162 research outputs found

    Influence of Force-Length Relationship and Task-Specific Constraints on Finger Force-Generating Capacities

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    Grip strength loss in extended and flexed wrist postures has been explained by reduced force-generating capacities of extrinsic finger flexor resulting from non-optimal length, owing to the force-length relationship. Recent works suggested that other muscles, especially wrist extensors, participate in this grip strength loss. The objective of this study was to clarify the role of the force-length relationship in finger force production. 18 participants performed maximal isometric finger force production during pinch grip (Pinch) and four-finger pressing (Press) tasks in four different wrist postures (extended, flexed, neutral, spontaneous). The maximum finger force (MFF), finger and wrist joint angles, as well as activation of four muscles were determined using dynamometry, motion capture, and electromyography. The force and length of the four muscles were estimated from joint angles and muscle activation using a musculoskeletal model. MFF decreased for flexed wrist during Pinch but remained stable across wrist postures during Press. The results suggested that the loss of pinch grip force in deviated wrist posture is partially related to force-length relationship of finger extensors. In opposition, MFF during Press was not influenced by the modulation of muscle capacities but was probably first limited by mechanical and neural factors related to finger interdependenceComment: Annals of Biomedical Engineering, 202

    BAXMC: a CEGAR approach to Max\#SAT

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    Max\#SAT is an important problem with multiple applications in security and program synthesis that is proven hard to solve. It is defined as: given a parameterized quantifier-free propositional formula compute parameters such that the number of models of the formula is maximal. As an extension, the formula can include an existential prefix. We propose a CEGAR-based algorithm and refinements thereof, based on either exact or approximate model counting, and prove its correctness in both cases. Our experiments show that this algorithm has much better effective complexity than the state of the art.Comment: FMCAD 2022, Oct 2022, Trente, Ital

    The impact of hand proportions on tool grip abilities in humans, great apes and fossil hominins: a biomechanical analysis using musculoskeletal simulation

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    Differences in grip techniques used across primates are usually attributed to variation in thumb-finger proportions and muscular anatomy of the hand. However, this cause-effect relationship is not fully understood because little is known about the biomechanical functioning and mechanical loads (e.g., muscle or joint forces) of the non-human primate hand compared to that of humans during object manipulation. This study aims to understand the importance of hand proportions on the use of different grip strategies used by humans, extant great apes (bonobos, gorillas and orangutans) and, potentially, fossil hominins (Homo naledi and Australopithecus sediba) using a musculoskeletal model of the hand. Results show that certain grips are more challenging for some species, particularly orangutans, than others, such that they require stronger muscle forces for a given range of motion. Assuming a human-like range of motion at each hand joint, simulation results show that H. naledi and A. sediba had the biomechanical potential to use the grip techniques considered important for stone tool-related behaviors in humans. These musculoskeletal simulation results shed light on the functional consequences of the different hand proportions among extant and extinct hominids and the different manipulative abilities found in humans and great apes

    The impact of hand proportions on tool grip abilities in humans, great apes and fossil hominins: a biomechanical analysis using musculoskeletal simulation

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    Differences in grip techniques used across primates are usually attributed to variation in thumb-finger proportions and muscular anatomy of the hand. However, this cause-effect relationship is not fully understood because little is known about the biomechanical functioning and mechanical loads (e.g., muscle or joint forces) of the non-human primate hand compared to that of humans during object manipulation. This study aims to understand the importance of hand proportions on the use of different grip strategies used by humans, extant great apes (bonobos, gorillas and orangutans) and, potentially, fossil hominins (Homo naledi and Australopithecus sediba) using a musculoskeletal model of the hand. Results show that certain grips are more challenging for some species, particularly orangutans, than others, such that they require stronger muscle forces for a given range of motion. Assuming a human-like range of motion at each hand joint, simulation results show that H. naledi and A. sediba had the biomechanical potential to use the grip techniques considered important for stone tool-related behaviors in humans. These musculoskeletal simulation results shed light on the functional consequences of the different hand proportions among extant and extinct hominids and the different manipulative abilities found in humans and great apes

    Finger flexion to extension ratio in healthy climbers: a proposal for evaluation and rebalance

