500 research outputs found

    Des affects plein l’assiette. Migration, nourriture et agentivité chez Kim Thúy

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    AbstractThis article studies, from a feminist perspective, the intermingling of affects and feeding behaviour in the production of Kim Thúy, a Quebec writer of Vietnamese origin. Associated with trauma, survival, memory and gratitude in Ru, food becomes an empowering instrument for the narrator of Mãn, who experiences care and love in its various nuances through the act of cooking. The successive transformations of the food-culinary sensorium and habitus of Thúy’s narrators, who are also endowed with a certain agency, testify to a shift in the visceral reactions (both physical and social), as well as the taste syntax and its emotional resonance at the end of the migratory experience.RésuméCet article étudie, dans une perspective féministe, l’intrication des affects et du geste alimentaire dans la production de Kim Thúy, écrivaine québécoise d’origine vietnamienne. Associée au trauma, à la survivance, à la mémoire et à la gratitude dans Ru, la nourriture devient un instrument d’autonomisation pour la narratrice de Mãn, qui expérimente le care et l’amour sous ses différentes déclinaisons par l’entremise de l’acte de cuisiner. Les transformations successives du sensorium et de l’habitus alimentaire-culinaire des narratrices de Thúy, par ailleurs dotées d’une certaine agentivité, attestent d’une modification des réactions viscérales (qui sont à la fois physiques et sociales), ainsi que de la grammaire gustative et de ses résonnances émotionnelles au sortir de l’expérience migratoire

    La mélancolie comme structure infralangagière de l'oeuvre d'Amélie Nothomb

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    Dans ce mémoire, je défendrai l'idée que la mélancolie constitue une structure infralangagière qui organise l'oeuvre de l'écrivaine belge Amélie Nothomb. En entrevue, A. Nothomb affirme que ses récits autodiégétiques Métaphysique des tubes, Le Sabotage amoureux, Biographie de la faim, Ni d'Ève ni d'Adam et Stupeur et Tremblements racontent son existence singulière de fille de diplomate; c'est pourquoi je les considérerai comme des autobiographies. Dès son plus jeune âge, le sujet autobiographique nothombien est affecté par un alcoolisme infantile, des accès boulimiques et des symptômes d'anorexie mentale. La narratrice-personnage Amélie développe également un penchant pour les relations interpersonnelles asymétriques de type sadomasochiste. Or, il semblerait que ces addictions et comportements constituent des défenses maniaques, que Mélanie Klein et Jacques Hassoun nomment aussi équivalences symptomatiques de la mélancolie. Pour les psychanalystes Julia Kristeva, M. Klein, Karl Abraham, Nicolas Abraham et Maria Torok, la mélancolie constitue un mode de fonctionnement psychique fondé sur une incapacité à gérer la perte. Elle serait caractérisée par des épisodes dépressifs où le sujet présente une asymbolie et des affects de tristesse. Cette pathologie s'installerait dans les premiers temps de la vie, lorsque le nourrisson doit créer un symbole permanent représentant sa mère de façon à pouvoir la retrouver par le langage quand elle n'est pas toute proche. Si l'enfant échoue à accomplir l'activité de symbolisation, il enfermera en fantasme, dans une crypte intrapsychique, sa mère interne évanescente perçue comme hostile. Lorsque cette crypte se fissure à la suite de la perte d'un objet d'amour accessoire, le sujet mélancolique enfant ou adulte, désormais vulnérable aux attaques de l'objet encrypté, tentera de se guérir de son deuil impossible par des défenses maniaques, parmi lesquelles se trouvent le déni et les fantasmes de toute-puissance. Dans ses entretiens médiatiques, A. Nothomb déclare avoir été soulagée des divers troubles alimentaires qui l'affectaient depuis l'enfance lors de sa venue à l'écriture. Aussi affirmerai-je que le cycle autobiographique constitue un lieu d'hébergement pour les symptômes mélancoliques de l'auteure de chair, qui seraient en quelque sorte pris en charge par le discours littéraire. À la lumière de ces considérations, j'avancerai que l'écrivaine a développé, en début de vie, une économie psychique mélancolique qui travaille maintenant à organiser sa production littéraire. Puisque l'écriture nothombienne est proche du corps et des pulsions, il s'agira de montrer que la mélancolie, en tant que sous-structure sémiotique, fait irruption dans le symbolique, c'est-à-dire dans le texte littéraire selon la terminologie de J. Kristeva, par le biais de l'acte créateur. Afin de prouver mon intuition, je m'intéresserai en priorité au sujet autobiographique nothombien, alter ego de l'auteure, et aux symptômes qui l'affectent au fil de son évolution psychosexuelle. Le premier chapitre sera consacré aux trois premières années de vie d'Amélie. Les deux suivants traiteront de son enfance, puis de son adolescence jusqu'à son entrée dans l'âge adulte. Mon analyse, réalisée dans une perspective développementale, m'amènera à effectuer une lecture chronologique des textes qui tiendra compte des facteurs géographiques, biologiques et sociaux affectant l'état d'esprit de la protagoniste. Notons que j'évoquerai par ailleurs des théories issues d'horizons divers concernant notamment l'autobiographie (Jean-François Chiantaretto), l'identité genrée (Judith Butler), l'exil (René Kaës, Leon et Rebeca Grinberg) et la biopolitique (Michel Foucault). ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Amélie Nothomb, Autobiographie, Mélancolie au féminin, Psychanalyse du symptôme, Troubles alimentaires, Sadomasochisme, Développement psychosexuel

