211 research outputs found

    Effects of Personalized Nudging in eLearning Environments

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    We explore how eLearners’ engagement and performance can be influenced by digital nudges. We examine how personalized nudges with self-reference content and social comparison content encourage eLearners\u27 engagement and performance. We perform an experiment with 515 students in a hybrid undergraduate course, randomly assigning participants to receive one of five types of digital nudges for certain course assignments. We examine how these nudges affect proactive assignment activity, assignment performance, as well as self-reported motivation, self-comparisons and perceived usefulness of nudges. We will model between-group differences and pre-post differences to examine the effect of personalized nudges on user engagement and performance, comparing participants who received different types of personalized nudges with participants who received generic (i.e. non-personalized) nudges. Our study extends existing nudge research to user engagement in eLearning environments. We also contribute to theories of self-reference, social norms, and social comparison on personalization of the learning process through digital nudges

    Avaliar o impacto das intervenções escolares baseadas nos mandatos do NCLB no estado de New York: Será que servem as mesmas soluções para todos?

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    This study examines the efficacy and moderators of New York State interventions for schools in need of improvement under NCLB, including: (1) school transfer, (2) supplementary education service (3) corrective action, (4) planning for restructuring, and (5) restructuring. Despite the fact that schools in increasingly aggressive treatment groups had higher performance gains relative to schools in good standing, propensity score matching analysis results reveal negative or null effects of the interventions. There are indications of treatment effect heterogeneity and the effects varied by the year of implementation and the propensity of treatment assignment (schooling conditions prior to interventions). The findings of our study have implications for both theory of action and program implementation.Este estudio examina la eficacia y los desafíos de las intervenciones estatales en Nueva York para escuelas que necesitan mejoramiento bajo el mandato de la ley NCLB, incluyendo: (1) la transferencia de la escuela, (2) servicios educativos suplementarios (SES) (3) acciones correctivas, (4) planificación de reestructuración y (5) reestructuración. Mientras que las escuelas en los grupos de tratamiento más agresivos tuvieron mayores ganancias de rendimiento en relación con las escuelas en buen estado, resultados de análisis de propensión revelan efectos negativos o nulos de las intervenciones. Hay indicios de heterogeneidad del efecto del tratamiento y los efectos varían según el año de puesta en práctica y la propensión de la asignación al tratamiento (condiciones de escolarización antes de intervenciones). Los resultados de nuestro estudio tienen consecuencias tanto para la teoría de la acción como de la implementación del programa.O presente estudo analisa a eficácia e os desafios das intervenções do estado de Nova York em escolas que precisam ser melhoradas sob o mandato NCLB, incluindo: (1) a transferência da escola, (2) serviços educacionais suplementares (SES) (3) ações corretivas, (4) plano de reestruturação, e (5) reestruturação. Enquanto as escolas em grupos de tratamento mais agressivos tiveram ganhos de desempenho superiores em relação às escolas em bom estado, os resultados da análise de propensão revelam efeitos negativos ou nulos dessas intervenções. Há evidências de heterogeneidade do efeito do tratamento e os efeitos variam de acordo com o ano de aplicação e a propensão de atribuição do tratamento (antes das intervenções e condições de  escolaridade). Os resultados do nosso estudo têm implicações para a teoria da ação e da implementação do programa

    Papel de la Podocalicina en el sistema inmunitario: mecanismos de evasión de la respuesta inmunitaria en células tumorales de cáncer de mama