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    IntroductionFinger strength is a key factor in climbing performance and is highly dependent on the capacity of the finger flexor muscles. The majority of finger-specific training therefore focuses on improving such capabilities by performing finger flexion contraction during hanging exercises on small holds. However, greater strength in the finger flexors causes an imbalance with the extensor muscle capacities. Such an unfavourable imbalance may be detrimental to finger strength and could possibly lead to an increase in the risk of finger injury. The aim of this study was to develop an easily implementable method to assess the flexor-to-extensor imbalance and evaluate the effects of different training on it.MethodsSeventy-eight experienced climbers were tested to assess their maximum finger flexion strength (MFS), maximum finger extension strength (MES) and MFS/MES ratio. Fifty-two of them were randomly assigned to one of three training regimens: intermittent static flexion at 80% MFS (TFlex; n = 11), intermittent static extension at 80% MES (TExt; n = 10), intermittent repetition of alternating flexion and extension (TPaired; n = 11) or no specific training (CTRL; n = 20). They trained twice a week for four weeks on a hangboard. Before and after training, force data were recorded on a force-sensing hangboard and MFS, MES and the MFS/MES ratio were compared using ANCOVA.ResultsThe mean value of the MFS/MES ratio was 6.27 (confidence interval: 5.94–6.61) and the extreme ratio was defined above 8.75. Concerning the training intervention, no difference was observed in the CTRL group between pre- and post-tests. MFS improved significantly in the TFlex (+8.4 ± 4.4%) and TPaired (+11.9 ± 10.5%) groups, whereas MES increased significantly in the TExt group (+41.4 ± 31.3%). The MFS/MES ratio remained statistically stable among all groups (+0.9 ± 17.5% in TFlex, −1.9 ± 16.1% in TPaired), although the TExt group showed a decreasing trend (p = 0.1; −27.8 ± 17.6%).DiscussionThese results showed that only the extensor-based training had an effect on finger extension strength and the potential to rebalance the MFS/MES ratio

    Constitution d'un corpus de dialogue oral pour l'évaluation automatique de la compréhension hors- et en- contexte du dialogue

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    Colloque avec actes et comité de lecture. internationale.International audienceThis paper presents and reports on the progress of the EVALDA/MEDIA project, focusing on the recording protocol of the reference dialogue corpus. The aim of this project is to define and test an evaluation methodology that assess and diagnose the contextsensitive understanding capability of spoken language dialogue systems. Systems from both academic organizations (CLIPS, IRIT, LIA, LIMSI, LORIA, VALORIA) and industrial sites (FRANCE TELECOM R et D, TELIP) will be evaluated. ELDA is the coordinator of the Technolangue/EVALDA multicampaign evaluation project, a national initiative sponsored by the French government, of which MEDIA is a sub-campaign. MEDIA began in January 2003. VECSYS provides the recording platform for the project

    The discovery of wild date palms in oman reveals a complex domestication history involving centers in the middle east and africa

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    For many crops, wild relatives constitute an extraordinary resource for cultivar improvement [1, 2] and also help to better understand the history of their domestication [3]. However, the wild ancestor species of several perennial crops have not yet been identified. Perennial crops generally present a weak domestication syndrome allowing cultivated individuals to establish feral populations difficult to distinguish from truly wild populations, and there is frequently ongoing gene flow between wild relatives and the crop that might erode most genetic differences [4]. Here we report the discovery of populations of the wild ancestor species of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.), one of the oldest and most important cultivated fruit plants in hot and arid regions of the Old World. We discovered these wild individuals in remote and isolated mountainous locations of Oman. They are genetically more diverse than and distinct from a representative sample of Middle Eastern cultivated date palms and exhibit rounded seed shapes resembling those of a close sister species and archeological samples, but not modern cultivars. Whole-genome sequencing of several wild and cultivated individuals revealed a complex domestication history involving the contribution of at least two wild sources to African cultivated date palms. The discovery of wild date palms offers a unique chance to further elucidate the history of this iconic crop that has constituted the cornerstone of traditional oasis polyculture systems for several thousand years [5]

    Characterization of pearl millet root architecture and anatomy reveals three types of lateral roots

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    Pearl millet plays an important role for food security in arid regions of Africa and India. Nevertheless, it is considered an orphan crop as it lags far behind other cereals in terms of genetic improvement efforts. Breeding pearl millet varieties with improved root traits promises to deliver benefits in water and nutrient acquisition. Here, we characterize of early pearl millet root system development using several different root phenotyping approaches that include rhizotrons and microCT. We report that early stage pearl millet root system development is characterized by a fast growing primary root that quickly colonizes deeper soil horizons. We also describe root anatomical studies that revealed 3 distinct types of lateral roots that form on both primary roots and crown roots. Finally, we detected significant variation for two root architectural traits in pearl millet inbred lines. This study provides the basis for subsequent genetic experiments to identify loci associated with interesting early root development traits in this important cereal

    Comparative grading scales, statistical analyses, climber descriptors and ability grouping: International Rock Climbing Research Association position statement

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    The research base for rock climbing has expanded substantially in the past 3 decades as worldwide interest in the sport has grown. An important trigger for the increasing research attention has been the transition of the sport to a competitive as well as recreational activity and the potential inclusion of sport climbing in the Olympic schedule. The International Rock Climbing Research Association (IRCRA) was formed in 2011 to bring together climbers, coaches and researchers to share knowledge and promote collaboration. This position statement was developed during and after the 2nd IRCRA Congress which was held in Pontresina, in September 2014. The aim of the position statement is to bring greater uniformity to the descriptive and statistical methods used in reporting rock climbing research findings. To date there is a wide variation in the information provided by researchers regarding the climbers’ characteristics and also in the approaches employed to convert from climbing grading scales to a numeric scale suitable for statistical analysis. Our paper presents details of recommended standards of reporting that should be used for reporting climber characteristics and provides a universal scale for the conversion of climbing grades to a number system for statistical analysis
