754 research outputs found

    Bioinformatic Analyses of Unique (Orphan) Core Genes of the Genus Acidithiobacillus: Functional Inferences and Use As Molecular Probes for Genomic and Metagenomic/Transcriptomic Interrogation

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    Indexación: Web of Science.Using phylogenomic and gene compositional analyses, five highly conserved gene families have been detected in the core genome of the phylogenetically coherent genus Acidithiobacillus of the class Acidithiobacillia. These core gene families are absent in the closest extant genus Thermithiobacillus tepidarius that subtends the Acidithiobacillus genus and roots the deepest in this class. The predicted proteins encoded by these core gene families are not detected by a BLAST search in the NCBI non-redundant database of more than 90 million proteins using a relaxed cut-off of 1.0e(-5). None of the five families has a clear functional prediction. However, bioinformatic scrutiny, using pI prediction, motif/domain searches, cellular location predictions, genomic context analyses, and chromosome topology studies together with previously published transcriptomic and proteomic data, suggests that some may have functions associated with membrane remodeling during cell division perhaps in response to pH stress. Despite the high level of amino acid sequence conservation within each family, there is sufficient nucleotide variation of the respective genes to permit the use of the DNA sequences to distinguish different species of Acidithiobacillus, making them useful additions to the armamentarium of tools for phylogenetic analysis. Since the protein families are unique to the Acidithiobacillus genus, they can also be leveraged as probes to detect the genus in environmental metagenomes and metatranscriptomes, including industrial biomining operations, and acid mine drainage (AMD).http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmicb.2016.02035/ful

    Hyperthermophily and the origin and earliest evolution of life

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    The possibility of a high-temperature origin of life has gained support based on indirect evidence of a hot, early Earth and on the basal position of hyperthermophilic organisms in rRNA-based phylogenies. However, although the availability of more than 80 completely sequenced cellular genomes has led to the identification of hyperthermophilic-specific traits, such as a trend towards smaller genomes, reduced proteinencoding gene sizes, and glutamic-acid-rich simple sequences, none of these characteristics are in themselves an indication of primitiveness. There is no geological evidence for the physical setting in which life arose, but current models suggest that the Earth’s surface cooled down rapidly. Moreover, at 100°C the half-lives of several organic compounds, including ribose, nucleobases, and amino acids, which are generally thought to have been essential for the emergence of the first living systems, are too short to allow for their accumulation in the prebiotic environment. Accordingly, if hyperthermophily is not truly primordial, then heat-loving lifestyles may be relics of a secondary adaptation that evolved after the origin of life, and before or soon after separation of the major lineages

    Oracle, MDC

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    ITESO, A.C

    Oracle, MDC

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    ITESO, A.C

    Should the teaching of biological evolution include the origin of life?

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    The development of mainstream research on the origin of life as an outcome of Darwinian evolution is discussed. It is argued that prebiotic evolution and the origin of life should not be excluded from the syllabus and should be part of classes on biological evolution, and that the transition from non-living to living matter is best understood when seen as part of evolutionary biology. The wide acceptance of evolutionary approaches to the study of the emergence of life in European and Latin American countries is discussed

    Análise preliminar revela baixos níveis de diversidade na estrutura filogeográfica da cascavel mexicana Crotalus polystictus (Serpentes: Viperidae).

