640 research outputs found

    Nanophotonic biosensors for point-of-care COVID-19 diagnostics and coronavirus surveillance

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the need of novel diagnostic technologies for rapid and accurate virus detection. In the European CONVAT project, a point-of-care nanophotonic biosensor is being developed for the direct, fast and specific identification of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 from both human patient samples and animal reservoirs. The technology will provide a quantitative detection of the viral load and it can be implemented in decentralized settings to improve the early diagnosis and clinical management of patients as well as coronavirus environmental monitoring to prevent future outbreaks

    Dangerous Worldview and Perceived Sociopolitical Control: Two Mechanisms to Understand Trust in Authoritarian Political Leaders in Economically Threatening Contexts

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    This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness for the R&D project “Macrosocial realities (economic crisis and social class) and psychosocial processes: Trust, welfare, altruism, and politics” [PSI-2017- 83966-R (MINECO/AEI/FEDER/UE)]. We have not received funds for open access publication fees.The raw data supporting the conclusions of this article can be found online at: https://osf.io/pm8u4/?view_only= 81c56cebeb2f43a4b7d4f3dae1907329The two studies in this research were reviewed and approved by the Ethics Committee in Human Research (CEIH) of the University of Granada and carried out in compliance with the Ethical Standards of the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki.The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg. 2021.603116/full#supplementary-materialIn this research we analyzed the relationship between threatening economic contexts (i.e., undergoing the economic crisis and having low socioeconomic status) and trust in authoritarian ideologies and leaders, regardless of the left-right political axis. Based on two theoretical approaches (i.e., the dual-process model and the compensatory control model), we argue that this relationship is mediated by dangerous worldview and low perceived sociopolitical control. We conducted two correlational studies with samples of the general population. In Study 1 (N = 185), we found that perceived threat from the economic crisis and low socioeconomic status were correlated with a higher dangerous worldview, which resulted in a more authoritarian ideology (i.e., authoritarianism) and finally in greater trust in an authoritarian political leader. In Study 2 (N = 413), we replicated the findings of Study 1 and demonstrated that low perceived sociopolitical control was associated with higher authoritarianism. Moreover, low perceived sociopolitical control partially mediated the relationship between dangerous worldview and authoritarianism. Overall, our results show that two economically threatening contexts (i.e., the economic crisis and low socioeconomic status) promote authoritarianism and trust in authoritarian leaders (with unspecified political orientation) through psychological processes (i.e., perception of the social world and perceived control). These results are useful to understand and combat the rise of authoritarianism in our societies during financially difficult times such as economic crises.Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness PSI-2017-83966-

    Aspectos epidemiológicos de la endocarditis infecciosa

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    Se han publicado pocos estudios epidemiológicos sobre endocarditis infecciosa (EI) en todo el mundo. El objetivo es evaluar la evolución de aspectos epidemiológicos tales como la incidencia, mortalidad, estancia media hospitalaria y costos hospitalarios relacionados con la EI en España entre 1997 y 2014. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo retrospectivo de todos los pacientes ingresados por EI en hospitales españoles entre el 1 de enero de 1997 y el 31 de diciembre de 2014. Los datos fueron extraídos del Conjunto Mínimo Básico de Datos (CMBD) del sistema nacional de vigilancia de datos hospitalarios en España. Resultados: En total, 34.399 pacientes fueron diagnosticados de EI durante este período. La EI fue más prevalente en varones (66,99% de los pacientes eran hombres). La edad media de la totalidad de los pacientes incluidos en el estudio fue de 61,83 (DS 18,44). La incidencia ajustada de EI (eventos por 100.000 habitantes) aumentó de 3,17% en 1997 a 5,56% en 2014. La duración media de la estancia hospitalaria disminuyó ligeramente en los períodos analizados ya que en 1997, la media fue de 28,45 días vs 26,17 en 2014. El coste por paciente para la EI aumentó de 6.759,33€ en 1997 a 15.097,47€ en 2014, alcanzando un máximo de 16.278,48€ en 2011. El aumento más relevante de los costes se observó entre 1997 y 2008, cuando alcanzó un máximo de 15.489,64€. Conclusiones: Se trata del estudio epidemiológico de EI más grande que se ha realizado en España. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un aumento de la incidencia y la mortalidad en las últimas dos décadas, acompañados de una pequeña disminución de la estancia media hospitalaria y un notable aumento de los costos hospitalarios (los cuales, aumentaron hasta el comienzo de la crisis económica, a partir de la cual se mantuvieron estables).Grado en Medicin

