275 research outputs found

    Lithium-Ion Battery Aspects on Fires in Electrified Vehicles on the Basis of Experimental Abuse Tests

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    Safety issues concerning the use of large lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries in electrified vehicles are discussed based on the abuse test results of Li-ion cells together with safety devices for cells. The presented abuse tests are: overcharge, short circuit, propane fire test and external heating test (oven). It was found that in a fire, cells with higher state of charge (SOC) gave a higher heat release rate (HRR), while the total heat release (THR) had a lower correlation with SOC. One fire test resulted in a hazardous projectile from a cylindrical cell. In the fire tests, toxic gas emissions of hydrogen fluoride (HF) were measured for 100%, 50% and 0% SOC

    Platt skatt - ett alternativ för Sverige?

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    Syftet med skattereformen 1990/91 var sĂ€nkta skattesatser, minskad progressivitet och en mer enhetlig beskattning överlag. Systemet skulle dessutom vara bĂ„de enkelt att tillĂ€mpa och enkelt att överblicka samtidigt som lĂ„ngsiktighet och stabilitet efterstrĂ€vades. Efter ikrafttrĂ€dandet har ett antal Ă€ndringar företagits samtidigt som samhĂ€llet har förĂ€ndrats vilket har inneburit att mĂ„len vad avser rĂ€ttvisa, enkelhet och stabilitet har kommit i skymundan. Skatteuttaget pĂ„ arbete har ökat som en följd av att allmĂ€nna egenavgifter har introducerats men Ă€ven genom förĂ€ndringar i skatteskalorna. Detta pĂ„ grund av ofullstĂ€ndig indexering av grundavdrag och skiktgrĂ€nser samt införandet av ett extra skalsteg vad avser statlig inkomstskatt. En inkomstskattereform pĂ„börjades dock Ă„r 2000 i vilken de skattskyldiga kompenseras för den allmĂ€nna pensionsavgiften genom en skattereduktion. Även den nedre skiktgrĂ€nsen för uttag av statlig inkomstskatt höjs vilket leder till att andelen individer som betalar statlig skatt minskar Skatter i Sverige, Skattestatistisk Ă„rsbok 2005, Edita, VĂ€sterĂ„s 2005, s. 28. men faktum kvarstĂ„r: MĂ„len med skattereformen Ă€r i dagslĂ€get inte uppfyllda, systemet har Ă€n en gĂ„ng blivit snĂ„rigt och svĂ„röverskĂ„dligt och jĂ€mför vi dessutom med andra lĂ€nder finner vi att Sverige ligger högt, bĂ„de vad avser marginalskatt och den totala marginaleffekten samtidigt som vĂ„r disponibla inkomst Ă€r lĂ€gre Ă€n andra lĂ€nders. Kan vi dĂ„ tĂ€nka oss ett annat system Ă€n det vi tillĂ€mpar för att erhĂ„lla en mer rĂ€ttvis och enklare beskattning? Ser vi till Östeuropa finner vi dĂ€r ett skattesystem som Ă€r helt olikt vĂ„rt eget. I hög grad tillĂ€mpar dessa lĂ€nder ett system som gĂ„r under benĂ€mningen platt skatt vilket i korthet innebĂ€r att alla inkomster oavsett inkomstslag beskattas med en och samma skattesats. Platt skatt Ă€r den svenska översĂ€ttningen av engelskans ''flat tax'', i dagligt tal benĂ€mnd ''proportionell skatt''. http://danne-nordling.blogspot.com/2005/04/vad-r-platt-skatt.html LĂ€nderna tillĂ€mpar systemet pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt vilket i realiteten innebĂ€r att det rör sig om ett flertal olika skattesystem. Slovakien Ă€r det land som nĂ„tt lĂ€ngst pĂ„ omrĂ„det. 2004 infördes hĂ€r en enhetlig skatt pĂ„ 19 procent för alla inkomster över en viss summa samtidigt som alla avdragsmöjligheter och undantagsregler avskaffades. Även bolagsbeskattningen och mervĂ€rdesskatten omfattades av denna reform. Platt skatt skĂ€rper konkurrensen om företagens investeringar, Tervahauta, Per, artikel frĂ„n TillvĂ€xtpolitisk utblick, november 2005, s. 6. För Sveriges del torde en helt platt skatt inte vara ett alternativ inom en överskĂ„dlig framtid men det borde inte vara omöjligt att utarbeta ett system som har vissa likheter med det som tillĂ€mpas i Östeuropa. Att endast avskaffa den statliga inkomstskatten torde inte vara lösningen dĂ„ detta enbart gagnar höginkomsttagare, utan vi mĂ„ste se till samtliga grupper i samhĂ€llet och utforma ett system som frĂ€mjar alla. Om Ă€ven vi inför ett stort grundavdrag för lĂ„g- och medelinkomsttagare, avskaffar merparten av övriga avdrag samtidigt som en sĂ€nkning genomförs av kommunalskatten i kombination med ett upphĂ€vande av den statliga inkomstskatten, förefaller detta vara mer rĂ€ttvist. Tanken borde trots allt vara att individer i största möjliga mĂ„n skall kunna leva pĂ„ sin inkomst utan att erhĂ„lla bidrag frĂ„n staten. Föreslagna Ă„tgĂ€rder kommer dock att innebĂ€ra avsevĂ€rda kostnader och frĂ„gan Ă€r om förĂ€ndringarna Ă€r möjliga att införa rent praktiskt. En del av kostnaden kan med stor sannolikhet inhĂ€mtas frĂ„n det skattebortfall vilket sker idag dĂ„ detta hade sjunkit. LĂ€gre skattesatser ökar dessutom arbetsutbudet och genom fler arbeten blir skattebortfallet inte lika stort för staten. Detta genererar istĂ€llet ytterligare skatteintĂ€kter samtidigt som individerna erhĂ„ller mer pengar att spendera. Ser vi till Slovakien och landets riktade Ă„tgĂ€rder inom vissa omrĂ„den borde detta vara nĂ„got att efterstrĂ€va Ă€ven för Sveriges del. Detta dĂ„ nĂ€mnda förfarande torde innebĂ€ra att ytterligare en del av de förlorade skatteintĂ€kterna kan hĂ€mtas upp samtidigt som det förefaller mer rĂ€ttvist att tillĂ€mpa ett system vilket sĂ€kerstĂ€ller en rĂ€ttvis fördelning av skatteintĂ€kterna. Av yttersta vikt i sammanhanget Ă€r dock att vi inte förbiser vĂ„ra skatterĂ€ttsliga principer dĂ„ dessa Ă€r vĂ€l förankrade i vĂ„rt svenska skattesystem. Detta torde inte hindra en förĂ€ndring av systemet eftersom principerna Ă€ven kan tolkas pĂ„ sĂ„ vis att de motiverar en proportionell skattesats istĂ€llet för en progressiv beskattning. En förĂ€ndring av vĂ„rt svenska skattesystem bör ske, och en variant av den platta skatten kan vara en början till Ă€nnu en reform pĂ„ omrĂ„det

