2,619 research outputs found

    Développement de calorimètres métalliques magnétiques pour le spectrométrie bêta

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    The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate the potential of metallic magnetic calorimeters for beta spectrometry by measuring the spectrum of 63-Ni. This nuclide is one of the beta emitters for which theory is well-known and calculation reliable. We propose a method for experimental observation, especially at low energies, which allows to validate the theoretical calculation.A dedicated data analysis has been established and optimized. It takes into account the parameters of a cryogenic measurement and also the specific requirements of beta spectrometry. Two types of sources have been realized, a deposit of nickel salt from a dried drop of a solution of NiCl2 and a metallic electroplated source of Ni. The electroplated sources turn out to be the appropriate type of source for 63-Ni spectrometry.The performances of metallic magnetic calorimeters, such as high detection efficiency and low energy threshold, lead to results precise enough to validate experimentally the theory.L'objectif de ce travail de thèse est de démontrer le potentiel des calorimètres métalliques magnétiques pour la spectrométrie bêta via une mesure du spectre du 63-Ni. Ce nucléide fait partie des émetteurs bêta pour lesquels la théorie est connue et les calculs crédibles. Nous proposons une méthode d'observation expérimentale du spectre, à basse énergie surtout, permettant de valider les calculs théoriques.Un traitement des données spécifique à l'établissement d'un spectre continu a été établi et optimisé, prenant en compte les paramètres d'une mesure cryogénique avec un calorimètre métallique magnétique et les exigences de la spectrométrie bêta. Deux types de sources ont été réalisés, un dépôt sous forme de sel de nickel à partir d'une goutte séchée de solution de NiCl2 et un dépôt métallique de nickel issu d'une électrodéposition. Les sources électrodéposées se sont révélées être le type de source adéquate pour la spectrométrie du 63-Ni.Les performances des calorimètres métalliques magnétiques, parmi lesquelles le fort rendement de détection ou le faible seuil en énergie, permettent d'obtenir des résultats suffisamment précis pour la validation expérimentale des calculs théoriques

    Nucleosome repositioning via loop formation

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    Active (catalysed) and passive (intrinsic) nucleosome repositioning is known to be a crucial event during the transcriptional activation of certain eucaryotic genes. Here we consider theoretically the intrinsic mechanism and study in detail the energetics and dynamics of DNA-loop-mediated nucleosome repositioning, as previously proposed by Schiessel et al. (H. Schiessel, J. Widom, R. F. Bruinsma, and W. M. Gelbart. 2001. {\it Phys. Rev. Lett.} 86:4414-4417). The surprising outcome of the present study is the inherent nonlocality of nucleosome motion within this model -- being a direct physical consequence of the loop mechanism. On long enough DNA templates the longer jumps dominate over the previously predicted local motion, a fact that contrasts simple diffusive mechanisms considered before. The possible experimental outcome resulting from the considered mechanism is predicted, discussed and compared to existing experimental findings

    Comparing semi-analytic particle tagging and hydrodynamical simulations of the Milky Way's stellar halo

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    Particle tagging is an efficient, but approximate, technique for using cosmological N-body simulations to model the phase-space evolution of the stellar populations predicted, for example, by a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. We test the technique developed by Cooper et al. (which we call STINGS here) by comparing particle tags with stars in a smooth particle hydrodynamic (SPH) simulation. We focus on the spherically averaged density profile of stars accreted from satellite galaxies in a Milky Way (MW)-like system. The stellar profile in the SPH simulation can be recovered accurately by tagging dark matter (DM) particles in the same simulation according to a prescription based on the rank order of particle binding energy. Applying the same prescription to an N-body version of this simulation produces a density profile differing from that of the SPH simulation by ≲10 per cent on average between 1 and 200 kpc. This confirms that particle tagging can provide a faithful and robust approximation to a self-consistent hydrodynamical simulation in this regime (in contradiction to previous claims in the literature). We find only one systematic effect, likely due to the collisionless approximation, namely that massive satellites in the SPH simulation are disrupted somewhat earlier than their collisionless counterparts. In most cases, this makes remarkably little difference to the spherically averaged distribution of their stellar debris. We conclude that, for galaxy formation models that do not predict strong baryonic effects on the present-day DM distribution of MW-like galaxies or their satellites, differences in stellar halo predictions associated with the treatment of star formation and feedback are much more important than those associated with the dynamical limitations of collisionless particle tagging

