54 research outputs found

    Fast-timing study of the l-forbidden 1/2+→3/2+ M1 transition in Sn129

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    R. Lică et al. ; 7 págs.; 5 figs.; 3 tabs. ; Open Access funded by Creative Commons Atribution Licence 3.0The levels in Sn129 populated from the β- decay of In129 isomers were investigated at the ISOLDE facility of CERN using the newly commissioned ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS). The lowest 12+ state and the 32+ ground state in Sn129 are expected to have configurations dominated by the neutron s12 (l=0) and d32 (l=2) single-particle states, respectively. Consequently, these states should be connected by a somewhat slow l-forbidden M1 transition. Using fast-timing spectroscopy we have measured the half-life of the 12+ 315.3-keV state, T12= 19(10) ps, which corresponds to a moderately fast M1 transition. Shell-model calculations using the CD-Bonn effective interaction, with standard effective charges and g factors, predict a 4-ns half-life for this level. We can reconcile the shell-model calculations to the measured T12 value by the renormalization of the M1 effective operator for neutron holes.This work was partially supported by the Spanish MINECO through Projects No. FPA2012-32443, No. FPA2013-41267-P, and CPAN Consolider (Project No. CSD-2007-00042), and by Romanian IFA Grant CERN/ISOLDE. It was also partly funded by the NuPNET network FATIMA (PRI-PIMNUP-2011-1338), by FWO-Vlaanderen (Belgium), by GOA/2010/010 (BOF KU Leuven), and by the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme initiated by the Belgian Science PolicyOffice (BriX network P7/12). Support from Grupo de Física Nuclear (GFN-UCM), Programmi di Ricerca Scientifica di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale (PRIN) Grant No. 2001024324 01302, German BMBF under Contracts No. 05P12PKFNE and No. 05P15PKCIA, the U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council, and the European Union Seventh Framework through ENSAR (Contract No. 262010) is also acknowledged. Fasttiming electronics were provided by the Fast Timing Collaboration, the ISOLDE Decay Station collaboration, and MASTICON.Peer Reviewe

    Beta-delayed neutron spectroscopy of 133^{133}In

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    The decay properties of 133^{133}In were studied in detail at the ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS). The implementation of the Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS) allowed separate measurements of its 9/2+9/2^+ ground state (133g^{133g}In) and 1/21/2^- isomer (133m^{133m}In). With the use of β\beta-delayed neutron and γ\gamma spectroscopy, the decay strengths above the neutron separation energy were quantified in this neutron-rich nucleus for the first time. The allowed Gamow-Teller transition 9/2+7/2+9/2^+\rightarrow7/2^+ was located at 5.92 MeV in the 133g^{133g}In decay with a logft = 4.7(1). In addition, several neutron-unbound states were populated at lower excitation energies by the First-Forbidden decays of 133g,m^{133g,m}In. We assigned spins and parities to those neutron-unbound states based on the β\beta-decay selection rules, the logft values, and systematics

    133In: A Rosetta Stone for decays of r-process nuclei

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    The β\beta decays from both the ground state and a long-lived isomer of 133^{133}In were studied at the ISOLDE Decay Station (IDS). With a hybrid detection system sensitive to β\beta, γ\gamma, and neutron spectroscopy, the comparative partial half-lives (logft) have been measured for all their dominant β\beta-decay channels for the first time, including a low-energy Gamow-Teller transition and several First-Forbidden (FF) transitions. Uniquely for such a heavy neutron-rich nucleus, their β\beta decays selectively populate only a few isolated neutron unbound states in 133^{133}Sn. Precise energy and branching-ratio measurements of those resonances allow us to benchmark β\beta-decay theories at an unprecedented level in this region of the nuclear chart. The results show good agreement with the newly developed large-scale shell model (LSSM) calculations. The experimental findings establish an archetype for the β\beta decay of neutron-rich nuclei southeast of 132^{132}Sn and will serve as a guide for future theoretical development aiming to describe accurately the key β\beta decays in the rapid-neutron capture (r-) process

    Competition between Allowed and First-Forbidden beta Decay : The Case of Hg-208 -> Tl-2(0)8

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    The beta decay of Hg-208 into the one-proton hole, one neutron-particle Tl-208(81)127 nucleus was investigated at CERN-ISOLDE. Shell-model calculations describe well the level scheme deduced, validating the proton-neutron interactions used, with implications for the whole of the N > 126, Z 0(-)beta decay where the daughter state is core excited is unique, and can provide information on mesonic corrections of effective operators.Peer reviewe

    Normal and intruder configurations in Si- 34 populated in the beta(-) decay of Mg-34 and Al-34

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    The structure of Si-34 was studied through gamma spectroscopy separately in the beta(-) decays of Mg-34 and Al-34 at the ISOLDE facility of CERN. Different configurations in Si-34 were populated independently from the two recently identified beta-decaying states in Al-34 having spin-parity assignments J(pi) = 4(-) dominated by the normal configuration pi(d(5/2))(-1) circle times nu(f(7/2)) and J(pi) = 1(+) by the intruder configuration pi(d(5/2))(-1) circle times nu(d(3/2))(-1) (f(7/2))(2). The paper reports on spectroscopic properties of Si-34 such as an extended level scheme, spin and parity assignments based on log(ft) values and gamma-ray branching ratios, absolute beta feeding intensities, and neutron emission probabilities. A total of 11 newly identified levels and 26 transitions were added to the previously known level scheme of Si-34. Large scale shell-model calculations using the SDPF-U-MIX interaction, able to treat higher order intruder configurations, are compared with the new results and conclusions are drawn concerning the predictive power of SDPF-U-MIX, the N = 20 shell gap, the level of mixing between normal and intruder configurations for the 0(1)(+), 0(2)(+), and 2(1)(+) states, and the absence of triaxial deformation in Si-3(4).Peer reviewe