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    145 p.La proteína podocalicina (PCLP1) es una sialomucina relacionada con la familia de CD34implicada en la regulación de la morfología y adhesión celulares. PCLP1 se expresa en célulasepiteliales del glomérulo renal (podocitos), células progenitoras hematopoyéticas, célulasendoteliales vasculares, megacariocitos y una subpoblación de neuronas. Aunque se hademostrado la expresión del ARN mensajero de PCLP1 en ciertas células hematopoyéticasmaduras, únicamente se ha detectado la forma proteica en monocitos durante el proceso dediferenciación a macrófagos. En el presente trabajo hemos detectado la expresión de laproteína PCLP1 en células dendríticas mieloides y derivadas de monocitos, donde se localizapolarmente durante el proceso migratorio y participa en el mantenimiento del fenotipoinmaduro.Por otro lado, se ha encontrado sobreexpresión de PCLP1 en diversos tipos de tumores,incluyendo cáncer de próstata y mama, carcinoma renal, leucemias y tumores malignoscerebrales, testiculares y hepatocelulares. Varios estudios han puesto de manifiesto la relaciónentre la sobreexpresión de PCLP1 y la malignidad tumoral. Por ello, durante los últimos años seha profundizado en el estudio del papel de PCLP1 en la progresión del cáncer, aunque ningunode ellos ha considerado el posible papel de PCLP1 en la evasión inmunitaria. En el presentetrabajo hemos identificado la función inmunomoduladora de PCLP1 expresada en células decáncer de mama MCF-7. La sobreexpresión de PCLP1 en células tumorales altera la expresiónen membrana de moléculas implicadas en el reconocimiento y la citotoxicidad tumoralmediada por los linfocitos citolíticos naturales (células NK). A su vez, las células MCF-7 quesobreexpresan PCLP1 muestran una susceptibilidad reducida a la citolisis mediada por lascélulas NK. Además, los datos obtenidos demuestran que las células NK adquieren PCLP1proveniente de las células tumorales a través de un proceso de transferencia de membranadenominado trogocitosis. Asimismo, los resultados obtenidos evidencian un papel inhibitoriode PCLP1 expresada en las células MCF-7 sobre la proliferación de linfocitos T cooperadores ylinfocitos T citotóxicos. Por último, hemos revelado la implicación de las citocinas TGF-ß1 e IL-4en la expresión de PCLP1 en células tumorales de cáncer de mam

    Papel de la Podocalicina en el sistema inmunitario: mecanismos de evasión de la respuesta inmunitaria en células tumorales de cáncer de mama

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    145 p.La proteína podocalicina (PCLP1) es una sialomucina relacionada con la familia de CD34implicada en la regulación de la morfología y adhesión celulares. PCLP1 se expresa en célulasepiteliales del glomérulo renal (podocitos), células progenitoras hematopoyéticas, célulasendoteliales vasculares, megacariocitos y una subpoblación de neuronas. Aunque se hademostrado la expresión del ARN mensajero de PCLP1 en ciertas células hematopoyéticasmaduras, únicamente se ha detectado la forma proteica en monocitos durante el proceso dediferenciación a macrófagos. En el presente trabajo hemos detectado la expresión de laproteína PCLP1 en células dendríticas mieloides y derivadas de monocitos, donde se localizapolarmente durante el proceso migratorio y participa en el mantenimiento del fenotipoinmaduro.Por otro lado, se ha encontrado sobreexpresión de PCLP1 en diversos tipos de tumores,incluyendo cáncer de próstata y mama, carcinoma renal, leucemias y tumores malignoscerebrales, testiculares y hepatocelulares. Varios estudios han puesto de manifiesto la relaciónentre la sobreexpresión de PCLP1 y la malignidad tumoral. Por ello, durante los últimos años seha profundizado en el estudio del papel de PCLP1 en la progresión del cáncer, aunque ningunode ellos ha considerado el posible papel de PCLP1 en la evasión inmunitaria. En el presentetrabajo hemos identificado la función inmunomoduladora de PCLP1 expresada en células decáncer de mama MCF-7. La sobreexpresión de PCLP1 en células tumorales altera la expresiónen membrana de moléculas implicadas en el reconocimiento y la citotoxicidad tumoralmediada por los linfocitos citolíticos naturales (células NK). A su vez, las células MCF-7 quesobreexpresan PCLP1 muestran una susceptibilidad reducida a la citolisis mediada por lascélulas NK. Además, los datos obtenidos demuestran que las células NK adquieren PCLP1proveniente de las células tumorales a través de un proceso de transferencia de membranadenominado trogocitosis. Asimismo, los resultados obtenidos evidencian un papel inhibitoriode PCLP1 expresada en las células MCF-7 sobre la proliferación de linfocitos T cooperadores ylinfocitos T citotóxicos. Por último, hemos revelado la implicación de las citocinas TGF-ß1 e IL-4en la expresión de PCLP1 en células tumorales de cáncer de mam

