137 research outputs found

    Comparison of D2 dopamine receptor occupancy after oral administration of quetiapine fumarate immediate-release and extended-release formulations in healthy subjects

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    Quetiapine is an established drug for treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. While initially manufactured as an immediate-release (IR) formulation, an extended-release (XR) formulation has recently been introduced. Pharmacokinetic studies show that quetiapine XR provides a lower peak and more stable plasma concentration than the IR formulation. This study investigated if the pharmacokinetic differences translate into different time curves for central D2 dopamine receptor occupancy. Eleven control subjects were examined with positron emission tomography (PET) and the radioligand [11C]raclopride. Eight subjects underwent all of the scheduled PET measurements. After baseline examination, quetiapine XR was administered once-daily for 8 d titrated to 300 mg/d on days 5–8, followed by 300 mg/d quetiapine IR on days 9–12. PET measurements were repeated after the last doses of quetiapine XR and IR at predicted times of peak and trough plasma concentrations. Striatal D2 receptor occupancy was calculated using the simplified reference tissue model. Peak D2 receptor occupancy was significantly higher with quetiapine IR than XR in all subjects (50±4% and 32±11%, respectively), consistent with lower peak plasma concentrations for the XR formulation. Trough D2 receptor occupancy was similarly low for both formulations (IR 7±7%, XR 8±6%). The lower peak receptor occupancy associated with quetiapine XR may explain observed pharmacodynamic differences between the formulations. Assuming that our findings in control subjects are valid for patients with schizophrenia, the study supports the view that quetiapine, like the prototype atypical antipsychotic clozapine, may show antipsychotic effect at lower D2 receptor occupancy than typical antipsychotics

    Individual differences in the proneness to have flow experiences are linked to dopamine D2-receptor availability in the dorsal striatum

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    Flow is a subjective experience of high but effortless attention, enjoyment, and low self-awareness that can occur during the active performance of challenging tasks. The dispositional proneness to experience flow is associated with personality traits that are known to be influenced by dopaminergic neural systems. Here, for the first time, we investigated relations between flow proneness and dopaminergic function. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that the availability of dopamine D2-receptors in the striatum is positively associated with flow proneness. Striatal D2-receptor availability was measured in a sample of 25 healthy adults using positron emission tomography and [ 11 C]raclopride. Flow proneness was measured using the Swedish Flow Proneness Questionnaire. As hypothesized, there was a significant correlation (r = .41) between striatal D2-receptor availability and flow proneness. An exploratory analysis of striatal subregions showed that the relation was mainly driven by the dorsal striatum, with a significantly higher correlation in the putamen than in the ventral striatum. The findings constitute the first demonstration of an association between flow proneness and dopaminergic function. We suggest that the proneness to experience flow is related to personality dimensions that are under dopaminergic control and characterized by low impulsiveness, stable emotion, and positive affect

    Lower levels of the glial cell marker TSPO in drug-naive first-episode psychosis patients as measured using PET and [11C]PBR28.

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    Abstract Several lines of evidence are indicative of a role for immune activation in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Nevertheless, studies using positron emission tomography (PET) and radioligands for the translocator protein (TSPO), a marker for glial activation, have yielded inconsistent results. Whereas early studies using a radioligand with low signal-to-noise in small samples showed increases in patients, more recent studies with improved methodology have shown no differences or trend-level decreases. Importantly, all patients investigated thus far have been on antipsychotic medication, and as these compounds may dampen immune cell activity, this factor limits the conclusions that can be drawn. Here, we examined 16 drug-naive, first-episode psychosis patients and 16 healthy controls using PET and the TSPO radioligand [11C]PBR28. Gray matter (GM) volume of distribution (VT) derived from a two-tissue compartmental analysis with arterial input function was the main outcome measure. Statistical analyses were performed controlling for both TSPO genotype, which is known to affect [11C]PBR28 binding, and gender. There was a significant reduction of [11C]PBR28 VT in patients compared with healthy controls in GM as well as in secondary regions of interest. No correlation was observed between GM VT and clinical or cognitive measures after correction for multiple comparisons. The observed decrease in TSPO binding suggests reduced numbers or altered function of immune cells in brain in early-stage schizophrenia