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    Se investigaron las relaciones matrilineales entre poblaciones de la serpiente de cascabel Mexicana cabeza de lanza  (Crotalus polystictus), esta especie se distribuye en valles que presentan elevaciones altas de la meseta del sur de México. Se analizó un fragmento mitocondrial de la ATPasa 8 y 6, los genes (589 pares de bases) revelaron bajos niveles de diversidad genética, con poco polimorfismo nucleótico entre la muestra geográfica analizada. La poca divergencia (1.0%) intraespecífica encontrada en los genes de la ATPasa 8 y 6 en C. polystictus contrastan con los fuertes porcentajes de divergencia (~1.0–14.1%) que han sido observados dentro de otros linajes de serpientes de cascabel mexicanas que habitan elevaciones altas. La variación intraespecífica es observadacomúnmente en especies de cascabel que se distribuyen en elevaciones menores y que presentan una distribución amplia (por ejemplo, C. tigris). Proponemos que la baja diversidad genética encontrada en C. polystictus comparada con la diversidad registrada en otras serpientes de cascabel que habitan elevaciones altas, se debe a diferencias ecológicas que han dado como resultado una respuesta evolutiva diferente en esta especie a los eventos climáticos del Pleistoceno. Nuestros resultados de una aparente baja diversidad genética en C. polystictus son un fuerte soporte para hacer un llamadoa la importancia de realizar iniciativas de conservación para proteger praderas con elevaciones altas en el centro de México.Foram investigadas as relações matrilineares entre as populações da cascavel mexicana Crotalus polystictus, uma espécie que habita vales de altitude do planalto do sul do México. Os genes (589 pares de bases) de um fragmento mitocondrial da ATPase 8 e 6 revelaram níveis relativamente baixos de diversidade genética, com poucos polimorfismos de nucleotídeos entre a amostra geográfica analisada. A baixa divergência da sequência intraespecífica (1.0%) encontrada nos genes da ATPase 8 e 6 de C. polystictus contrasta com asfortes divergências (~1.0–14.1%) observadas em outras linhagens de cascavel que habitam grandes altitudes, sendo que a variação intra-específica é observada comumente em espécies de cascavel que estão distribuídas em altitudes mais baixas e apresentam uma ampla distribuição (por exemplo, C.tigris). Propomos que a baixa diversidade genética encontrada em C. polystictus, comparada com a de outras cascavéis que habitam altitudes elevadas, pode refletir diferenças ecológicas que resultaram em uma resposta evolutiva diferente aos eventos climáticos do Pleistoceno. Nossos resultados deuma baixa diversidade genética aparente em C. polystictus destacam a importância de iniciativas de conservação para proteger os campos de altitude da região central do México.We investigated matrilineal relationships among populations of the Mexican lance-headed rattlesnake (Crotalus polystictus), a pitviper inhabiting high-elevation valleys of the densely populated southern Mexican Plateau. A fragment of the mitochondrial ATPase 8 and 6 genes (589 base pairs) revealed comparatively low levels of genetic diversity, with few nucleotide polymorphisms across the portion of the geographic distribution sampled. The shallow intraspecific sequence divergence (1.0%) in C. polystictus ATPase 8 and 6 genes contrasts with deepdivergences (~1.0–14.1%) observed within other montane rattlesnake lineages from the Mexican highlands, and is more typical of intraspecific variation observed in lowland rattlesnake species with similar distributional extents (e.g., C. tigris). We posit that the low genetic diversity in C. polystictus relative to that of other highland rattlesnakes may reflect ecological differences resulting in a different evolutionary response to Pleistocene climatic events. Our finding of apparently low genetic diversity in C. polystictus highlights the importance of conservation initiatives to protect high elevation grasslands in central Mexico

    Validación de un instrumento en español para medir habilidades parentales promovidas en una intervención de educación parental

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    Las intervenciones promotoras de habilidades parentales son efectivas en el desarrollo del bienestar infantil y parental. En España, este tipo de intervenciones son frecuentes, pero no existen instrumentos validados para medir las habilidades parentales que permitan evaluarlas. Este estudio presenta la validación de un instrumento para medir habilidades parentales creado a partir de un cuestionario de 43 ítems y 6 dimensiones y utilizado en el marco de un programa de educación parental en varios territorios de España. Se ha recogido información cualitativa de 44 profesionales expertos y datos cuantitativos de 84 padres/madres participantes de un programa de apoyo parental. Este proceso ha permitido reducir y adaptar el cuestionario inicial a una nueva versión con 19 ítems, pilotado por 10 familias y 12 profesionales. Los resultados indican que la nueva versión del cuestionario recoge las dimensiones básicas de habilidades parentales, con un lenguaje comprensible y muestra unas propiedades psicométricas adecuadas (α entre 0,71 en subescala 2 y 0,80 en subescala 5; todos los ítems tienen un peso r > 0,40 en el primer factor, y la variancia total para los factores extraídos es superior al 50 %)