    Employees of Greatness: Signifying Values in Performance Appraisal Criteria

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    The spread of performance-based and variable pay systems has affected expectations on employee contributions and remuneration, which have become increasingly personalized and individualized. Based on a theoretical valuation studies approach, this study of performance-based pay systems in Sweden shows that performance appraisals are (e)valuations of employees’ yearly performance in which they are prized and (ap)praised at the same time. Through a document analysis of performance criteria from four organizations, the study analyzes how values expressed refer to Boltanski and ThĂ©venot’s six orders of worth. The analysis resulted in a theoretical construction of a joint ideal of Employees of Greatness, against which employees are measured and remunerated. The existence of the ideal of employee greatness is explained by the increasing congruence of organizational ideals in private and public sectors, as principles from emotional and cognitive forms of capitalist organization are superimposed on traditional industrial capitalist organizational ideals

    Political skill in higher military staff: Measurement properties and latent profile analysis

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    Social effectiveness, including political skill, reflects individuals’ ways of handling interpersonal processes at work. Most research has used a variable-oriented approach to investigate associations between political skill and key organizational factors, including performance, in civil settings. Thus, little is known of whether political skill transfers to a military context and whether there are specific profiles of political skill. Combining variable-oriented and person-oriented approaches, this study used self-reports from two samples of military student officers to: (1) investigate measurement properties of the 18-item political skill inventory; (2) explore whether it is possible to identify different profiles of political skill; and (3) investigate whether such profiles differ in demographics, personality, and job performance. Exploratory (sample 1: n = 185) and confirmatory (sample 2: n = 183) factor analyses supported a four-dimensional representation of political skill including networking ability, apparent sincerity, social astuteness, and interpersonal influence. Latent profile analysis (samples 1 and 2: N = 368) identified four distinct combinations of these dimensions, namely: (1) weak political skill; (2) weak political skill with strong sincerity; (3) moderate political skill; and (4) strong political skill. Importantly, profiles differed consistently in networking ability. Subsequent comparisons suggested potentially important differences in demographics, personality, and job performance. Despite needing additional research of how profiles of political skill develop over time, these findings may have practical implications for recruitment and training in organizational settings where social effectiveness is important.publishedVersio

