696 research outputs found

    Cloud engineering is search based software engineering too

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    Many of the problems posed by the migration of computation to cloud platforms can be formulated and solved using techniques associated with Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE). Much of cloud software engineering involves problems of optimisation: performance, allocation, assignment and the dynamic balancing of resources to achieve pragmatic trade-offs between many competing technical and business objectives. SBSE is concerned with the application of computational search and optimisation to solve precisely these kinds of software engineering challenges. Interest in both cloud computing and SBSE has grown rapidly in the past five years, yet there has been little work on SBSE as a means of addressing cloud computing challenges. Like many computationally demanding activities, SBSE has the potential to benefit from the cloud; ‘SBSE in the cloud’. However, this paper focuses, instead, of the ways in which SBSE can benefit cloud computing. It thus develops the theme of ‘SBSE for the cloud’, formulating cloud computing challenges in ways that can be addressed using SBSE

    Trivial compiler equivalence: A large scale empirical study of a simple, fast and effective equivalent mutant detection technique

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    Identifying equivalent mutants remains the largest impediment to the widespread uptake of mutation testing. Despite being researched for more than three decades, the problem remains. We propose Trivial Compiler Equivalence (TCE) a technique that exploits the use of readily available compiler technology to address this long-standing challenge. TCE is directly applicable to real-world programs and can imbue existing tools with the ability to detect equivalent mutants and a special form of useless mutants called duplicated mutants. We present a thorough empirical study using 6 large open source programs, several orders of magnitude larger than those used in previous work, and 18 benchmark programs with hand-analysis equivalent mutants. Our results reveal that, on large real-world programs, TCE can discard more than 7% and 21% of all the mutants as being equivalent and duplicated mutants respectively. A human- based equivalence verification reveals that TCE has the ability to detect approximately 30% of all the existing equivalent mutants

    Detecting Trivial Mutant Equivalences via Compiler Optimisations

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    Mutation testing realises the idea of fault-based testing, i.e., using artificial defects to guide the testing process. It is used to evaluate the adequacy of test suites and to guide test case generation. It is a potentially powerful form of testing, but it is well-known that its effectiveness is inhibited by the presence of equivalent mutants. We recently studied Trivial Compiler Equivalence (TCE) as a simple, fast and readily applicable technique for identifying equivalent mutants for C programs. In the present work, we augment our findings with further results for the Java programming language. TCE can remove a large portion of all mutants because they are determined to be either equivalent or duplicates of other mutants. In particular, TCE equivalent mutants account for 7.4% and 5.7% of all C and Java mutants, while duplicated mutants account for a further 21% of all C mutants and 5.4% Java mutants, on average. With respect to a benchmark ground truth suite (of known equivalent mutants), approximately 30% (for C) and 54% (for Java) are TCE equivalent. It is unsurprising that results differ between languages, since mutation characteristics are language-dependent. In the case of Java, our new results suggest that TCE may be particularly effective, finding almost half of all equivalent mutants

    The Importance of Accounting for Real-World Labelling When Predicting Software Vulnerabilities

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    Previous work on vulnerability prediction assume that predictive models are trained with respect to perfect labelling information (includes labels from future, as yet undiscovered vulnerabilities). In this paper we present results from a comprehensive empirical study of 1,898 real-world vulnerabilities reported in 74 releases of three security-critical open source systems (Linux Kernel, OpenSSL and Wiresark). Our study investigates the effectiveness of three previously proposed vulnerability prediction approaches, in two settings: with and without the unrealistic labelling assumption. The results reveal that the unrealistic labelling assumption can profoundly mis- lead the scientific conclusions drawn; suggesting highly effective and deployable prediction results vanish when we fully account for realistically available labelling in the experimental methodology. More precisely, MCC mean values of predictive effectiveness drop from 0.77, 0.65 and 0.43 to 0.08, 0.22, 0.10 for Linux Kernel, OpenSSL and Wiresark, respectively. Similar results are also obtained for precision, recall and other assessments of predictive efficacy. The community therefore needs to upgrade experimental and empirical methodology for vulnerability prediction evaluation and development to ensure robust and actionable scientific findings