    Competition between Allowed and First-Forbidden β Decay: The Case of Hg 208 → Tl 208

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    6 pags., 4 figs., 1 tab.The β decay of Hg208 into the one-proton hole, one neutron-particle Tl81208127 nucleus was investigated at CERN-ISOLDE. Shell-model calculations describe well the level scheme deduced, validating the proton-neutron interactions used, with implications for the whole of the N>126, Z<82 quadrant of neutron-rich nuclei. While both negative and positive parity states with spin 0 and 1 are expected within the Qβ window, only three negative parity states are populated directly in the β decay. The data provide a unique test of the competition between allowed Gamow-Teller and Fermi, and first-forbidden β decays, essential for the understanding of the nucleosynthesis of heavy nuclei in the rapid neutron capture process. Furthermore, the observation of the parity changing 0+→0-β decay where the daughter state is core excited is unique, and can provide information on mesonic corrections of effective operators.This work was supported by the European Union under Contracts No. 262010 (ENSAR) and No. 654002 (ENSAR2), the Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK), the German BMBF under Contract No. 05P18PKCIA and “Verbundprojekt 05P2018,” the MINECO Projects No. FPA2015-65035-P, No. RTI2018- 098868-B-I00, No. FPA2015-64969-P, and No. FPA2017- 87568-P (Spain), FWO-Vlaanderen (Belgium), GOA/ 2015/010 (BOF KU Leuven), the Excellence of Science programme (EOS-FWO), the Interuniversity Attraction Poles Programme initiated by the Belgian Science Policy Office (BriX network P7/12), the Romanian IFA project CERN-RO/ISOLDE and the Polish National Science Centre under Contracts No. UMO-2015/18/M/ST2/00523 and No. UMO-2019/33/N/ST2/03023. P. H. R. and S. M. J. acknowledge support from the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy via the National Measurement Office. Zs. P. acknowledges support from the ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum fr Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germa

    Evolution of deformation in neutron-rich Ba isotopes up to A=150

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    The occurrence of octupolar shapes in the Ba isotopic chain was recently established experimentally up to N = 90. To further extend the systematics, the evolution of shapes in the most neutron-rich members of the Z = 56 isotopic chain accessible at present, Ba-148,Ba-150, has been studied via beta decay at the ISOLDE Decay Station. This paper reports on the first measurement of the positive-and negative-parity low-spin excited states of 150Ba and presents an extension of the beta-decay scheme of Cs-148. Employing the fast timing technique, half-lives for the 2(1)(+) level in both nuclei have been determined, resulting in T-1/2 = 1.51(1) ns for Ba-148 and T-1/2 = 3.4(2) ns for Ba-150. The systematics of low-spin states, together with the experimental determination of the B(E2 : 2(+) -> 0(+)) transition probabilities, indicate an increasing collectivity in Ba148-150, towards prolate deformed shapes. The experimental data are compared to symmetry conserving configuration mixing (SCCM) calculations, confirming an evolution of increasingly quadrupole deformed shapes with a definite octupolar character.Peer reviewe

    First -decay spectroscopy of and new -decay branches of

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    19 pags., 14 figs., 3 tabs.The  decay of the neutron-rich and was investigated experimentally in order to provide new insights into the nuclear structure of the tin isotopes with magic proton number above the shell. The -delayed -ray spectroscopy measurement was performed at the ISOLDE facility at CERN, where indium isotopes were selectively laser-ionized and on-line mass separated. Three -decay branches of were established, two of which were observed for the first time. Population of neutron-unbound states decaying via rays was identified in the two daughter nuclei of and , at excitation energies exceeding the neutron separation energy by 1 MeV. The -delayed one- and two-neutron emission branching ratios of were determined and compared with theoretical calculations. The -delayed one-neutron decay was observed to be dominant -decay branch of even though the Gamow-Teller resonance is located substantially above the two-neutron separation energy of . Transitions following the  decay of are reported for the first time, including rays tentatively attributed to . In total, six new levels were identified in on the basis of the coincidences observed in the and decays. A transition that might be a candidate for deexciting the missing neutron single-particle state in was observed in both  decays and its assignment is discussed. Experimental level schemes of and are compared with shell-model predictions. Using the fast timing technique, half-lives of the , and levels in were determined. From the lifetime of the state measured for the first time, an unexpectedly large transition strength was deduced, which is not reproduced by the shell-model calculations.M.P.-S. acknowledges the funding support from the Polish National Science Center under Grants No. 2019/33/N/ST2/03023 and No. 2020/36/T/ST2/00547 (Doctoral scholarship ETIUDA). J.B. acknowledges support from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid under the Predoctoral Grant No. CT27/16- CT28/16. This work was partially funded by the Polish National Science Center under Grants No. 2020/39/B/ST2/02346, No. 2015/18/E/ST2/00217, and No. 2015/18/M/ST2/00523, by the Spanish government via Projects No. FPA2017-87568-P, No. RTI2018-098868-B-I00, No. PID2019-104390GB-I00, and No. PID2019-104714GB-C21, by the U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC), the German BMBF under Contract No. 05P18PKCIA, by the Portuguese FCT under the Projects No. CERN/FIS-PAR/0005/2017, and No. CERN/FIS-TEC/0003/2019, and by the Romanian IFA Grant CERN/ISOLDE. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 654002. M.Str. acknowledges the funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 771036 (ERC CoG MAIDEN). J.P. acknowledges support from the Academy of Finland (Finland) with Grant No. 307685. Work at the University of York was supported under STFC Grants No. ST/L005727/1 and No. ST/P003885/1