    Association of post-stroke fatigue with physical activity and physical fitness:a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    BACKGROUND: It has been hypothesized that post-stroke fatigue (PSF) is associated with reduced physical activity (PA) and impaired physical fitness (fitness). Understanding associations between PSF and PA, and/or fitness could help guide the development of targeted exercise interventions to treat PSF. AIMS: Our systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to investigate PSFs associations with PA and fitness. SUMMARY OF REVIEW: Following a registered protocol, we included studies with cross-sectional or prospective observational designs, published in English or a Scandinavian language, which reported an association of PSF with PA and/or fitness in adult stroke survivors. We searched MEDLINE, Embase, AMED, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ClinicalTrials.gov, and World Health Organizations International Clinical Trials Registry Platform from inception to November 30, 2022. Risk of bias was assessed using Quality in Prognosis Studies. Thirty-two unique studies (total n = 4721 participants, 55% male), and three study protocols were included. We used random-effects meta-analysis to pool data for PA and fitness outcomes, and vote-counting of direction of association to synthesize data that could not be meta-analyzed. We found moderate-certainty evidence of a weak association between higher PSF and impaired fitness (meta r = -0.24; 95% confidence interval (CI) = -0.33, -0.15; n = 905, 7 studies), and very low-certainty evidence of no association between PSF and PA (meta r = -0.09; 95% CI = -0.34, 0.161; n = 430, 3 studies). Vote-counting showed a higher proportion of studies with associations between higher PSF and impaired fitness (pˆ = 0.83; 95% CI = 0.44, 0.97; p = 0.22, n = 298, 6 studies), and with associations between higher PSF and lower PA (pˆ = 0.75; 95% CI = 0.51, 0.90; p = 0.08, n = 2566, 16 studies). Very low- to moderate-certainty evidence reflects small study sample sizes, high risk of bias, and inconsistent results. CONCLUSIONS: The meta-analysis showed moderate-certainty evidence of an association between higher PSF and impaired fitness. These results indicate that fitness might protect against PSF. Larger prospective studies and randomized controlled trials evaluating the effect of exercise on PSF are needed to confirm these findings

    Diet quality, stress and common mental health problems: A cohort study of 121,008 adults

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    Background & aims Overall diet quality may partially mediate the detrimental effects of stress and neuroticism on common mental health problems: stressed and/or neurotic individuals may be more prone to unhealthy dietary habits, which in turn may contribute to depression and anxiety. Lifestyle interventions for depressed, anxious or at-risk individuals hinge on this idea, but evidence to support such pathway is missing. Here, we aim to prospectively evaluate the role of overall diet quality in common pathways to developing depression and anxiety. Methods At baseline, N = 121,008 individuals from the general population (age 18–93) completed an extensive food frequency questionnaire, based on which overall diet quality was estimated. Participants also reported on two established risk factors for mental health problems, i.e. past-year stress exposure (long-term difficulties, stressful life-events) and four neuroticism traits (anger-hostility, self-consciousness, impulsivity, vulnerability). Depression and anxiety were assessed at baseline and follow-up (n = 65,342, +3.6 years). Overall diet quality was modeled as a mediator in logistic regression models predicting the development of depression and anxiety from common risk factors. Results High stress and high neuroticism scores were - albeit weakly - associated with poorer diet quality. Poor diet quality, in turn, did not predict mental health problems. Overall diet quality did not mediate the relationship between stress/neuroticism and common mental health problems: effects of stress, neuroticism and stress-by-neuroticism interactions on mental health problems at follow-up consisted entirely of direct effects (98.6%–100%). Conclusions Diet quality plays no mediating role in two established pathways to common mental health problems. As overall diet quality was reduced in stressed and neurotic individuals, these groups may benefit from dietary interventions. However, such interventions are unlikely to prevent the onset or recurrence of depression and anxiety.publishedVersio

    Coherent diffraction of single Rice Dwarf virus particles using hard X-rays at the Linac Coherent Light Source

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    Single particle diffractive imaging data from Rice Dwarf Virus (RDV) were recorded using the Coherent X-ray Imaging (CXI) instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS). RDV was chosen as it is a wellcharacterized model system, useful for proof-of-principle experiments, system optimization and algorithm development. RDV, an icosahedral virus of about 70 nm in diameter, was aerosolized and injected into the approximately 0.1 mu m diameter focused hard X-ray beam at the CXI instrument of LCLS. Diffraction patterns from RDV with signal to 5.9 angstrom ngstrom were recorded. The diffraction data are available through the Coherent X-ray Imaging Data Bank (CXIDB) as a resource for algorithm development, the contents of which are described here.11Ysciescopu