    Mechanisms of cellular retention of melanin bound drugs : Experiments and computational modeling

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    Melanin binding of drugs is known to increase drug concentrations and retention in pigmented eye tissues. Even though the correlation between melanin binding in vitro and exposure to pigmented eye in vivo has been shown, there is a discrepancy between rapid drug release from melanin particles in vitro and the long in vivo retention in the pigmented tissues. We investigated mechanisms and kinetics of pigment-related drug retention experimentally using isolated melanin particles from porcine retinal pigment epithelium and choroid, isolated porcine eye melanosomes, and re-pigmented ARPE-19 cells in a dynamic flow system. The experimental studies were supplemented with kinetic simulations. Affinity and capacity of levofloxacin, terazosin, papaverine, and timolol binding to melanin revealed Kd values of asymptotic to 50-150 mu M and B-max asymptotic to 40-112 nmol.mg(-1). The drugs were released from melanin in < 1 h (timolol) or in 6-12 h (other drugs). The drugs were released slower from the melanosomes than from melanin; the experimental differences ranged from 1.2-fold (papaverine) to 7.4-fold (timolol). Kinetic simulations supported the role of the melanosomal membrane in slowing down the release of melanin binders. In release studies from the pigmented ARPE-19 cells, drugs were released from the cellular melanin to the extra -cellular space in asymptotic to 1 day (timolol) and asymptotic to 11 days (levofloxacin), i.e., much slower than the release from melanin or melanosomes. Simulations of drug release from pigmented cells in the flow system matched the experimental data and enabled further sensitivity analyses. The simulations demonstrated a significant prolongation of drug retention in the cells as a function of decreasing drug permeability in the melanosomal membranes and increasing melanin content in the cells. Overall, we report the impact of cellular factors in prolonging drug retention and release from melanin-containing cells. These data and simulations will facilitate the design of melanin binding drugs with prolonged ocular actions.Peer reviewe

    Primary and Secondary Control as Antecedents to the Dark Traits in Predicting Attraction to Hacking Behavior

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    The current study examines the relationship between the need for control, the Dark Triad personality traits, and hacking intent. We surveyed 523 individuals using a scenario design and investigated the role of both primary and secondary control as antecedents to Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and narcissism leading to both white- (i.e., ethical) and black-hat hacking interest. Our findings suggest that primary control is a significant antecedent to all three dark personality traits such that a higher intrinsic need for control is positively associated with Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy. Secondary control, however, has comparatively different effects on dark personality traits, demonstrating a negative effect only on psychopathy. Both Machiavellianism and psychopathy predicted both white- and black-hat hacking interests along with the perceived probability of apprehension. Overall, our findings suggest that primary control drives all three dark personality traits, yet only two of the three dark personality traits – Machiavellianism and psychopathy – are related to hacking interest

    Influence of carbon-coated zero-valent iron-based nanoparticle concentration on continuous photosynthetic biogas upgrading

