31 research outputs found

    Face recognition deficits in a patient with Alzheimer's Disease: amnesia or agnosia? The importance of electrophysiological markers for differential diagnosis

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    Face recognition deficits are frequently reported in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and often attributed to memory impairment. However, it has been hypothesized that failure in identifying familiar people could also be due to deficits in higher-level perceptual processes, since there is evidence showing a reduced inversion effect for faces but not for cars in AD. To address the involvement of these higher processes, we investigated event-related potential (ERP) neural correlates of faces in a patient with AD showing a face recognition deficit. Eight healthy participants were tested as a control group. Participants performed different tasks following the stimulus presentation. In experiment 1, they should indicate whether the stimulus was either a face or a house or a scrambled image. In experiments 2 and 3, they should discriminate between upright and inverted faces (in experiment 2, stimuli were faces with neutral or fearful expressions, while in experiment 3, stimuli were famous or unfamiliar faces). Electrophysiological results reveal that the typical face-specific modulation of the N170 component, which is thought to reflect the structural encoding of faces, was not present in patient MCG, despite being affected by the emotional content of the face implicitly processed by MCG. Conversely, the N400 component, which is thought to reflect the recruitment of the memory trace of the face identity, was found to be implicitly modulated in MCG. These results may identify a possible role for gnosic processes in face recognition deficits in AD and suggest the importance of adopting an integrated approach to the AD diagnosis while considering electrophysiological markers

    Psychological treatments and psychotherapies in the neurorehabilitation of pain. Evidences and recommendations from the italian consensus conference on pain in neurorehabilitation

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    BACKGROUND: It is increasingly recognized that treating pain is crucial for effective care within neurological rehabilitation in the setting of the neurological rehabilitation. The Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation was constituted with the purpose identifying best practices for us in this context. Along with drug therapies and physical interventions, psychological treatments have been proven to be some of the most valuable tools that can be used within a multidisciplinary approach for fostering a reduction in pain intensity. However, there is a need to elucidate what forms of psychotherapy could be effectively matched with the specific pathologies that are typically addressed by neurorehabilitation teams. OBJECTIVES: To extensively assess the available evidence which supports the use of psychological therapies for pain reduction in neurological diseases. METHODS: A systematic review of the studies evaluating the effect of psychotherapies on pain intensity in neurological disorders was performed through an electronic search using PUBMED, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Based on the level of evidence of the included studies, recommendations were outlined separately for the different conditions. RESULTS: The literature search yielded 2352 results and the final database included 400 articles. The overall strength of the recommendations was medium/low. The different forms of psychological interventions, including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, cognitive or behavioral techniques, Mindfulness, hypnosis, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Brief Interpersonal Therapy, virtual reality interventions, various forms of biofeedback and mirror therapy were found to be effective for pain reduction in pathologies such as musculoskeletal pain, fibromyalgia, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Central Post-Stroke pain, Phantom Limb Pain, pain secondary to Spinal Cord Injury, multiple sclerosis and other debilitating syndromes, diabetic neuropathy, Medically Unexplained Symptoms, migraine and headache. CONCLUSIONS: Psychological interventions and psychotherapies are safe and effective treatments that can be used within an integrated approach for patients undergoing neurological rehabilitation for pain. The different interventions can be specifically selected depending on the disease being treated. A table of evidence and recommendations from the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation is also provided in the final part of the pape

    What is the role of the placebo effect for pain relief in neurorehabilitation? Clinical implications from the Italian consensus conference on pain in neurorehabilitation

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    Background: It is increasingly acknowledged that the outcomes of medical treatments are influenced by the context of the clinical encounter through the mechanisms of the placebo effect. The phenomenon of placebo analgesia might be exploited to maximize the efficacy of neurorehabilitation treatments. Since its intensity varies across neurological disorders, the Italian Consensus Conference on Pain in Neurorehabilitation (ICCP) summarized the studies on this field to provide guidance on its use. Methods: A review of the existing reviews and meta-analyses was performed to assess the magnitude of the placebo effect in disorders that may undergo neurorehabilitation treatment. The search was performed on Pubmed using placebo, pain, and the names of neurological disorders as keywords. Methodological quality was assessed using a pre-existing checklist. Data about the magnitude of the placebo effect were extracted from the included reviews and were commented in a narrative form. Results: 11 articles were included in this review. Placebo treatments showed weak effects in central neuropathic pain (pain reduction from 0.44 to 0.66 on a 0-10 scale) and moderate effects in postherpetic neuralgia (1.16), in diabetic peripheral neuropathy (1.45), and in pain associated to HIV (1.82). Moderate effects were also found on pain due to fibromyalgia and migraine; only weak short-term effects were found in complex regional pain syndrome. Confounding variables might have influenced these results. Clinical implications: These estimates should be interpreted with caution, but underscore that the placebo effect can be exploited in neurorehabilitation programs. It is not necessary to conceal its use from the patient. Knowledge of placebo mechanisms can be used to shape the doctor-patient relationship, to reduce the use of analgesic drugs and to train the patient to become an active agent of the therapy

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection

    Large-scale exome-wide association analysis identifies loci for White Blood Cell Traits and Pleiotropy with Immune-Mediated Diseases

