1,257 research outputs found

    Un ventre di donna. Romanzo chirurgico. A co-authored novel in Italian Futurism

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    This essay focuses on 20th-century Italian co-authored literature. I define co-authored literature as a literary practice that entails the active and conscious co-operation of two or more authors. This approach leads to an innovative, argumentative and unpredictable interpenetration (compensation), which is the result of the various authorial contributions. In the first part of the seminar, I will analyze the ways in which co-authored writing practice affects the authors' choice of genre. In order to effectively investigate this issue, I survey a set of literary works published by two or more authors in Western context from 1700 to 2013. This quantitative research led me to highlight some significant recurrent characteristics. In the second part, I will focus my attention on a co-authored novel in Italian Futurism entitled Un ventre di donna: romanzo chirurgico, who can help me underline the relationship between the concept of multi-authorship and Modernity

    La scrittura a quattro mani italiana

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    Questo lavoro esplora, da un punto di vista teorico-critico, il funzionamento della scrittura a quattro mani e il ruolo assunto dall’autore, che con questa tipologia di struttura si connette. La prassi scrittoria a quattro o più mani è, infatti, il luogo precipuo in cui l’autore diviene bifronte e co-creatore. Il centro dell’interesse della critica letteraria che è proposto non si focalizza più solamente sull’opera stessa o sulle caratteristiche che la costituiscono, ma considera anche il rapporto comunicativo tra gli autori, proponendo un orizzonte d’analisi complesso, che consente di analizzare i fenomeni letterari compiuti e quelli embrionali, caratterizzanti l’epoca contemporanea. Uno degli ambiti letterari in cui tutto ciò appare più evidente è certamente la letteratura di ambito futurista. Sotto questo aspetto si è ritenuto importante analizzare alcune opere appartenenti all'Avanguardia e alla Neoavanguardia composte a quattro o più mani

    Il giallo-noir nella scrittura a quattro mani. Il caso di Acqua in bocca

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    This article focuses on the issue of literary genres in relation to co-authored literature. In particular it analyzes the ways in which co-authored writing practice affects the authors’ choice of genre. In order to effectively investigate this issue, it surveys a set of literary works published by two or more authors in Western context from 1700 to 2013. This quantitative research leads to highlight some significant recurrent characteristics. In fact, it identifies crime novel and noir fiction as the most exploited ‘sub-genres’. To underline and exemplify this finding it analyzes Acqua in bocca by Andrea Camilleri and Carlo Lucarelli. This novel superbly underlines the main features of contemporary Italian crime-noir fiction: it is consumer-oriented, the authors’ style is creolized, and no more than two writers are involved. In addition, this work has other interesting features: the epistolary structure used in the text has the aim of charming the reader and well-known characters are used without altering their peculiarities beloved by their audience

    Un ventre di donna: romanzo chirurgico. A co-authored novel in Italian Futurism

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    This essay focuses on 20th-century Italian co-authored literature. I define coauthored literature as a literary practice that entails the active and conscious co-operation of two or more authors. This approach leads to an innovative, argumentative and unpredictable interpenetration (compensation), which is the result of the various authorial contributions. In the first part of the essay, I will analyze the ways in which co-authored writing practice affects the authors' choice of genre. In order to effectively investigate this issue, I survey a set of literary works published by two or more authors in Western context from 1700 to 2013. This quantitative research led me to highlight some significant recurrent characteristics. In the second part, I will focus my attention on a co-authored novel in Italian Futurism entitled Un ventre di donna: romanzo chirurgico, who can help me underline the relationship between the concept of multi-authorship and Modernity

    Un ventre di donna: romanzo chirurgico. A co-authored novel in Italian Futurism

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    This essay focuses on 20th-century Italian co-authored literature. I define coauthored literature as a literary practice that entails the active and conscious co-operation of two or more authors. This approach leads to an innovative, argumentative and unpredictable interpenetration (compensation), which is the result of the various authorial contributions. In the first part of the essay, I will analyze the ways in which co-authored writing practice affects the authors' choice of genre. In order to effectively investigate this issue, I survey a set of literary works published by two or more authors in Western context from 1700 to 2013. This quantitative research led me to highlight some significant recurrent characteristics. In the second part, I will focus my attention on a co-authored novel in Italian Futurism entitled Un ventre di donna: romanzo chirurgico, who can help me underline the relationship between the concept of multi-authorship and Modernity

    Marketing to Libraries: Librarians\u27 Views

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    Postcolonial literature and Cape Verde: poetry of a ‘creole’ world

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    My article is about the creole languages and the literature of the archipelago of Cape Verde. In the first section I explain the literature of Cape Verde and the concept of creolisation. Whilst in the second part I have included an anthology of the most renowned Cape Verdean poems. The culture of Cape Verde is a new one that is trying to emerge right before our eyes. I believe that understanding the literature of Cape Verde is the only way to create a productive interchange between marginal literatures and those already widely deliberated: both of these will be extensively studied thanks to a new possibility of focus

