996 research outputs found

    A brouse avec Pierre Loti

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    Taha Toros ArƟivi, Dosya Adı: Pierre LotiÄ°stanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) Ä°stanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    South African critical care nurses' views on end-of-life decision-making and practices.

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    BACKGROUND: Care of patients at the end-of-life (EOL) may be influenced by the experiences, attitudes and beliefs of nurses involved in their direct care. AIM: To investigate South African critical care nurses' experiences and perceptions of EOL care. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. METHODS: South African critical care nurses completed a modified version of the 'VENICE' survey tool. Data were collected concerning: attitudes towards EOL care; involvement in EOL decision-making; and beliefs about EOL practices. RESULTS: Of 149 surveys distributed, 100 were returned (response rate 67%). Seventy-six percent stated that they had had direct involvement in EOL care of patients, but a minority (29%) had participated in EOL decision-making processes. Whilst most nurses (86%) were committed to family involvement in EOL decisions, less than two thirds (62%) reported this as routine practice. When withdrawing treatment, around half (54%) of the respondents indicated they would decrease the inspired oxygen level to room air, and the majority (84%) recommended giving effective pain relief. Continued nutritional support (84%) and hydration (85%) were advocated, with most nurses (62%) indicating that they were against keeping patients deeply sedated. Most respondents (68%) felt patients should remain in intensive care at the end of life, with the majority (72%) supporting open-visiting, no restriction on number of family members visiting (70%), and the practising of religious or traditional cultural EOL rituals (93%). CONCLUSIONS: The involvement of Johannesburg critical nurses in EOL care discussions and decisions is infrequent despite their participation in care delivery and definite views about the process. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE: Use of formal guidelines and education is recommended to increase the nurses' involvement in and their confidence in participating in EOL decisions. Educators, managers, senior nurses and other members of the multi-disciplinary team should collaborate to enable critical care nurses to become more involved in EOL care

    Avian Communities of the Northern Mackenzie Mountains, Northwest Territories, Canada

