122 research outputs found

    Clouds, shadows, or twilight? Mayfly nymphs recognise the difference

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    1. We examined the relative changes in light intensity that initiate night-time locomotor activity changes in nymphs of the mayfly, Stenonema modestum (Heptageniidae). Tests were carried out in a laboratory stream to examine the hypothesis that nymphs increase their locomotion in response to the large and sustained reductions in relative light intensity that take place during twilight but not to short-term daytime light fluctuations or a minimum light intensity threshold. Ambient light intensity was reduced over a range of values representative of evening twilight. Light was reduced over the same range of intensities either continuously or in discrete intervals while at the same time nymph activity on unglazed tile substrata was video recorded. 2. Nymphs increased their locomotor activity during darkness in response to large, sustained relative light decreases, but not in response to short-term, interrupted periods of light decrease. Nymphs did not recognise darkness unless an adequate light stimulus, such as large and sustained relative decrease in light intensity, had taken place. 3. We show that nymphs perceive light change over time and respond only after a lengthy period of accumulation of light stimulus. The response is much lengthier than reported for other aquatic organisms and is highly adaptive to heterogeneous stream environments

    Field dynamics and kink-antikink production in rapidly expanding systems

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    Field dynamics in a rapidly expanding system is investigated by transforming from space-time to the rapidity - proper-time frame. The proper-time dependence of different contributions to the total energy is established. For systems characterized by a finite momentum cut-off, a freeze-out time can be defined after which the field propagation in rapidity space ends and the system decays into decoupled solitons, antisolitons and local vacuum fluctuations. Numerical simulations of field evolutions on a lattice for the (1+1)-dimensional Φ4\Phi^4 model illustrate the general results and show that the freeze-out time and average multiplicities of kinks (plus antikinks) produced in this 'phase transition' can be obtained from simple averages over the initial ensemble of field configurations. An extension to explicitly include additional dissipation is discussed. The validity of an adiabatic approximation for the case of an overdamped system is investigated. The (3+1)-dimensional generalization may serve as model for baryon-antibaryon production after heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures. Two references added. New subsection III.E added. Final version accepted for publication in PR

    Complex patterns of spontaneous initiations and terminations of reentrant circulation in a loop of cardiac tissue

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    A two-component model is developed that consists of a discrete loop of cardiac cells that circulates action potentials together with a cardiac pacing mechanism. Physiological properties of cells such as restitutions of refractoriness and of conduction velocity are given via experimentally measured functions. The dynamics of circulating pulses and their interactions with the pacer are regulated by two threshold relations. Patterns of spontaneous initiations and terminations of reentry (SITR) generated by this system are studied through numerical simulations and analytical observations. These patterns can be regular or irregular; causes of irregularities are identified as the threshold bistability of reentrant circulation (T-bistability) and in some cases, also phase-resetting interactions with the pacer.Comment: 27 pages, 10 figures, 61 references; A version of this paper (same results) is to appear in the Journal of Theoretical Biology; arXiv V2 adds helpful commments to facilitate reading and corrects minor errors in presentatio

    Langevin Evolution of Disoriented Chiral Condensate

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    As the matter produced in a relativistic heavy ion collision cools through the QCD phase transition, the dynamical evolution of the chiral condensate will be driven out of thermal equilibrium. As a prelude to analyzing this evolution, and in particular as a prelude to learning how rapid the cooling must be in order for significant deviations from equilibrium to develop, we present a detailed analysis of the time-evolution of an idealized region of disoriented chiral condensate. We set up a Langevin field equation which can describe the evolution of these (or more realistic) linear sigma model configurations in contact with a heat bath representing the presence of other shorter wavelength degrees of freedom. We first analyze the model in equilibrium, paying particular attention to subtracting ultraviolet divergent classical terms and replacing them by their finite quantum counterparts. We use known results from lattice gauge theory and chiral perturbation theory to fix nonuniversal constants. The result is a theory which is ultraviolet cutoff independent and that reproduces quantitatively the expected equilibrium behavior of the quantum field theory of pions and sigma fields over a wide range of temperatures. Finally, we estimate the viscosity η(T)\eta(T), which controls the dynamical timescale in the Langevin equation, by requiring that the timescale for DCC decay agrees with previous calculations. The resulting η(T)\eta(T) is larger than that found perturbatively. We also determine the temperature below which the classical field Langevin equation ceases to be a good model for the quantum field dynamics.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, uses RevTex; v2 very small change to the caption of Fig.7. Version to appear in Nucl. phys.