    Actores y variaciones en las trayectorias de la imagen fotográfica

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    La necesidad de reflexionar acerca del papel “educativo” que cumple la fotografía en la domesticación de la población al ser medio y dispositivo que guía lecturas manipuladas de la realidad en pro de los intereses dominantes, es apremiante. El proceso de paz es el detonante del análisis que se presenta en este texto para aportar a la discusión sobre el papel y el sentido que tiene hoy la fotografía. Este tema articula la “realidad” colombiana iniciando el siglo XXI como contexto con la forma en como esta es representada ante los mismos colombianos y ante el mundo a través de las fotografías que circulan en medios. La firma del Acuerdo de Paz a finales de 2016 da inicio a una “nueva época” para algunos “postconflicto”, para otros “post-acuerdo”. Varios hitos marcan este proceso: largas reuniones, encuentros y enfrentamientos, además de manifestaciones, fueron captados por fotógrafos oficiales y particulares. Su postura, su mirada, al momento de la toma, la edición de la misma, la ideología del medio que la difundió, entre otras cosas, hacen parte de las formas en que la educación como aparato ideológico del estado se expresa por fuera de los muros de las instituciones educativas, valiéndose en la actualidad de las tecnologías que instrumentalizadas, le dan vía libre a la reproducción del poder, resignificando y tergiversando a través de códigos esa “realidad” en la que estamos inscritos.There is a need to reflect the “educational role” that photography plays in the domestication of the population, while as a medium and device, offers manipulated readings of reality in favour of dominant interests. To contribute to the discussion of the role and meaning of photography today, the Colombian Peace Process is addressed as a trigger for the following analysis. Thus, the beginning of the 21st century settles the paradigm of the Colombian “reality”, throughout the photographs that circulate on the media representing Colombians themselves and their image worldwide. The signing of the Peace Agreement in 2016 marks the beginning of a new era “post -conflict” or “post -agreement”. Several events where notable along the process: long meetings, encounters and confrontations, in addition to demonstrations, all captured by official and private photographers. Their posture and gaze, the instant of the shot and the edition afterwards, the ideology of the medium that spread it, among other things, are part of ways in which education as an ideological apparatus of the state expresses itself outside the walls of educational institutions. Now using technologies as instruments, giving a clear path to the reproduction of power, re-signifying and altering through codes that “reality” in which we are inscribed.É premente a necessidade de refletir sobre o papel “educativo” que a fotografia cumpre na domesticação da população enquanto meio e dispositivo que orienta leituras manipuladas da realidade a favor dos interesses dominantes. O processo de paz é o gatilho para que as análises apresentadas neste texto contribuam para a discussão sobre o papel e o significado da fotografia na atualidade. Este tema articula a “realidade” colombiana do início do século XXI como um contexto com a forma como é representada perante os próprios colombianos e perante o mundo através das fotografias que circulam nos meios de comunicação. A assinatura do Acordo de Paz no final de 2016 dá início a uma “nova era” para alguns “pós-conflito”, para outros “pós-acordo”. Vários marcos marcam esse processo: longas reuniões, encontros e confrontos, além de manifestações, foram captados por fotógrafos oficiais e particulares. Sua postura, seu olhar, na hora de tomá-la, sua edição, a ideologia do meio que a disseminou, entre outras coisas, fazem parte das formas pelas quais a educação como aparelho ideológico do Estado se expressa fora do As paredes das instituições de ensino, hoje em uso das tecnologias que se instrumentalizam, dão rédea solta à reprodução do poder, ressignificando e distorcendo por meio de códigos essa “realidade” em que estamos inscritos

    Carbonaceous and protein constituents in dairy wastewater lead to a differentiated current generation in microbial fuel cells (MFCs)

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    "The effect of real dairy wastewater (DWW) additions on the current density generated by a bioanode was evaluated in a half cell configuration under potentiostatic control, thus simulating the anodic chamber of a Microbial Fuel Cell. Low substrate additions increased current density up to 1655 ± 136 mA m−2, forming a two-current peak pattern. Then the system was tested with a casein-lactose synthetic media. A high protein concentration reduced the current density; individual compounds led to the highest current (330.5 mA m−2 with casein; 1276 mA m−2 with lactose). Moreover, the protein reduced the current start up time.""Se evaluó la densidad de corriente de un bioánodo con adiciones de agua residual lacto-alimenticia. A menor volumen de substrato adicionado, se observó mayor producción de densidad de corriente (1655 ± 136 mA m−2), con un patrón de dos picos de corriente. El sistema evaluado con un medio sintético de caseína-lactosa mostró que una alta concentración de proteína afectó negativamente la corriente producida; los componentes individuales generaron los valores más altos de corriente (330.5 mA m−2 con caseína; 1276 mA m−2 con lactosa). Adicionalmente la proteína favoreció el inicio de generación de corriente.

