270 research outputs found

    Migrant impact on the development of creative society in Lithuania: a critical overview

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    Migration has become a significant issue in many countries and it has been highly debated topic in economic and social policy areas. Only recently, the impact of migration on the culture, norms, values and development of creative society had begun to catch the attention of policymakers and researchers. Migrant contributions to the society are seen not only as significant component to economies and their labour markets, but also as an important factor in stimulating creativity and innovation. This paper analyses this inter-relatedness and presents empirically-based arguments in support of the position that a migration can be regarded as the main prerequisite for the creation of a knowledge economy and as providing the potential for development of creative and inclusive society. Santrauka Straipsnyje analizuojamas aukštos kvalifikacijos imigrantų poveikis kūrybos visuomenės plėtrai Lietuvoje. Straipsnio tikslas – išanalizuoti teorines aukštos kvalifikacijos imigracijos poveikio kūrybos visuomenės plėtrai prielaidas, imigrantų įtaką priimančiosios šalies kultūrai, normoms, vertybėms ir talentingų darbuotojų pritraukimo į šalį veiksnius. Straipsnyje laikomasi požiūrio, kad imigrantų indėlis į visuomenę vertinamas ne tik kaip reikšmingas ekonomikos ir šalies darbo rinkos komponentas, bet ir kaip svarbus veiksnys, skatinantis kūrybiškumą ir inovacijas. Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamas minėtas tarpusavio ryšys ir pateikiami empiriškai pagrįsti argumentai, patvirtinantys poziciją, kad talentingų darbuotojų migracija gali būti laikoma pagrindine sąlyga kuriant žinių ekonomiką ir siekiant kūrybiškos bei įtraukios visuomenės potencialo plėtros. Reikšminiai žodžiai: kūrybiškumas, įvairovė, migracija, socialinės inovacijos, tolerancija, jaunimo politika.

    Marine diversity shift linked to interactions among grazers, nutrients and propagule banks

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    Diverse coastal seaweed communities dominated by perennial fucoids become replaced by species-poor turfs of annual algae throughout the Baltic Sea. A large-scale field survey and factorial field experiments indicated that grazers maintain the fucoid community through selective consumption of annual algae. Interactive effects between grazers and dormant propagules of annual algae, stored in a 'marine seed bank', determine the response of this system to anthropogenic nutrient loading. Nutrients override grazer control and accelerate the loss of algal diversity in the presence but not in the absence of a propagule bank. This implies a novel role of propagule banks for community regulation and ecosystem response to marine eutrophication


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    In the mol­ecule of the title compound, C17H22N4S, the triazolothia­diazole ring system is essentially planar and forms a dihedral angle of 74.34 (6)° with the benzene ring. In the crystal structure, mol­ecules are linked into chains running along the b axis by C—H⋯π inter­actions; adjacent chains are cross-linked via C—H⋯N hydrogen bonds and short S⋯N contacts [3.2694 (14) and 3.2953 (14) Å]

    Individual resting-state frontocingular functional connectivity predicts the intermittent theta burst stimulation response to stress in healthy female volunteers

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    Intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) delivered to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) has been investigated as a promising treatment for stress and stress‐related mental disorders such as major depression, yet large individual differences in responsiveness demand further exploration and optimization of its effectiveness. Clinical research suggests that resting‐state functional connectivity (rsFC) between the DLPFC and the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) can predict iTBS treatment response in depression. The present study aimed to investigate whether rsFC between the left DLPFC and ACC subregions could predict the degree to which the stress system is affected by iTBS. After assessment of baseline resting‐state fMRI data, 34 healthy female participants performed the Trier Social Stress Test on two separate days, each followed by active or sham iTBS over the left DLPFC. To evaluate iTBS effects on the stress‐system, salivary cortisol was measured throughout the procedure. Our results showed that a stronger negative correlation between the left DLPFC and the caudal ACC was linked to a larger attenuation of stress‐system sensitivity during active, but not during sham iTBS. In conclusion, based on individual rsFC between left DLPFC and caudal ACC, iTBS could be optimized to more effectively attenuate deregulation of the stress system


