130 research outputs found

    NILAI APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index ) PADA TANAMAN DAMAR ( Agathis dammara ) DAN PUCUK MERAH ( Syzygium oleana ) YANG TERDAPAT DI TEPI JALAN IR. H. JUANDA KOTA BANDUNG

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    Lalah Puspitasari. 2016. Nilai APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index) pada Tanaman Damar (Agathis dammara) d an Pucuk Merah (Syzygium oleana) yang Terdapat di Tepi Jalan Ir. H. Juanda Kota Bandung. Dibimbing oleh Drs. Otang Hidayat, M.Pd., dan Mimi Halimah, S.Pd.,M.Si. Penelitian mengenai nilai APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance I ndex) pada tanaman damar (A gathis dammara) dan pucuk merah (S yzygium oleana) di jalan Ir. H. Juanda Kota B andung . P enelitian ini bertujuan u ntuk mengetahui nilai APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index ) pada tanaman Damar (Agathis dammara) dan Pucuk Merah (Syzygium oleana) yang terdapat di jalan I r. H. Juanda kota Bandung. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif, dengan desain penelitian Observasiona l, teknik pengambilan sampel tanaman dengan menggunakan Purposive Sampling dan metode Hand S orting . Parameter yang di ukur dengan menggunakan nilai APTI yaitu empat parameter fisiologis pada daun diantaranya kandungan asam askorbat, jumlah total klorofil, pH ekstrak daun dan kadar air daun . Berdasarkan nilai APTI, tanaman dapat dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa kategori, yaitu toleran (nilai APTI 30 - 100), menengah (nilai APTI 29 - 17), sensitif (nilai APTI 16 - 1), dan sangat sensitif (nilai APTI <1). Nilai APTI t ertinggi yaitu pada tanaman pucuk merah ( Syzygium oleana) sebesar 16,61 dan pada tanaman damar sebesar 8,52. Kedua tanaman tersebut termasuk kedalam tanaman yang sensitif terhadap polusi udara. Sehingga tanaman tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai bioindikator lingkungan yang artinya untuk mengetahui dan memberi per ingatan dini terjadinya polusi. Kata Kunci : Agathis dammara , Syzygium oleana, APTI (Air Pollution Tolerance Index

    Aflatoxin B1: Chemistry, Environmental and Diet Sources and Potential Exposure in Human in Kenya

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    Cancer incidences and mortality in Kenya are increasing according to recent reports and now number among the top five causes of mortality in the country. The risk factors responsible for this increase in cancer incidences are assumed to be genetic and/or environmental in nature. The environmental factors include exposure to carcinogenic contaminants such aflatoxins (AFs). However, the exact causes of the increase in cancer incidences and prevalence in many developing countries are not fully known. Aflatoxins are known contaminants produced by the common fungi Aspergillus flavus and the closely related Aspergillus parasiticus which grow as moulds in human foods. Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is most common in food and is 1000 times more potent when compared with benzo(a)pyrene, the most potent carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH). Aflatoxins have therefore drawn a lot of interest in research from food safety and human health point of view. In this chapter, the chemistry, synthesis, identification, toxicology and potential human health risks of AFB1 in Kenya are discussed

    Neurotransmission par l'acétylcholine et l'adénosine tri-phosphate dans le contrôle périphérique de la respiration chez le rat en développement : rôle des récepteurs nicotiniques et P2X

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    Le corps carotidien est le principal senseur périphérique de l'oxygène impliqué dans le contrôle de la ventilation en condition de base et en réponse à l'hypoxie. Cette sensibilité se développe avec l'âge postnatal. Une activité inadéquate du corps carotidien en période néonatale peut prédisposer le nouveau-né prématuré à des instabilités respiratoires. La cotransmission par l'acétylcholine (récepteurs nicotiniques) et l'adénosine tri-phosphate (récepteurs purinergiques P2X) joue un rôle prépondérant dans le fonctionnement du corps carotidien chez le mammifère adulte, mais demeure très peu caractérisé chez le sujet en développement. L'objectif général de cet ouvrage est de déterminer, à l'aide de différentes approches méthodologiques, le rôle de l'acétylcholine et de l'adénosine tri-phosphate dans la ventilation, l'activité du corps carotidien et le maintien d'un patron stable de la rythmicité respiratoire chez le rat à différents âges de développement. La première étude de cet ouvrage montre que le blocage des récepteurs nicotiniques atténue la réponse ventilatoire à l'hypoxie de manière âge dépendante à l'intérieur de la gamme d'âges étudiés. Ces changements sont en partie liés à l'activation des récepteurs nicotiniques de type α7 localisés au niveau des corps carotidiens. La deuxième étude révèle que le blocage des récepteurs purinergiques de type P2X réduit l'activité ventilatoire et l'activité des corps carotidiens en condition de base et en réponse à l'hypoxie. Ces effets impliquent en partie les récepteurs exprimant la sous-unité P2X3. Contrairement aux récepteurs nicotiniques, dans la gamme d'âges que nous avons testés, la contribution des récepteurs P2X sur l'activité ventilatoire ainsi que sur l'activité des corps carotidiens demeure stable avec l'âge postnatal. Enfin, l'étude du blocage combiné des récepteurs nicotiniques et P2X chez le rat nouveau-né démontre une importante interaction sur l'homéostasie ventilatoire en condition de base, très prononcée lors des premiers jours de vie. Cette étude montre également une augmentation de la fréquence des apnées et du coefficient de variation de la ventilation minute suite au double blocage des récepteurs nicotiniques et purinergiques P2X. Ces instabilités respiratoires sont très accentuées chez le jeune rat de 4 jours de vie comparé à celui plus mature de 12 jours de vie. L'ensemble des études présentées dans cet ouvrage montre que la transmission cholinergique (nicotinique) et purinergique (adenosine tri-phosphate) joue un rôle déterminant dans la régulation de la respiration et le maintien d'un patron stable de l'activité respiratoire chez le rat en développement