    El Género Y El Consumo Hedonista En Saltillo, Coahuila

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    In the marketing context, it is essential to know the market. That is why there is a necessity to investigate its behavior in regards to clothes purchase. The aim of this study is to develop a model from the conceptual perspective of the shopper typology scale (Chengedzai, Manillall & Lawrence, 2014) in its factor: Hedonist consumer. The study included 250 adult participants (59.2% women and 40.8% men) living in the City of Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. A discriminate analysis was performed to get a membership model of the gender of the variables of Hedonist trend consumer. The results of the findings show meaningful differences between men and women. Women enjoy more shopping, and they have fun while doing it. They also spend more time in this activity

    Terapia Ocupacional ante la Mutilación Genital Femenina / Occupational Therapy against female genital mutilation

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    Introducción: La mutilación genital femenina (MGF) es una práctica altamente dañina para la vida de las mujeres. Su salud física, psicológica, sexual y reproductiva se ve deteriorada, generando depresión, ansiedad, fobias, pánico e incluso, alteraciones psicóticas, que pueden marginarlas o llevarlas a la muerte. Objetivo: este artículo de revisión busca analizar el posible rol de la Terapia Ocupacional (TO) con mujeres que han sufrido MGF. Métodos: se realiza una revisión bibliográfica narrativa con el objeto de indagar en las publicaciones y otros textos que den cuenta del rol de la TO en esta temática. Resultado/discusión: se observa que existen escasas publicaciones al respecto, siendo un tema importante y necesario de abordar por la TO. Conclusiones: se realiza una propuesta teórico-reflexiva respecto del rol de la TO en mujeres que han sufrido MGF. Para ello, se tienen presentes conceptos como la cultura, la historia y el entorno de cada mujer dentro de su comunidad. Se considera que una intervención terapéutica en esta temática debe integrar perspectivas clínicas, sociales y comunitarias de la TO. AbstractIntroduction: Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a highly harmful practice for women's lives. Their physical, psychological, sexual and reproductive health is deteriorated, generating depression, anxiety, phobias, panic and even psychotic alterations, which can marginalize them or even lead them to death. Objective: this review article seeks to analyze the possible role of Occupational Therapy (OT) with women who have suffered FGM. Methods: a narrative bibliographic review is carried out with the aim of investigating the publications and other texts that give an account of the role of OT in this topic. Result/Discussion: it is observed that there are few publications about it, being an important and necessary issue to be addressed by the OT. Conclusions: a theoretical-reflexive proposal is made regarding the role of OT in women who have suffered FGM. For this, concepts such as the culture, history and environment of each woman within their community are taken into account. It is considered that a therapeutic intervention in this topic should integrate clinical, social and community perspectives of OT.Keywords: Female genital mutilation, Occupational therapy, Health

    Mouse and human tau expression in different brain areas

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    Background: An increase in tau protein is believed to be necessary for tau aggregation. However, whether this is due to increased expression of the endogenous tau promoter or protein accumulation due to proteostasis failure remains uncertain. Objective: To analyze the expression of GFP protein under endogenous tau promoter across different ages and within different brain areas. Methods: We have measured direct expression of Mapt gene promotor by western blot and immunofluorescence, by means of a commercial tau knock-out mice generated by integrating GFP-encoding cDNA into exon 1 of the Mapt gene. Besides, we have analyzed the MAPT gene expression in human samples. Results: Mapt expression is similar in the cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum in mice and in human samples although some differences exist between dentate gyrus and CA1 hippocampal areas in mice. Besides, we have analyzed the murine Mapt gene expression during aging (at 2, 6, 12, and 18 moths) and no differences in endogenous tau promoter expression were observed. Conclusion: Our results suggest that Mapt promoter activity is similar in the brain areas studied and, therefore, tau accumulation due to aging is likely due to proteostasis failure rather than occurring at the transcriptional levelWork in the laboratory of JA is funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PGC-2018-09177-B-100). Work in the laboratory of FH is funded by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España, PID2020-113204GB-I00) and was co-financed from the Comunidad de Madrid through Structural Funds of the European Union [S2017/BMD-3700 (NEUROMETAB-CM)

    Estrés académico y ansiedad en estudiantes de la carrera de psicología de una universidad privada de Lima centro 2022

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    Esta investigación tiene como objetivo, determinar la relación entre las dimensiones del estrés académico y la ansiedad en los estudiantes de la carrera de psicología de una universidad privada de Lima centro 2022. El estudio tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance correlacional, con un diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. La población está compuesta por 340 estudiantes y la muestra estuvo formada por 170 estudiantes. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron el Inventario SISCO SV-21 y la Escala de Ansiedad de Lima de 20 ítems (EAL-20). Los resultados mostraron relación directa y pequeña en la variable ansiedad con la dimensión síntomas de estrés académico (p= .022; r= .187) y una relación negativa pequeña con la dimensión estrategias de afrontamiento (p= .006; r= -.222); sin embargo, no hay relación significativa con la dimensión estresores (p= .255; r= -.094). En conclusión, existe relación estadísticamente significativa entre la variable ansiedad con las dimensiones de síntomas y estrategias de afrontamiento de estrés académico