    Estudio de la Capa Límite Atmosférica Nocturna: SABLES2006

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    [EN]Preliminary results from SABLES2006 field campaign (Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment in Spain) are shown. This campaign took place from 19 June to 5 July 2006 at the CIBA (Research Centre for the Lower Atmosphere) site, which is located at Valladolid on a fairly homogeneous terrain. Different instrumentation was available on a 100m tower (cups and sonic anemometers, thermometers, humidity sensors and three high resolution microbarometers). Additionally, a triangular array of microbarometers close to surface was also deployed in order to characterize wave events. Moreover a tethered balloon was used to get vertical profiles of the atmosphere up to 1000 m. Mean micrometeorological variables, stability and turbulent parameters (all of them 5 minute averaged) have been analysed for 10 consecutive nights, showing the main characteristics of the stable nocturnal boundary layer: surface-based inversions, intermittent turbulence, katabatic winds, low level jets, developing gravity waves, etc. The boundary layer height in stable conditions is also evaluated from different definitions. The range of values found is analysed.[ES]En este trabajo se muestran resultados preliminares de la campaña SABLES2006 (Experimento en Capa Límite Atmosférica Estable en España). La campaña tuvo lugar entre el 19 de junio y el 5 de julio en el CIBA (Centro de Investigaciones en la Baja Atmósfera), localizando en la provincia de Valladolid sobre terreno homogéneo. En una torre de 100 m se dispuso de diferente instrumentación (anemómetros de cazoletas y sónicos, termómetros, sensores de humedad y tres microbarómetros de alta sensibilidad). Adicionalmente, se utilizaron tres microbarómetros dispuestos en un triángulo junto a la superficie con el objeto de caracterizar eventos ondulatorios. Además de empleó un globo cautivo para obtener perfiles de la atmósfera hasta 1000 m. Se han analizado variables micrometeorológicas medias, parámetros de estabilidad y turbulentos (todos promediados en 5 minutos) para 10 noches consecutivas, mostrando las principales características de la capa límite estable nocturna: inversiones junto al suelo, turbulencia intermitente, vientos catabáticos, chorros a bajo nivel, desarrollo de ondas de gravedad, etc. La altura de la capa límite en condiciones de estabilidad fue evaluada según diferentes definiciones. Los rangos de valores encontrados han sido analizados.This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education & Science from the projects: CGL2004-03109 and CGL2006-12474-C03-03. IV PRICIT program (supported by Comunidad de Madrid and UCM) has also partially financed this work through the Research Group “Micrometeorology and Climate Variability” (nº 910437)

    Charles Darwin and the Origin of Life

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    When Charles Darwin published The Origin of Species 150 years ago he consciously avoided discussing the origin of life. However, analysis of some other texts written by Darwin, and of the correspondence he exchanged with friends and colleagues demonstrates that he took for granted the possibility of a natural emergence of the first life forms. As shown by notes from the pages he excised from his private notebooks, as early as 1837 Darwin was convinced that “the intimate relation of Life with laws of chemical combination, & the universality of latter render spontaneous generation not improbable”. Like many of his contemporaries, Darwin rejected the idea that putrefaction of preexisting organic compounds could lead to the appearance of organisms. Although he favored the possibility that life could appear by natural processes from simple inorganic compounds, his reluctance to discuss the issue resulted from his recognition that at the time it was possible to undertake the experimental study of the emergence of life

    La enseñanza en Comunicación y su proceso de adaptación al EEES como objeto de estudio: una visión panorámica

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    En los últimos años, España ha vivido la incorporación de la enseñanza universitaria en Comunicación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Este proceso ha generado un creciente interés por parte de la comunidad científica, y derivado en variadas investigaciones y trabajos académicos. Este artículo busca aproximarse a la mirada que nuestro campo académico ha construido sobre este proceso, a través de una revisión de los artículos publicados, hasta la fecha, en revistas españolas especializadas en Comunicación, que abordan alguna arista de la adaptación de los grados y postgrados de Periodismo, Comunicación Audiovisual, y Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas, al EEES.In recent years in Spain, university teaching of Communication has been adapted to European Higher Education Area. This process has been studied and analyzed by scientific community of Communication. Thanks this interest, today there are several academic research and papers about this issue. In this context, our aim is to built a global view of the academic papers which have been published in Spanish scientific Communication magazines about adjustment to EHEA of degrees and postgraduate programs of Journalism, Audiovisual Communication, and Advertising and Public Relations