268 research outputs found

    When is Containment Decidable for Probabilistic Automata?

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    The containment problem for quantitative automata is the natural quantitative generalisation of the classical language inclusion problem for Boolean automata. We study it for probabilistic automata, where it is known to be undecidable in general. We restrict our study to the class of probabilistic automata with bounded ambiguity. There, we show decidability (subject to Schanuel's conjecture) when one of the automata is assumed to be unambiguous while the other one is allowed to be finitely ambiguous. Furthermore, we show that this is close to the most general decidable fragment of this problem by proving that it is already undecidable if one of the automata is allowed to be linearly ambiguous

    Analiza procesa izgaranja u peći za taljenje aluminija

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    The composition of gaseous combustion product leaving the chamber of aluminium melting furnace in TLM Šibenik was investigated by measurements and numerical analysis in order to reduce the fuel consumption and increase the capacity of the existing furnace. Investigations were motivated by the fact that the actual specific fuel consumption was considerably higher and the actual furnace production was considerably lower than the design values according to the furnace technical documentation and the previous reached values in practice.Sastav plinovitih produkata izgaranja koji napuštaju radni prostor peći za taljenje aluminija u TLM Šibenik je istraživan mjerenjima i numeričkom analizom u cilju da se smanji potrošnja goriva i poveća kapacitet postojeće peći. Istraživanja su bila motivirana činjenicom da je stvarna specifična potrošnja goriva znatno veća, a kapacitet peći znatno manji od projektiranih vrijednosti prema tehničkoj dokumentaciji peći i prethodno u praksi postignutih vrijednosti

    The characteristics of craniofacial and cervicovertebral morphology in different genetic syndromes – a literature review and three case reports

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    Introduction: Patients with genetic syndromes were characterized by variety of skeletal craniofacial and cervicovertebral morphology. Skeletal anomalies are recognized concomitants of the various genetic syndromes. The aim of the study was to review the current literature on this topic and to present the characteristics of craniofacial and cervicovertebral morphology and subsequent anomalies in three patients with Crouzon syndrome, Treacher Collins syndrome and cleidocranial dysplasia. Materials and Methods: A comprehensive electronic search was performed using PubMed via Medline, Web of Science and SCOPUS.A manual search involved references form articles retrieved for possible inclusion. There were no restrictions as to date of publication, study design or language. The search, evaluation of relevant articles, and their critical appraisal were performed by two independent judges. Discrepancies between reviewers were resolved through a consensus with a third party. Case reports: Additionally, this paper presents a radiographic analysis of craniofacial and cervicovertebral morphology in patients with cleidocranial dysplasia, Crouzon, and Treacher Collins syndromes. The most characteristic findings of cervicovertebral morphology were the presence of cervical spine fusions in all three patients. The intervertebral fusions in patients with Crouzon and TreacherCollins syndromes have been characterized with "block vertebrae". Cervicovertebral complex of the patient with cleidocranialdysplasia is characterized by delayed mineralization of vertebral bodies (C1–C7). Results: Although craniofacial and cervicovertebral anomalies in presented syndromes have different phenotype expression, the vast majority of cases are caused by mutations in specific, syndrome-related genes (FGFR2, FGFR3, RUNX2, TCOF1, POLR1C,POLR1D). Craniofacial anomalies, that include changes in development of hard and soft tissues, were considered as traditional concomitant of presented syndromes. Apart from these changes, cervicovertebral region could also be affected. Recent reports show different changes in vertebral structure (delayed mineralization) and unphysiological relations (cervical spine fusions). Conclusion: The limitation of cervical range of motion resulting from these anomalies may have clinical significance on multidisciplinary management approach in these patients. Recent progress in dentistry resulted in better diagnostic and therapeutic options and outcomes for individuals with genetic syndromes

    Oral Status, Aesthetic Materials and Frequency of Crowns and Bridges in Patients with Fixed Prosthetic Appliances Living in the Metkovi} Region

