426 research outputs found

    Gene action in short-duration pigeonpeas

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    F1-F2 hybrids from a half diallel set of crosses involving 7 early Cajanus cajan lines were studied for yield and a number of yield-related traits. Parental performance was a good predictor of breeding value for most traits in the F1, but in the F2 a significant positive association between GCA effects and the parental performance was seen only for number of days to flowering. GCA variance predominated for all traits in the F1 and F2. The results suggested exploitation of the additive genetic variation in breeding for improvement of the cro

    RC J0311+0507: A Candidate for Superpowerful Radio Galaxies in the Early Universe at Redshift z=4.514

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    A strong emission line at 6703A has been detected in the optical spectrum for the host galaxy (R=23.1) of the radio source RC J0311+0507 (4C+04.11). This radio galaxy, with a spectral index of 1.31 in the frequency range 365-4850 MHz, is one of the ultrasteep spectrum objects from the deep survey of a sky strip conducted with RATAN-600 in 1980-1981. We present arguments in favor of the identification of this line with Ly\alpha at redshift z=4.514. In this case, the object belongs to the group of extremely distant radio galaxies of ultrahigh radio luminosity (P_{1400}=1.3 x 10^{29}W Hz^{-1}). Such power can be provided only by a fairly massive black hole (~10^9M_\sun}) that formed in a time less than the age of the Universe at the observed z(1.3 Gyr) or had a primordial origin.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Optical and Near-IR Imaging of Ultra Steep Spectrum Radio Sources - The K-z diagram of radio and optically selected galaxies

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    We present optical and/or near-IR images of 128 ultra steep spectrum (USS) radio sources. Roughly half of the objects are identified in the optical images (R 94% are detected at K<~ 22. The mean K-magnitude is K=19.26 within a 2" diameter aperture. The distribution of R-K colors indicates that at least 1/3 of the objects observed have very red colors (R-K>5). The major axes of the identifications in K-band are preferentially oriented along the radio axes, with half of them having compact morphologies. The 22 sources with spectroscopic redshifts and K-band magnitudes follow the K-z relation found from previous radio samples, but with a larger scatter. We argue that this may be due to a dependence of K-magnitude on the radio power, with the highest radio power sources inhabiting the most massive host galaxies. We present a composite K-z diagram of radio-loud and radio-quiet galaxies, selected from the HDF-North and the Hawaii surveys. Out to z <~ 1, the radio-loud galaxies trace the bright envelope of the radio quiet galaxies, while at z >~ 1, the radio-loud galaxies are >~ 2 magnitudes brighter. We argue that this is not due to a contribution from the AGN or emission lines. This difference strongly suggests that radio galaxies pinpoint the most massive systems out to the highest known redshifts, probably due to the mutual correlation of the mass of the galaxy and the radio power on the mass of the central black hole.Comment: 39 Pages, including 10 PostScript figures. Accepted for publication in the January 2002 Astronomical Journal. Figures 2 and 12 are available from http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~debreuck/paper

    Accurate masses and radii of normal stars: modern results and applications

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    This paper presents and discusses a critical compilation of accurate, fundamental determinations of stellar masses and radii. We have identified 95 detached binary systems containing 190 stars (94 eclipsing systems, and alpha Centauri) that satisfy our criterion that the mass and radius of both stars be known to 3% or better. To these we add interstellar reddening, effective temperature, metal abundance, rotational velocity and apsidal motion determinations when available, and we compute a number of other physical parameters, notably luminosity and distance. We discuss the use of this information for testing models of stellar evolution. The amount and quality of the data also allow us to analyse the tidal evolution of the systems in considerable depth, testing prescriptions of rotational synchronisation and orbital circularisation in greater detail than possible before. The new data also enable us to derive empirical calibrations of M and R for single (post-) main-sequence stars above 0.6 M(Sun). Simple, polynomial functions of T(eff), log g and [Fe/H] yield M and R with errors of 6% and 3%, respectively. Excellent agreement is found with independent determinations for host stars of transiting extrasolar planets, and good agreement with determinations of M and R from stellar models as constrained by trigonometric parallaxes and spectroscopic values of T(eff) and [Fe/H]. Finally, we list a set of 23 interferometric binaries with masses known to better than 3%, but without fundamental radius determinations (except alpha Aur). We discuss the prospects for improving these and other stellar parameters in the near future.Comment: 56 pages including figures and tables. To appear in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Review. Ascii versions of the tables will appear in the online version of the articl

