8 research outputs found

    De marbre et de verre coloré : l’autel roman du Sauveur, dit de saint Guilhem (Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, Hérault)

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    L’ancienne abbaye bénédictine Saint-Sauveur de Gellone était dotée, vers la fin du XIIe siècle, d’une pièce de mobilier tout à fait remarquable, classée au titre des monuments historiques en 1903. Il s’agit d’un autel, attribué au XIXe siècle au saint fondateur du monastère, Guilhem, composé d’une table en pierre noire reposant sur un socle entouré de panneaux décorés. Ceux-ci, en marbre blanc, ont la particularité d’être incrustés non pas de morceaux de pierres dures comme dans les œuvres contemporaines, notamment italiennes, mais de petites plaques de verre soufflé aux couleurs variées, ce qui est tout à fait exceptionnel, pour ne pas dire unique, pour l’époque. Les récentes restaurations, tout en apportant une meilleure connaissance de l’œuvre, ont permis de découvrir l’étendue de la gamme chromatique de ce décor, et ouvrent sur de nouvelles questions auxquelles il n’est pas toujours aisé de répondre.At the end of the 12th century, the old Saint Sauveur de Gellone Benedictine abbey sheltered an outstanding piece of furniture, which was classified as a Historical monument in 1903. It is an altar assigned in the 19th century to Guilhem the saint founder; a black stone table set on a base surrounded by decorated panels. Those panels made of white marble are very special because they are not incrusted with pieces of hard stone like in contemporary masterpieces, especially italian ones, but with little plaques of blown glass of different colors, which is absolutely remarkable, if not unique, for the time. Recent restorations, while providing a better knowledge of the masterpiece, have contributed to discover the importance of the choice of colours, and asks new questions that are not easily answered

    Validity and reproducibility of an interviewer-administered food frequency questionnaire for healthy French-Canadian men and women

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the validity (study 1) and the reproducibility (study 2) of an interviewer-administered food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). METHOD: The FFQ was designed at Laval University and contains 91 items and 33 subquestions. Study 1: The FFQ was compared against a 3-day food record (2 week-days and 1 weekend-day), at week 0, 6 and 12 of a nutritional intervention. Study 2: In order to evaluate the reproducibility of the FFQ, 2 registered dietitians administered the FFQ 4-weeks apart among subjects who were not part of the nutritional intervention. RESULTS: Study 1: Mean values for intake of most nutrients assessed by the FFQ and by the 3-day food record were not statistically different. Energy-adjusted correlation coefficients for major macronutrients ranged from 0.36 for proteins to 0.60 for carbohydrates (p ≤ 0.01). Agreement analysis revealed that on average, 35% of the subjects were classified in the same quartile when nutrients were assessed by either the 3-day food record or the FFQ. Study 2: Significant associations were observed between dietary measurements derived from the two FFQs administered 4 weeks apart. Correlation coefficients for the reproducibility of macronutrients ranged from 0.66 for carbohydrates to 0.83 for lipids after energy adjustment. On average, 46% of the subjects were classified in the same quartile when nutrient intakes were assessed by either FFQ. CONCLUSION: These data indicated that the FFQ developed has a good validity and is reproducible

    Stereotactic body radiation therapy in unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer: A systematic review

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    In unresectable stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the standard of care for most fit patients is concurrent chemotherapy with normofractionated radiotherapy (NFRT), followed by durvalumab consolidation. Nevertheless, almost half of patients will present locoregional or metastatic intrathoracic relapse. Improving locoregional control thus remains an important objective. For this purpose, stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) may be a relevant treatment modality. We performed a systematic review of the literature that evaluate the efficacy and safety of SBRT in this situation, either instead of or in addition to NFRT. Among 1788 unique reports, 18 met the inclusion criteria. They included 447 patients and were mainly prospective (n = 10, including 5 phase 2 trials). In none, maintenance durvalumab was administered. Most reported SBRT boost after NFRT (n = 8), or definitive tumor and nodal SBRT (n = 7). Median OS varied from 10 to 52 months, due to the heterogeneity of the included populations and according to treatment regimen. The rate of severe side effects was low, with <5 % grade 5 toxicity, and mainly observed when mediastinal SBRT was performed without dose constraints to the proximal bronchovascular tree. It was suggested that a biologically effective dose higher than 112.3 Gy may increase locoregional control. SBRT for selected stage III NSCLC bears potential to improve loco-regional tumor control, but at present, this should only be done in prospective clinical trials

    0232: Recreational scuba diving in patients with congenital heart disease: proposal for guidelines

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    International audienceThe number of people wishing to practice leisure scuba diving is constantly increasing. Currently, Congenital Heart Diseases (CHD) were so far considered contra-indications in the list edited by the Medical and Prevention Commission of the French Underwater Federation. However, due to the progress in their care, the number of living patients with CHD increase. Their quality of life has been also improved, allowing them to practice physical and sports activities the beneficial effect of which has been proven. Thus the question of fitness to dive is put forward. We thought necessary to reconsider the problem in order to define parameters to help in the decision to allow or not diving for these patients. Because of their diversity and of an important heterogeneousness even within a defined group of CHD, we tried to avoid drafting a boring catalog. Thus we propose for every patient a practical and precise evaluation of its capacity from clinical criteria and further common evaluation obtained during usual follow-up of these CHD. The practice of the scuba diving could be authorized according to the clinical and rhythmic status, echocardiographic parameters and physical fitness assessed by exercise testing with gas exchange analysi

    High-Frequency Neuronavigated rTMS in Auditory Verbal Hallucinations: A Pilot Double-Blind Controlled Study in Patients With Schizophrenia

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    International audienceIntroduction: Despite extensive testing, the efficacy of low-frequency (1 Hz) repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of temporo-parietal targets for the treatment of auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH) in patients with schizophrenia is still controversial, but promising results have been reported with both high-frequency and neuronavigated rTMS. Here, we report a double-blind sham-controlled study to assess the efficacy of high-frequency (20 Hz) rTMS applied over a precise anatomical site in the left temporal region using neuronavigation. Methods: Fifty-nine of 74 randomized patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders (DSM-IV R) were treated with rTMS or sham treatment and fully evaluated over 4 weeks. The rTMS target was determined by morphological MRI at the crossing between the projection of the ascending branch of the left lateral sulcus and the superior temporal sulcus (STS). Results: The primary outcome was response to treatment, defined as a 30% decrease of the Auditory Hallucinations Rating Scale (AHRS) frequency item, observed at 2 successive evaluations. While there was no difference in primary outcome between the treatment groups, the percentages of patients showing a decrease of more than 30% of AHRS score (secondary outcome) did differ between the active (34.6%) and sham groups (9.1%) (P = .016) at day 14. Discussion: This controlled study reports negative results on the primary outcome but demonstrates a transient effect of 20 Hz rTMS guided by neuronavigation and targeted on an accurate anatomical site for the treatment of AVHs in schizophrenia patients

    Clinical features and prognostic factors of listeriosis: the MONALISA national prospective cohort study

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