30 research outputs found

    Can rainfall be a useful predictor of epidemic risk across temporal and spatial scales?

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    Plant disease epidemics are largely driven by within-season weather variables when inoculum is not limiting. Commonly, predictors in risk assessment models are based on the interaction of temperature and wetness-related variables, relationships which are determined experimentally. There is an increasing interest in providing within-season or inter-seasonal risk information at the region or continent scale, which commonly use models developed for a smaller scale. Hence, the scale matching dilemma that challenges epidemiologists and meteorologists: upscale models or downscale weather data? Successful applications may be found in both cases, which should be supported by validation datasets whenever possible, to prove the usefulness of the approach. For some diseases, rainfall is key for inoculum dispersal and, in warmer regions (e.g., tropics) where temperature is less limiting for epidemics, rainfall extends wetness periods. The drawbacks of using rainfall at small scales relate to its discrete nature and high spatial variability. However, for pre- or early-season predictions at large spatial scales sources of reasonably accurate rainfall summaries are available and may prove useful. The availability of disease datasets at various scales allows the development and evaluation of new models to be applied at the correct scale. We will showcase examples and discuss the usefulness of rainfall as key variable to predict soybean rust and wheat scab from field to region

    Fruit crops: a summary of research, 1998

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    Pesticide deposition in orchards: effects of pesticide type, tree canopy, timing, cultivar, and leaf type / Franklin R. Hall, Jane A. Cooper, and David C. Ferree -- The influence of a synthetic foraging attractant, Bee-Scent™, on the number of honey bees visiting apple blossoms and on subsequent fruit production / James E. Tew and David C. Ferree -- The reliability of three traps vs. a single trap for determining population levels of codling moth in commercial northern Ohio apple orchards / Ted W. Gastier -- Evaluation of an empirical model for predicting sooty blotch and flyspeck of apples in Ohio / Michael A. Ellis, Laurence V. Madden, and L. Lee Wilson -- Influence of pesticides and water stress on photosynthesis and transpiration of apple / David C. Ferree, Franklin R. Hall, Charles R. Krause, Bruce R. Roberts, and Ross D. Brazee -- Influence of temporary bending and heading on branch development and flowering of vigorous young apple trees / David C. Ferree and John C. Schmid -- The effect of apple fruit bruising on total returns / Richard C. Funt, Ewen A. Cameron, and Nigel H. Banks -- Yield, berry quality, and economics of mechanical berry harvest in Ohio / Richard C. Funt, Thomas E. Wall, and Joseph C. Scheerens -- Monitoring flower thrips activities in strawberry fields at two Ohio locations / Roger N. Williams, M. Sean Ellis, Dan S. Fickle, and Carl M. Pelland -- Cluster thinning effects on fruit weight, juice quality, and fruit skin characteristics in 'Reliance' grapes / Yu Gao and Garth A. Cahoon -- Effects of various fungicide programs on powdery mildew control, percent berry sugar, yield, and vine vigor of 'Concord' grapes in Ohio / Michael A. Ellis, Laurence V. Madden, L. Lee Wilson, and Gregory R. Johns -- Influence of growth regulators, cropping, and number on replacement trunks of winter-injured 'Vidal Blanc' grapes / David C. Ferree, David M. Scurlock, and Rick Evans -- Effect of new herbicides on tissue-cultured black raspberry plants / Richard C. Funt, Thomas E. Wall, and B. Dale Stokes -- Investigating the relationship between vine vigor and berry set of field-grown 'Seyval Blanc' grapevines / Steven J. McArtney and David C. Ferree -- Summary of Ohio Fruit Growers Society apple cider competition, 1993-1997 / Winston Bash and Diane Mille

    Dissecting the Shared Genetic Architecture of Suicide Attempt, Psychiatric Disorders, and Known Risk Factors

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    Background Suicide is a leading cause of death worldwide, and nonfatal suicide attempts, which occur far more frequently, are a major source of disability and social and economic burden. Both have substantial genetic etiology, which is partially shared and partially distinct from that of related psychiatric disorders. Methods We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of 29,782 suicide attempt (SA) cases and 519,961 controls in the International Suicide Genetics Consortium (ISGC). The GWAS of SA was conditioned on psychiatric disorders using GWAS summary statistics via multitrait-based conditional and joint analysis, to remove genetic effects on SA mediated by psychiatric disorders. We investigated the shared and divergent genetic architectures of SA, psychiatric disorders, and other known risk factors. Results Two loci reached genome-wide significance for SA: the major histocompatibility complex and an intergenic locus on chromosome 7, the latter of which remained associated with SA after conditioning on psychiatric disorders and replicated in an independent cohort from the Million Veteran Program. This locus has been implicated in risk-taking behavior, smoking, and insomnia. SA showed strong genetic correlation with psychiatric disorders, particularly major depression, and also with smoking, pain, risk-taking behavior, sleep disturbances, lower educational attainment, reproductive traits, lower socioeconomic status, and poorer general health. After conditioning on psychiatric disorders, the genetic correlations between SA and psychiatric disorders decreased, whereas those with nonpsychiatric traits remained largely unchanged. Conclusions Our results identify a risk locus that contributes more strongly to SA than other phenotypes and suggest a shared underlying biology between SA and known risk factors that is not mediated by psychiatric disorders.Peer reviewe