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    This research was aimed to deal with the research question about how the strategy was used to translate Indonesian language academic texts into Arabic in structural aspect, its strategy in semantical aspect, and its appropriateness in terminological aspect. Qualitative research was applied in this study and content analysis was used for the analysis. The source of this research was the authentic examples of the students’ work Department of Arabic Language FITK UIN Syarif Hidayatullah in translation subject. The data used in this study were the verbal expressions in students’ works. The result found from 150 identified strategies, it was found 7 translation strategies discovered from students’ works from Indonesian language into Arabic. Based on the strategies found, it can be concluded that the translation of academic texts was still oriented to the first language. From the aspect of target language, the academic terminology was appropriately used, standardized and clear, although some mistakes found from the aspect of structure.DOI: 10.15408/a.v3i2.464

    Laryngeal narrowing during nasal ventilation does not originate from bronchopulmonary C-fibers

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    We previously showed that nasal pressure support ventilation (nPSV) can lead to active inspiratory laryngeal narrowing, which originates from the stimulation of bronchopulmonary receptors. Among the three major types of bronchopulmonary receptors, which are variably stimulated by lung distension, C-fiber endings are remarkable, given that their stimulation can also trigger laryngeal closure. Taking advantage of our lamb model with blocked C-fibers, we aimed to assess whether bronchopulmonary C-fiber endings are involved in the active inspiratory laryngeal narrowing during nPSV. Nine lambs were surgically instrumented to assess states of alertness, electrical activity of a glottal constrictor (EaTA), respiratory movements and arterial blood gases. Forty-eight hours later, two polysomnographic recordings were performed during nPSV 15/4 cmH2O, before and after C-fiber blockade. During nPSV, blockade of C-fibers did not prevent inspiratory EaTA (present for 74±41% of respiratory cycles vs. 64±35%, p=0.9). We conclude that active inspiratory laryngeal narrowing during nPSV does not originate from bronchopulmonary C-fiber endings

    Pesticides: Chemistry, Manufacturing, Regulation, Usage and Impacts on Population in Kenya

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    Pesticide use in Kenya plays a critical role in socio-economic development because its economy depends heavily on agriculture, which contributes to 30% of the GDP and accounts for 60% of export earnings. For agriculture and public health vector control, the country relies on pesticides, most of which (95%) are formulated products imported from China, India and Germany as the top exporters. In this chapter, we present the chemistry, manufacturing, importation and regulatory processes regarding pesticides in Kenya as well as their usage and impacts. All the various categories, organochlorine, organophosphate, carbamate, pyrethroid, neonicotinod insectides, as well as fungicides, herbicides and biopesticides, which are used in the country, are considered. A total of 1,447 and 157, which include formulations and active ingredients, respectively, for use in agriculture and public health sectors, with sufficient information on their usages and toxicities, are listed on the Pest Control Products Board (PCPB) database that is available to the public. A significant number of studies have been conducted in major agricultural regions, which have characterized pesticides, their toxicities, the types of crops and pests, the usage and human and environmental health risk indices, since the 2000, but the reports have not made any impacts on pesticide regulation, as some of the very toxic active ingredients, belonging to the WHO Class I and II, are still reported by farmers. However, a recent call from NGO’s made an impact in government and parliament, and a bill was introduced in 2020 with the aim of banning some of the toxic ones that have already been withdrawn from the EU market

    Anthropogenic contributions to global carbonyl sulfide, carbon disulfide and organosulfides fluxes

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    Previous studies of the global sulfur cycle have focused almost exclusively on oxidized species and just a few sulfides. This focus is expanded here to include a wider range of reduced sulfur compounds. Inorganic sulfides tend to be bound into sediments, and sulfates are present both in sediments and the oceans. Sulfur can adopt polymeric forms that include S-S bonds. This review examines the global anthropogenic sources of reduced sulfur, updating emission inventories and widening the consideration of industrial sources. It estimates the anthropogenic fluxes of key sulfides to the atmosphere (units Gg S a-1) as: carbonyl sulfide (total 591: mainly from pulp and pigment 171, atmospheric oxidation of carbon disulfide 162, biofuel and coal combustion, 133, natural 898 Gg S a-1), carbon disulfide (total 746: rayon 395, pigment 205, pulp 78, natural 330 Gg S a-1), methanethiol (total 2119: pulp 1680, manure 330, rayon and wastewater 102, natural 6473 Gg S a-1), dimethyl sulfide (total 2197: pulp 1462, manure 660 and rayon 36, natural 31 657 Gg S a-1), dimethyl disulfide (total 1103: manure 660, pulp 273; natural 1081 Gg S a-1). The study compares the magnitude of the natural sources: marine, vegetation and soils, volcanoes and rain water with the key anthropogenic sources: paper industry, rayon-cellulose manufacture, agriculture and pigment production. Industrial sources could be reduced by better pollution control, so their impact may lessen over time. Anthropogenic emissions dominate the global budget of carbon disulfide, and some aromatic compounds such as thiophene, with emissions of methanethiol and dimethyl disufide also relatively important. Furthermore, industries related to coal and bitumen are key sources of multi-ringed thiophenes, while food production and various wastes may account for the release of significant amounts of dimethyl disulfide and dimethyl trisulfide
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