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    White blood cells play diverse roles in innate and adaptive immunity. Genetic association analyses of phenotypic variation in circulating white blood cell (WBC) counts from large samples of otherwise healthy individuals can provide insights into genes and biologic pathways involved in production, differentiation, or clearance of particular WBC lineages (myeloid, lymphoid) and also potentially inform the genetic basis of autoimmune, allergic, and blood diseases. We performed an exome array-based meta-analysis of total WBC and subtype counts (neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes, basophils, and eosinophils) in a multi-ancestry discovery and replication sample of ∼157,622 individuals from 25 studies. We identified 16 common variants (8 of which were coding variants) associated with one or more WBC traits, the majority of which are pleiotropically associated with autoimmune diseases. Based on functional annotation, these loci included genes encoding surface markers of myeloid, lymphoid, or hematopoietic stem cell differentiation (CD69, CD33, CD87), transcription factors regulating lineage specification during hematopoiesis (ASXL1, IRF8, IKZF1, JMJD1C, ETS2-PSMG1), and molecules involved in neutrophil clearance/apoptosis (C10orf54, LTA), adhesion (TNXB), or centrosome and microtubule structure/function (KIF9, TUBD1). Together with recent reports of somatic ASXL1 mutations among individuals with idiopathic cytopenias or clonal hematopoiesis of undetermined significance, the identification of a common regulatory 3 UTR variant of ASXL1 suggests that both germline and somatic ASXL1 mutations contribute to lower blood counts in otherwise asymptomatic individuals. These association results shed light on genetic mechanisms that regulate circulating WBC counts and suggest a prominent shared genetic architecture with inflammatory and autoimmune diseases

    Developmental writing disorders: assessment for rehabilitation

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    Writing ability requires to use and control several processes of visual and phonological information processing and an adequate programming and coordination of motor sequences. We studied a writing precursor gesture in children with Developmental Dysorthography and/or Developmental Dysgraphia in order to point out anomalies to be treated with specific rehabilitative interventions

    Daptomycin Plasma and CSF Levels in Patients with Healthcare-Associated Meningitis

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    Background There are currently few data concerning the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) penetration of daptomycin in patients with healthcare-associated meningitis. This study aims (1) to better characterize the pharmacokinetics of daptomycin in humans during a 7-day intravenous (IV) therapy course, and (2) to study the penetration of daptomycin in the CSF after IV infusion at the dose of 10 mg/kg. Results In this prospective observational study, we enrolled nine patients with an implanted external ventricular drainage and a diagnosis of a healthcare-associated meningitis. Daptomycin was administered at 10 mg/kg for a maximum of 7 days. The pharmacokinetic of daptomycin was studied using a two-compartment population/pharmacokinetic (POP/PK) model and by means of a nonlinear mixed effects modeling approach. A large inter-individual variability in plasma area under the curve (Range: 574.7–1366.3 h mg/L), paralleled by high-peak plasma concentration (Cmax) (all values > 60 mg/L), was noted. The inter-individual variability of CSF-AUC although significant (range: 1.17–6.81 h mg/L) was narrower than previously reported and with a late occurrence of CSF-Cmax (range: 6.04–9.54 h). The terminal half-life between plasma and CSF was similar. tmax values in CSF did not show a high inter-individual variability, and the fluctuations of predicted CSF concentrations were minimal. The mean value for daptomycin penetration obtained from our model was 0.45%. Conclusions Our POP/PK model was able to describe the pharmacokinetics of daptomycin in both plasma and CSF, showing that daptomycin (up to 7 days at 10 mg/kg) has minimal penetration into central nervous system. Furthermore, the observed variability of AUC, tmax and predicted concentration in CSF was lower than what previously reported in the literature. Based on the present findings, it is unlikely that daptomycin could reach CSF concentrations high enough to have clinical efficacy; this should be tested in future studies

    Biobanche. Aspetti scientifici ed etico-giuridici

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    La biobanca quale raccolta di materiali biologici umani offre alla ricerca medica un numero fino a pochi anni orsono inimmaginabile di reperti omogenei per certe caratteristiche e di informazioni da essi desumibili. Talora, si pensi alla banche di sangue cordonale, offre altres\uec elementi che possono essere utilizzati in ambito terapeutico. Si tratta, quindi, di una risorsa caratterizzata da una peculiare finalizzazione solidaristica. Ma quanto essa mette a disposizione \ue8 straordinariamente delicato: perch\ue9 se ne potrebbe far uso per gli scopi pi\uf9 diversi; perch\ue9 \ue8 in grado di fornire conoscenze sensibili sulla salute del donatore e dei suoi consanguinei; perch\ue9 potrebbe suscitare interesse da punti di vista del tutto differenti rispetto a quello sanitario. Gli elementi biologici umani sono espressione dell\u2019identit\ue0 di un individuo e ne portano i caratteri. Ciascuno, pertanto, ha il diritto e il dovere di sovrintendere al loro utilizzo, prestando il proprio consenso sulla base di un\u2019adeguata identificazione dell\u2019ambito di ricerca presente e futura (o di gestione per fini terapeutici) cui siano destinati o escludendo tipologie di utilizzo ritenute inaccettabili. Tale responsabilit\ue0 non viene meno solo perch\ue9 si renda irriconoscibile, mediante procedure di anonimizzazione, il rapporto tra un certo materiale biologico e l\u2019individuo da cui proviene. Quel rapporto, del resto, deve poter essere ricostruito ai fini della comunicazione di dati che abbiano interesse sanitario (da realizzarsi sempre attraverso un serio counseling medico e psicologico). La sensibilizzazione a donare materiali biologici s\u2019intreccia cos\uec con l\u2019esigenza che questi siano gestiti in modo trasparente e scientificamente qualificato, come pure con la necessit\ue0 di un costante dialogo tra i donatori e le loro famiglie, la comunit\ue0 dei ricercatori e tutti i potenziali beneficiari delle attivit\ue0 svolte in una biobanca. Il volume, dunque, raccoglie interventi che provengono da competenze diverse (biologia, medicina, filosofia, diritto, bioetica), miranti a evidenziare nodi problematici e a formulare proposte per fini di regolamentazione etica e giuridica