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    In the mol­ecule of the title compound, C18H16F2N4O2, the 1,2,4-triazole ring forms dihedral angles of 3.6 (2) and 14.9 (6)° with the 4-difluoro­meth­oxy-substituted benzene ring and the 2,3-dimethyl-substituted benzene ring, respectively. The OCHF2 group is twisted away from the plane of the benzene ring, as shown by the C—O—C—C torsion angle of 145.8 (2)°. The conformation is stabilized by an inter­molecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bond. In the crystal, short C—H⋯O inter­actions lead to chains of mol­ecules

    Assessment of the viability of using saline reclaimed water in grapefruit in medium to long term

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    Citrus trees are strongly affected by salinity, especially in countries where irrigation is required as a semi-arid Mediterranean agronomic region. The aims of the study were i) to identify the best reliable plant-based water status indicator for field grown grapefruit trees irrigated with saline reclaimed water during five years of cultivation by measuring seasonal changes in physiological parameters (i.e. gas exchange and stem water potential measurements), leaf structural traits (i.e. leaf chlorophyll content, area-based leaf nitrogen and area-based dry mass), phytotoxic elements and yield; ii) to estimate phytotoxicity thresholds at leaf level. Our results showed that the chlorophyll content was the parameter with the highest number of measures with significant differences (p≤0.05, ANOVA) between trees irrigated with reclaimed water and control trees throughout growing stages. Moreover, Chl a increased linearly with area-based leaf nitrogen (R2=0.63; p<0.001) and area-based dry mass (R2=0.64; p<0.001). We also determined the salt-induced phytotoxicity thresholds at which a reduction in yields occurs; these levels were Na: 0.1 g/100 g, Cl: 0.6 g/100 gand B: 100 ppm. In conclusion, we revealed the importance of leaf chlorophyll measurements as a significance diagnostic indicator of salt stress on field grown grapefruit trees. This parameter was also related to plant-based water status indicators such as stem water potential, stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis. Additionally, a salt accumulation potential at leaf level was shown, leading to possible risk in crop sustainability in the medium to long term

    Variação de matéria seca e de nutrientes nas folhas e nos frutos, produção de ácido ascórbico e suco, em seis cultivares de citros, durante um ciclo

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    De uma plantação de citros, com os cultivares T. Cravo (Citrus reticulata Blanco), L.Hamlin (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), T. Murcott (Citrus reticulata Blanco x Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), L. Natal (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck, L. Valencia (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) e L. Pera (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), situada na "Fazenda Sete Lagoas", no município de Mogi-Guaçu (22&deg; 22% 46&deg; 56'W.Gr.), em Latossolo Vermelho amarelo, fase arenosa, foram coletados frutos 30 dias após florescimento, até a idade da coleta comercial. No material coletado, foram determinadas a variação da matéria seca, a concentração dos macro e micronutrientes nas folhas adjacentes ao fruto, a extração de macro e micronutríentes pelos frutos, a produção de suco (ml) por fruto e a concentração de ácido ascórbico (mg/100 ml de suco). Concluiu-se que: 1. O aumento da matéria seca, intensifica-se a partir do segundo mês apos o florescimento; 2. Com exceção da T. Cravo, ocorre uma diminuição na produção de matéria seca no final do ciclo; 3. A concentração dos macro e micronutrientes nas folhas apresenta oscilações durante o desenvolvimento do fruto; 4. A ordem decrescente de extração de nutrientes é: K, N, Ca, Mg, P = S, Fe, B, Zn, Mn, Cu; 5. A capacidade de exportação de nutrientes pelos cultivares é, em ordem decrescente: L. Pera, L. Hamlin = T. Cravo, T. Murcott, L. Valencia, L. Natal; 6. A quantidade de suco produzido por fruto, oscila entre 43 a 95 ml; 7. A concentração de ácido ascórbico (mg/100 ml de suco), varia entre 30 a 95

    Comparative constructions of similarity in Northern Samoyedic languages

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the suffixes which are used in Northern Samoyedic languages to build comparative constructions of equality. Depending on the language, the suffixes may perform three functions: word-building, form-building, and inflectional. When they mark the noun, they serve as simulative suffixes and are employed to build object comparison. In the inflectional function, these suffixes mark the verb and are a means of constructing situational comparison. In this case, they signal the formation of a special mood termed the Approximative. This paper provides a detailed description of the Approximative from paradigmatic and syntagmatic perspectives