    The Development of a Student Focused Model for Transition to University

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    The transition to university is a well recognised challenge, especially for non-traditional students. This paper presents a student-focused model for the transition to university, developed through an extensive literature review, discussions with a range of professionals nationally and internationally, and first year teaching practice. The model was applied to the development of a range of strategies to be implemented at one institution. The use of the model may facilitate the development of a university-wide approach to the issues of student transition to university and the first year in higher education experience. The model will allow a balanced approach to be developed

    An Empirical Study on Mutation, Statement and Branch Coverage Fault Revelation that Avoids the Unreliable Clean Program Assumption

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    Many studies suggest using coverage concepts, such as branch coverage, as the starting point of testing, while others as the most prominent test quality indicator. Yet the relationship between coverage and fault-revelation remains unknown, yielding uncertainty and controversy. Most previous studies rely on the Clean Program Assumption, that a test suite will obtain similar coverage for both faulty and fixed (‘clean’) program versions. This assumption may appear intuitive, especially for bugs that denote small semantic deviations. However, we present evidence that the Clean Program Assumption does not always hold, thereby raising a critical threat to the validity of previous results. We then conducted a study using a robust experimental methodology that avoids this threat to validity, from which our primary finding is that strong mutation testing has the highest fault revelation of four widely-used criteria. Our findings also revealed that fault revelation starts to increase significantly only once relatively high levels of coverage are attained

    The Importance of Accounting for Real-World Labelling When Predicting Software Vulnerabilities

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    Previous work on vulnerability prediction assume that predictive models are trained with respect to perfect labelling information (includes labels from future, as yet undiscovered vulnerabilities). In this paper we present results from a comprehensive empirical study of 1,898 real-world vulnerabilities reported in 74 releases of three security-critical open source systems (Linux Kernel, OpenSSL and Wiresark). Our study investigates the effectiveness of three previously proposed vulnerability prediction approaches, in two settings: with and without the unrealistic labelling assumption. The results reveal that the unrealistic labelling assumption can profoundly mis- lead the scientific conclusions drawn; suggesting highly effective and deployable prediction results vanish when we fully account for realistically available labelling in the experimental methodology. More precisely, MCC mean values of predictive effectiveness drop from 0.77, 0.65 and 0.43 to 0.08, 0.22, 0.10 for Linux Kernel, OpenSSL and Wiresark, respectively. Similar results are also obtained for precision, recall and other assessments of predictive efficacy. The community therefore needs to upgrade experimental and empirical methodology for vulnerability prediction evaluation and development to ensure robust and actionable scientific findings

    Exploring Fitness and Edit Distance of Mutated Python Programs

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    Genetic Improvement (GI) is the process of using computational search techniques to improve existing software e.g. in terms of execution time, power consumption or correctness. As in most heuristic search algorithms, the search is guided by fitness with GI searching the space of program variants of the original software. The relationship between the program space and fitness is seldom simple and often quite difficult to analyse. This paper makes a preliminary analysis of GI’s fitness distance measure on program repair with three small Python programs. Each program undergoes incremental mutations while the change in fitness as measured by proportion of tests passed is monitored. We conclude that the fitnesses of these programs often does not change with single mutations and we also confirm the inherent discreteness of bug fixing fitness functions. Although our findings cannot be assumed to be general for other software they provide us with interesting directions for further investigation

    Choosing software metrics for defect prediction: an investigation on feature selection techniques

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    The selection of software metrics for building software quality prediction models is a search-based software engineering problem. An exhaustive search for such metrics is usually not feasible due to limited project resources, especially if the number of available metrics is large. Defect prediction models are necessary in aiding project managers for better utilizing valuable project resources for software quality improvement. The efficacy and usefulness of a fault-proneness prediction model is only as good as the quality of the software measurement data. This study focuses on the problem of attribute selection in the context of software quality estimation. A comparative investigation is presented for evaluating our proposed hybrid attribute selection approach, in which feature ranking is first used to reduce the search space, followed by a feature subset selection. A total of seven different feature ranking techniques are evaluated, while four different feature subset selection approaches are considered. The models are trained using five commonly used classification algorithms. The case study is based on software metrics and defect data collected from multiple releases of a large real-world software system. The results demonstrate that while some feature ranking techniques performed similarly, the automatic hybrid search algorithm performed the best among the feature subset selection methods. Moreover, performances of the defect prediction models either improved or remained unchanged when over 85were eliminated. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/83475/1/1043_ftp.pd
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