5 research outputs found
The 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose Effect on the mRNA Levels of PsbD and desA Genes in Synechocystis PCC 6803
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1992
- Field of study
- Author
- Abdel Rahman
- Abdel Rahman
- Acheson
- Alario
- Aristei
- Barbati
- Barbati
- Bentin
- Blackford
- Bloem
- Bullmore
- BĂĽrki
- Caramazza
- Cavanagh
- Chauncey
- Costa
- Cutting
- de Zubicaray
- de Zubicaray
- Dell
- Dell’Acqua
- Dhooge
- Dhooge
- Engel
- Finkbeiner
- Gehrig
- Gilbertson
- Glaser
- Goldrick
- Greenham
- Groppe
- Hari
- Hirschfeld
- Holcomb
- Hoshino
- Indefrey
- Indefrey
- Janssen
- Janssen
- Jenson
- La Heij
- Levelt
- Luo
- Lupker
- Mahon
- Makeig
- Medaglia
- Miozzo
- Oldfield
- Oostenveld
- Ouyang
- Piai
- Piai
- Piai
- Porcaro
- Porcaro
- Porcaro
- Porcaro
- Porcaro
- Porcaro
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Rose
- Saarinen
- Salmelin
- Schriefers
- Shitova
- Shitova
- Snodgrass
- Starreveld
- Tzagarakis
- Weiss
- Wilson
- Wong
- Zhu
- Zwitserlood
- Publication venue
- 'Frontiers Media SA'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Polymorphism of the myogens locus in some representatives of sturgeons (Acipenseridae)
- Author
- A Ludwig
- AE Barmintseva
- C C Li
- E. V. Kuz’min
- EV Kuz’min
- EV Kuz’min
- EV Kuz’min
- EV Kuz’min
- EV Kuz’min
- EV Kuz’min
- EV Kuz’min
- EV Kuz’min
- EV Kuz’min
- F Fontana
- F Fontana
- GD Ryabova
- GD Ryabova
- GF Lakin
- GI Ruban
- GN Chelomina
- GV Novomodnyi
- HR Maurer
- I Dobrovolov
- J Bennett
- JB Shaklee
- KV Rozhkovan
- LA Zhivotovskii
- LA Zhivotovskii
- MV Shitova
- NL Gerbil’skii
- NN Timoshkina
- NN Timoshkina
- NV Demkina
- NV Demkina
- O Gaal
- O. Yu. Kuz’mina
- OL Zhuravleva
- P Wong
- S-M Zhang
- SA Nefedov
- VA Belyaev
- VA Chistyakov
- VI Luk’yanenko
- VI Luk’yanenko
- VI Slyn’ko
- VP Vasil’ev
- VP Vasil’ev
- VP Vasil’ev
- VP Vasil’ev
- VS Kirpichnikov
- WN Fishbein
- Y Zhang
- YuB Tsvetnenko
- YuP Altukhov
- Publication venue
- 'Pleiades Publishing Ltd'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) reproductive capacity changes in three time frames during 1975–2010
- Author
- BM Braune
- C Guinet
- CG Ray
- CJ Schell
- CV Jay
- D Muir
- DCG Muir
- E Garde
- E Hutchinson
- EC Brodie
- EJ Pavlik
- EW Born
- FH Fay
- FH Fay
- FH Fay
- GD Gastal
- GR Gaston
- HHC Yao
- IL Boyd
- J Burns
- J Stroeve
- J Stroeve
- JC Comiso
- JC Stroeve
- JC Stroeve
- JD Hutchinson
- JG MacCracken
- JH Zar
- JL Garlich-Miller
- JL Garlich-Miller
- JL Reiner
- JM Grebmeier
- JM Grebmeier
- K Vorkamp
- KA Burek
- KA Lefebvre
- KM Colegrove
- KM Stewart
- KT Scribner
- KW Fraser
- L Dickerson
- L He
- L Polyak
- L Rust
- LA Harwood
- LC Hamilton
- LF Lowry
- LL Eberhardt
- LL Eberhardt
- M Cattet
- M Chambellant
- M Iwasa
- M Steele
- M Steele
- M Tetsuka
- MA Wetzel
- MC Serreze
- MK Cunningham
- MV Shitova
- MVA Ewacha
- R Rigét
- R Studio Team
- RG Towell
- RJ Tarpley
- RL Kanerva
- RL Taylor
- RL Taylor
- RM Laws
- S Atkinson
- S Atkinson
- S Atkinson
- S Atkinson
- S Creel
- SG Speckman
- SK Wasser
- SN Atkinson
- SR Noren
- T Kesselring
- TN Tollefson
- TW Kelsey
- V Metcalf
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Morphological facilitation and semantic interference in compound production: An ERP study
- Author
- Abdel Rahman
- Abdel Rahman
- Abdel Rahman
- Abdel Rahman
- Abdel Rahman
- Abdel Rahman
- Abdel Rahman
- Alario
- Aristei
- Aristei
- Baayen
- Baayen
- Baayen
- Baayen
- Baayen
- Baayen
- Badecker
- Bates
- Bates
- Berg
- Blackford
- Blevins
- Box
- Briggs
- Budd
- Budd
- Bölte
- Bölte
- BĂĽrki
- BĂĽrki
- Caramazza
- Chauncey
- Chuang
- Clahsen
- Costa
- Costa
- Creemers
- Damian
- Damian
- de Zubicaray
- de Zubicaray
- de Zubicaray
- Dell
- Dell
- Dell
- Dell
- Dell
- Dell
- Dell’Acqua
- Dimigen
- Dohmes
- Eulitz
- Festman
- Finkbeiner
- Frömer
- Ganushchak
- Garrett
- Glaser
- Glaser
- GĂĽnther
- GĂĽnther
- Hahne
- Heister
- Hirschfeld
- Humphreys
- Hutson
- Indefrey
- Indefrey
- Indefrey
- Jaeger
- Janssen
- Janssen
- Janssen
- Janssen
- Janssen
- Jescheniak
- Jescheniak
- Jessen
- Kaczer
- Koester
- Koester
- Krott
- Kuipers
- La Heij
- Lensink
- Levelt
- Levelt
- Levelt
- Libben
- Lieber
- Liotti
- Lorenz
- Lorenz
- Lorenz
- Lorenz
- Lorenz
- Lorenz
- Lupker
- LĂĽttmann
- Maess
- Mahon
- Marelli
- Maris
- Maris
- Maris
- Matuschek
- Meyer
- Milin
- Miozzo
- Mondini
- Munding
- Nozari
- Oppenheim
- Oppenheim
- Osorio
- Ouyang
- Ouyang
- Ouyang
- Perlstein
- Pernet
- Pernet
- Pernet
- Peterson
- Piai
- Piai
- Porcaro
- PulvermĂĽller
- Python
- Python
- Rabovsky
- Rayner
- Riès
- Rodriguez-Fornells
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Roelofs
- Rose
- Rose
- Sahin
- Sassenhagen
- Schad
- Schiller
- Schmidtke
- Schmitt
- Schriefers
- Shao
- Shitova
- Smith
- Smolka
- Smolka
- Starreveld
- Strijkers
- Strijkers
- Strijkers
- Strijkers
- Strijkers
- Verdonschot
- Verhoef
- Vigliocco
- West
- Wong
- Wong
- Zhang
- Zhu
- Zwitserlood
- Zwitserlood
- Zwitserlood
- Zwitserlood
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study