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    Basic knowledge of the abundance and distribution of birds and their habitats and the relationships between them is limited for many parts of Arctic Canada, including montane regions. This information is important for conservation purposes as bird populations and habitats shift and as interest in development of northern areas increases. We characterized bird communities in the Mackenzie Mountains of the Northwest Territories by conducting point counts (n = 376) in June 2009 and 2010 and using community analysis metrics (multiple response permutation procedures, indicator species analysis, non-metric multidimensional scaling) to statistically and graphically describe bird data in six habitat types: coniferous forest, deciduous forest, shrub (short and tall), alpine tundra, and open water wetlands. Distinct habitats had significantly different bird communities, as shown by using multiple response permutation procedures (p < 0.005). Of 51 species, 32 had significant (p < 0.05) indicator values for one habitat type (n = 15) or groups of habitats (n = 17) in an indicator species analysis. The tall shrub habitat type had the most indicator species (six species) followed by alpine tundra (five species), then the combined conifer, deciduous, and wetland habitat group (four species) and the deciduous forest habitat types (three species). Species richness was highest in the tall shrub (n = 37), alpine (n = 30), and conifer and short shrub (n = 29) habitats. We also observed eight bird species not previously known to occur in the area, or which were outside published ranges. Our results highlight the variability in bird community composition between the major habitat types in the Mackenzie Mountains, serve as a baseline for future bird studies in the region, and underscore the need for more research in the area with impending anthropogenic changes.Pour de nombreuses parties de l’Arctique canadien, y compris les rĂ©gions montagnardes, les connaissances de base portant sur l’abondance et la rĂ©partition des oiseaux et de leurs habitats, de mĂȘme que sur leurs relations entre eux, sont restreintes. Ces renseignements revĂȘtent de l’importance en matiĂšre de conservation, au moment oĂč les habitats et les populations d’oiseaux changent et oĂč l’on s’intĂ©resse de plus en plus au dĂ©veloppement des rĂ©gions du nord. Nous avons caractĂ©risĂ© les communautĂ©s d’oiseaux des monts Mackenzie, dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest, en effectuant des dĂ©nombrements ponctuels (n = 376) en juin 2009 et 2010 et en recourant Ă  diverses mesures d’analyse des communautĂ©s (test de permutations multiples, analyse des espĂšces indicatrices, analyse multidimensionnelle non mĂ©trique) afin de dĂ©crire Ă  l’aide de statistiques et de graphiques les donnĂ©es relatives aux oiseaux de six types d’habitats : forĂȘts de conifĂšres, forĂȘts de feuillus, arbustaies (petits arbustes et grands arbustes), toundra alpine et terres humides avec Ă©tendues d’eaux libres. D’aprĂšs les tests de permutations multiples (p < 0,005), les communautĂ©s d’oiseaux diffĂšrent considĂ©rablement en prĂ©sence d’habitats distincts. L’analyse des espĂšces indicatrices a Ă©galement permis de dĂ©montrer que parmi les 51 espĂšces, 32 avaient des valeurs indicatrices importantes (< 0,05) pour un type d’habitat (n = 15) ou des groupes d’habitats (n = 17). L’habitat des grands arbustes comptait le plus grand nombre d’espĂšces indicatrices (six espĂšces), suivi de la toundra alpine (cinq espĂšces), puis du groupe composĂ© de la forĂȘt de conifĂšres, de la forĂȘt de feuillus et des terres humides (quatre espĂšces), et de la forĂȘt de feuillus (trois espĂšces). La richesse des espĂšces Ă©tait plus grande dans les habitats des grands arbustes (n = 37), de la toundra alpine (n = 30) et des conifĂšres et petits arbustes (n = 29). Nous avons Ă©galement observĂ© huit espĂšces d’oiseaux qui n’avaient jamais Ă©tĂ© rĂ©pertoriĂ©es dans la rĂ©gion ou qui se trouvaient en dehors de leur parcours naturel. Nos rĂ©sultats mettent en Ă©vidence la variabilitĂ© de la composition des communautĂ©s d’oiseaux dans les principaux types d’habitats des monts Mackenzie. Ils serviront Ă©galement de rĂ©fĂ©rence aux autres Ă©tudes d’oiseaux qui seront effectuĂ©es dans la rĂ©gion, et font ressortir la nĂ©cessitĂ© de faire d’autres recherches dans la rĂ©gion Ă  la lumiĂšre des changements anthropiques imminents

    Shorebird and Passerine Abundance and Habitat Use at a High Arctic Breeding Site: Creswell Bay, Nunavut