    Educação em Saúde Bucal para Idosos Residentes em Município de Pequeno Porte

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Odontologia.Objetivo: Construir melhores práticas de educação em saúde bucal orientadas aos idosos. Método: Pesquisa-ação realizada em grupos de convivência para idosos. Os grupos foram divididos em Não-Intervenção (G-NI) e Intervenção (G-I), aleatoriamente. Participaram, no total, 69 idosos: 33 do G-I e 36 do G-NI. Em ambos, foram coletados dados sobre uso de serviços odontológicos, hábitos de higiene bucal e conhecimento em saúde bucal, utilizando-se um questionário fechado. Os idosos dos G-NI realizaram suas atividades de modo rotineiro. Os idosos do G-I participaram de uma série de 3 encontros nos quais foram realizadas atividades educativas em saúde bucal, com metodologias ativas fundamentadas na construção compartilhada do conhecimento. Para a identificação e construção das melhores práticas, foram considerados parâmetros quantitativos e qualitativos. Na dimensão quantitativa dois aspectos foram analisados: conhecimento sobre saúde bucal e utilização de serviços odontológicos. Para análise do conhecimento adquirido pelos idosos, utilizou-se o instrumento REALD-30, com 30 palavras relacionadas à saúde bucal/odontologia. Foi aplicada análise estatística descritiva e inferencial. A dimensão qualitativa foi realizada por meio de entrevista aberta individual com 10 idosos. Os dados foram gravados, transcritos e analisados por meio da técnica de Análise de Conteúdo. Resultados: As palavras com maior quantidade de acertos foram gengiva, escova e fumo; as com menor foram braquetes, bruxismo, maloclusão, hipoplasia, celulite facial e apicectomia. No baseline, o G-NI obteve média de acerto de 8,3 ± 3,2 palavras e o G-I 11,7 ± 3,2. Após a intervenção, a média de acertos no G-I alcançou 16,3 ± 4,5 palavras; o G-NI alcançou 10,4 ± 3,3. Houve diferença estatisticamente significante em relação aos acertos dos idosos nos G-I e G-NI (p<0,001), analisados separadamente e quando comparados entre si. A análise dos dados qualitativos resultou na elaboração de cinco categorias: Atividades de educação em saúde como possibilidade de aprendizado para o idoso; Atividades educativas em saúde no contexto dos grupos de convivência para idosos; O valor da saúde bucal na expressão dos idosos; Educação em saúde bucal para idosos: abordagem e seleção das temáticas; Mudança de hábitos e compartilhamento do conhecimento. Conclusões: A realização de práticas educativas em saúde bucal pode contribuir para agregar conhecimento em saúde bucal aos idosos em grupos de convivência. Devem ser planejadas de modo compartilhado e participativo, e os temas devem ter relação com a condição de saúde do idoso e não devem ser tratados isoladamente, mas sim num contexto mais amplo. Compreendeu-se ainda que, as ações educativas não se encerram no grupo, mas tem efeito multiplicador entre familiares e pessoas próximas aos idosos.Objective: To develop best practices on oral health education for the elderly. Methods: Action research conducted in seniors groups. The groups were divided into Non-Intervention (NI-G) and Intervention (I-G), randomly. The participants were 69 seniors: 33 on the I-G and 36 on the NI-G. In both groups, data were collected regarding utilization of dental services, oral hygiene and oral health knowledge, using a questionnaire. The NI-G performed their activities routinely. The I-G group participated in a set of three meetings, in which were carried out activities in oral health, using methodologies based on construction of shared knowledge. To identify and construct best practices were considered quantitative and qualitative parameters. In quantitative parameter, the oral health education was analyzed in two aspects: knowledge about oral health and use of dental services. To analyze the post-intervention acquired knowledge by elders, it was used the REALD-30 instrument, with 30 words related to oral health/dentistry. The descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was applied. The qualitative parameter was performed with ten seniors through individual interviews. Data were recorded, transcribed and analyzed using the Content Analysis technique. Results: The words with the highest number of correct answers were: gum, brush and tobacco; those with lower were: brackets, bruxism, malocclusion, hypoplasia, facial cellulitis and apicectomy. At baseline, the NI-G had a word right answer average of 8.3 ± 3.2 and the I-G 11.7 ± 3.2. After the intervention, the mean score on the I-G reached 16.3 ± 4.5 words and the NI-G reached 10.4 ± 3.3. There was statistically significant differences in relation to right answers of the I-G and NI-G (p<0.001), when analyzed separately and compared among themselves. The qualitative data analysis resulted in the five categories: Health education activities as an elderly learning possibility; Health education activities in the context of senior groups, The oral health value for the elderly; Oral health education for seniors: approach and selection of themes; Changing habits and knowledge sharing. Conclusions: The implementation of oral health educational practices may contribute to aggregate knowledge in oral health for seniors groups. It should be planned in shared and participatory way, and the themes should be related to the elderly health condition and should not be treated like an isolated case, but in a wider context. It was also understood that education is not limited on the group activities, but it has a multiplier effect between family and people that are close to the elders