236 research outputs found

    Emotional Awareness During Bug Fixes – A Pilot Study

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    This study examines the effects of a programmer\u27s emotional awareness on progress while fixing bugs. The goal of the study is to capitalize on emotional awareness to ultimately increase progress made during software development. This process could result in improved software maintenance

    Anterior Transfer of Tibialis Posterior through the Interosseous Membranes in Post Injection Drop Foot: The Expirence at CORU

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    Post injection foot drop constitutes 7.6% of paediatric orthopaedic pathology seen in our unit. It commonly results from intragluteal injection with quinine in the treatment of malaria. The patients present with equinus or equinovarus foot deformity. Because of abnormal weight bearing, the deformity usually worsened with age. Anterior transfer of the tibialis posterior to the dorsum of the foot through the interosseous membrane has been described before and results reported. The tendon is either transfixed by tenodesis to the cuneiform or cuboids. In our series the latter method was used. This is a follow up of 30 patients who had surgeries at least 18 months after the injection and muscles power of the tendon transferred ranged from 3 to 5. We used three incisions of approximately 4cm each instead of four. Postoperative plaster of Paris cast for 6 weeks and ankle foot orthosis were used. We evaluated for correction and ability of the transferred tendon to actively dorsiflex at the ankle joint. Nineteen patients had good results 8 fair and 3 poor there was no neurovascular deficit. The purpose of this paper is to outline our outcome and technique of anterior transfer of the tibialis posterior through the interosseous membrane

    Emotional Awareness During Bug Fixes – A Pilot Study

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    This study examines the effects of a programmer\u27s emotional awareness on progress while fixing bugs. The goal of the study is to capitalize on emotional awareness to ultimately increase progress made during software development. This process could result in improved software maintenance

    Regulation of Gephyrin Cluster Size and Inhibitory Synaptic Currents on Renshaw Cells by Motor Axon Excitatory Inputs

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    Renshaw cells receive a high density of inhibitory synapses characterized by large postsynaptic gephyrin clusters and mixed glycinergic/ GABAergic inhibitory currents with large peak amplitudes and long decays. These properties appear adapted to increase inhibitory efficacy over Renshaw cells and mature postnatally by mechanisms that are unknown. We tested the hypothesis that heterosynaptic influences from excitatory motor axon inputs modulate the development of inhibitory synapses on Renshaw cells. Thus, tetanus (TeNT) and botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT-A) were injected intramuscularly at postnatal day 5 (P5) to, respectively, elevate or reduce motor axon firing activity for 2 weeks. After TeNT injections, the average gephyrin cluster areas on Renshaw cells increased by 18.4% at P15 and 28.4% at P20 and decreased after BoNT-A injections by 17.7% at P15 and 19.9% at P20. The average size differences resulted from changes in the proportions of small and large gephyrin clusters. Whole-cell recordings in P9 –P15 Renshaw cells after P5 TeNT injections showed increases in the peak amplitude of glycinergic miniature postsynaptic currents (mPSCs) and the fast component of mixed (glycinergic/GABAergic) mPSCs compared with controls (60.9% and 78.9%, respectively). GABAergic mPSCs increased in peak amplitude to a smaller extent (45.8%). However, because of the comparatively longer decays of synaptic GABAergic currents, total current transfer changes after TeNT were similar for synaptic glycine and GABAA receptors (56 vs 48.9% increases, respectively). We concluded that motor axon excitatory synaptic activity modulates the development of inhibitory synapse properties on Renshaw cells, influencing recruitment of postsynaptic gephyrin and glycine receptors and, to lesser extent, GABAA receptors

    Preservation of KCC2 expression in axotomized abducens motoneurons and its enhancement by VEGF

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    The potassium chloride cotransporter 2 (KCC2) is the main Cl− extruder in neurons. Any alteration in KCC2 levels leads to changes in Cl− homeostasis and, consequently, in the polarity and amplitude of inhibitory synaptic potentials mediated by GABA or glycine. Axotomy downregulates KCC2 in many different motoneurons and it is suspected that interruption of muscle-derived factors maintaining motoneuron KCC2 expression is in part responsible. In here, we demonstrate that KCC2 is expressed in all oculomotor nuclei of cat and rat, but while trochlear and oculomotor motoneurons downregulate KCC2 after axotomy, expression is unaltered in abducens motoneurons. Exogenous application of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a neurotrophic factor expressed in muscle, upregulated KCC2 in axotomized abducens motoneurons above control levels. In parallel, a physiological study using cats chronically implanted with electrodes for recording abducens motoneurons in awake animals, demonstrated that inhibitory inputs related to off-fixations and off-directed saccades in VEGF-treated axotomized abducens motoneurons were significantly higher than in control, but eye-related excitatory signals in the on direction were unchanged. This is the first report of lack of KCC2 regulation in a motoneuron type after injury, proposing a role for VEGF in KCC2 regulation and demonstrating the link between KCC2 and synaptic inhibition in awake, behaving animals.National Institutes of Health R01 NS111969, R21 NS114839Junta de Andalucía P20_00529Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PGC2018-094654-B-100, PID2021-124300NB-I0

    New Insights into the Lactate Shuttle: Role of MCT4 in the Modulation of the Exercise Capacity.