    Scaling and Universality in the Counterion-Condensation Transition at Charged Cylinders

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    We address the critical and universal aspects of counterion-condensation transition at a single charged cylinder in both two and three spatial dimensions using numerical and analytical methods. By introducing a novel Monte-Carlo sampling method in logarithmic radial scale, we are able to numerically simulate the critical limit of infinite system size (corresponding to infinite-dilution limit) within tractable equilibration times. The critical exponents are determined for the inverse moments of the counterionic density profile (which play the role of the order parameters and represent the inverse localization length of counterions) both within mean-field theory and within Monte-Carlo simulations. In three dimensions (3D), correlation effects (neglected within mean-field theory) lead to an excessive accumulation of counterions near the charged cylinder below the critical temperature (condensation phase), while surprisingly, the critical region exhibits universal critical exponents in accord with the mean-field theory. In two dimensions (2D), we demonstrate, using both numerical and analytical approaches, that the mean-field theory becomes exact at all temperatures (Manning parameters), when number of counterions tends to infinity. For finite particle number, however, the 2D problem displays a series of peculiar singular points (with diverging heat capacity), which reflect successive de-localization events of individual counterions from the central cylinder. In both 2D and 3D, the heat capacity shows a universal jump at the critical point, and the energy develops a pronounced peak. The asymptotic behavior of the energy peak location is used to locate the critical temperature, which is also found to be universal and in accordance with the mean-field prediction.Comment: 31 pages, 16 figure

    High order resolution of the Maxwell-Fokker-Planck-Landau model intended for ICF applications

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    A high order, deterministic direct numerical method is proposed for the nonrelativistic 2Dx×3Dv2D_{\bf x} \times 3D_{\bf v} Vlasov-Maxwell system, coupled with Fokker-Planck-Landau type operators. Such a system is devoted to the modelling of electronic transport and energy deposition in the general frame of Inertial Confinement Fusion applications. It describes the kinetics of plasma physics in the nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium regime. Strong numerical constraints lead us to develop specific methods and approaches for validation, that might be used in other fields where couplings between equations, multiscale physics, and high dimensionality are involved. Parallelisation (MPI communication standard) and fast algorithms such as the multigrid method are employed, that make this direct approach be computationally affordable for simulations of hundreds of picoseconds, when dealing with configurations that present five dimensions in phase space

    Characteristic length of random knotting for cylindrical self-avoiding polygons

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    We discuss the probability of random knotting for a model of self-avoiding polygons whose segments are given by cylinders of unit length with radius rr. We show numerically that the characteristic length of random knotting is roughly approximated by an exponential function of the chain thickness rr.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Particle tagging and its implications for stellar population dynamics

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    We establish a controlled comparison between the properties of galactic stellar haloes obtained with hydrodynamical simulations and with ‘particle tagging’. Tagging is a fast way to obtain stellar population dynamics: instead of tracking gas and star formation, it ‘paints’ stars directly on to a suitably defined subset of dark matter particles in a collisionless, dark-matter-only simulation. Our study shows that ‘live’ particle tagging schemes, where stellar masses are painted on to the dark matter particles dynamically throughout the simulation, can generate good fits to the hydrodynamical stellar density profiles of a central Milky Way-like galaxy and its most prominent substructure. Energy diffusion processes are crucial to reshaping the distribution of stars in infalling spheroidal systems and hence the final stellar halo. We conclude that the success of any particular tagging scheme hinges on this diffusion being taken into account, and discuss the role of different subgrid feedback prescriptions in driving this diffusion
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