26 research outputs found

    MCM9 Is Required for Mammalian DNA Mismatch Repair

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    International audienceDNA mismatch repair (MMR) is an evolutionarily conserved process that corrects DNA polymerase errors during replication to maintain genomic integrity. In E. coli, the DNA helicase UvrD is implicated in MMR, yet an analogous helicase activity has not been identified in eukaryotes. Here, we show that mammalian MCM9, a protein involved in replication and homologous recombination, forms a complex with MMR initiation proteins (MSH2, MSH3, MLH1, PMS1, and the clamp loader RFC) and is essential for MMR. Mcm9−/− cells display microsatellite instability and MMR deficiency. The MCM9 complex has a helicase activity that is required for efficient MMR since wild-type but not helicase-dead MCM9 restores MMR activity in Mcm9−/− cells. Moreover, MCM9 loading onto chromatin is MSH2-dependent, and in turn MCM9 stimulates the recruitment of MLH1 to chromatin. Our results reveal a role for MCM9 and its helicase activity in mammalian MMR

    Proteomic data on the nuclear interactome of human MCM9

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    AbstractWe present data relating to the interactome of MCM9 from the nuclei of human cells. MCM9 belongs to the AAA+ superfamily, and contains an MCM domain and motifs that may confer DNA helicase activity. MCM9 has been shown to bind MCM8, and has been implicated in DNA replication and homologous recombination. However, the mechanistic basis of MCM9’s role in DNA repair is poorly understood, and proteins with which it interacts were hitherto unknown. We performed tandem affinity purification of MCM9 and its interacting proteins from nuclear extracts of human cells, followed by proteomic analysis, thereby generating a set of mass spectrometry data corresponding to the MCM9 interactome [1]. The proteomic data set comprises 29 mass spectrometry RAW files, deposited to the ProteomeXchange Consortium, and freely available from the PRIDE partner repository with the data set identifier http://www.ebi.ac.uk/pride/archive/projects/PXD000212. A set of 22 interacting proteins identified from the proteomic data was used to create an MCM9-centered interactive network diagram, using the Cytoscape program. These data allow the scientific community to access, mine and explore the human nuclear MCM9 interactome

    Après la bulle...:Perspectives 2001-2002 pour l’économie mondiale

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    En 2000, la croissance mondiale a été de 4,7 %, soit le plus haut niveau depuis 1988, ceci grâce à la conjonction exceptionnelle de facteurs favorables : effets de la « nouvelle économie » ; bulle boursière ; sortie de crise dans les pays émergents d’Asie, en Amérique latine et en Russie ; dynamisme persistant de la Chine et de plusieurs pays d’Europe en transition ; enfin, nouvel essor européen. Par contre, la hausse des prix de l’énergie a pesé sur la croissance. Le bas niveau de l’euro a eu un effet positif, en redistribuant la demande des États-Unis vers l’Europe. Après un premier semestre euphorique, l’activité a montré des signes de faiblesse au second semestre, en particulier aux États-Unis et en Allemagne. En 2001 la croissance mondiale ne serait que de 3,1 % mais remonterait à 3,7 % en 2002. La croissance connaîtrait un passage à vide aux États-Unis, entraîné par la fin de la bulle de la « nouvelle économie » : chute des cours boursiers et épuisement de l’impulsion donnée par les nouvelles technologies. S’y ajouteraient l’engluement du Japon et un net ralentissement de la croissance en Asie, frappée par la baisse de la demande de biens à haut contenu technologique. La zone euro verrait le maintien d’une croissance relativement vigoureuse, malgré un ralentissement en cours d’année 2001 induit par la faiblesse des demandes d’Amérique du Nord et d’Asie. L’écart se creuserait entre une conjoncture favorable en France et plus déprimée en Allemagne, malgré une réforme fiscale expansionniste. La croissance du commerce mondial passerait d’un rythme de 14 % l’an en 2000 à 4 % au premier semestre 2001, puis 8 % en 2002. Le prix de l’énergie resterait à un niveau relativement élevé (22 dollars pour le Brent en 2002). La remontée de l’euro vis-à-vis du dollar serait limitée. La plus grande incertitude provient des États-Unis. Notre prévision suppose que, même s’il a généré une bulle financière, l’essor récent de l’économie américaine reposait sur une base réelle : l’amélioration importante des perspectives de productivité et de production. La croissance potentielle est passée de 2,25 à 3,5 % l’an. Le ralentissement actuel serait alors une « pause cyclique », brève et facilement curable par la baisse des taux d’intérêt et la baisse des impôts. L’expérience récente montre qu’une croissance vigoureuse est possible dans la zone euro sans de trop fortes tensions inflationnistes. Dans notre prévision, la dynamique interne de la zone serait suffisante pour que la croissance se maintienne malgré le ralentissement américain. Selon une variante réalisée à l’aide du modèle MIMOSA, l’effet des chocs extérieurs sur la zone euro en 2001 (ralentissement américain, retour de l’euro à la parité, baisse du yen, baisse du prix du baril), induirait une baisse du PIB de 0,7 à 1 point de PIB (selon que la BCE baisse fortement ou modérément son taux d’intérêt). La croissance de la zone s’infléchirait à 2,6 % en 2001, puis rebondirait à 2,9 % en 2002. Ce scénario serait encore consolidé par un policy mix plus satisfaisant et concerté, la BCE acceptant de soutenir la croissance et les gouvernements ne mettant pas en place des politiques budgétaires restrictives. L’autre scénario envisageable est celui d’une période prolongée de marasme aux États-Unis en raison d’une forte hausse du taux d’épargne des ménages et d’une baisse de l’investissement. Il implique une forte baisse du dollar, quand les marchés auront cessé d’escompter de forts profits aux États-Unis. Cette baisse propagerait la récession américaine à l’échelle mondiale. La poursuite des désordres financiers priverait de financement les pays émergents. La dynamique de croissance européenne serait brisée par une demande extérieure plus faible que prévue, un environnement financier plus défavorable, un ralentissement plus net de l’investissement, induit par la désillusion vis-à-vis des TIC, déjà sensible par exemple dans le secteur des télécommunications et par l’effet de contagion, sur les anticipations des entrepreneurs, que pourrait avoir une récession aux États-Unis alors que la politique économique en Europe serait hésitante et peu disposée à prendre le relais pour impulser la croissance mondiale

