32 research outputs found

    Monitoring the Bragg peak location of 73 MeV/u carbon ions by means of prompt Îł\gamma-ray measurements

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    By means of a time-of-flight technique, we measured the longitudinal profile of prompt Îł\gamma-rays emitted by 73 MeV/u 13^{13}C ions irradiating a PMMA target. This technique allowed us to minimize the shielding against neutrons and scattered Îł\gamma-rays, and to correlate prompt gamma emission to the ion path. This correlation, together with a high counting rate, paves the way toward real-time monitoring of the longitudinal dose profile during ion therapy treatments. Moreover, the time correlation between the prompt gamma detection and the transverse position of the incident ions measured by a beam monitor can provide real-time 3D control of the irradiation.Comment: to be published in Applied Physics Letter

    Real time monitoring of the Bragg-peak position in ion therapy by means of single photon detection

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    For real-time monitoring of the longitudinal position of the Bragg-peak during an ion therapy treatment, a novel non-invasive technique has been recently proposed that exploits the detection of prompt -rays issued from nuclear fragmentation. Two series of experiments have been performed at the GANIL and GSI facilities with 95 MeV/u and 305 MeV/u 12C6+ ion beams stopped in PMMA and water phantoms. In both experiments a clear correlation was obtained between the carbon ion range and the prompt photon profile. Additionally, an extensive study has been performed to investigate whether a prompt neutron component may be correlated with the carbon ion range. No such correlation was found. The present paper demonstrates that a collimated set-up can be used to detect single photons by means of time-of-flight measurements, at those high energies typical for ion therapy. Moreover, the applicability of the technique both at cyclotron and synchrotron facilities is shown. It is concluded that the detected photon count rates provide sufficiently high statistics to allow real-time control of the longitudinal position of the Bragg-peak under clinical conditions

    12C nuclear reaction measurements for hadrontherapy

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    International audienceHadrontherapy treatments require a very high precision on the dose deposition ( 2.5% and 1-2mm) in order to keep the benefits of the precise ions' ballistic. The largest uncertainty on the physical dose deposition is due to ion fragmentation. Up to now, the simulation codes are not able to reproduce the fragmentation process with the required precision. To constraint the nuclear models and complete fragmentation cross sections databases; our collaboration has performed an experiment on May 2008 at GANIL with a 95 MeV/u 12C beam. We have measured the fluence, energy and angular distributions of charged fragments and neutrons coming from nuclear reactions of incident 12C on thick water-like PMMA targets. Preliminary comparisons between GEANT4 (G4BinaryLightIonReaction) simulations and experimental data show huge discrepancies

    Monte Carlo Simulations and prompt gamma measurement for online control of ion therapy

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    Au cours du traitement d'une tumeur avec des ions légers, la position du pic de Bragg doit être connue avec précision. Une fraction importante des ions incidents subissent des collisions nucléaires avec les noyaux cibles conduisant à l'émission de particules promptes qui peuvent être porteuses d'informations sur le parcours des ions. Ce travail, qui se concentre sur les gamma prompts, montre que le rendement en profondeur de ces émissions est fortement corrélé au parcours des ions et que les taux de comptage mesurés permettent d'envisager un système d'imagerie réaliste, fonctionnant en temps réel. Dans ce but, nous avons réalisé des expériences au GANIL et au GSI avec un détecteur collimaté placé perpendiculairement à l'axe du faisceau et la technique du temps de vol a été utilisée pour réduire le bruit de fond induit par les neutrons et les particules chargées. Des simulations Geant4 ont été réalisées pour concevoir le dispositif expérimental et interpréter les données. Un accord qualitatif entre les simulations et l'expérience est observé pour la quantité d'énergie déposée dans le détecteur et pour la forme du spectre de temps de vol. Cependant, des divergences apparaissent pour le rendement de gamma prompts et la distribution en profondeur des gamma détectés. Ces divergences sont discutées, principalement en termes de modèles de physique nucléaire qui doivent être améliorés. Après avoir sélectionné les modèles physiques offrant les simulations les plus en accord avec les mesures, des études concernant les lieux d'émissions des gamma prompts et l'influence de la diffusion dans la cible ont été réalisés afin de déterminer l'impact sur la corrélation avec le parcours des ionsDuring the treatment of a tumor with light ions, the Bragg peak location must be accurately known. A significant fraction of the incident ions undergo nuclear collisions with the target nuclei leading to the prompt emission of particles which may carry information on the ion path. This work, which focuses on prompt gamma, shows that the depth profile of these emissions is highly correlated to the ions path and the measured counting rates allow to consider a realistic imaging system, operating in real time. For that purpose, we performed experiments at GANIL and at GSI with a collimated detector placed perpendicular to the beam axis and the time of flight technique was used in order to reduce the noise induced by neutrons and charged particles. Geant4 simulations were performed for the experimental design and data interpretation. A qualitative agreement between simulations and experiment is observed for the amount of energy deposited in the detector and the shape of the time of flight spectrum. However, discrepancies appear for the prompt gamma yield and the depth distribution of gamma detected. These discrepancies are discussed, mainly in terms of nuclear physics models that must be improved. After selecting the physical models which lead to the best agreement between simulations and measurements, studies on the location of prompt gamma emission and on the influence of diffusion in the target were performed to determine the impact on the correlation with the ion pat

