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    This article contains the results of the study conducted in Muna Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, in 2010. This study aims at revealing and analyzing the form, function, meaning and value of the kontala using intrinsic and extrinsic approaches. The kontala was processed in such a way that it became a particular material so that its aesthetic effects could be obtained. The intrinsic approach was used to observe the structural aspect. The aspects of the study range from style, image, metaphor, symbol, and myth. The extrinsic approach was used to discuss the setting and environment. In addition to the structural theory, the functional theory was also used in this study. The functional theory of a text covers all the natures which collectively refer to or have the main and additional functions. Besides, the pragmatic approach was also used in this study. Descriptive analytic method, which could reveal and analyze the content, form, function, meaning and value of the kantola was employed. The results of the study show that the kantola, which is in the form of several poems, contain (a) satire, (b) criticism, (c) romantic love, (d) advices, (f) suggestion, (g) invitation with family and unity as the themes. The kantola functions to amuse, unify, pacify sorrow for its fans. The values contained are (a) sportiveness, (b) skill, (c) ethics and morality, (d) togetherness, (e) education, (f) religiosity, (g) patience, (h) intelligence (intellectual intelligence, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, and spiritual intelligence). Based on the values contained, the kantola needs to be learned, developed and performed again in every public party as the real steps to preserve it in daily life with high creativity; its form and performance are modified and adapted

    Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Cetak Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Mind Mapping

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    This paper discusses the validity, practicality, and effectiveness of a printed teaching material product developed based on Mind Mapping. This type of research is development research to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of these products. The location of this research was carried out at SMA Negeri 9 Marusu kab. Maros. The development of this teaching material refers to the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The data were analyzed to determine the level of validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the products that have been developed. The results showed that 1) The validity of the mind mapping-based Islamic Religious Education teaching materials at SMA Negeri 9 Marusu, Maros Regency. Based on the validation carried out by the validator, the validity results are obtained, namely, content validity, linguistic validity, presentation validity, and graphic validity; 2) The practicality of mind mapping-based Islamic Religious Education teaching materials at SMA Negeri 9 Marusu, Maros Regency. The practicality of the module data is in the very good category because the score obtained from the average student response values is 85% with a range of 81%-100%; and 3) The effectiveness of mind mapping-based Islamic Religious Education teaching materials to improve student learning outcomes at SMAN 9 Marusu, Maros Regency. Based on the results of the effectiveness test, the value of R = 6.81 was obtained. The data obtained means that R> 1, effectively 02 is more effective than 01. So the posttest is more effective

    Effect of alkaline hydrolysis on the quantity of extractable protein fractions (prolamin, albumin, globulin and glutelin) in Jatropha curcas seed cake

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    Jatropha curcas seeds were processed and defatted to obtain the seed cake. 60 g of them were separately moistened in 0.1 – 0.5 M NaOH and Ca(OH)2 solutions and autoclaved. Each of the autoclaved samples was separately divided into three portions. A portion was washed with ethanol,another with water and the third was left unwashed. Prolamin, albumin, globulin and glutelin fractions were extracted from the treated and untreated seed cakes and subsequently quantified. Untreated seedcake sample express 0.11 g/Kg prolamin, 4.06 g/Kg albumin, 4.23 g/Kg globulin and 10.91 g/Kg glutelin of seed proteins. In Ca(OH)2 treated cake, albumin and globulin had their maximum yield in ethanolwashed cake samples. The quantities obtained were 3.95 and 5.11 g/Kg of the seed protein, respectively. Prolamin and glutelin had their maximum yield in unwashed and water washed cake samples. The yields were 4.84 and 9.27 g/Kg of the seed protein, respectively. In NaOH treated seedcake, the four fractions had their maximum yield in water washed cake. The quantities were 3.37, and 3.64 g/Kg of seed protein for prolamin and albumin. The quantities of globulin and glutelin were 4.90 and 9.26 g/Kg of seed proteins. Quantity of prolamin increased in all the treated cake while the quantities of albumin, globulin and glutelin were reduced by the treatments

    The extraction of proteins from the neem seed (Indica azadirachta A. Juss)