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    Producción CientíficaThis study assessed the influence of carbon-coated zero-valent nanoparticle concentration (70, 140 and 280 mg L−1) on the performance of photosynthetic biogas upgrading in an indoor pilot scale plant composed of an algal-bacterial photobioreactor interconnected to an external biogas absorption column. In addition, the influence of nanoparticle concentration on the abiotic CO2 gas-liquid mass transfer in the biogas absorption column was also evaluated. Microalgae productivity was enhanced by > 100 % when nanoparticles were added to the cultivation broth, which also boosted nitrogen and phosphorus assimilation from centrate. The biomethane produced complied with most international standards only when nanoparticles were supplemented, achieving CO2 concentrations 98 %) and CH4 concentrations > 94 % in the treated biogas. Finally, this research consistently demonstrated that the improvement of biogas upgrading performance by the addition of nanoparticles was based on a photosynthesis enhancement or stimulation (which significantly increased the pH in the algal cultivation broth) rather than on an improved nanoparticle-mediated CO2 capture in the biogas absorption column.Junta de Castilla y León - EU-FEDER (CLU 2017-09, CL-EI-2021-07 y UIC 315

    Surface functionalization of PLGA nanoparticles to increase transport across the BBB for Alzheimers disease

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    Alzheimers disease (AD) is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder that accounts for about 60% of all diagnosed cases of dementia worldwide. Although there are currently several drugs marketed for its treatment, none are capable of slowing down or stopping the progression of AD. The role of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) plays a key role in the design of a successful treatment for this neurodegenerative disease. Nanosized particles have been proposed as suitable drug delivery systems to overcome BBB with the purpose of increasing bioavailability of drugs in the brain. Biodegradable poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanoparticles (PLGA-NPs) have been particularly regarded as promising drug delivery systems as they can be surface-tailored with functionalized molecules for site-specific targeting. In this review, a thorough discussion about the most recent functionalization strategies based on PLGA-NPs for AD and their mechanisms of action is provided, together with a description of AD pathogenesis and the role of the BBB in brain targeting.A.C. [Amanda Cano] acknowledges the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the grant Juan de la Cierva (FJC2018-036012-I). Authors acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under the project SAF2017-84283-R; Biomedical Research Networking Centre in Neurodegenerative Diseases (CIBERNED, CB06/05/0024) and Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) for the strategic fund (UIDB/04469/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The paradoxical position of nurses regarding euthanasia and its legalisation: A descriptive quantitative study

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    Aims and Objectives To learn about the attitudes of nurses working in the Andalusian Public Health System regarding euthanasia and its legalisation. Background Euthanasia often finds itself in the crosshairs of ethical and political debate on an international scale. Currently, the Spanish Organic Law 3/2021 of 24 March, 2021, recognises euthanasia as a fundamental right in Spain. It is of particular interest to know about the views, attitudes and stances that Andalusian nurses have of euthanasia as they are key players within the framework of euthanasia and administration of life‐ending drugs. They play a central role in guiding patients through the euthanasia application process. Design Observational descriptive study. Methods A study of Andalusian Public Health System nurses was carried out using non‐probability convenience sampling. 518 nurses with an average age of 44.75 years answered in a questionnaire that was distributed on an online platform. Socio‐demographic and occupational variables were assessed, together with the Death Anxiety Scale and the Euthanasia Attitude Scale. A bivariate analysis and a multivariate linear regression model were performed. The STROBE checklist was used. Results The mean score obtained on the Euthanasia Attitude Scale was 75.95 (SD = 16.53). The mean score obtained on the Death Anxiety Scale was 7.56 (SD = 3.05). The variables age and work experience were negatively correlated with the total scores of the Euthanasia Attitude Scale and the categories ‘Ethical considerations’, ‘Practical considerations’ and ‘Treasuring life’. On the other hand, there was a significant positive correlation between age and work experience and ‘Spiritual beliefs’ category. Conclusions The current situation shows a worrying paradox. There is a stark difference between positive professional attitudes towards euthanasia and the desire to participate in its application. Relevance to Clinical Practice It is vital that educational and healthcare institutions make the necessary efforts to ensure that nurses develop sound moral judgement, displaying the moral conscience and ethical commitment required of this established profession. Patient or Public Contribution No patient or public contribution.This work was funded by the call for research project grants (modality A) of the University of Huelva [ID: 1076].Departamento de Enfermerí