56 research outputs found

    An orphan gene is necessary for preaxial digit formation during salamander limb development

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    Limb development in salamanders differs from other tetrapods in that the first digits to form are the two most anterior (preaxial dominance). This has been proposed as a salamander novelty and its mechanistic basis is unknown. Salamanders are the only adult tetrapods able to regenerate the limb, and the contribution of preaxial dominance to limb regeneration is unclear. Here we show that during early outgrowth of the limb bud, a small cohort of cells express the orphan gene Prod1 together with Bmp2, a critical player in digit condensation in amniotes. Disruption of Prod1 with a gene-editing nuclease abrogates these cells, and blocks formation of the radius and ulna, and outgrowth of the anterior digits. Preaxial dominance is a notable feature of limb regeneration in the larval newt, but this changes abruptly after metamorphosis so that the formation of anterior and posterior digits occurs together within the autopodium resembling an amniote-like pattern

    Cladribine with cyclophosphamide and prednisone in the management of low-grade lymphoproliferative malignancies

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    The feasibility of combining cladribine with cyclophosphamide and prednisone in the management of indolent lymphoid malignancies was determined. Nineteen patients [nine chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), seven non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL) and three macroglobulinaemia (M))] received cladribine 0.1 mg kg−1 per day as a subcutaneous bolus injection on days 1–3 (up to 5 injections) with intravenous cyclophosphamide 500 mg m−2 on day 1 and oral prednisone 40 mg m−2 on days 1–5 at 4-weekly intervals up to a maximum of six courses. A total of 80 courses were given. Overall response rate was 88%, with four patients achieving a complete clinical and haematological response and 12 achieving a partial response. Neutropenia WHO grade 4 in two patients and WHO grade 3 infection in one patient were the limiting toxicities on treatment. During the follow-up, WHO grade ≥3 haematological complications occurred in five patients and WHO grade ≥3 non-haematological complications in five patients. There were no treatment-related deaths. This study demonstrates the feasibility of the cladribine/cyclophosphamide/prednisone (CCP) combination that appears highly active and safe in the management of indolent lymphoid malignancies. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Transforming Growth Factor: β Signaling Is Essential for Limb Regeneration in Axolotls

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    Axolotls (urodele amphibians) have the unique ability, among vertebrates, to perfectly regenerate many parts of their body including limbs, tail, jaw and spinal cord following injury or amputation. The axolotl limb is the most widely used structure as an experimental model to study tissue regeneration. The process is well characterized, requiring multiple cellular and molecular mechanisms. The preparation phase represents the first part of the regeneration process which includes wound healing, cellular migration, dedifferentiation and proliferation. The redevelopment phase represents the second part when dedifferentiated cells stop proliferating and redifferentiate to give rise to all missing structures. In the axolotl, when a limb is amputated, the missing or wounded part is regenerated perfectly without scar formation between the stump and the regenerated structure. Multiple authors have recently highlighted the similarities between the early phases of mammalian wound healing and urodele limb regeneration. In mammals, one very important family of growth factors implicated in the control of almost all aspects of wound healing is the transforming growth factor-beta family (TGF-β). In the present study, the full length sequence of the axolotl TGF-β1 cDNA was isolated. The spatio-temporal expression pattern of TGF-β1 in regenerating limbs shows that this gene is up-regulated during the preparation phase of regeneration. Our results also demonstrate the presence of multiple components of the TGF-β signaling machinery in axolotl cells. By using a specific pharmacological inhibitor of TGF-β type I receptor, SB-431542, we show that TGF-β signaling is required for axolotl limb regeneration. Treatment of regenerating limbs with SB-431542 reveals that cellular proliferation during limb regeneration as well as the expression of genes directly dependent on TGF-β signaling are down-regulated. These data directly implicate TGF-β signaling in the initiation and control of the regeneration process in axolotls

    Controls on the evolution of Ediacaran metazoan ecosystems: A redox perspective

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    A growing number of detailed geochemical studies of Ediacaran (635–541 Ma) marine successions have provided snapshots into the redox environments that played host to the earliest known metazoans. Whilst previous compilations have focused on the global evolution of Ediacaran water column redox chemistry, the inherent heterogeneity evident in palaeogeographically distinct environments demands a more dissected approach to better understand the nature, interactions and evolution of extrinsic controls on the development of early macrobenthic ecosystems. Here, we review available data of local-scale redox conditions within a palaeogeographic and sequence stratigraphic framework, to explore the mechanisms controlling water column redox conditions and their potential impact on the record of metazoans. The openly connected Laurentian margin, North America (632–540 Ma) and Nama basin, Namibia (550–538 Ma), and the variably restricted Yangtze Block, South China (635–520 Ma), show continued redox instability after the first fossil evidence for metazoans. This may support opportunistic benthic colonisation during periods of transient oxygenation amidst episodic upwelling of anoxic waters beneath a very shallow, fluctuating chemocline. The first skeletal metazoans appeared under conditions of continued redox stratification, such as those which characterise the Dengying Formation of the Yangtze Block and the Kuibis Subgroup of the Nama basin. Current data, however, suggests that successful metazoan reef-building demanded more persistent oxia. We propose that cratonic positioning and migration throughout the Ediacaran Period, in combination with gradually increasing dissolved oxygen loading, may have provided a first-order control on redox evolution through regulating circulation mechanisms in the Mirovian Ocean. Some unrestricted lower slope environments from mid-high latitudes benefited from sustained oxygenation via downwelling, whilst transit of isolated cratons towards more equatorial positions stifled pervasive ventilation either through ineffective surface ocean mixing, Ekman-induced upwelling, elevated surface ocean productivity or a combination of these processes

    Les grandes décisions de la jurisprudence internationale

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    2e éditionNational audienceAu moment du centième anniversaire de la première juridiction internationale permanente, le présent recueil entreprend de présenter, souvent de redécouvrir, les grandes décisions qui ont permis de forger le droit international public et son histoire. Si une place privilégiée est réservée aux arrêts et avis de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale et de la Cour internationale de Justice, les décisions relevant d'autres mécanismes contentieux sont également intégrés : arbitrage interétatique, commissions mixtes, Tribunal international du droit de la mer, tribunaux pénaux internationaux, juridictions des droits de l'Homme, Cour de justice de l'Union européenne, règlement des différends de l'OMC et arbitrage d'investissement. L'analyse des décisions intégrées dans ce recueil permet d'aborder des thèmes variés tels que les compétences des États et des organisations internationales, les sources du droit international, la responsabilité internationale, le contentieux, les immunités souveraines ainsi que d'autres branches du droit international comme le droit international de l'environnement, le droit international pénal, le droit international économique, le droit de la mer ou le droit international des droits de l'homme sous l'angle de leurs rapports avec le droit international public. Le développement du contentieux et la multiplication des juridictions internationales ont participé à la constitution d'un ordre juridique international qui se veut cohérent. Cependant, les failles ou incohérences d'une jurisprudence qui résulte d'un règlement juridictionnel des différends toujours soumis à la volonté des États et aux forces politiques qui les animent sont aussi relevées. Conforme à l'esprit de la collection des « Grands arrêts », cet ouvrage offre un accès commode aux grandes décisions qui ont marqué le droit international : si certaines se rapportent à des événements décisifs de l'histoire des relations internationales, d'autres trouvent leur origine dans des situations triviales, toutes revêtent un apport juridiquement fondamental. C'est en ce sens que le lecteur, qu'il soit universitaire, étudiant ou praticien, trouvera dans ce recueil un instrument de travail utile à la compréhension des grandes questions du droit international. (site web
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