    Polymorphisms of HIV-2 integrase and selection of resistance to raltegravir

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Human Immunodeficiency Virus type 2 is naturally resistant to some antiretroviral drugs, restricting therapeutic options for patients infected with HIV-2. Regimens including integrase inhibitors (INI) seem to be effective, but little data on HIV-2 integrase (IN) polymorphisms and resistance pathways are available.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>The <it>integrase </it>coding sequence from 45 HIV-2-infected, INI-naïve, patients was sequenced and aligned against the ROD (group A) or EHO (group B) reference strains and polymorphic or conserved positions were analyzed.</p> <p>To select for raltegravir (RAL)-resistant variants <it>in vitro</it>, the ROD strain was cultured under increasing sub-optimal RAL concentrations for successive rounds. The phenotype of the selected variants was assessed using an MTT assay.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe <it>integrase </it>gene polymorphisms in HIV-2 clinical isolates from 45 patients. Sixty-seven percent of the integrase residues were conserved. The HHCC Zinc coordination motif, the catalytic triad DDE motif, and AA involved in IN-DNA binding and correct positioning were highly conserved and unchanged with respect to HIV-1 whereas the connecting residues of the N-terminal domain, the dimer interface and C-terminal LEDGF binding domain were highly conserved but differed from HIV-1. The N155 H INI resistance-associated mutation (RAM) was detected in the virus population from one ARV-treated, INI-naïve patient, and the 72I and 201I polymorphisms were detected in samples from 36 and 38 patients respectively. No other known INI RAM was detected.</p> <p>Under RAL selective pressure <it>in vitro</it>, a ROD variant carrying the Q91R+I175M mutations was selected. The Q91R and I175M mutations emerged simultaneously and conferred phenotypic resistance (13-fold increase in IC<sub>50</sub>). The Q91R+I175M combination was absent from all clinical isolates. Three-dimensional modeling indicated that residue 91 lies on the enzyme surface, at the entry of a pocket containing the DDE catalytic triad and that adding a positive charge (Gln to Arg) might compromise IN-RAL affinity.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>HIV-2 polymorphisms from 45 INI-naïve patients are described. Conserved regions as well as frequencies of HIV-2 IN polymorphisms were comparable to HIV-1. Two new mutations (Q91R and I175M) that conferred high resistance to RAL were selected <it>in vitro</it>, which might affect therapeutic outcome.</p

    Composition Analysis and Pharmacological Activity of Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiable Products Used in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis.

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    peer reviewedObjective: Avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASUs) are commonly used to treat OA symptoms. However, there are many ASU mixtures on the market with differing compositions and pharmacological activities. This study aimed to compare the composition and pharmacological activity of seven commercially available ASU products on human osteoarthritis chondrocytes. Methods: The contents of the lipidic part of ASUs were characterized by gas chromatography analysis using a VARIAN 3400 chromatograph. The pharmacological activity of the ASU products was tested on human osteoarthritis chondrocytes cultured in alginate beads. Their effects were evaluated on aggrecan, interleukin (IL)-6 and -8, and matrix metalloproteases (MMP)-3 using immunoassays and on nitric oxide through measurement of nitrite via spectrometry. Results: PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU® showed a specific profile with the presence of chromatographic peaks corresponding to an alkyl furan fraction and alkyl triols. PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU®, Persemax, Insaponifiable 300, Arthrocen, and Arthocare contained quantifiable amounts of tocopherol, while tocopherol was undetectable in Avovida and Saponic. Squalene was found only in PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU®. The abundance of sterols varied depending on the product. PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU® was the most active of the tested ASU products in inhibiting nitric oxide, IL-6, and IL-8 production by chondrocytes. With the exception of Saponic and Persemax, all the ASU mixtures either slightly or significantly increased aggrecan production. MMP-3 levels were significantly decreased by Insaponifiable 300 and PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU® and significantly increased by Saponic. Conclusion: The composition of PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU® is different to that of the other evaluated ASU mixtures. This specific composition explains its better pharmacological activity, including the higher inhibitory effect on pro-inflammatory and pro-catabolic factors. Our findings are helpful in providing a basis for understanding the symptomatic effect of PIASCLEDINE-ExpASU® in patients with osteoarthritis