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    Lactate produced by muscle during high-intensity activity is an important end product of glycolysis that supports whole body metabolism. The lactate shuttle model suggested that lactate produced by glycolytic muscle fibers is utilized by oxidative fibers. MCT4 is a proton coupled monocarboxylate transporter preferentially expressed in glycolytic muscle fibers and facilitates the lactate efflux. Here we investigated the exercise capacity of mice with disrupted lactate shuttle due to global deletion of MCT4 (MCT4−/−) or muscle-specific deletion of the accessory protein Basigin (iMSBsg−/−). Although MCT4−/− and iMSBsg−/− mice have normal muscle morphology and contractility, only MCT4−/− mice exhibit an exercise intolerant phenotype. In vivo measurements of compound muscle action potentials showed a decrement in the evoked response in the MCT4−/− mice. This was accompanied by a significant structural degeneration of the neuromuscular junctions (NMJs). We propose that disruption of the lactate shuttle impacts motor function and destabilizes the motor unit

    Global incidence of suicide among Indigenous peoples: a systematic review

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    Background Suicide is the second leading cause of death among adolescents worldwide, and is a major driver of health inequity among Indigenous people in high-income countries. However, little is known about the burden of suicide among Indigenous populations in low- and middle-income nations, and no synthesis of the global data is currently available. Our objective was to examine the global incidence of suicide among Indigenous peoples and assess disparities through comparisons with non-Indigenous populations. Methods We conducted a systematic review of suicide rates among Indigenous peoples worldwide and assessed disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations. We performed text word and Medical Subject Headings searches in PubMed, MEDLINE, Embase, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), PsycINFO, Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Literature (LILACS), and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) for observational studies in any language, indexed from database inception until June 1, 2017. Eligible studies examined crude or standardized suicide rates in Indigenous populations at national, regional, or local levels, and examined rate ratios for comparisons to non-Indigenous populations. Results The search identified 13,736 papers and we included 99. Eligible studies examined suicide rates among Indigenous peoples in 30 countries and territories, though the majority focused on populations in high-income nations. Results showed that suicide rates are elevated in many Indigenous populations worldwide, though rate variation is common, and suicide incidence ranges from 0 to 187.5 suicide deaths per 100,000 population. We found evidence of suicide rate parity between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations in some contexts, while elsewhere rates were more than 20 times higher among Indigenous peoples. Conclusions This review showed that suicide rates in Indigenous populations vary globally, and that suicide rate disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous populations are substantial in some settings but not universal. Including Indigenous identifiers and disaggregating national suicide mortality data by geography and ethnicity will improve the quality and relevance of evidence that informs community, clinical, and public health practice in Indigenous suicide prevention

    Enfermería : fármacos más utilizados en urgencias hospitalarias

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    El Servicio de Urgencias del C.H.G.U.V. cuenta con una plantilla de 84 Enfermeros/as. Una parte considerable de ellos es personal de nueva incorporación, de ahí que sea prioritaria la elaboración de protocolos de actuación. La administración de medicación intravenosa es sin duda una de las técnicas de mayor aplicación en los pacientes que acuden a Urgencias, que en nuestro Hospital oscila entre 550-600 atenciones diarias. Por ello nos planteamos, mediante la realización de reuniones de grupo, la elaboración del presente trabajo con el objetivo de elaborar un manual informativo sobre la medicación más habitual utilizada en nuestro Servicio de Urgencias; indicaciones, contraindicaciones, diluciones, cuidados y recomendaciones sobre la administración que nos ayude a visionar la practica en nuestro trabajo y la calidad del Servicio que prestamos a nuestros pacientes, y sirva de consulta sobre todo al personal de nueva incorporación.The First aid service of the C.H.G.U.V. Nurse is provided with a staff of 84, a considerable part of them is new staff, and therefore there is a priority of making of performance protocols. The administration of intravenous medication is undoubtedly one of the most used techniques in patients who come to the emergency room, which in our Hospital ranges between 550-600 daily attentions. For this reason, we considered that carrying out group meetings in order to elaborate the present essay. Our main objective is to prepare an informative guidebook about the most common used medicines in our first aid service: indications, contraindications, dilutions, care, and recommendations on the use. In this sense it will contribute to see the practice in our work and the service quality that we give to our patients. And what is more, it will serve as a reference particularly to the new [email protected]

    Local environment of optically active Nd3 + ions in the ultratransparent BaMgF 4 ferroelectric crystal

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    A comprehensive study of the site location of Nd3 + ions in the BaMgF 4 ultratransparent ferroelectric crystal is presented. By combining different low-temperature optical spectroscopies and electron paramagnetic resonance, the crystal field energy levels of Nd3 + ions and the gyromagnetic factors are experimentally determined. These results are employed to perform the crystal field analysis of Nd3 + ions considering a Cs point symmetry. The crystal field calculation yields a small root-mean-square deviation of 18 cm -1 and reveals a large crystal field strength (621 cm -1), verifying the assignment of the Ba2 + cationic site as the location for Nd3 + ions in this fluoride host. The results suggest a slight displacement of Nd3 + from the barium regular site with a rearrangement of the fluorine ions around it. The work gives a deep insight into the properties of the Nd3 +-doped BaMgF 4 crystal, a ferroelectric widely ultra-transparent material with potential applications as optical device operating in the Vacuum Ultraviolet-Ultraviolet and midinfrared spectral regionsThis work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science under projects MAT2010-17443, MAT2010-21270-C04-02, Consolider-Ingenio MALTA CSD 2007-0045, and Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid under Grant 2009/MAT-175