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    Shorebirds and passerines were surveyed at Creswell Bay, Somerset Island, in the High Arctic Ecozone (Canadian Arctic Islands) during the breeding season (June and July, 1995–97) and in August 1995 (post-breeding). The study area, situated on the north and south sides of Creswell Bay, consisted of sedge marsh and sedge wetland in the lowest areas, with shrub tundra dominated by Dryas spp. or Cassiope spp. and sparse herbaceous tundra over more upland areas. Surveys were carried out on 400 x 400 m plots distributed among the vegetation types according to their relative amounts within the study areas (34 plots in 1995; 33 plus 56 new plots in 1997). Eleven shorebird and three passerine species were observed during the surveys. Densities of breeding shorebirds were similar in 1995 and 1997 (37.3 and 33.1 birds/km2), while in 1996 a late spring with heavy snow cover resulted in reduced numbers of birds and no breeding. Shorebirds and passerines were much more numerous in sedge marsh and sedge wetland. White-rumped sandpiper (Calidris fuscicollis) and red phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius) were the most abundant shorebirds breeding at Creswell Bay, and Lapland longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) was the most abundant breeding passerine. White-rumped sandpiper and sanderling (Calidris alba) were the most numerous species present after the breeding period. American golden-plover (Pluvialis dominica), red phalarope, and white-rumped sandpiper showed significant habitat preferences. An estimated 10 341 (± 6596; 95% CI) shorebirds were on the north area in 1995 and 14 840 (± 10 744) on both areas in 1997. The estimated maximum numbers over both years of white-rumped sandpiper (6769 ± 3725) and buff-breasted sandpiper (Tryngites subruficollis) (908 ± 1169) at Creswell Bay were more than 1% of the species’ estimated national populations (1.5% and 5.1%, respectively). This abundance, along with the relatively high species diversity at this high-latitude site, warrants its continued status as a Canadian Wildlife Service “key habitat site,” and every possible effort should be made to ensure its long-term protection.Les oiseaux de rivage et les passereaux ont fait l’objet d’une Ă©tude menĂ©e Ă  la baie Creswell, dans l’üle Somerset situĂ©e dans l’écozone de l’ExtrĂȘme-Arctique (archipel Arctique canadien) durant la saison de nidification (juin et juillet, 1995–97) et en aoĂ»t 1995 (pĂ©riode post-reproductrice). La zone d’étude, situĂ©e sur les rivages nord et sud de la baie Creswell, consistait en des cariçaies de terrains marĂ©cageux et humides dans les terres les plus basses, avec une toundra arbustive dominĂ©e par Dryas spp. ou Cassiope spp. et une toundra herbacĂ©e clairsemĂ©e dans les terres plus hautes. L’étude a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e sur des parcelles carrĂ©es de 400 m de cĂŽtĂ© rĂ©parties dans les divers types de vĂ©gĂ©tation selon l’importance relative de ces derniers dans les zones d’étude (34 parcelles en 1995; 33 parcelles plus 56 nouvelles en 1997). On a observĂ© 11 espĂšces d’oiseaux de rivage et trois espĂšces de passereaux durant l’étude. Les densitĂ©s des oiseaux de rivage qui nidifiaient Ă©taient semblables en 1995 et en 1997 (37,3 et 33,1 oiseaux/km2), alors qu’en 1996, un printemps tardif accompagnĂ© d’un important couvert nival a fait que le nombre des oiseaux a diminuĂ© et qu’aucun nid n’a Ă©tĂ© construit. Les oiseaux de rivage et les passereaux Ă©taient beaucoup plus nombreux dans les cariçaies de terrains marĂ©cageux et humides. Le bĂ©casseau Ă  croupion blanc (Calidris fuscicollis) et le phalarope Ă  bec large (Phalaropus fulicarius) Ă©taient les oiseaux les plus nombreux Ă  nidifier Ă  la baie Creswell, et le bruant lapon (Calcarius lapponicus) Ă©tait le passereau nidificateur le plus abondant. Le bĂ©casseau Ă  croupion blanc et le bĂ©casseau sanderling (Calidris alba) Ă©taient les espĂšces les plus nombreuses prĂ©sentes aprĂšs la pĂ©riode de nidification. Le pluvier bronzĂ© (Pluvialis dominica), le phalarope Ă  bec large et le bĂ©casseau Ă  croupion blanc affichaient une nette prĂ©fĂ©rence quant Ă  leur habitat. On a estimĂ© Ă  10 341 (± 6596; intervalle de confiance Ă  95 %) le nombre des oiseaux de rivage prĂ©sents sur la cĂŽte septentrionale en 1995, et Ă  14 840 (± 10 744) celui des oiseaux de rivage prĂ©sents sur les cĂŽtes nord et sud en 1997. Au cours des deux annĂ©es, le nombre maximal estimĂ© pour le bĂ©casseau Ă  croupion blanc (6769 ± 3725) et celui pour le bĂ©casseau roussĂątre (Tryngites subruficollis) (908 ± 1169) Ă  la baie Creswell reprĂ©sentaient plus de 1 % des populations nationales estimĂ©es de ces espĂšces (1,5 % et 5,1 % respectivement). Cette abondance, jointe Ă  une diversitĂ© relativement forte des espĂšces dans cette rĂ©gion de haute latitude, justifie le maintien de son statut de «site d’habitat clé» du Service canadien de la faune, et toutes les mesures devraient ĂȘtre prises pour en garantir la protection Ă  long terme

    The design thinking approaches of three different groups of designers based on self-reports

