107 research outputs found

    X-ray investigation of defects in III-nitrides and their alloys

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    In this work structural defects in III-nitrides were investigated mainly using X-ray diffraction method. Williamson-Hall plots and Monte Carlo simulations were used to determine the density of threading dislocations in epilayers with different layer thicknesses. The density of basal plane stacking faults in semipolar (10-11) and (11-22) GaN layers grown on prepatterned sapphire substrates were derived and the dependence of crystallographic orientation of the layers and SiN mask intercalation on structure perfection, was examined

    Semántica verbal en el contexto de la distribución actancial

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    This study is based on the theory of methods of verbal action (MVA), presented in the works by O.M. Sokolov. Prefixed Russian verbs are considered as part of a functional approach to language analysis. The authors prove that the verb prefixes in the Russian language should be considered as separate linguistic elements, which provide the characteristics of the subject or object actant.Este estudio se basa en la teor.a de los m.todos de acci.n verbal (AMEU), presentada en los trabajos de O.M. Sokolov. Los verbos rusos prefijados se consideran parte de un enfoque funcional para el an.lisis del lenguaje. Los autores prueban que los prefijos verbales en el idioma ruso deben considerarse como elementos lingü.sticos separados, que proporcionan las caracter.sticas del sujeto u objeto actante

    Building of professional communicative competence as a necessary condition of vocational training for foreign students at the bachelor degree (based on the example of specialty “Public Relations”)

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    The foreign students who study at Russian universities continue learning Russian at bachelors’ degree. The main difficulty which professors face while teaching Russian as a foreign language lies in the fact that foreign students are often unprepared to learn specific vocabulary, necessary for educational and professional activities. A totally different approach for presentation of specific vocabulary has been developed by the authors of “Training for professional activity in Russian of “Public Relations” speciality foreign students” (L.V. Adonina, S.V. Lazarev, S.V. Smirnova, O.S. Fisenko)

    Algorithm for receiving the recommended bandwidth of a wireless self-organizing network channel

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    The article presents the development and research results of a support decision-making algorithm forobtaining the recommended channel bandwidth to achieve the required probability values of satisfactory requests service for audio communication sessions inamobilead - hocnetwork. Therecommended channel bandwidth calculation is based on theservicemodelforrequestingaudio communication sessions in amobileadhoc network.The analytical dependenciesof the satisfactory service are probability values of voice streaming requests on channel characteristics anddynamism of the network topology which have taken into account when executing the algorithm. The resultsof computationalexperimentsarepresented, which are confirming the correctness of the proposed algorithm.The implementation of the algorithm, allows justifying the recommended bandwidth when designing a mobile ad hoc network

    Formação da teoria verbocêntrica da sentença no final do século XIX - segundo terço do século XX

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    The development of some provisions of the verbocentric theory of sentence covers the article. The interdisciplinary nature of the theory is proved, since it is realized at the intersection of lexicology, semantics, morphology, word formation and syntax. The provisions of the verbocentric theory in the works of Russian and foreign scientists of the late XIX - second third of the XX century are analyzed. The main approaches to determining the role of the Russian verb in the structure of the sentence are revealed. According to the first approach, the subject is the top of the sentence. According to the second approach, the subject and predicate are equal members of the sentence. According to the third approach, there is no equality between the subject and the predicate, since the verb in the sentence occupies a dominant position.El desarrollo de algunas disposiciones de la teoría verbocéntrica de la oración cubre el artículo. La naturaleza interdisciplinaria de la teoría está demostrada, ya que se realiza en la intersección de lexicología, semántica, morfología, formación de palabras y sintaxis. Se analizan las disposiciones de la teoría verbocéntrica en los trabajos de científicos rusos y extranjeros de finales del siglo XIX - segundo tercio del siglo XX. Se revelan los principales enfoques para determinar el papel del verbo ruso en la estructura de la oración. Según el primer enfoque, el sujeto es la parte superior de la oración. De acuerdo con el segundo enfoque, el sujeto y el predicado son miembros iguales de la oración. Según el tercer enfoque, no hay igualdad entre el sujeto y el predicado, ya que el verbo en la oración ocupa una posición dominante.O desenvolvimento de algumas disposições da teoria verbocêntrica da sentença abrange o artigo. A natureza interdisciplinar da teoria é comprovada, uma vez que é realizada na intersecção entre lexicologia, semântica, morfologia, formação de palavras e sintaxe. As disposições da teoria verbocêntrica nas obras de cientistas russos e estrangeiros do final do século XIX - segundo terço do século XX são analisadas. As principais abordagens para determinar o papel do verbo russo na estrutura da sentença são reveladas. De acordo com a primeira abordagem, o assunto é o topo da frase. De acordo com a segunda abordagem, o sujeito e o predicado são membros iguais da sentença. De acordo com a terceira abordagem, não há igualdade entre o sujeito e o predicado, uma vez que o verbo na frase ocupa uma posição dominante

    A theoretical approach for the reduction of X-ray radiation dose within the optimization of the tomographic scanning process

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    X-ray tomography is one of the widespread methods of medical diagnostics. Modern medical tomographic setups have many advantages among them high resolution, high level of reproducibility, the simplicity of utilization, and many others. However, one of the most significant challenges of this method is a reducing of the radiation dose. We propose here an alternative scanning approach and an optimized filtered backprojection algorithm as a tool for the dose reduction by lower illumination area during the scan. Further, we demonstrate the power of this approach for dental application, where tomographic visualization is used as the main diagnostics instrument, employing a 3D model of a skull with teeth. From the results of our reconstruction, different defects in the teeth are successfully detected with an acceptable resolution. We hope that the proposed approach will be used as a fundamental idea to low the radiation dose in medical computer topology


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    Abstract. The technology of the wireless self-organizing network has good application prospects forinformation exchange provision to search and rescue operations and to perform the operations preventing natural and man-made emergency situations. The article presents the models of information flows transfer through the channels of a wireless self-organizing network. They are based on the representation of the simulated process current states with the help of package identifiers and confirmations related to the transmission of information flows through the channels of a given contour. Mathematical models are presented that take into account the dynamism of network topology and allow to estimate the efficiency of data delivery in the conditions of subscriber mobility and destructive influences.Keywords: wireless self-organizing network, model, information flows, data packages, acknowledgments

    Улучшение модели репутации и доверия путем внедрения индикаторов надежности для внутригрупповой коммуникации между автономными транспортными средствами

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    Reputation and Trust models have successfully been implemented to ensure security and maintain nodes’ trustworthiness in decentralized networks, including autonomous vehicles (AVs). However, the implementations of these models usually lack of objective parameters to calculate the initial Reputation values. In this study, we employ reliability-based approach to evaluate the initial Reputation value