    A small XY chromosomal region explains sex determination in wild dioecious V. vinifera and the reversal to hermaphroditism in domesticated grapevines

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    Publis014-agap-029Background In Vitis vinifera L., domestication induced a dramatic change in flower morphology: the wild sylvestris subspecies is dioecious while hermaphroditism is largely predominant in the domesticated subsp. V. v. vinifera. The characterisation of polymorphisms in genes underlying the sex-determining chromosomal region may help clarify the history of domestication in grapevine and the evolution of sex chromosomes in plants. In the genus Vitis, sex determination is putatively controlled by one major locus with three alleles, male M, hermaphrodite H and female F, with an allelic dominance M > H > F. Previous genetic studies located the sex locus on chromosome 2. We used DNA polymorphisms of geographically diverse V. vinifera genotypes to confirm the position of this locus, to characterise the genetic diversity and traces of selection in candidate genes, and to explore the origin of hermaphroditism. Results In V. v. sylvestris, a sex-determining region of 154.8 kb, also present in other Vitis species, spans less than 1% of chromosome 2. It displays haplotype diversity, linkage disequilibrium and differentiation that typically correspond to a small XY sex-determining region with XY males and XX females. In male alleles, traces of purifying selection were found for a trehalose phosphatase, an exostosin and a WRKY transcription factor, with strikingly low polymorphism levels between distant geographic regions. Both diversity and network analysis revealed that H alleles are more closely related to M than to F alleles. Conclusions Hermaphrodite alleles appear to derive from male alleles of wild grapevines, with successive recombination events allowing import of diversity from the X into the Y chromosomal region and slowing down the expansion of the region into a full heteromorphic chromosome. Our data are consistent with multiple domestication events and show traces of introgression from other Asian Vitis species into the cultivated grapevine gene pool. La vigne domestiquée, Vitis vinifera ssp. vinifera, cultivée pour la production de fruit et de vin à travers le monde, dérive de la vigne sauvage, Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris, sous-espèce endémique de l'Eurasie. Au cours de la domestication, le système de reproduction a évolué de la diécie à l'hermaphrodisme. Nous montrons que la région du sexe est sous le contrôle d'une région chromosomique qui couvre au maximum 154kpbp, moins de 1% du chromosome 2. La caractérisation de ce locus en terme de diversité haplotypique, de signature de sélection et de déséquilibre de liaison a permis de révéler un système de détermination sexuelle de type XY. La petite taille de cette région chromosomique semble indiquer un stade très précoce dans l'évolution de chromosomes sexuels, malgré que la diécie soit le trait ancestral chez toutes les espèces de Vitis, ayant divergé du sous-genre Muscadinia il y a plusieurs millions d'années. L'analyse des distances génétiques entre haplotypes dans le locus du sexe a révélé que l'hermaphrodisme observé chez la vigne domestiquée résulte de la mutation de l'allèle mâle présent chez la vigne sauvage. Le réseau d'haplotypes a montré qu'en plus de la contribution de V. sylvestris, une autre espèce de Vitis asiatique a pu contribuer à la constitution du génome actuel de la vigne cultivée moderne. Ces travaux résultent d'une collaboration entre l'équipe DAAV d'AGAP et l'UMR CBAE (Montpellier)