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    Techniques for maximizing the extraction of protein from the neem seed (Indica azadirachta A. Juss) were investigated. Extractants used were sodium chloride and sodium sulphate solutions of varying concentration and pH. Maximum extractions of 17.86 g of extractable protein was obtained from 1 kg of crude protein, using 0.5 M NaCl solution at pH of 7.5. All the extracts were devoid of the usual neem smell and its bitter taste. As the pH increased from 7.0 to 7.5 there was steady increase in the quantity of extractable protein by sodium chloride solutions. However a decrease in the quantities of extractableproteins was observed at pH of 8.0 to 10 with sodium chloride solution. As the pH increased from 7.0 to 7.5 on the other hand, the quantities of the extract with sodium sulphate solutions decreased. While at pH of 8.0 to 9.5 the quantity of extractable protein increased, and the least quantity was obtained at pH of 10. 0.5 M NaCl at pH of 7.5 was found to be a better extractant for neem seed protein

    Antibacterial effects of cyanogenic glucoside isolated from the stem bark of Bauhinia rufescens Lam

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    The chemical contents and in vitro antibacterial effects of the n-butanol column fractions, stem bark methanol extracts of Bauhinia rufescens Lam. were evaluated in Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria using disc diffusion technique. The n-butanol soluble portion from the stem bark methanol extract was successively eluted to afford 10 pooled fractions by comparison of TLC chromatograms. The bioactive fraction (fraction D) was further chromatographed using the bioassay guided protocol to afford 4 sub-fractions from which a pure compound was isolated and characterized using spectral studies as: (4S, 6R)-(Z)-6-(â-Dglucopyranosyloxy)-4-hydroxy-2-cyclohexenyl-Ä1,á-acetonitrile–a cyclohexenyl cyano methylene known commonly as menisdaurin. Test bacteria were Bacillus subtilis, Corynaebacterium spp., Escherichia coli and Shigella dysenteriae. The diameters of inhibition zone on the Gram-positive bacteria was found in the range from11.83±0.17 (n-butanol Fraction D) to 17.33±0.67 (Fraction D2-8); while on Gram-negative organism the values ranged from  11.50±0.29 (n-butanol Fraction D) to 19.67±0.33 (Fraction D2-8). The activity index (AI) showed that Fraction D2-8 (51.18%) and Compound I [menisdaurin] (127.36%) was highly sensitive to Corynaebacterium spp. and E. coli when computed with Erythromycin and Gentamicin respectively. Highest AI was exhibited by Fraction D2-8 (93.89%) against S. dysenteriae when computed with ciprofloxacin. In continuation of our chemical studies and search for bioactive compounds from medicinal plants; this work, therefore, was aimed at characterizing and testing the antibacterial efficacy of the isolated compound in order to further confirm our earlier reports on use of this part of B. rufescens in some parts of Northern Nigeria as atreatment against diarrhoea and dysentery. This is the first report of the isolation and antibacterial activity of menisdaurin from B. rufescens.© 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Antibacterial, Bauhinia rufescens, cyanogenic glucoside, isolation, menisdaurin


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    Kajian tentang analisis kualitas briket arang sekam padi yang diaktivasi dengan tanur telah berhasil dilakukan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk menentukan pengaruh variasi suhu aktivasi terhadap kualitas briket arang aktif sekam padi. Kualitas briket arang dapat ditentukan dari kerapatan, kadar air, kadar abu, volatile matter, fixed carbon, nilai kalor dan uji pembakaran untuk mengamati waktu sulut dan laju nyala. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui beberapa tahap yaitu penyiapan bahan baku, karbonisasi, penggerusan dan pengayakan, pencampuran bahan perekat, pencetakan, pengeringan dan penentuan mutu briket. Briket arang aktif sekam padi dibuat dengan menggunakan sagu sebagai perekat dangan perbandingan massa 9:1. Serbuk arang sekam padi diayak dengan ayakan berukuran 70 - 80 mesh. Sampel dicetak menggunakantekanan 9,5x106 N/m2 dan diaktivasi dengan tanur pada suhu 450°C, 475°C, dan 500°C selama 4 menit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerapatan yang diperoleh berkisar 0,606 - 0,640 g/cm3, kadar air berkisar 4,57-5,29%, kadar abu berkisar antara 4,89 - 6,57%, volatile matter berkisar antara 70,15 - 75,35%, nilai kalor berkisar 4923,58 - 5131,84 kal/g. Arang yang diaktivasi pada suhu 500°C menunjukkan kualitas baik dengan waktu sulut 5,5 menit, laju pembakaran 0,08 g/menit, temperatur maksimum 482,5°C dan lama pembakaran selama 35 menit

    Teacher Actions in Improving Early Childhood Literacy to Stimulate Critical Reasoning through Picture Cards