    The ATESP 5 GHz radio survey. III. 4.8, 8.6 and 19 GHz follow-up observations of radio galaxies

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    [Abridged] Physical and evolutionary properties of the sub-mJy radio population are not entirely known. The radio/optical analysis of the ATESP 5 GHz sample has revealed a significant class of compact flat/inverted radio-spectrum sources associated to early-type galaxies up to redshift 2. Such sources are most plausibly triggered by an AGN, but their observational properties are not entirely consistent with those of standard radio galaxy populations. In the present work we aim at a better understanding of the radio spectra of such sources and ultimately of the nature of AGNs at sub-mJy flux levels. We used the ATCA to get multi-frequency (4.8, 8.6 and 19 GHz) quasi-simultaneous observations for a representative sub-sample of ATESP radio sources associated with early-type galaxies (26 objects with S>0.6 mJy). This can give us insight into the accretion/radiative mechanism that is at work, since different regimes display different spectral signatures in the radio domain. From the analysis of the radio spectra, we find that our sources are most probably jet-dominated systems. ADAF models are ruled out by the high frequency data, while ADAF+jet scenarios are still consistent with flat/moderately inverted-spectrum sources, but are not required to explain the data. We compared our sample with high (>20 GHz) frequency selected surveys, finding spectral properties very similar to the ones of much brighter (S>500 mJy) radio galaxies extracted from the Massardi et al. (2008) sample. Linear sizes of ATESP 5 GHz sources associated with early type galaxies are also often consistent with the ones of brighter B2 and 3C radio galaxies, with possibly a very compact component that could be associated at least in part to (obscured) radio-quiet quasar-like objects and/or low power BL Lacs.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Evolving spiking networks with variable resistive memories

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    Neuromorphic computing is a brainlike information processing paradigm that requires adaptive learning mechanisms. A spiking neuro-evolutionary system is used for this purpose; plastic resistive memories are implemented as synapses in spiking neural networks. The evolutionary design process exploits parameter self-adaptation and allows the topology and synaptic weights to be evolved for each network in an autonomous manner. Variable resistive memories are the focus of this research; each synapse has its own conductance profile which modifies the plastic behaviour of the device and may be altered during evolution. These variable resistive networks are evaluated on a noisy robotic dynamic-reward scenario against two static resistive memories and a system containing standard connections only. The results indicate that the extra behavioural degrees of freedom available to the networks incorporating variable resistive memories enable them to outperform the comparative synapse types. © 2014 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

    Supermassive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei: Past, Present and Future Research

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    This review discusses the current status of supermassive black hole research, as seen from a purely observational standpoint. Since the early '90s, rapid technological advances, most notably the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, the commissioning of the VLBA and improvements in near-infrared speckle imaging techniques, have not only given us incontrovertible proof of the existence of supermassive black holes, but have unveiled fundamental connections between the mass of the central singularity and the global properties of the host galaxy. It is thanks to these observations that we are now, for the first time, in a position to understand the origin, evolution and cosmic relevance of these fascinating objects.Comment: Invited Review, 114 pages. Because of space requirements, this version contains low resolution figures. The full resolution version can be downloaded from http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~lff/publications.htm

    Detection of an ultra-bright submillimeter galaxy in the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field using AzTEC/ASTE