    The MINDVIEW project: First results

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    [EN] We present the first results of the MINDVIEW project. An innovative imaging system for the human brain examination, allowing simultaneous acquisition of PET/MRI images, has been designed and constructed. It consists of a high sensitivity and high resolution PET scanner integrated in a novel, head-dedicated, radio frequency coil for a 3T MRI scanner. Preliminary measurements from the PET scanner show sensitivity 3 times higher than state-of-the-art PET systems that will allow safe repeated studies on the same patient. The achieved spatial resolution, close to 1 mm, will enable differentiation of relevant brain structures for schizophrenia. A cost-effective and simple method of radiopharmaceutical production from C-11-carbon monoxide and a mini-clean room has been demonstrated. It has been shown that C-11-raclopride has higher binding potential in a new VAAT null mutant mouse model of schizophrenia compared to wild type control animals. A significant reduction in TSPO binding has been found in gray matter in a small sample of drug-naive, first episode psychosis patients, suggesting a reduced number or an altered function of immune cells in brain at early stage schizophrenia. (c) 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.This project is funded by EU grant FP7-HEALTH-F2-2013-603002.Benlloch Baviera, JM.; González Martínez, AJ.; Pani, R.; Preziosi, E.; Jackson, C.; Murphy, J.; Barbera Ballester, J.... (2018). The MINDVIEW project: First results. European Psychiatry. 50:21-27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2018.01.002S212750Gonzalez, A. J., Gonzalez-Montoro, A., Aguilar, A., Conde, P., Canizares, G., Hernandez, L., … Benlloch, J. M. (2016). A brain PET insert MR compatible: Final design and first results. 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop (NSS/MIC/RTSD). doi:10.1109/nssmic.2016.8069619Dahl, K., Schou, M., Ulin, J., Sjöberg, C.-O., Farde, L., & Halldin, C. (2015). 11C-carbonylation reactions using gas–liquid segmented microfluidics. RSC Advances, 5(108), 88886-88889. doi:10.1039/c5ra20646d[26] Långström B and Sjöberg CO, System for controlling environment in reaction box, From PCT Int. Appl. (2013), WO 2013103312 A1 20130711.Autret, A., Bert, J., Strauss, O., & Visvikis, D. (2012). Projector with realistic detector scatter modelling for PET list-mode reconstruction. 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC). doi:10.1109/nssmic.2012.6551759[10] Young JW Head and Face Antropometry of Adult U.S. Citizens, Civil Aeromedical Institute, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Report number DOT/FAA/AM-93/10, July 1993.Braff, D. L. (1990). Sensorimotor Gating and Schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 47(2), 181. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1990.01810140081011Preziosi, E., Sánchez, S., González, A. J., Pani, R., Borrazzo, C., Bettiol, M., … Benlloch, J. M. (2016). Performance study of a PET scanner based on monolithic scintillators for different DoI-dependent methods. Journal of Instrumentation, 11(12), C12076-C12076. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/11/12/c12076Howes, O., McCutcheon, R., & Stone, J. (2015). Glutamate and dopamine in schizophrenia: An update for the 21st century. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29(2), 97-115. doi:10.1177/0269881114563634Moliner, L., Correcher, C., González, A. J., Conde, P., Hernández, L., Orero, A., … Benlloch, J. M. (2013). Implementation and analysis of list mode algorithm using tubes of response on a dedicated brain and breast PET. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 702, 129-132. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2012.08.029Zelano, J., Mikulovic, S., Patra, K., Kühnemund, M., Larhammar, M., Emilsson, L., … Kullander, K. (2013). The synaptic protein encoded by the gene Slc10A4 suppresses epileptiform activity and regulates sensitivity to cholinergic chemoconvulsants. Experimental Neurology, 239, 73-81. doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2012.09.006Antich, P., Malakhov, N., Parkey, R., Slavin, N., & Tsyganov, E. (2002). 