75 research outputs found

    Reconstrucción Paleoambiental durante el Máximo Térmico del Paleoceno-Eoceno en Zumaya (País Vasco) basada en foraminíferos bentónicos e indicadores geoquímicos

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    Durante el Máximo Térmico del Paleoceno-Eoceno (PETM, por sus siglas en inglés) se produjeron una serie de cambios bióticos a nivel global, entre los que destaca por su severidad la extinción de los foraminíferos bentónicos de medios profundos. Además, se registra una excursión negativa en los isótopos del carbono, la intensificación del ciclo hidrológico, y cambios geográficamente variables en la productividad marina y en la oxigenación de las aguas del fondo. El tránsito Paleoceno-Eoceno aflora de una manera excelente en el corte de Zumaya (País Vasco), y por eso ha sido objeto de numerosos estudios multidisciplinares. Sin embargo, la baja resolución de los estudios realizados hasta el momento no ha permitido correlacionar de una manera detallada los cambios en las asociaciones de foraminíferos bentónicos con las variaciones resgistradas en distintos indicadores geoquímicos. El análisis realizado en el presente trabajo ha permitido correlacionar datos micropaleontológicos y geoquímicos, y reconstruir de una forma más detallada los cambios paleoambientales a través del límite Paleoceno-Eoceno

    El Conseller carles pi i sunyer i el primer govern català a l'exili. d'epístoles, política i la creació del camp d'agde

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    Estudiem les relacions de Carles Pi i Sunyer, amb diferents interlocutors durant els primers anys de l'exili. Aquests epistolaris mostren la desaparició d'un món que obligava unes persones a prendre decisions i desenvolupar-hi estratègies de supervivència derivades de la victòria franquista. Trobem milers de republicans tancats en camps de concentració al sud de França, on l'esclat de la segona guerra mundial és imminent i on la idea de reconstrucció institucional i política del govern català a l'exili es plantejava com a un dels objectius per a preservar la identitat del col·lectiu català a l'exili

    Autolesión no suicida en adultos jóvenes con y sin trastorno límite de la personalidad: el papel de la desregulación emocional y la urgencia negativa

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    Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is defined as self-inflicted pain, and it is used as a mechanism to alleviate psychological distress. Although NSSI is prevalent in Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), it is also an increasing concern among college student populations. While emotion dysregulation and negative urgency are associated with NSSI, little is known about which dimensions specifically predict the motivations (NSSI-functions) and frequency of self-harm. The current study explored the relationship between emotion dysregulation, negative urgency, and NSSI in 86 young adults, divided into three groups: college students with NSSI, BPD patients with NSSI, and a healthy control group without NSSI. We conducted multiple regression analyses to predicted NSSI-functions and NSSI-frequency. Non-acceptance of emotions, a specific dimension of emotion dysregulation, uniquely predicted intrapersonal NSSI-functions (e.g., regulating distressing emotions), but not interpersonal NSSI-functions (e.g., communicating distress). Lastly, poor emotion regulation strategies predicted NSSI-frequency only in individuals with high negative urgency, that is, individuals who tend to act impulsively when experiencing negative emotions, but not in those with low negative urgency. Findings shed light on the underlying motivations for engaging in self-injury, and they reveal facets of emotion dysregulation relevant for NSSI treatment.La Autolesión No Suicida (ANS) se define como un dolor auto-infligido que se utiliza como un mecanismo para aliviar la angustia psicológica. Aunque ANS es común en el trastorno límite de la personalidad (TLP), también es un problema creciente en estudiantes universitarios. Si bien la desregulación emocional y la urgencia negativa están asociadas con ANS, poco se sabe sobre las dimensiones específicas que predicen la motivación (funciones) y la frecuencia de las autolesiones. Se exploró la relación entre la desregulación emocional, la urgencia negativa, y ANS en 86 adultos jóvenes, divididos en tres grupos: estudiantes universitarios con ANS, pacientes TLP con ANS y un grupo de control sano sin ANS. Realizamos análisis de regresión múltiple para predecir las funciones y frecuencia de ANS. La no aceptación de las emociones, una dimensión especifica de la desregulación emocional, predijo de manera única las funciones intrapersonales de ANS, pero no las funciones interpersonales. Por último, la falta de estrategias de regulación emocional predijo la frecuencia de ANS solo en individuos con una alta urgencia negativa, es decir, individuos que tienden a actuar impulsivamente cuando experimentan emociones negativas, pero no en aquellos con una baja urgencia negativa. Los hallazgos resaltan las motivaciones subyacentes a la autolesión y revelan facetas de la desregulación emocional relevantes para el tratamiento de ANS