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    This paper compares the design thinking approaches of three groups of student-designers: industrial design and architecture undergraduates, and design PhD candidates. Participants responded to an open-ended design brief, working individually. Upon submission of their designs they were debriefed about their design processes. We compare the groups based on their submissions and self-reported design activities, especially the sequence of their design activities and the time allotted to them. There were some commonalities and differences between the two undergraduate groups but the main differences were between the two undergraduates and the PhD students. On the basis of the findings we pose questions regarding design methods in the era of 'design thinking' wherein designers are required to adopt an entrepreneurial frame of mind

    Creativity out of chaos

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    Creativity is said to be highly desired in post-modern and post-industrial organizations Creativity and anarchy on the one hand, and managerialism, on the other, can be seen as different forms of knowledge, two opposed ideals. In many organizational as well as societal reforms we currently observe it is the managerialist ideal that wins over the anarchic. In this paper, we wonder if people fear anarchy? We reflect on the possible reasons for the fear, and we also try to explain why we believe that anarchic organizing should not be avoided or feared

    Anthropologie visuelle

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    Jean-Paul Colleyn, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences avec Éliane de Latour et Marc-Henri Piault, directeurs de recherche au CNRS Fiction et construction du rĂ©el Nous avons d’abord discutĂ© des critĂšres de scientificitĂ© Ă  travers des auteurs comme Paul Veyne, Edmund Leach, Talcot Parsons, James Clifford, Michael Taussig, Jean-Marie Schaeffer. Il est apparu que le terme fiction avait souvent Ă©tĂ© employĂ©, positivement ou nĂ©gativement, de maniĂšre polĂ©mique et qu’il Ă©tait utile de distinguer fiction, modĂšle, i..

    Anthropologie visuelle

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    Jean-Paul Colleyn, maĂźtre de confĂ©rences avec Éliane de Latour et Marc-Henri Piault, directeurs de recherche au CNRS Fiction et construction du rĂ©el Nous avons d’abord discutĂ© des critĂšres de scientificitĂ© Ă  travers des auteurs comme Paul Veyne, Edmund Leach, Talcot Parsons, James Clifford, Michael Taussig, Jean-Marie Schaeffer. Il est apparu que le terme fiction avait souvent Ă©tĂ© employĂ©, positivement ou nĂ©gativement, de maniĂšre polĂ©mique et qu’il Ă©tait utile de distinguer fiction, modĂšle, i..

    Allowing for detachment processes in market innovation. The case of short food supply chains

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    The purpose of this paper is to study the place of detachment processes in market agencing. The authors draw on the case of short food supply chains, especially those established to provide local produce to mass catering. They characterise short food supply chains as “market innovations through withdrawal”, i.e. market innovations aiming at detaching farmers and consumers from the middlemen of mainstream markets and reducing the number of food miles. They argue that detachment from mainstream market mediators generally calls for the creation of new mediators and highlight the difficulties of this agencing work. In line with the research on path dependence and lock-ins, they also show that existing attachments are binding and may impede detachments. Finally, the authors show that short food supply chains combine the establishment of new and pre-existing attachments and of new and pre-existing detachments. They sum up this combination of processes with the term “quasi-detachment”

    Zooming in and out : studying practices by switching theoretical lenses and trailing connections

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    This paper contributes to re-specifying a number of the phenomena of interest to organisational studies in terms of patterns of socio-material practices and their effects. It does so by outlining a vocabulary and strategy that make up a framework for theorising work and organisational practices. The vocabulary is based on number of sensitising concepts that connote practice as an open-ended, heterogeneous accomplishment which takes place within a specific horizon of sense and a set of concerns which the practice itself brings to bear. The strategy is based on the metaphorical movement of "zooming in" and "zooming out of" practice. The zooming in and out are obtained through switching theoretical lenses and repositioning in the field, so that certain aspects of the practice are fore-grounded while others are bracketed. Building on the results of an extended study of telemedicine, the paper discusses in detail the different elements of the framework and how it enhances our capacity to re-present practice. The paper concludes with some considerations on how the proposed approach can assist us in advancing the research agenda of organizational and work studies