    Experimental and Computational Studies of Single-Molecule Conductance of Ru(II) and Pt(II) trans-Bis(acetylide) Complexes

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    The single-molecule conductance of metal complexes of the general forms trans-Ru(C≡CArC≡CY)2(dppe)2 and trans-Pt(C≡CArC≡CY)2(PPh3)2 (Ar = 1,4-C6H2-2,5-(OC6H13)2; Y = 4-C5H4N, 4-C6H4SMe) have been determined using the STM I(s) technique. The complexes display high conductance (Y = 4-C5H4N, M = Ru (0.4 ± 0.18 nS), Pt (0.8 ± 0.5 nS); Y = 4-C6H5SMe, M = Ru (1.4 ± 0.4 nS), Pt (1.8 ± 0.6 nS)) for molecular structures of ca. 3 nm in length, which has been attributed to transport processes arising from tunneling through the tails of LUMO state

    Genetics of venous thrombosis: insights from a new genome wide association study

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    Background: Venous Thrombosis (VT) is a common multifactorial disease associated with a major public health burden. Genetics factors are known to contribute to the susceptibility of the disease but how many genes are involved and their contribution to VT risk still remain obscure. We aimed to identify genetic variants associated with VT risk. Methodology/Principal Findings: We conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) based on 551,141 SNPs genotyped in 1,542 cases and 1,110 controls. Twelve SNPs reached the genome-wide significance level of 2.0×10−8 and encompassed four known VT-associated loci, ABO, F5, F11 and FGG. By means of haplotype analyses, we also provided novel arguments in favor of a role of HIVEP1, PROCR and STAB2, three loci recently hypothesized to participate in the susceptibility to VT. However, no novel VT-associated loci came out of our GWAS. Using a recently proposed statistical methodology, we also showed that common variants could explain about 35% of the genetic variance underlying VT susceptibility among which 3% could be attributable to the main identified VT loci. This analysis additionally suggested that the common variants left to be identified are not uniformly distributed across the genome and that chromosome 20, itself, could contribute to ∼7% of the total genetic variance. Conclusions/Significance: This study might also provide a valuable source of information to expand our understanding of biological mechanisms regulating quantitative biomarkers for VT

    Urban Climate, Human behavior & Energy consumption: from LCZ mapping to simulation and urban planning (the MapUCE project)

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    International audienceThe MApUCE project aims to integrate in urban policies and most relevant legal documents quantitative data from urban microclimate, climate and energy.The primary objective of this project is to obtain climate and energy quantitative data from numerical simulations, focusing on urban microclimate and building energy consumption in the residential and service sectors, which represents in France 41% of the final energy consumption. Both aspects are coupled as building energy consumption is highly meteorologically dependent (e.g. domestic heating, air-conditioning) and heat waste impact the Urban Heat Island. We propose to develop, using national databases, a generic and automated method for generating Local Climate Zones (LCZ) for all cities in France, including the urban architectural, geographical and sociological parameters necessary for energy and microclimate simulations.As will be presented, previous projects on adaptation of cities to climate change have shown that human behavior is a very potent level to address energy consumption reduction, as much as urban forms or architectural technologies. Therefore, in order to further refine the coupled urban climate and energy consumption calculations, we will develop within TEB (and its Building Energy Module) a model of energy consumer behavior.The second objective of the project is to propose a methodology to integrate quantitative data in urban policies. Lawyers analyze the potential levers in legal and planning documents. A few “best cases” are also studied, in order to evaluate their performances. Finally, based on urban planning agencies requirements, we will define vectors to include quantified energy-climate data to legal urban planning documents. These vectors have to be understandable by urban planners and contain the relevant information.To meet these challenges, the project is organized around strongly interdisciplinary partners in the following fields: law, urban climate, building energetics, architecture, sociology, geography and meteorology, as well as the national federation of urban planning agencies.In terms of results, the cross-analysis of input urban parameters and urban micro-climate-energy simulated data will be available on-line as standardized maps for each of the studied cities. The urban parameter production tool as well as the models will be available as open-source. LCZ and associated urban (and social!) indicators may be integrated within the WUDAPT database