    The Chiral Phase Transition in Dissipative Dynamics

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    Numerical simulations of the chiral phase transition in the (3+1)dimensional O(4)-model are presented. The evolutions of the chiral field follow purely dissipative dynamics, starting from random chirally symmetric initial configurations down to the true vacuum with spontaneously broken symmetry. The model stabilizes topological textures which are formed together with domains of disoriented chiral condensate (DCC) during the roll-down phase. The classically evolving field acts as source for the emission of pions and σ\sigma mesons. The exponents of power laws for the growth of angular correlations and for emission rates are extracted. Fluctuations in the abundance ratios for neutral and charged pions are compared with those for uncorrelated sources as potential signature for the chiral phase transition after heavy-ion collisions. It is found that the presence of stabilizing textures (baryons and antibaryons) prevents sufficiently rapid growth of DCC-domain size, so observability of anomalous tails in the abundance ratios is unlikely. However, the transient formation of growing DCC domains causes sizable broadening of the distributions as compared to the statistical widths of generic sources.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    DCC Dynamics in (2+1)D-O(3) model

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    The dynamics of symmetry-breaking after a quench is numerically simulated on a lattice for the (2+1)-dimensional O(3) model. In addition to the standard sigma-model with temperature-dependent Phi^4-potential the energy functional includes a four-derivative current-current coupling to stabilize the size of the emerging extended topological textures. The total winding number can be conserved by constraint. As a model for the chiral phase transition during the cooling phase after a hadronic collision this allows to investigate the interference of 'baryon-antibaryon' production with the developing disoriented aligned domains. The growth of angular correlations, condensate, average orientation is studied in dependence of texture size, quench rate, symmetry breaking. The classical dissipative dynamics determines the rate of energy emitted from the relaxing source for each component of the 3-vector field which provides a possible signature for domains of Disoriented Chiral Condensate. We find that the 'pions' are emitted in two distinct pulses; for sufficiently small lattice size the second one carries the DCC signal, but it is strongly suppressed as compared to simultaneous 'sigma'-meson emission. We compare the resulting anomalies in the distributions of DCC pions with probabilities derived within the commonly used coherent state formalism.Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures; several minor insertions in the text; two references adde

    Formation of extended topological defects during symmetry breaking phase transitions in O(2) and O(3) models

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    The density of extended topological defects created during symmetry-breaking phase transitions depends on the ratio between the correlation length in the symmetric phase near TcT_c and the winding length of the defects as determined by the momentaneous effective action after a typical relaxation time. Conservation of winding number in numerical simulations requires a suitable embedding of the field variables and the appropriate geometrical implementation of the winding density on the discrete lattice. We define a modified Kibble limit for the square lattice and obtain defect densities as functions of winding lengths in O(2) and O(3) models. The latter allows to observe formation of disoriented aligned domains within the easy plane. Their extent is severely limited by the momentaneous defect density during the course of the quench.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Negatively Charged Excitons and Photoluminescence in Asymmetric Quantum Well

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    We study photoluminescence (PL) of charged excitons (XX^-) in narrow asymmetric quantum wells in high magnetic fields B. The binding of all XX^- states strongly depends on the separation δ\delta of electron and hole layers. The most sensitive is the ``bright'' singlet, whose binding energy decreases quickly with increasing δ\delta even at relatively small B. As a result, the value of B at which the singlet--triplet crossing occurs in the XX^- spectrum also depends on δ\delta and decreases from 35 T in a symmetric 10 nm GaAs well to 16 T for δ=0.5\delta=0.5 nm. Since the critical values of δ\delta at which different XX^- states unbind are surprisingly small compared to the well width, the observation of strongly bound XX^- states in an experimental PL spectrum implies virtually no layer displacement in the sample. This casts doubt on the interpretation of PL spectra of heterojunctions in terms of XX^- recombination

    From QFT to DCC

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    A quantum field theoretical model for the dynamics of the disoriented chiral condensate is presented. A unified approach to relate the quantum field theory directly to the formation, decay and signals of the DCC and its evolution is taken. We use a background field analysis of the O(4) sigma model keeping one-loop quantum corrections (quadratic order in the fluctuations). An evolution of the quantum fluctuations in an external, expanding metric which simulates the expansion of the plasma, is carried out. We examine, in detail, the amplification of the low momentum pion modes with two competing effects, the expansion rate of the plasma and the transition rate of the vacuum configuration from a metastable state into a stable state.We show the effect of DCC formation on the multiplicity distributions and the Bose-Einstein correlations.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figure

    DCC dynamics with the SU(3) linear sigma model

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    The SU(3) extension of the linear sigma model is employed to elucidate the effect of including strangeness on the formation of disoriented chiral condensates. By means of a Hartree factorization, approximate dispersion relations for the 18 scalar and pseudoscalar meson species are derived and their self-consistent solution makes it possible to trace out the thermal path of the two order parameters as well as delineate the region of instability within which spontaneous pair creation becomes possible. The results depend significantly on the employed sigma mass, with the highest values yielding the largest regions of instability. An approximate solution of the equations of motion for the order parameter in scenarios emulating uniform scaling expansions show that even with a rapid quench only the pionic modes grow unstable. Nevertheless, the rapid and oscillatory relaxation of the order parameters leads to enhanced production of both pions and (to a lesser degree) kaons.Comment: 29 pages, RevTeX, 11 postscript figures, discussion about anomaly term adde