3D position readout from thick scintillators. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 480(2-3), 782-787. doi:10.1016/s0168-9002(01)01214-1Gonzalez-Montoro, A., Benlloch, J. M., Gonzalez, A. J., Aguilar, A., Canizares, G., Conde, P., … Sanchez, F. (2017). Performance Study of a Large Monolithic LYSO PET Detector With Accurate Photon DOI Using Retroreflector Layers. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 1(3), 229-237. doi:10.1109/trpms.2017.2692819Rahman, O., Takano, A., Amini, N., Dahl, K., Kanegawa, N., Långström, B., … Halldin, C. (2015). Synthesis of ([11C]carbonyl)raclopride and a comparison with ([11C]methyl)raclopride in a monkey PET study. Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 42(11), 893-898. doi:10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2015.07.003Howes, O. D., Kambeitz, J., Kim, E., Stahl, D., Slifstein, M., Abi-Dargham, A., & Kapur, S. (2012). The Nature of Dopamine Dysfunction in Schizophrenia and What This Means for Treatment. Archives of General Psychiatry, 69(8). doi:10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2012.169Ling, T., Lewellen, T. K., & Miyaoka, R. S. (2007). Depth of interaction decoding of a continuous crystal detector module. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(8), 2213-2228. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/52/8/012González, A. J., Majewski, S., Sánchez, F., Aussenhofer, S., Aguilar, A., Conde, P., … Benlloch, J. M. (2016). The MINDView brain PET detector, feasibility study based on SiPM arrays. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 818, 82-90. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2016.02.046Wong, D. F., Waterhouse, R., Kuwabara, H., Kim, J., Brasic, J. R., Chamroonrat, W., … Mozley, P. D. (2013). 18F-FPEB, a PET Radiopharmaceutical for Quantifying Metabotropic Glutamate 5 Receptors: A First-in-Human Study of Radiochemical Safety, Biokinetics, and Radiation Dosimetry. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 54(3), 388-396. doi:10.2967/jnumed.112.107995Jackson, C., O’Neill, K., Wall, L., & McGarvey, B. (2014). High-volume silicon photomultiplier production, performance, and reliability. Optical Engineering, 53(8), 081909. doi:10.1117/1.oe.53.8.081909Rahman, O., Långström, B., & Halldin, C. (2016). Alkyl Iodides and [11 C]CO in Nickel-Mediated Cross-Coupling Reactions: Successful Use of Alkyl Electrophiles containing a β Hydrogen Atom in Metal-Mediated [11 C]Carbonylation. ChemistrySelect, 1(10), 2498-2501. doi:10.1002/slct.201600643Sullivan, J. M., Lim, K., Labaree, D., Lin, S., McCarthy, T. J., Seibyl, J. P., … Morris, E. D. (2012). Kinetic Analysis of the Metabotropic Glutamate Subtype 5 Tracer [18F]FPEB in Bolus and Bolus-Plus-Constant-Infusion Studies in Humans. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 33(4), 532-541. doi:10.1038/jcbfm.2012.195Levin, C. S. (2003). Detector design issues for compact nuclear emission cameras dedicated to breast imaging. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 497(1), 60-74. doi:10.1016/s0168-9002(02)01893-4Larhammar, M., Patra, K., Blunder, M., Emilsson, L., Peuckert, C., Arvidsson, E., … Kullander, K. (2015). SLC10A4 Is a Vesicular Amine-Associated Transporter Modulating Dopamine Homeostasis. Biological Psychiatry, 77(6), 526-536. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2014.07.017Kaul, M., Surti, S., & Karp, J. S. (2013). Combining Surface Treatments With Shallow Slots to Improve the Spatial Resolution Performance of Continuous, Thick LYSO Detectors for PET. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 60(1), 44-52. doi:10.1109/tns.2013.2240315Bleich, A., Brown, S.-L., Kahn, R., & van Praag, H. M. (1988). The Role of Serotonin in Schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 14(2), 297-315. doi:10.1093/schbul/14.2.29