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    We report the detection of an extremely bright (\sim37 mJy at 1100 μ\mum and \sim91 mJy at 880 μ\mum) submillimeter galaxy (SMG), AzTEC-ASTE-SXDF1100.001 (hereafter referred to as SXDF1100.001 or Orochi), discovered in 1100 μ\mum observations of the Subaru/XMM-Newton Deep Field using AzTEC on ASTE. Subsequent CARMA 1300 μ\mum and SMA 880 μ\mum observations successfully pinpoint the location of Orochi and suggest that it has two components, one extended (FWHM of \sim 4^{\prime\prime}) and one compact (unresolved). Z-Spec on CSO has also been used to obtain a wide band spectrum from 190 to 308 GHz, although no significant emission/absorption lines are found. The derived upper limit to the line-to-continuum flux ratio is 0.1--0.3 (2 σ\sigma) across the Z-Spec band. Based on the analysis of the derived spectral energy distribution from optical to radio wavelengths of possible counterparts near the SMA/CARMA peak position, we suggest that Orochi is a lensed, optically dark SMG lying at z3.4z \sim 3.4 behind a foreground, optically visible (but red) galaxy at z1.4z \sim 1.4. The deduced apparent (i.e., no correction for magnification) infrared luminosity (LIRL_{\rm IR}) and star formation rate (SFR) are 6×10136 \times 10^{13} LL_{\odot} and 11000 MM_{\odot} yr1^{-1}, respectively, assuming that the LIRL_{\rm IR} is dominated by star formation. These values suggest that Orochi will consume its gas reservoir within a short time scale (3×1073 \times 10^{7} yr), which is indeed comparable to those in extreme starbursts like the centres of local ULIRGs.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    The Cosmic Evolution of AGN in galaxy clusters

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    We present the surface density of luminous active galactic nuclei (AGN) associated with a uniformly selected galaxy cluster sample identified in the 8.5 square degree Bootes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey. The clusters are distributed over a large range of redshift (0 < z < 1.5) and we identify AGN using three different selection criteria: mid-IR color, radio luminosity, and X-ray luminosity. Relative to the field, we note a clear overdensity of the number of AGN within 0.5 Mpc of the cluster centers at z > 0.5. The amplitude of this AGN overdensity increases with redshift. Although there are significant differences between the AGN populations probed by each selection technique, the rise in cluster AGN surface density generally increases more steeply than that of field quasars. In particular, X-ray selected AGN are at least three times more prevalent in clusters at 1 < z < 1.5 compared to clusters at 0.5 < z < 1. This effect is stronger than can be explained by the evolving median richness of our cluster sample. We thus confirm the existence of a Butcher-Oemler type effect for AGN in galaxy clusters, with the number of AGN in clusters increasing with redshift.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Automated systems to identify relevant documents in product risk management

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Product risk management involves critical assessment of the risks and benefits of health products circulating in the market. One of the important sources of safety information is the primary literature, especially for newer products which regulatory authorities have relatively little experience with. Although the primary literature provides vast and diverse information, only a small proportion of which is useful for product risk assessment work. Hence, the aim of this study is to explore the possibility of using text mining to automate the identification of useful articles, which will reduce the time taken for literature search and hence improving work efficiency. In this study, term-frequency inverse document-frequency values were computed for predictors extracted from the titles and abstracts of articles related to three tumour necrosis factors-alpha blockers. A general automated system was developed using only general predictors and was tested for its generalizability using articles related to four other drug classes. Several specific automated systems were developed using both general and specific predictors and training sets of different sizes in order to determine the minimum number of articles required for developing such systems.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The general automated system had an area under the curve value of 0.731 and was able to rank 34.6% and 46.2% of the total number of 'useful' articles among the first 10% and 20% of the articles presented to the evaluators when tested on the generalizability set. However, its use may be limited by the subjective definition of useful articles. For the specific automated system, it was found that only 20 articles were required to develop a specific automated system with a prediction performance (AUC 0.748) that was better than that of general automated system.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Specific automated systems can be developed rapidly and avoid problems caused by subjective definition of useful articles. Thus the efficiency of product risk management can be improved with the use of specific automated systems.</p