1,271 research outputs found

    Propriedades Métricas da Escala Aachen Aphasia Test

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    No contexto atual do exercício da profissão de enfermagem, com exigência crescente a nível de eficácia, eficiência e prática baseada na evidência, torna-se imperativa a utilização de instrumentos de avaliação e medida, devidamente validados para as populações que assistem e avaliam. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer as propriedades métricas da escala Aachen Aphasia Test (AAT), aplicada a pessoas que sofreram um Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC). Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura, através de bases de dados eletrónicas, nos últimos 5 anos. Selecionaram-se 4 artigos que cumpriam os critérios, relacionados com a temática. Pouca informação foi obtida relacionada com as propriedades métricas da AAT. Apenas um dos artigos aborda informações exatas e referentes às propriedades métricas da sua adaptação para a versão Portuguesa, que de acordo com os autores consultados são robustas, comparáveis às da versão Alemã. Os restantes estudos recorrem a este instrumento como padrão na comparação com outros instrumentos

    Phenotypic microarrays suggest Escherichia coli ST131 is not a metabolically distinct lineage of extra-intestinal pathogenic E. coli

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    Extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) are the major aetiological agent of urinary tract infections (UTIs) in humans. The emergence of the CTX-M producing clone E. coli ST131 represents a major challenge to public health worldwide. A recent study on the metabolic potential of E. coli isolates demonstrated an association between the E. coli ST131 clone and enhanced utilisation of a panel of metabolic substrates. The studies presented here investigated the metabolic potential of ST131 and other major ExPEC ST isolates using 120 API test reagents and found that ST131 isolates demonstrated a lower metabolic activity for 5 of 120 biochemical tests in comparison to non-ST131 ExPEC isolates. Furthermore, comparative phenotypic microarray analysis showed a lack of specific metabolic profile for ST131 isolates countering the suggestion that these bacteria are metabolically fitter and therefore more successful human pathogens

    The population genomics of archaeological transition in west Iberia: Investigation of ancient substructure using imputation and haplotype-based methods

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    We analyse new genomic data (0.05–2.95x) from 14 ancient individuals from Portugal distributed from the Middle Neolithic (4200–3500 BC) to the Middle Bronze Age (1740–1430 BC) and impute genomewide diploid genotypes in these together with published ancient Eurasians. While discontinuity is evident in the transition to agriculture across the region, sensitive haplotype-based analyses suggest a significant degree of local hunter-gatherer contribution to later Iberian Neolithic populations. A more subtle genetic influx is also apparent in the Bronze Age, detectable from analyses including haplotype sharing with both ancient and modern genomes, D-statistics and Y-chromosome lineages. However, the limited nature of this introgression contrasts with the major Steppe migration turnovers within third Millennium northern Europe and echoes the survival of non-Indo-European language in Iberia. Changes in genomic estimates of individual height across Europe are also associated with these major cultural transitions, and ancestral components continue to correlate with modern differences in stature

    Decreased CD90 expression in human mesenchymal stem cells by applying mechanical stimulation

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    BACKGROUND: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are multipotent cells which can differentiate along osteogenic, chondrogenic, and adipogenic lineages. The present study was designed to investigate the influence of mechanical force as a specific physiological stress on the differentiation of (MSC) to osteoblast-like cells. METHODS: Human MSC were cultured in osteoinductive medium with or without cyclic uniaxial mechanical stimulation (2000 μstrain, 200 cycles per day, 1 Hz). Cultured cells were analysed for expression of collagen type I, osteocalcin, osteonectin, and CD90. To evaluate the biomineral formation the content of bound calcium in the cultures was determined. RESULTS: After 14 days in culture immunfluorescence staining revealed enhancement of collagen type I and osteonectin expression in response to mechanical stimulation. In contrast, mechanically stimulated cultures stained negative for CD90. In stimulated and unstimulated cultures an increase in the calcium content over time was observed. After 21 days in culture the calcium content in mechanical stimulated cultures was significantly higher compared to unstimulated control cultures. CONCLUSION: These results demonstrate the influence of mechanical force on the differentiation of human MSC into osteoblast-like cells in vitro. While significant enhancement of the biomineral formation by mechanical stimulation is not detected before 21 days, effects on the extracellular matrix became already obvious after 14 days. The decrease of CD90 expression in mechanically stimulated cultures compared to unstimulated control cultures suggests that CD90 is only transiently expressed expression during the differentiation of MSC to osteoblast-like cells in culture
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