62 research outputs found

    Инфинитив как средство создания неопределенности в поэтическом тексте

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    Статья посвящена описанию некоторых особенностей функционирования в поэтическом тексте инфинитивов и их семантике. Инфинитив рассматривается как средство создания неопределенности в поэтическом тексте. Эта состав- ляющая его стилистического потенциала обусловлена лингвистической природой неопределенной формы глагола, что и описывается в данной статье.Стаття присвячена опису певних особливостей функціонування в поетичному тексті інфінітивів і їх семантиці. Інфінітив розглядається як засіб створення неозначеності в поетичному тексті. Ця складова його стилістичного потенціалу обумовлена лінгвістичною природою неозначеної форми дієслова, що й описується в цій статті.The article is devoted to the description of some features of functioning in the poetic text of infinitives and their semantics. An infinitive is examined as a means of creation of uncertainty in a poetic text. This constituent of its stylistic potential is conditioned by the linguistic nature of indefinite form of verb which is under consideration in this article

    Decadal changes in the mid-depth water mass dynamic of the Northeastern Atlantic margin (Bay of Biscay)

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    The lithium/magnesium (Li/Mg) molar ratios, radiocarbon measurements (?14C) and Nd-isotopic composition (eNd) of the aragonite skeleton of a branching cold-water coral (CWC) species Madrepora oculata collected alive in the Bay of Biscay at ~691 m water depth were investigated to reconstruct a robust record of the mid-depth water mass dynamics between 1950 and 1990 AD. Temperature estimates based on the skeletons Li/Mg molar ratios reveal small decadal changes of about 1 °C at thermocline depth synchronous to and of similar amplitude as surface temperature anomalies. ?14C measurements shows quasi-decadal oscillations of 15‰ around pre-bomb ?14C average value of -59±6‰ and post-bomb ?14C of -12±6‰, which most likely reflect decadal changes of water mass exchange across the thermocline. The coral eNd values remain in narrow ranges of -11.9 to -10.2, similar to the isotopic composition of East North Atlantic Central Water, but show highest values in the late 1950s, and early 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s. The punctuated changes of the coral Nd-isotopic composition may thus reflect periods of particular enhanced advection of temperate intermediate water (mid-depth Subpolar Gyre/Mediterranean Sea Water). Altogether, our robust multi-proxy record provides new evidence that Northern Hemisphere atmospheric variability (such as, North Atlantic Oscillation and East Atlantic pattern) drives changes not only in the thermocline but also in the mid-depth water-mass advection patterns in the Northeastern Atlantic margin. However, the interannual variability of our record remains to be tested

    Cuestiones epistemológicas y estudios de caso

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    En un país -Francia- donde el campo del teatro está estructurado culturalmente durante décadas, el Teatro Aplicado es una noción que a menudo aparece como ancillar, frente a un arte institucionali-zado, incluso mirificado. Por un lado, estaría el Teatro, puro, noble, auténtico y por otro, estarían sus avatares: el teatro de empresa, el teatro para el desarrollo personal, el teatro para patologías, etc. Si tienen la misma fuente, su consanguinidad no deja de asustar. ¿cómo pueden unos artistas que crean alejados de cualquier coacción exterior pertenecer a la misma familia del teatro que unos actores o directores que "obedecen" a un encargo, en un contexto específico, con un público muchas veces participantes de talleres ... y que son por tanto prisioneros, en cierto modo, de un arte instru-mental izado? A este problema ético, este libro intenta responder, a través de ejemplos concretos, para una mayor comprensión inrerculrural Francia/ Colombia.In a country -France- where the field of theater has been culturally structured for decades, Applied Theater is a notion that often appears as an ancillary, in the face of an institutionalized, even mirified, art. On the one hand, there would be the Theater, pure, noble, authentic and on the other, there would be its ups and downs: company theater, theater for personal development, theater for pathologies, etc. If they have the same source, their consanguinity does not stop frightening. How can some artists who create far from any external coercion belong to the same theater family as some actors or directors who "obey" a commission, in a specific context, with an audience that is often workshop participants... are they therefore prisoners, in a certain way, of an instrumented art? To this ethical problem, this book tries to respond, through concrete examples, for a greater intercultural understanding France/ Colombia.Bogot

    Reconstitution esthétique et fonctionnelle du maxillaire supérieur par prothèse fixée(cas clinique)

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Méd/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Evaluation in vivo de la précision d'adaptation des coiffes céramiques alumineuses Procéra (R)

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Méd/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Prothèse et CFAO (techniques et procédures de laboratoire)

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Méd/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Simulation du joint de matériaux de scellement par un élastomère silicone (proposition d'une méthode de validation)

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Méd/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Le joint dento-prothétique de prothèses conjointes (évaluation clinique)

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Méd/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Traitements de surface des céramiques et assemblage

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Méd/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Précision d'adaptation marginale de restaurations prothétiques unitaires et plurales au niveau interdentaire

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    AIX-MARSEILLE2-BU Méd/Odontol. (130552103) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF