225 research outputs found

    Interrelationship of the kinin system, nitric oxide and eicosanoids in the antigen-induced arthritis in rabbits.

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the interrelationship of the kinin system, nitric oxide and eicosanoids in the acute phase of antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) in rabbits. The arthritis was induced in immunized rabbits and the following parameters were evaluated 24 hours later: leukocyte influx (total and differential white cell count), vascular permeability (Evans's blue method), and synovial PMN cell infiltrate. PGE2 and LTB4 (radioimmunoassay) levels were quantified in the synovial fluid. The animals were pre-treated with 20mg/kg/day during 14 days with L-NAME or D-NAME and/or Enalapril (0.12 mg/kg/day-14 days), and/or the B2 antagonist of Bradykinin HOE 140 (0.9 mg/kg). Our results showed that L-NAME was effective in the prevention of AIA with reduction of all Inflammatory parameters analyzed. Enalapril partially reverted the L-NAME anti-inflammatory effects. The simultaneous treatment with HOE 140 abolished this reversion and returned the inflammatory parameters to the levels observed in L-NAME treated animals. Our results suggest that pressoric alterations induced by L-NAME could not account for all its anti-inflammatory action in this model of experimental arthritis. Additionally the contribution of the kinin system in AIA was characterized as well as its interaction with eicosanoids and nitric oxide

    Brazilian Version of the Foot Health Status Questionnaire (FHSQ-Br): Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Evaluation of Measurement Properties

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    OBJECTIVE: To conduct a cross-cultural adaptation of the Foot Health Status Questionnaire into Brazilian-Portuguese and to assess its measurement properties. INTRODUCTION: This instrument is an outcome measure with 10 domains with scores ranging from 0-100, worst to best, respectively. The translated instrument will improve the examinations and foot care of rheumatoid arthritis patients. METHODS: The questions were translated, back-translated, evaluated by a multidisciplinary committee and pre-tested (n = 40 rheumatoid arthritis subjects). The new version was submitted to a field test (n = 65) to evaluate measurement properties such as test-retest reliability, internal consistency and construct validity. The Health Assessment Questionnaire, Numeric Rating Scale for foot pain and Sharp/van der Heijde scores for foot X-rays were used to test the construct validity. RESULTS: The cross-cultural adaptation was completed with minor wording adaptations from the original instrument. The evaluation of measurement properties showed high reliability with low variation coefficients between interviews. The a-Cronbach coefficients varied from 0.468 to 0.855, while correlation to the Health Assessment Questionnaire and Numeric Rating Scale was statistically significant for five out of eight domains. DISCUSSION: Intra- and inter-observer correlations showed high reliability. Internal consistency coefficients were high for all domains, revealing higher values for less subjective domains. As for construct validity, each domain revealed correlations with a specific group of parameters according to what the domains intended to measure. CONCLUSION: The FHSQ was cross-culturally adapted, generating a reliable, consistent, and valid instrument that is useful for evaluating foot health in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

    Analysis of histological frequency and pediatric cancer in RondĂŽnia, Western Amazonia (Brazil)

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    Objective:Describe the histological and cancer frequency in children and adolescents attended at the Hospital de Base Dr. Ary Pinheiro and the Hospital de Barretos / RondĂŽnia, Western Amazonia, in the years 2014 and 2015. Method: This is a descriptive, quantitative and transverse study. We used a structured instrument containing a series of variables, such as gender, age, histological types, more frequent neoplasms, lymphomas, leukemias, among others. We asked The ComitĂȘ de Ética em Pesquisa em Seres Humanos (Research Ethics Committee) to dispense the Informed Consent Form because the study did not require intervention on the patient or collection of biological material, and no possibility of constraints on patients and their relatives. Results: From 75 cases, 32 (42.7%) were female and 43 (57.3%) were male. Regarding the distribution of patients according to the age group, 21 (28.0%) were younger than 4 years, 12 (16.0%), 5 to 9 years, 17 (22.6%) from 10 to 14 and 25 (33.4%) from 15 to 19. The most frequent histological types by gender were leukemias of myeloproliferative diseases and myelodysplastic diseases with 30% and 50% new cases in the period, followed by lymphomas and reticuloendothelial neoplasms with 16.65% and 20, 0% of the histological types in the period. Leukemia in the hematopoietic and reticuloendothelial system (C42) is the most frequent cancer in both, female and male gender, with 47.5% of cancers in the biennium. The second group of cancers in children from 0 to 19 years old and location of the primary tumor is the encephalon carcinoma (C71), with 11.25% of the new cases. Conclusions: The results presented with their proper nuances are in agreement with the data of studies carried out in Brazil and in other countries

