbbell-shaped and slightly raised above lateral lips; female stylet is normally straight with posteriorly sloping stylet knobs; lip region of second stage juvenile (J2) is not annulated; medial lips and labial disc of J2 formed dumbbell shape; lateral lips are large and triangular; tail of J2 is conoid with rounded unstriated tail tip; distinct phasmids and hyaline; dilated rectum. Meloidogyne moensi n. sp. is most similar to M. africana, M. ottersoni by prominent posterior protuberance. Results of molecular analysis of rDNA sequences including the D2-D3 expansion regions of 28S rDNA, COI, and partial COII/16S rRNA of mitochondrial DNA support for the new species status

    The Wide-field High-resolution Infrared TElescope (WHITE)

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    The Wide-field High-resolution Infrared TElescope (WHITE) will be dedicated in the first years of its life to carrying out a few (well focused in terms of science objectives and time) legacy surveys. WHITE would have an angular resolution of ~0.3'' homogeneous over ~0.7 sq. deg. in the wavelength range 1 - 5 um, which means that we will very efficiently use all the available observational time during night time and day time. Moreover, the deepest observations will be performed by summing up shorter individual frames. We will have a temporal information that can be used to study variable objects. The three key science objectives of WHITE are : 1) A complete survey of the Magellanic Clouds to make a complete census of young stellar objects in the clouds and in the bridge and to study their star formation history and the link with the Milky Way. The interaction of the two clouds with our Galaxy might the closest example of a minor merging event that could be the main driver of galaxy evolution in the last 5 Gyrs. 2) The building of the first sample of dusty supernovae at z<1.2 in the near infrared range (1-5 um) to constrain the equation of state from these obscured objects, study the formation of dust in galaxies and build the first high resolution sample of high redshift galaxies observed in their optical frame 3) A very wide weak lensing survey over that would allow to estimate the equation of state in a way that would favourably compete with space projects.Comment: Invited talk to the 2nd ARENA Conference : "The Astrophysical Science Cases at Dome C" Potsdam 17-21 September, 200