133 research outputs found

    On prescribed change of profile for solutions of parabolic equations

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    Parabolic equations with homogeneous Dirichlet conditions on the boundary are studied in a setting where the solutions are required to have a prescribed change of the profile in fixed time, instead of a Cauchy condition. It is shown that this problem is well-posed in L_2-setting. Existence and regularity results are established, as well as an analog of the maximum principle

    Weak solutions to the barotropic Navier-Stokes system with slip boundary conditions in time dependent domains

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    We consider the compressible (barotropic) Navier-Stokes system on time-dependent domains, supplemented with slip boundary conditions. Our approach is based on penalization of the boundary behaviour, viscosity, and the pressure in the weak formulation. Global-in-time weak solutions are obtained

    Global Strong Solutions for a Class of Heterogeneous Catalysis Models

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    We consider a mathematical model for heterogeneous catalysis in a finite three-dimensional pore of cylinder-like geometry, with the lateral walls acting as a catalytic surface. The system under consideration consists of a diffusion-advection system inside the bulk phase and a reaction-diffusion-sorption system modeling the processes on the catalytic wall and the exchange between bulk and surface. We assume Fickian diffusion with constant coefficients, sorption kinetics with linear growth bound and a network of chemical reactions which possesses a certain triangular structure. Our main result gives sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique global strong L2L^2-solution to this model, thereby extending by now classical results on reaction-diffusion systems to the more complicated case of heterogeneous catalysis.Comment: 30 page

    A complete characterisation of local existence for semilinear heat equations in Lebesgue spaces

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    We consider the scalar semilinear heat equation ut−Δu=f(u), where f:[0,∞)→[0,∞) is continuous and non-decreasing but need not be convex. We completely characterise those functions f for which the equation has a local solution bounded in Lq(Ω) for all non-negative initial data u0∈Lq(Ω), when Ω⊂Rd is a bounded domain with Dirichlet boundary conditions. For q∈(1,∞) this holds if and only if limsups→∞s−(1+2q/d)f(s

    Regularity of second derivatives in elliptic transmission problems near an interior regular multiple line of contact

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    We consider second-order elliptic transmission problems in 3D in which several subdomains intersect at a closed line of contact. We prove that weak solutions possess second-order generalized derivatives up to the contact line. Moreover, we quantify the index of integrability and the Hölder exponent by means of explicit formula known in the literature for two-dimensional problems. For instance, the integrability of the gradient to a power larger than the space dimension d=3 can be expected if the oscillations of the diffusion coefficient are moderate, that is, for far larger a range than what a theory of small perturbations would allow, or if there are at most three involved materials