    Potencial de hibridação entre acessos de tomateiro para prĂ©-melhoramento quanto Ă  resistĂȘncia Ă  requeima.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar genitores com potencial de hibridação para o prĂ©?melhoramento do tomateiro (Solanum lycopersicum) quanto Ă  resistĂȘncia Ă  requeima. Foram utilizados seis acessos de tomateiro (BGH?2102, BGH?2117, BGH?2127, BGH?2130, BGH?2332 e BGH?2343) como genitores resistentes e 15 hĂ­bridos F1 originĂĄrios destes genitores. Utilizou?se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com trĂȘs repetiçÔes. As plantas foram inoculadas com uma mistura de esporĂąngios de Phytophthora infestans , agente etiolĂłgico da requeima, na concentração de 5x10 3 esporĂąngios mL ?1. A ĂĄrea abaixo da curva de progresso da doença foi utilizada para avaliar a resistĂȘncia. Realizou?se a anĂĄlise dialĂ©lica, tendo se considerado o efeito de genĂłtipos como fixo. Estimou-se a capacidade geral e especĂ­fica de combinação dos acessos. O padrĂŁo de resistĂȘncia dos genitores e da maioria dos F1 foi o mesmo que o das testemunhas resistentes. Foram observados: variabilidade genĂ©tica aditiva entre os genitores, predominĂąncia de efeitos gĂȘnicos nĂŁo aditivos e desvios de dominĂąncia bidirecional no controle do carĂĄter. A frequĂȘncia de alelos favorĂĄveis e divergentes para resistĂȘncia Ă  requeima Ă© maior nos acessos BGH?2117, BGH?2127 e BGH?2343

    Pathway to an excitonic coherence

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    This paper discusses the combined effects of optical excitation power, interface roughness, lattice temperature, and applied magnetic fields on the spin-coherence of excitonic states in GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells. For low optical powers, at lattice temperatures between 4 K and 50 K, the scattering with acoustic phonons and short-range interactions appear as the main decoherence mechanisms. Statistical fluctuations of the band-gap however become also relevant in this regime and we were able to deconvolute them from the decoherence contributions. The circularly polarized magneto-photoluminescence unveils a non-monotonic tuning of the coherence for one of the spin components at low magnetic fields. This effect has been ascribed to the competition between short-range interactions and spin-flip scattering, modulated by the momentum relaxation time

    Effects of grid spacing on high-frequency precipitation variance in coupled high-resolution global ocean–atmosphere models

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Light, C., Arbic, B., Martin, P., Brodeau, L., Farrar, J., Griffies, S., Kirtman, B., Laurindo, L., Menemenlis, D., Molod, A., Nelson, A., Nyadjro, E., O’Rourke, A., Shriver, J., Siqueira, L., Small, R., & Strobach, E. Effects of grid spacing on high-frequency precipitation variance in coupled high-resolution global ocean–atmosphere models. Climate Dynamics, (2022): 1–27, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06257-6.High-frequency precipitation variance is calculated in 12 different free-running (non-data-assimilative) coupled high resolution atmosphere–ocean model simulations, an assimilative coupled atmosphere–ocean weather forecast model, and an assimilative reanalysis. The results are compared with results from satellite estimates of precipitation and rain gauge observations. An analysis of irregular sub-daily fluctuations, which was applied by Covey et al. (Geophys Res Lett 45:12514–12522, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL078926) to satellite products and low-resolution climate models, is applied here to rain gauges and higher-resolution models. In contrast to lower-resolution climate simulations, which Covey et al. (2018) found to be lacking with respect to variance in irregular sub-daily fluctuations, the highest-resolution simulations examined here display an irregular sub-daily fluctuation variance that lies closer to that found in satellite products. Most of the simulations used here cannot be analyzed via the Covey et al. (2018) technique, because they do not output precipitation at sub-daily intervals. Thus the remainder of the paper focuses on frequency power spectral density of precipitation and on cumulative distribution functions over time scales (2–100 days) that are still relatively “high-frequency” in the context of climate modeling. Refined atmospheric or oceanic model grid spacing is generally found to increase high-frequency precipitation variance in simulations, approaching the values derived from observations. Mesoscale-eddy-rich ocean simulations significantly increase precipitation variance only when the atmosphere grid spacing is sufficiently fine (< 0.5°). Despite the improvements noted above, all of the simulations examined here suffer from the “drizzle effect”, in which precipitation is not temporally intermittent to the extent found in observations.Support for CXL’s effort on this project was provided by a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) supplement for National Science Foundation (NSF) grant OCE-1851164 to BKA, which also provided partial support for PEM. In addition, BKA acknowledges NSF grant OCE-1351837, which provided partial support for AKO, Office of Naval Research grant N00014-19-1-2712 and NASA grants NNX17AH55G, which also provided partial support for ADN, and 80NSSC20K1135. JTF’s participation, and the SPURS-II buoy data, were funded by NASA grants 80NSSC18K1494 and NNX15AG20G