    Simulations Monte Carlo et mesures de l'émission de gamma prompts appliquées au contrôle en ligne en hadronthérapie

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    During the treatment of a tumor with light ions, the Bragg peak location must be accurately known. A significant fraction of the incident ions undergo nuclear collisions with the target nuclei leading to the prompt emission of particles which may carry information on the ion path. This work, which focuses on prompt gamma, shows that the depth profile of these emissions is highly correlated to the ions path and the measured counting rates allow to consider a realistic imaging system, operating in real time. For that purpose, we performed experiments at GANIL and at GSI with a collimated detector placed perpendicular to the beam axis and the time of flight technique was used in order to reduce the noise induced by neutrons and charged particles. Geant4 simulations were performed for the experimental design and data interpretation. A qualitative agreement between simulations and experiment is observed for the amount of energy deposited in the detector and the shape of the time of flight spectrum. However, discrepancies appear for the prompt gamma yield and the depth distribution of gamma detected. These discrepancies are discussed, mainly in terms of nuclear physics models that must be improved. After selecting the physical models which lead to the best agreement between simulations and measurements, studies on the location of prompt gamma emission and on the influence of diffusion in the target were performed to determine the impact on the correlation with the ion path.Au cours du traitement d'une tumeur avec des ions légers, la position du pic de Bragg doit être connue avec précision. Une fraction importante des ions incidents subissent des collisions nucléaires avec les noyaux cibles conduisant à l'émission de particules promptes qui peuvent être porteuses d'informations sur le parcours des ions. Ce travail, qui se concentre sur les gamma prompts, montre que le rendement en profondeur de ces émissions est fortement corrélé au parcours des ions et que les taux de comptage mesurés permettent d'envisager un système d'imagerie réaliste, fonctionnant en temps réel. Dans ce but, nous avons réalisé des expériences au GANIL et au GSI avec un détecteur collimaté placé perpendiculairement à l'axe du faisceau et la technique du temps de vol a été utilisée pour réduire le bruit de fond induit par les neutrons et les particules chargées. Des simulations Geant4 ont été réalisées pour concevoir le dispositif expérimental et interpréter les données. Un accord qualitatif entre les simulations et l'expérience est observé pour la quantité d'énergie déposée dans le détecteur et pour la forme du spectre de temps de vol. Cependant, des divergences apparaissent pour le rendement de gamma prompts et la distribution en profondeur des gamma détectés. Ces divergences sont discutées, principalement en termes de modèles de physique nucléaire qui doivent être améliorés. Après avoir sélectionné les modèles physiques offrant les simulations les plus en accord avec les mesures, des études concernant les lieux d'émissions des gamma prompts et l'influence de la diffusion dans la cible ont été réalisés afin de déterminer l'impact sur la corrélation avec le parcours des ions

    Dose profile monitoring with carbon ions by means of prompt-gamma measurements

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    International audienceA key point in the quality control of ion therapy is real-time monitoring and imaging of the dose delivered to the patient. Among the possible signals that can be used to make such a monitoring, prompt gamma-rays issued from nuclear fragmentation are possible candidates, provided the correlation between the emission profile and the primary beam range can be established. By means of simultaneous energy and time of flight discrimination, we could measure the longitudinal profile of the prompt gamma-rays emitted by 73 MeV/u carbon ions stopping inside a PMMA target. This technique allowed us to minimize the shielding against neutrons and scattered gamma rays, and to find a good correlation between the prompt gamma profile and the ion range. This profile was studied as a function of the observation angle. By extrapolating our results to higher energies and realistic detection efficiencies, we showed that prompt gamma-ray measurements make it feasible to control in real time the longitudinal dose during ion therapy treatments