    Glia Imaging Differentiates Multiple System Atrophy from Parkinson's Disease: A Positron Emission Tomography Study with [C-11]PBR28 and Machine Learning Analysis

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    Background The clinical diagnosis of multiple system atrophy (MSA) is challenged by overlapping features with Parkinson's disease (PD) and late-onset ataxias. Additional biomarkers are needed to confirm MSA and to advance the understanding of pathophysiology. Positron emission tomography (PET) imaging of the translocator protein (TSPO), expressed by glia cells, has shown elevations in MSA. Objective In this multicenter PET study, we assess the performance of TSPO imaging as a diagnostic marker for MSA.Methods We analyzed [C-11]PBR28 binding to TSPO using imaging data of 66 patients with MSA and 24 patients with PD. Group comparisons were based on regional analysis of parametric images. The diagnostic readout included visual reading of PET images against clinical diagnosis and machine learning analyses. Sensitivity, specificity, and receiver operating curves were used to discriminate MSA from PD and cerebellar from parkinsonian variant MSA. Results We observed a conspicuous pattern of elevated regional [C-11]PBR28 binding to TSPO in MSA as compared with PD, with "hotspots" in the lentiform nucleus and cerebellar white matter. Visual reading discriminated MSA from PD with 100% specificity and 83% sensitivity. The machine learning approach improved sensitivity to 96%. We identified MSA subtype-specific TSPO binding patterns. Conclusions We found a pattern of significantly increased regional glial TSPO binding in patients with MSA. Intriguingly, our data are in line with severe neuroinflammation in MSA. Glia imaging may have potential to support clinical MSA diagnosis and patient stratification in clinical trials on novel drug therapies for an alpha-synucleinopathy that remains strikingly incurable. </p

    Thinking Outside a Less Intact Box: Thalamic Dopamine D2 Receptor Densities Are Negatively Related to Psychometric Creativity in Healthy Individuals

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    Several lines of evidence support that dopaminergic neurotransmission plays a role in creative thought and behavior. Here, we investigated the relationship between creative ability and dopamine D2 receptor expression in healthy individuals, with a focus on regions where aberrations in dopaminergic function have previously been associated with psychotic symptoms and a genetic liability to schizophrenia. Scores on divergent thinking tests (Inventiveness battery, Berliner Intelligenz Struktur Test) were correlated with regional D2 receptor densities, as measured by Positron Emission Tomography, and the radioligands [11C]raclopride and [11C]FLB 457. The results show a negative correlation between divergent thinking scores and D2 density in the thalamus, also when controlling for age and general cognitive ability. Hence, the results demonstrate that the D2 receptor system, and specifically thalamic function, is important for creative performance, and may be one crucial link between creativity and psychopathology. We suggest that decreased D2 receptor densities in the thalamus lower thalamic gating thresholds, thus increasing thalamocortical information flow. In healthy individuals, who do not suffer from the detrimental effects of psychiatric disease, this may increase performance on divergent thinking tests. In combination with the cognitive functions of higher order cortical networks, this could constitute a basis for the generative and selective processes that underlie real life creativity

    Cortical brain abnormalities in 4474 individuals with schizophrenia and 5098 control subjects via the enhancing neuro Imaging genetics through meta analysis (ENIGMA) Consortium

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    BACKGROUND: The profile of cortical neuroanatomical abnormalities in schizophrenia is not fully understood, despite hundreds of published structural brain imaging studies. This study presents the first meta-analysis of cortical thickness and surface area abnormalities in schizophrenia conducted by the ENIGMA (Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta Analysis) Schizophrenia Working Group. METHODS: The study included data from 4474 individuals with schizophrenia (mean age, 32.3 years; range, 11-78 years; 66% male) and 5098 healthy volunteers (mean age, 32.8 years; range, 10-87 years; 53% male) assessed with standardized methods at 39 centers worldwide. RESULTS: Compared with healthy volunteers, individuals with schizophrenia have widespread thinner cortex (left/right hemisphere: Cohen's d = -0.530/-0.516) and smaller surface area (left/right hemisphere: Cohen's d = -0.251/-0.254), with the largest effect sizes for both in frontal and temporal lobe regions. Regional group differences in cortical thickness remained significant when statistically controlling for global cortical thickness, suggesting regional specificity. In contrast, effects for cortical surface area appear global. Case-control, negative, cortical thickness effect sizes were two to three times larger in individuals receiving antipsychotic medication relative to unmedicated individuals. Negative correlations between age and bilateral temporal pole thickness were stronger in individuals with schizophrenia than in healthy volunteers. Regional cortical thickness showed significant negative correlations with normalized medication dose, symptom severity, and duration of illness and positive correlations with age at onset. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that the ENIGMA meta-analysis approach can achieve robust findings in clinical neuroscience studies; also, medication effects should be taken into account in future genetic association studies of cortical thickness in schizophrenia