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    The aim of the study was to examine oral status in patients of the Metkovi} region with fixed prosthodontic appliances. The aim was also to evaluate aesthetic materials used, and difference between the frequency of crowns and bridges dependent on patient’s age and frequency of visits to dentist. The examination was performed on 212 dental patients with fixed prosthetic appliances, from the Public Health Center »Metkovi}«. A questionnaire was created for the purpose of this study and was filled in by the patients. The dentist registered oral status. Descriptive statistics and 2 tests were used for the data analysis. Following conclusions were made: 1. The examined patients had relatively high caries (tooth decay), gangrene and residual roots prevalence, the oral hygiene was not appropriate, calculus and gingivitis were diagnosed in all patients (100%) and these facts point out to the insufficient preventive oral health care in the Metkovi} region, as well as to the insufficient self-perception on the proper oral hygiene maintenance. 2. Patients who visit their dentist regularly (once a year or more) have significantly more crowns than bridges than the patients who visit their dentist irregularly or when in pain (p < 0.01). 3. Almost all fixed prosthetic appliances not older than 10 years were made of porcelain (98%), while acrylic veneer crowns (or chromasite) were more frequent in appliances older than 10 or 15 years (p < 0.01). There was no gender difference dependent on the material used (p > 0.05). High frequency of porcelain was attributed to the high economic status of this region, as well as to a dentist’s preference

    Controlling the Local Spin-Polarization at the Organic-Ferromagnetic Interface

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    By means of ab initio calculations and spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy experiments we show how to manipulate the local spin-polarization of a ferromagnetic surface by creating a complex energy dependent magnetic structure. We demonstrate this novel effect by adsorbing organic molecules containing pi(pz)-electrons onto a ferromagnetic surface, in which the hybridization of the out-of-plane pz atomic type orbitals with the d-states of the metal leads to the inversion of the spin-polarization at the organic site due to a pz - d Zener exchange type mechanism. As a key result, we demonstrate that it is possible to selectively inject spin-up and spin-down electrons from the same ferromagnetic surface, an effect which can be exploited in future spintronic devices

    Venice and Editions of Early Sebian Printed Books

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    Before Boz˘idar Vukovicʹ (Dionisio della Vecchia) began his publishing acti vities in Venice at the end of the second decade of the 16th century, the capital of the Republic of Venice played a key role in the emergence and evolution of early printed books in the Serbian recension of Old Slavonic, which was – due to orthographical similarities between the various recensions of the Old Slavonic language – in use not only in the Serbian but also in the wider South Slavic space.1 In view of the developed political, economic and cultural ties between Zeta and Venice as the leading commercial and bookmaking center of Europe at the time,2 as well as the close ties of its ruler, Đurađ Crnojevicʹ, who was married to Isabetta (Elisabetta), the daughter of the Venetian noble Antonio Erizzo,3 it is hardly surprising that it was precisely in Cetinje that the first Cyrillic printing house in Southeastern Europe was founded

    Between an Imaginary and Historical Figure: Božidar Vuković's Professional Identity

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    Издавачка делатност Божидара Вуковића није текла у континуитету нити се он њоме бавио током већег дела свог радног века. Могуће је издвојити два Вуковићева издавачка циклуса, од којих је први трајао од 1519. до 1521, а други од 1536. до његове смрти 1539/1540. године. У раздобљу дужем од две деценије Божидар Вуковић је укупно објавио седам издања, с тим што је једно било поновљено. За оновремене српске прилике ово није било мало, али у поређењу с другим тадашњим познатим штампарима и издавачима у Венецији, био је то скроман учинак. Но, неовисно од тога што се Божидар Вуковић током свог живота издаваштвом бавио свега седам до осам година, он је у историографији, а преко ње и у културном памћењу српског народа, остао овековечен као штампар. Свакако да су одлучујућу улогу у томе имали садржаји колофона његових издања, чега су били свесни и њихови састављачи, који су одабиром одговарајућих сведочанстава обликовали и сећања будућих нараштаја о Вуковићу. Иако се дуго сматрало да је Божидар Вуковић непосредно учествовао у самом штампарском процесу, он је заправо, попут осталих богатих венецијанских трговаца и предузетника, био финансијер издавачког пројекта. Користећи своју трговачку мрежу широм југоисточне Европе, као и политичке везе и контакте које је одржавао како са световним тако и с црквеним поглаварима, снабдевао је читаво то тржиште богослужбеним и верским књигама намењеним Православној цркви и њеној пастви под османском окупацијом

    Resonant Raman study of local vibrational modes in AlGaAsN layers

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    We report on resonant inelastic light scattering in dilute AlGaAsN films. Intense narrow peaks associated to N-related local vibration modes (LVM) have been observed around 325, 385, 400, 450, 500 and 540 cm−1. Their frequencies are compared to density functional theory supercell calculations of AlnGa4−nN complexes (n=1−4). We find clear indications of the formation of Al4N complexes. The values of the extended phonon frequencies reveal changes in the N distribution depending on the growth conditions. The LVM spectra are resonant in the energy range from 1.75 to 1.79 eV, which corresponds to an N-related electronic transition. Our results confirm the preferential bonding of N to Al in AlGaAsN