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    Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) comprise a class of widely used statistical tools for data analysis with fixed and random effects when the response variable has a conditional distribution in the exponential family. GLMM analysis also has a close relationship with actuarial credibility theory. While readily available programs such as the GLIMMIX procedure in SAS and the lme4 package in R are powerful tools for using this class of models, these progarms are not able to handle models with thousands of levels of fixed and random effects. By using sparse-matrix and other high performance techniques, procedures such as HPMIXED in SAS can easily fit models with thousands of factor levels, but only for normally distributed response variables. In this paper, we present the %HPGLIMMIX SAS macro that fits GLMMs with large number of sparsely populated design matrices using the doubly-iterative linearization (pseudo-likelihood) method, in which the sparse-matrix-based HPMIXED is used for the inner iterations with the pseudo-variable constructed from the inverse-link function and the chosen model. Although the macro does not have the full functionality of the GLIMMIX procedure, time and memory savings can be large with the new macro. In applications in which design matrices contain many zeros and there are hundreds or thousands of factor levels, models can be fitted without exhausting computer memory, and 90% or better reduction in running time can be observed. Examples with a Poisson, binomial, and gamma conditional distribution are presented to demonstrate the usage and efficiency of this macro

    %HPGLIMMIX: A High-Performance SAS Macro for GLMM Estimation

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    Generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) comprise a class of widely used statistical tools for data analysis with fixed and random effects when the response variable has a conditional distribution in the exponential family. GLMM analysis also has a close relationship with actuarial credibility theory. While readily available programs such as the GLIMMIX procedure in SAS and the lme4 package in R are powerful tools for using this class of models, these progarms are not able to handle models with thousands of levels of fixed and random effects. By using sparse-matrix and other high performance techniques, procedures such as HPMIXED in SAS can easily fit models with thousands of factor levels, but only for normally distributed response variables. In this paper, we present the %HPGLIMMIX SAS macro that fits GLMMs with large number of sparsely populated design matrices using the doubly-iterative linearization (pseudo-likelihood) method, in which the sparse-matrix-based HPMIXED is used for the inner iterations with the pseudo-variable constructed from the inverse-link function and the chosen model. Although the macro does not have the full functionality of the GLIMMIX procedure, time and memory savings can be large with the new macro. In applications in which design matrices contain many zeros and there are hundreds or thousands of factor levels, models can be fitted without exhausting computer memory, and 90% or better reduction in running time can be observed. Examples with a Poisson, binomial, and gamma conditional distribution are presented to demonstrate the usage and efficiency of this macro

    Does the P value have a future in plant pathology?

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    The P value (significance level) is possibly the mostly widely used, and also misused, quantity in data analysis. P has been heavily criticized on philosophical and theoretical grounds, especially from a Bayesian perspective. In contrast, a properly interpreted P has been strongly defended as a measure of evidence against the null hypothesis, H0. We discuss the meaning of P and null-hypothesis statistical testing, and present some key arguments concerning their use. P is the probability of observing data as extreme as, or more extreme than, the data actually observed, conditional on H0 being true. However, P is often mistakenly equated with the posterior probability that H0 is true conditional on the data, which can lead to exaggerated claims about the effect of a treatment, experimental factor or interaction. Fortunately, a lower bound for the posterior probability of H0 can be approximated using P and the prior probability that H0 is true. When one is completely uncertain about the truth of H0 before an experiment (i.e., when the prior probability of H0 is 0.5), the posterior probability of H0 is much higher than P, which means that one needs P values lower than typically accepted for statistical significance (e.g., P = 0.05) for strong evidence against H0. When properly interpreted, we support the continued use of P as one component of a data analysis that emphasizes data visualization and estimation of effect sizes (treatment effects).The Ohio State University/[]/OARDC/Estados UnidosUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Centro de Investigación en Protección de Cultivos (CIPROC)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Escuela de Agronomí

    How to compare small multivariate samples using nonparametric tests

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    In the life sciences and other research fields, experiments are often conducted to determine responses of subjects to various treatments. Typically, such data are multivariate, where different variables may be measured on different scales that can be quantitative, ordinal, or mixed. To analyze these data, we present different nonparametric (rank-based) tests for multivariate observations in balanced and unbalanced one-way layouts. Previous work has led to the development of tests based on asymptotic theory, either for large numbers of samples or groups; however, most experiments comprise only small or moderate numbers of experimental units in each individual group or sample. Here, we investigate several tests based on small-sample approximations, and compare their performance in terms of [alpha] levels and power for different simulated situations, with continuous and discrete observations. For positively correlated responses, an approximation based on [Brunner, E., Dette, H., Munk, A., 1997. Box-type approximations in nonparametric factorial designs. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 92, 1494-1502] ANOVA-Type statistic performed best; for responses with negative correlations, in general, an approximation based on the Lawley-Hotelling type test performed best. We demonstrate the use of the tests based on the approximations for a plant pathology experiment.