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    Learning literacy in early childhood is the key needed by children to improve children's critical reasoning skills, with the media used as picture letter cards. because it is in accordance with the standard of learning in children, namely playing while learning and having fun. Accordingly, this research is remembered for its Class Action Research type which means improving children's literacy skills through picture cards by stimulating children's critical reasoning abilities. The results showed that there was an increase in children's literacy skills in Nambokido Kindergarten, Unaaha District, Konawe Regency through picture card games. There is a very significant increase using picture letter cards, which is 61.90% in cycle 1 to 85.71% in cycle II. For this situation, the increase is 23.81%. In line with that, it is very good that it can be assumed that early childhood literacy skills can be improved through picture letter cards game

    Effect of heat and alkaline hydrolysis on the amino acid profile of Jatropha curcas seed cake

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    In recent times, Jatropha curcas has attracted attention of various researchorganizations, governments, public and international developmental  agencies and industries in the tropics and subtropics due to its adaptability to semi-arid marginal sites, the possibility of using its oil as a diesel fuel substitute and its role in erosion control. In tropical countries it is well known for its medicinal properties and as an oilseed. The seeds of J. curcas are a good source of oil, yielding between 40 – 80 % oil. Although the seed cake meal is rich in protein, it is toxic to rats, mice, ruminants and humans due to the presence of antinutritional factors; thus, its use as food or feedsource has not been encouraging. However, recent findings indicate that after a proper detoxification process the seed meal can serve as a protein substitute in feed meals of animal feeds. The seeds of J. curcas were collected, dehulled, grounded and defatted to obtain the seed cake. The seed cake was divided into five portions, 60 g of each of the cake portion was separately moistened with 1 M, 2 M, 3 M, 4 M and 5 M NaOH solutions, respectively and autoclaved. Each of the autoclaved samples was washedwith water and later with ethanol. A 60 g of the seed cake which was not treated with NaOH, water and ethanol was labeled untreated. The treated and untreated seed cakes were thus analyzed for their crude protein contents as well as amino acid profile. The untreated seed cake afforded 63.02 % yield of crude protein, while the crude protein content of the treated seed cake was 70.53, 71.46, 67.76, 60.82 and 56.19 % for the 1– 5 M NaOH treated seed cake, respectively with the 2 M NaOH treated seed cake having the highest yield. The amino acid profile of the treated seed cake was similar and comparable to the values of WHO/FAO standard and those of soybeans. The seed can thus be used as an alternative  protein source in animal feed formulation after it has been properly  detoxified. If well processed, it would reduce competition between man and livestock for the conventional sources of proteins.Key words: Amino acid, Jatropha curcas, protein detoxificatio


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    To teach English to non-English major students in Islamic University is unique. This perception is also applied among lecturers and to stimulate a conversation situation in which students might find and give them an opportunity to practice and develop their speaking ability. Therefore, the use of role play that involved in short film documenter or video is used in this study to make their English creatively, not only to practice speaking ability but the students can explore their acting. This study is an action research study, where pre-test and posttest are administered to obtain the data, in addition to observation and literature study. This research is carried out in two cycles, every cycle there are four components they are:  planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The result of this research showed that used role play in video can accelerate the non-English students’ department mastery of speaking competence. It showed the first cycle showed that only 10 or 40% students were competent.  While in the second cycle, there were 25 or 88% students gained the score more than 80.  It means that the indicator of success has reached. Keywords: Role Play in Video, Speaking Competence, Non-English Student


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    2013Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh locus of control terhadap \ud strategi operasional dan kinerja UMKM dengan lingkungan sebagai variabel \ud moderator pada industri tenun tradisional yang ada di Kecamatan Lohia \ud Kabupaten Muna. Data penelitian ini diperoleh dari data dinas perindustrian dan \ud perdagangan Kabupaten Muna tahun 2001 sampai dengan tahun 2011 serta \ud data kuesioner (primer) yang dibagikan langsung kepada pemilik industri tenun \ud tradisional. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel jenuh \ud sebanyak 30 orang yang berada pada 30 usaha tenun yang ada. Analisis data \ud dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan regresi linear berganda pada \ud tingkat signifikansi 5 persen. \ud Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel locus of control tidak \ud berpengaruh positif dan tidak signifikan terhadap strategi operasional dan kinerja \ud UMKM ketika menggunakan pendekatan lingkungan sebagai variabel \ud penghubung. \ud \ud Kata kunci : Locus Of Control, Strategi Operasional, Kinerja UMKM, dan \ud Lingkungan
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