    Systemic in vivo lentiviral delivery of miR-15a/16 reduces malignancy in the NZB de novo mouse model of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

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    Similar to human chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), the de novo New Zealand Black (NZB) mouse model has a genetically determined age-associated increase in malignant B-1 clones and decreased expression of microRNAs miR-15a and miR-16 in B-1 cells. In the present study, lentiviral vectors were employed in vivo to restore miR-15a/16, and both the short-term single injection and long-term multiple injection effects of this delivery were observed in NZB. Control lentivirus without the mir-15a/16 sequence was used for comparison. We found that in vivo lentiviral delivery of mir-15a/16 increased miR-15a/16 expression in cells that were transduced (detected by GFP expression) and in sera when compared with control lentivirus treatment. More importantly, mice treated with the miR-expressing lentivirus had decreased disease. The lentivirus had little systemic toxicity while preferentially targeting B-1 cells. Short-term effects on B-1 cells were direct effects, and only malignant B-1 cells transduced with miR-15a/16 lentivirus had decreased viability. In contrast, long-term studies suggested both direct and indirect effects resulting from miR-15a/16 lentivirus treatment. A decrease in B-1 cells was found in both the transduced and non-transduced populations. Our data support the potential use of systemic lentiviral delivery of miR-15a/16 to ameliorate disease manifestations of CLL

    Corrosion behaviour of porous Ti intended for biomedical applications

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    Porous Ti implants are being developed inorder to reduce the biomechanical mismatch between theimplant and the bone, as well as increasing the osseointegrationby improving the bone in-growth. Most of the focusin the literature has been on the structural, biological andmechanical characterization of porous Ti whereas there islimited information on the electrochemical characterization.Therefore, the present work aims to study the corrosionbehaviour of porous Ti having 30 and 50 % ofnominal porosity, produced by powder metallurgy routeusing the space holder technique. The percentage, size anddistribution of the pores were determined by image analysis.Electrochemical tests consisting of potentiodynamicpolarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopywere performed in 9 g/L NaCl solution at body temperature.Electrochemical studies revealed that samples presenteda less stable oxide film at increased porosity, morespecifically, the complex geometry and the interconnectivityof the pores resulted in formation of less protectiveoxide film in the pores.This study was supported by FCT with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalizac¾a˜o (POCI) with the reference project POCI-01-0145- FEDER-006941, Programa de Acc¾o˜es Universita®rias Integradas LusoFrancesas’ (PAUILF TC-12_14), and The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation through ‘‘Programa de Mobilidade Acade®mica para Professores’’. The authors would also like to acknowledge Prof. Ana Senos (University of Aveiro) and Prof. Jose® Carlos Teixeira (University of Minho) for the provision of the characterization facilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mild Mitochondrial Uncoupling and Calorie Restriction Increase Fasting eNOS, Akt and Mitochondrial Biogenesis

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    Enhanced mitochondrial biogenesis promoted by eNOS activation is believed to play a central role in the beneficial effects of calorie restriction (CR). Since treatment of mice with dinitrophenol (DNP) promotes health and lifespan benefits similar to those observed in CR, we hypothesized that it could also impact biogenesis. We found that DNP and CR increase citrate synthase activity, PGC-1α, cytochrome c oxidase and mitofusin-2 expression, as well as fasting plasma levels of NO‱ products. In addition, eNOS and Akt phosphorylation in skeletal muscle and visceral adipose tissue was activated in fasting CR and DNP animals. Overall, our results indicate that systemic mild uncoupling activates eNOS and Akt-dependent pathways leading to mitochondrial biogenesis