    I Congreso Internacional de Neuroeducación: Dialogando y compartiendo miradas para mejorar la educación

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    Los días 25 y 26 de Mayo de 2018 se reunieron en el colegio La Salle Bonanova de Barcelona más de 350 profesionales del ámbito educativo con el objetivo de dialogar y compartir miradas para mejorar la educación. El Congreso contó con la participación de ponentes de prestigio internacional implicados en el campo de la Neurociencia y la Educación, que evidenciaron que no se trata de una moda más sino que se toman como referencia las investigaciones y estudios de cómo aprende el cerebro para fundamentar los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje

    Design Resources in Movement-based Design Methods:A Practice-based Characterization

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    Movement-based design methods are increasingly adopted to help design rich embodied experiences. While there are well-known methods in the field, there is no systematic overview to help designers choose among them, adapt them, or create their own. We collected 41 methods used by movement design researchers and employed a practice-based, bottom-up approach to analyze and characterize their properties. We found 17 categories and arranged them into five main groups: Design Resources, Activities, Delivery, Framing, and Context. In this paper, we describe these groups in general and then focus on Design Resources containing the categories of Movement, Space, and Objects. We ground the characterization with examples from empirical material provided by the design researchers and references to previous work. Additionally, we share recommendations and action points to bring these into practice. This work can help novice and seasoned design researchers who want to employ movement-based design methods in their practice.This research was supported by the EU Erasmus+ project Method Cardsfor Movement-based Interaction Design (2020-1-DK01-KA203-075164) IO4: Gathering movement-frst methods for the design of movement-based experiences. This work was also partially supported by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Research Funds for Beatriz Galindo Fellowships (MovIntPlayLab-CM-UC3M 2021/00050/001) in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation), and by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 101002711; project BODYinTRANSIT). We would like to collectively acknowledge all the people and institutions that have made possible the individual projects featured in this paper: ACHIEVE, KOMPAN Workshop, Astaire, Super Trouper (Vetenskapsrådet grant number 2017-04880), Magic outFit (Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación, PID2019-105579RBI00), Sense2makeSense (SpanishAgencia Estatal de Investigación, PID2019-109388GB-I00), LearnSPORTtech, Tangibles, DigiFys (Sweden Innovation Agency Vinnova grant number 2016-03777), Diverging Squash, GIFT, and Online Course in Embodied Interaction

    Borderline personality traits mediate the relationship between low perceived social support and non-suicidal self-injury in a clinical sample of adolescents

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICNon-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) is a serious public health concern among adolescents, especially in clinical settings. Social support plays a critical role in the onset and maintenance of NSSI in adolescence. NSSI is closely associated with borderline personality disorder (BPD), yet no previous work has analyzed the mediating role of borderline traits in the relationship between perceived social support (PSS) and NSSI. This study aimed to address this gap

    Ethnic density effects on psychological distress among Latino ethnic groups: an examination of hypothesized pathways

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    Studies among US Latinos provide the most consistent evidence of ethnic density effects. However, most studies conducted to date have focused on Mexican Americans, and it is not clear whether ethnic density effects differ across Latino sub-groups, generational status, or measures of ethnic density. In addition, the mechanisms behind ethnic density are not well understood. This study uses a multi-group structural equation modeling approach to analyze the Latino sample from the National Latino and Asian-American Study (n¼1940) and examine ethnic density effects on psychological distress among Latino sub-groups, and explore two hypothesized mechanisms: increased neighborhood cohesion and reduced exposure to interpersonal racism. Results of the main effects between ethnic density and health, and of the hypothesized mechanisms, show clear differences across Latino ethnic groups, generational categories and measures of ethnic density. Findings highlight that ethnic density effects and their mechanisms depend on the current and historical context of Latino sub-groups, including reasons for migration and rights upon arrival

    MANTICORE II: IP Network as a Service Pilots at HEAnet, NORDUnet and RedIRIS

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    MANTICORE II follows the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) paradigm to enable National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) and other e-infrastructure providers to enhance their service portfolio by building and piloting the deployment of tools to provide infrastructure resources and IP networks as a service to virtual research communities. MANTICORE II is carrying out the following activities: * Robust and modular implementation of IaaS management tools. * Pilot software deployment and evaluation at HEAnet, NORDUnet and RedIRIS. * Design and implement a simple yet powerful graphical interface for the IP Network Service. * Study and simulate mechanisms to implement an infrastructure marketplace. * Study business models and use cases for commercial services based on MANTICORE II principles.Postprint (published version