25 research outputs found

    BALLERINA - quo vadis?

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    Helhetlig planlegging i vannregion Glomma. Erfaringer fra planprosessen 2010-2016 og innspill til neste planperiode

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    Dette er en revidert versjon. Se corrigendum i rapporten.Denne rapporten er en del-leveranse på prosjektet Glomma & Lågen United: Innovative grep for bære- og handlekraftig planlegging og håndtering av vannressursutfordringer i vannregion Glomma; et prosjekt som søker å bidra til forbedret forvaltning og samarbeid knyttet til vannressursene og vannforvaltningen i vannregion Glomma. Prosjektet, som har særlig fokus på vannområdene Mjøsa, Øyeren og Glomma Sør, gjennomføres av NIVA og NIBR i samarbeid med et knippe offentlige aktører i vannregionen representert ved fylkeskommuner, fylkesmenn og kommuner. Formålet med denne rapporten er å oppsummere funn av våre undersøkelser knyttet til erfaringer fra forrige planrunde og gi noen anbefalinger for hvordan vannregion Glomma kan videreutvikle arbeidet i neste planperiode medvirkning, deltagelse, formidling, kunnskapstilfang, nettverksarenaer og kryssende mål.Prosjektet er finansiert av Regionale Forskningsfond Oslofjorden (RFFOFJOR) og utført i samarbeid med Østfold Fylkeskommune (ØFK) og andre offentlige aktører i vannregion Glomma.publishedVersio

    How to enhance the role of science in European Union policy making and implementation: The case of agricultural impacts on drinking water quality

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    Throughout the European Union (EU), high concentrations of nitrates and pesticides are among the major polluting components of drinking water and have potential long-term impacts on the environment and human health. Many research projects co-funded by the European Commission have been carried out, but the results often do not influence policy making and implementation to the extent that is duly justified. This paper assesses several issues and barriers that weaken the role of science in EU policy making and EU policy implementation in the case of agricultural impacts on drinking water quality. It then proposes improvements and solutions to strengthen the role of science in this process. The analysis is conceptual but supported empirically by a desk study, a workshop, and complementary individual interviews, mostly with representatives of organizations working at the EU level. The results indicate that perceived barriers are mostly observed on the national or regional level and are connected with a lack of political will, scarce instruction on the legislation implementation process, and a lack of funding opportunities for science to be included in policy making and further EU policy implementation. In response to that, we suggest translating scientific knowledge on technological, practical or environmental changes and using dissemination techniques for specific audiences and in local languages. Further, the relationship between data, information and decision making needs to change by implementing monitoring in real-time, which will allow for the quick adaptation of strategies. In addition, we suggest project clustering (science, policy, stakeholders, and citizens) to make science and research more connected to current policy challenges and stakeholder needs along with citizen involvement with an aim of establishing sustainable long-term relationships and communication flows.</p

    Protecting and restoring Europe's waters:an analysis of the future development needs of the Water Framework Directive

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    The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a pioneering piece of legislation that aims to protect and enhance aquatic ecosystems and promote sustainable water use across Europe. There is growing concern that the objective of good status, or higher, in all EU waters by 2027 is a long way from being achieved in many countries. Through questionnaire analysis of almost 100 experts, we provide recommendations to enhance WFD monitoring and assessment systems, improve programmes of measures and further integrate with other sectoral policies. Our analysis highlights that there is great potential to enhance assessment schemes through strategic design of monitoring networks and innovation, such as earth observation. New diagnostic tools that use existing WFD monitoring data, but incorporate novel statistical and trait-based approaches could be used more widely to diagnose the cause of deterioration under conditions of multiple pressures and deliver a hierarchy of solutions for more evidence-driven decisions in river basin management. There is also a growing recognition that measures undertaken in river basin management should deliver multiple benefits across sectors, such as reduced flood risk, and there needs to be robust demonstration studies that evaluate these. Continued efforts in ‘mainstreaming’ water policy into other policy sectors is clearly needed to deliver wider success with WFD goals, particularly with agricultural policy. Other key policy areas where a need for stronger integration with water policy was recognised included urban planning (waste water treatment), flooding, climate and energy (hydropower). Having a deadline for attaining the policy objective of good status is important, but even more essential is to have a permanent framework for river basin management that addresses the delays in implementation of measures. This requires a long-term perspective, far beyond the current deadline of 2027

    An accuracy assessment method for geographical line data sets based on buffering

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    A method for quantitative assessments of spatial accuracy and complet eness for line data sets is suggested and explored. Data sets of high er accuracy are used for the assessments. The method utilizes only ge nerally available GIS operations. It works by establishing a number o f buffers of increasing width around the lines. For each width, the m aps are overlaid, and statistics are computed. By plotting the result s in graphs, the usefulness of the method is demonstrated. The meth od is explored using the Digital Chart of the World (DCW), with the N orwegian mapping authority's national N250 map series as reference da ta set.acceptedVersio

    Accuracy Assessments of Geographical Line Data Sets, the Case of the Digital Chart of the World

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    To be able to utilise geographical data for analysis, one should know something about the quality of the data. In present geographical data standardisation proposals (SDTS, CEN TC287), several aspects of geographical data quality have been described, such as lineage (data collection and processing history), spatial accuracy, attribute accuracy, completeness, logical consistency and currency. Methods for quantitative assessments of different aspects of spatial accuracy for data sets of linear geographical features, such as shape fidelity and positional accuracy are described. For these assessments, independent data sets of better (and preferrably known) accuracy will have to be used. In order to be able to do automatic assessments, data set completeness must be taken into consideration. The method has been applied for assessing the spatial accuracy for some themes of the Digital Chart of the World (DCW) (scale of original maps (ONCs): 1:1000000), using the Norwegian mapping authority&apos;s ..

    BALLERINA - quo vadis?

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    Utredning: Organiseringsmodell for Alna - effektiv og langsiktig organisering for samordnet og kunnskapsbasert tiltaksarbeid i et byvassdrag

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    Prosjektleder/Hovedforfatter Ingrid NesheimRapporten er sluttproduktet for et prosjekt om utredning av organiseringsmodeller for samordnet og kunnskapsbasert tiltaksarbeid i og langs Alnavassdraget. Utarbeidelsen av rapporten bygger på informasjonsinnhenting gjennom evalueringsrapporter som har adressert organisering for samordning vertikalt og horisontalt nivå, og andre større prosjekter. Rapporten presenterer et forslag til organisering av en satsning for restaurering av Alna, som kan oppnå synergier mellom sektorer på statlig og kommunalt nivå.publishedVersio