    Evolution of Symbiotic Bacteria in the Distal Human Intestine

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    The adult human intestine contains trillions of bacteria, representing hundreds of species and thousands of subspecies. Little is known about the selective pressures that have shaped and are shaping this community's component species, which are dominated by members of the Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes divisions. To examine how the intestinal environment affects microbial genome evolution, we have sequenced the genomes of two members of the normal distal human gut microbiota, Bacteroides vulgatus and Bacteroides distasonis, and by comparison with the few other sequenced gut and non-gut Bacteroidetes, analyzed their niche and habitat adaptations. The results show that lateral gene transfer, mobile elements, and gene amplification have played important roles in affecting the ability of gut-dwelling Bacteroidetes to vary their cell surface, sense their environment, and harvest nutrient resources present in the distal intestine. Our findings show that these processes have been a driving force in the adaptation of Bacteroidetes to the distal gut environment, and emphasize the importance of considering the evolution of humans from an additional perspective, namely the evolution of our microbiomes

    9-Genes Reinforce the Phylogeny of Holometabola and Yield Alternate Views on the Phylogenetic Placement of Strepsiptera

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    Background: The extraordinary morphology, reproductive and developmental biology, and behavioral ecology of twisted wing parasites (order Strepsiptera) have puzzled biologists for centuries. Even today, the phylogenetic position of these enigmatic “insects from outer space” [1] remains uncertain and contentious. Recent authors have argued for the placement of Strepsiptera within or as a close relative of beetles (order Coleoptera), as sister group of flies (order Diptera), or even outside of Holometabola.Methodology/Principal Findings Here, we combine data from several recent studies with new data (for a total of 9 nuclear genes and ∼13 kb of aligned data for 34 taxa), to help clarify the phylogenetic placement of Strepsiptera. Our results unequivocally support the monophyly of Neuropteroidea ( = Neuropterida + Coleoptera) + Strepsiptera, but recover Strepsiptera either derived from within polyphagan beetles (order Coleoptera), or in a position sister to Neuropterida. All other supra-ordinal- and ordinal-level relationships recovered with strong nodal support were consistent with most other recent studies. Conclusions/Significance: These results, coupled with the recent proposed placement of Strepsiptera sister to Coleoptera, suggest that while the phylogenetic neighborhood of Strepsiptera has been identified, unequivocal placement to a specific branch within Neuropteroidea will require additional study.Organismic and Evolutionary Biolog

    Melanocortin-1 Receptor, Skin Cancer and Phenotypic Characteristics (M-SKIP) Project: Study Design and Methods for Pooling Results of Genetic Epidemiological Studies

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    Background: For complex diseases like cancer, pooled-analysis of individual data represents a powerful tool to investigate the joint contribution of genetic, phenotypic and environmental factors to the development of a disease. Pooled-analysis of epidemiological studies has many advantages over meta-analysis, and preliminary results may be obtained faster and with lower costs than with prospective consortia. Design and methods: Based on our experience with the study design of the Melanocortin-1 receptor (MC1R) gene, SKin cancer and Phenotypic characteristics (M-SKIP) project, we describe the most important steps in planning and conducting a pooled-analysis of genetic epidemiological studies. We then present the statistical analysis plan that we are going to apply, giving particular attention to methods of analysis recently proposed to account for between-study heterogeneity and to explore the joint contribution of genetic, phenotypic and environmental factors in the development of a disease. Within the M-SKIP project, data on 10,959 skin cancer cases and 14,785 controls from 31 international investigators were checked for quality and recoded for standardization. We first proposed to fit the aggregated data with random-effects logistic regression models. However, for the M-SKIP project, a two-stage analysis will be preferred to overcome the problem regarding the availability of different study covariates. The joint contribution of MC1R variants and phenotypic characteristics to skin cancer development will be studied via logic regression modeling. Discussion: Methodological guidelines to correctly design and conduct pooled-analyses are needed to facilitate application of such methods, thus providing a better summary of the actual findings on specific fields

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead