58 research outputs found

    Moderate Resolution Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) Observations of M, L, and T Dwarfs

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    We present 10 - 19 um moderate resolution spectra of ten M dwarfs, one L dwarf, and two T dwarf systems obtained with the Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) onboard the Spitzer Space Telescope. The IRS allows us to examine molecular spectroscopic features/lines at moderate spectral resolution in a heretofore untapped wavelength regime. These R~600 spectra allow for a more detailed examination of clouds, non-equilibrium chemistry, as well as the molecular features of H2O, NH3, and other trace molecular species that are the hallmarks of these objects. A cloud-free model best fits our mid-infrared spectrum of the T1 dwarf epsilon Indi Ba, and we find that the NH3 feature in epsilon Indi Bb is best explained by a non-equilibrium abundance due to vertical transport in its atmosphere. We examined a set of objects (mostly M dwarfs) in multiple systems to look for evidence of emission features, which might indicate an atmospheric temperature inversion, as well as trace molecular species; however, we found no evidence of either.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, accepted ApJ 1/12/0

    Epsilon Indi B: a new benchmark T dwarf

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    We have identified a new early T dwarf only 3.6pc from the Sun, as a common proper motion companion (separation 1459AU) to the K5V star Epsilon Indi (HD209100). As such, Epsilon Indi B is one of the highest proper motion sources outside the solar system (~4.7 arcsec/yr), part of one of the twenty nearest stellar systems, and the nearest brown dwarf to the Sun. Optical photometry obtained from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey was combined with approximate infrared photometry from the 2MASS Quicklook survey data release, yielding colours for the source typical of early T dwarfs. Follow up infrared spectroscopy using the ESO NTT and SOFI confirmed its spectral type to be T2.5+/-0.5. With Ks=11.2, Epsilon Indi B is 1.7 magnitudes brighter than any previously known T dwarf and 4 magnitudes brighter than the typical object in its class, making it highly amenable to detailed study. Also, as a companion to a bright nearby star, it has a precisely known distance (3.626pc) and relatively well-known age (0.8-2Gyr), allowing us to estimate its luminosity as logL/Lsun=-4.67, its effective temperature as 1260K, and its mass as ~40-60Mjup. Epsilon Indi B represents an important addition to the census of the Solar neighbourhood and, equally importantly, a new benchmark object in our understanding of substellar objects.Comment: Accepted by A&A (Letters); 5 pages, 3 figure

    Epsilon Indi Ba/Bb: the nearest binary brown dwarf

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    We have carried out high angular resolution near-infrared imaging and low-resolution (R~1000) spectroscopy of the nearest known brown dwarf, Eps Indi B, using the ESO VLT NAOS/CONICA adaptive optics system. We find it to be a close binary (as also noted by Volk et al. 2003) with an angular separation of 0.732 arcsec, corresponding to 2.65AU at the 3.626pc distance of the Eps Indi system. In our discovery paper (Scholz et al. 2003), we concluded that Eps Indi B was a ~50Mjup T2.5 dwarf: our revised finding is that the two system components (Eps Indi Ba and Eps Indi Bb) have spectral types of T1 and T6, respectively, and estimated masses of 47 and 28Mjup, respectively, assuming an age of 1.3Gyr. Errors in the masses are +/-10 and +/-7Mjup, respectively, dominated by the uncertainty in the age determination (0.8-2Gyr range). This uniquely well-characterised T dwarf binary system should prove important in the study of low-mass, cool brown dwarfs. The two components are bright and relatively well-resolved: Eps Indi B is the only T dwarf binary in which spectra have been obtained for both components. They have a well-established distance and age. Finally, their orbital motion can be measured on a fairly short timescale (nominal orbital period 15 yrs), permitting an accurate determination of the true total system mass, helping to calibrate brown dwarf evolutionary models.Comment: Accepted for publication by Astronomy & Astrophysics main journal. This replacement version includes minor changes made following comments by the referee, along with a reworking of the photometric data and derived quantities using 2MASS catalogue photometry as the basis, with only a minor impact on the final result

    Parallaxes of southern extremely cool objects III : 118 L and T dwarfs

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    We present new results from the Parallaxes of Southern Extremely Cool dwarfs program to measure parallaxes, proper motions and multiepoch photometry of L and early T dwarfs. The observations were made on 108 nights over the course of 8 yr using the Wide Field Imager on the ESO 2.2m telescope. We present 118 new parallaxes of L and T dwarfs of which 52 have no published values and 24 of the 66 published values are preliminary estimates from this program. The parallax precision varies from 1.0 to 15.5mas with a median of 3.8mas. We find evidence for two objects with long term photometric variation and 24 new moving group candidates. We cross-match our sample to published photometric catalogues and find standard magnitudes in up to 16 pass-bands from which we build spectral energy distributions and H-R diagrams. This allows us to confirm the theoretically anticipated minimum in radius between stars and brown dwarfs across the hydrogen burning minimum mass. We find the minimum occurs between L2 and L6 and verify the predicted steep dependence of radius in the hydrogen burning regime and the gentle rise into the degenerate brown dwarf regime. We find a relatively young age of ~2 Gyr from the kinematics of our sample.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Constraints on Extrasolar Planet Populations from VLT NACO/SDI and MMT SDI and Direct Adaptive Optics Imaging Surveys: Giant Planets are Rare at Large Separations

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    We examine the implications for the distribution of extrasolar planets based on the null results from two of the largest direct imaging surveys published to date. Combining the measured contrast curves from 22 of the stars observed with the VLT NACO adaptive optics system by Masciadri et al. (2005), and 48 of the stars observed with the VLT NACO SDI and MMT SDI devices by Biller et al. (2007) (for a total of 60 unique stars; the median star for our survey is a 30 Myr K2 star at 25 pc), we consider what distributions of planet masses and semi-major axes can be ruled out by these data, based on Monte Carlo simulations of planet populations. We can set this upper limit with 95% confidence: the fraction of stars with planets with semi-major axis from 20 to 100 AU, and mass >4 M_Jup, is 20% or less. Also, with a distribution of planet mass of dN/dM ~ M^-1.16 between 0.5-13 M_Jup, we can rule out a power-law distribution for semi-major axis (dN/da ~ a^alpha) with index 0 and upper cut-off of 18 AU, and index -0.5 with an upper cut-off of 48 AU. For the distribution suggested by Cumming et al. (2007), a power-law of index -0.61, we can place an upper limit of 75 AU on the semi-major axis distribution. At the 68% confidence level, these upper limits state that fewer than 8% of stars have a planet of mass >4 M_Jup between 20 and 100 AU, and a power-law distribution for semi-major axis with index 0, -0.5, and -0.61 cannot have giant planets beyond 12, 23, and 29 AU, respectively. In general, we find that even null results from direct imaging surveys are very powerful in constraining the distributions of giant planets (0.5-13 M_Jup) at large separations, but more work needs to be done to close the gap between planets that can be detected by direct imaging, and those to which the radial velocity method is sensitive.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figures, accepted to Ap

    New Debris Disks Around Nearby Main Sequence Stars: Impact on The Direct Detection of Planets

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    Using the MIPS instrument on the Spitzer telescope, we have searched for infrared excesses around a sample of 82 stars, mostly F, G, and K main-sequence field stars, along with a small number of nearby M stars. These stars were selected for their suitability for future observations by a variety of planet-finding techniques. These observations provide information on the asteroidal and cometary material orbiting these stars - data that can be correlated with any planets that may eventually be found. We have found significant excess 70um emission toward 12 stars. Combined with an earlier study, we find an overall 70um excess detection rate of 13±313 \pm 3% for mature cool stars. Unlike the trend for planets to be found preferentially toward stars with high metallicity, the incidence of debris disks is uncorrelated with metallicity. By newly identifying 4 of these stars as having weak 24um excesses (fluxes \sim10% above the stellar photosphere), we confirm a trend found in earlier studies wherein a weak 24um excess is associated with a strong 70um excess. Interestingly, we find no evidence for debris disks around 23 stars cooler than K1, a result that is bolstered by a lack of excess around any of the 38 K1-M6 stars in 2 companion surveys. One motivation for this study is the fact that strong zodiacal emission can make it hard or impossible to detect planets directly with future observatories like the {\it Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF)}. The observations reported here exclude a few stars with very high levels of emission, >>1,000 times the emission of our zodiacal cloud, from direct planet searches. For the remainder of the sample, we set relatively high limits on dust emission from asteroid belt counterparts

    Incidence and survival of remnant disks around main-sequence stars

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    We present photometric ISO 60 and 170um measurements, complemented by some IRAS data at 60um, of a sample of 84 nearby main-sequence stars of spectral class A, F, G and K in order to determine the incidence of dust disks around such main-sequence stars. Of the stars younger than 400 Myr one in two has a disk; for the older stars this is true for only one in ten. We conclude that most stars arrive on the main sequence surrounded by a disk; this disk then decays in about 400 Myr. Because (i) the dust particles disappear and must be replenished on a much shorter time scale and (ii) the collision of planetesimals is a good source of new dust, we suggest that the rapid decay of the disks is caused by the destruction and escape of planetesimals. We suggest that the dissipation of the disk is related to the heavy bombardment phase in our Solar System. Whether all stars arrive on the main sequence surrounded by a disk cannot be established: some very young stars do not have a disk. And not all stars destroy their disk in a similar way: some stars as old as the Sun still have significant disks.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, Astron & Astrophys. in pres

    Frequency of Debris Disks around Solar-Type Stars: First Results from a Spitzer/MIPS Survey

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    We have searched for infrared excesses around a well defined sample of 69 FGK main-sequence field stars. These stars were selected without regard to their age, metallicity, or any previous detection of IR excess; they have a median age of ~4 Gyr. We have detected 70 um excesses around 7 stars at the 3-sigma confidence level. This extra emission is produced by cool material (< 100 K) located beyond 10 AU, well outside the ``habitable zones'' of these systems and consistent with the presence of Kuiper Belt analogs with ~100 times more emitting surface area than in our own planetary system. Only one star, HD 69830, shows excess emission at 24 um, corresponding to dust with temperatures > 300 K located inside of 1 AU. While debris disks with Ld/L* > 10^-3 are rare around old FGK stars, we find that the disk frequency increases from 2+-2% for Ld/L* > 10^-4 to 12+-5% for Ld/L* > 10^-5. This trend in the disk luminosity distribution is consistent with the estimated dust in our solar system being within an order of magnitude, greater or less, than the typical level around similar nearby stars.Comment: 11 figure

    Dust in the inner regions of debris disks around A stars

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    We present infrared interferometric observations of the inner regions of two A-star debris disks, beta Leo and zeta Lep, using the FLUOR instrument at the CHARA interferometer on both short (30 m) and long (>200 m) baselines. For the target stars, the short baseline visibilities are lower than expected for the stellar photosphere alone, while those of a check star, delta Leo, are not. We interpret this visibility offset of a few percent as a near-infrared excess arising from dust grains which, due to the instrumental field of view, must be located within several AU of the central star. For beta Leo, the near-infrared excess producing grains are spatially distinct from the dust which produces the previously known mid-infrared excess. For zeta Lep, the near-infrared excess may be spatially associated with the mid-infrared excess producing material. We present simple geometric models which are consistent with the near and mid-infrared excess and show that for both objects, the near-infrared producing material is most consistent with a thin ring of dust near the sublimation radius with typical grain sizes smaller than the nominal radiation pressure blowout radius. Finally, we discuss possible origins of the near-infrared emitting dust in the context of debris disk evolution models.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Probing the close environment of young stellar objects with interferometry

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    The study of Young Stellar Objects (YSOs) is one of the most exciting topics that can be undertaken by long baseline optical interferometry. The magnitudes of these objects are at the edge of capabilities of current optical interferometers, limiting the studies to a few dozen, but are well within the capability of coming large aperture interferometers like the VLT Interferometer, the Keck Interferometer, the Large Binocular Telescope or 'OHANA. The milli-arcsecond spatial resolution reached by interferometry probes the very close environment of young stars, down to a tenth of an astronomical unit. In this paper, I review the different aspects of star formation that can be tackled by interferometry: circumstellar disks, multiplicity, jets. I present recent observations performed with operational infrared interferometers, IOTA, PTI and ISI, and I show why in the next future one will extend these studies with large aperture interferometers.Comment: Review to be published in JENAM'2002 proceedings "The Very Large Telescope Interferometer Challenges for the future