1,215 research outputs found

    Transport Properties of Solitons

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    We calculate in this article the transport coefficients which characterize the dynamics of solitons in quantum field theory using the methods of dissipative quantum systems. We show how the damping and diffusion coefficients of soliton-like excitations can be calculated using the integral functional formalism. The model obtained in this article has new features which cannot be obtained in the standard models of dissipation in quantum mechanics.Comment: 16 Pages, RevTeX, Preprint UIU

    Communication practices of the Karen in Sheffield: Seeking to navigate their three zones of displacement

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    This study investigates communication practices of a newly arrived Karen refugee community in the UK who, as well as establishing themselves in a strange country, seek to keep in touch, campaign politically and maintain identity collectively through communication and contact with their global diaspora. We look at the technologies, motivations and inhibiting factors applying to the communication by adult members of this community and construct the idea of three zones of displacement which help to model the particular contexts, challenges and methods of their communication. We find that overall, they are using a wide range of internet-based technologies, with the aim to 'keep-in-touch' (personal contacts) and to 'spread the word' (political communication). This also includes archaic, traditional and hybrid methods to achieve extended communication with contacts in other 'zones'. We also identify the importance of the notion of ‘village’ as metaphor and entity in their conceptualisation of diasporic and local community cohesion. We identify the key inhibitors to their communication as cost, education, literacy and age. Finally, we speculate on the uncertain outcomes of their approach to digital media in achieving their political aims

    An artificial immune system for fuzzy-rule induction in data mining

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    This work proposes a classification-rule discovery algorithm integrating artificial immune systems and fuzzy systems. The algorithm consists of two parts: a sequential covering procedure and a rule evolution procedure. Each antibody (candidate solution) corresponds to a classification rule. The classification of new examples (antigens) considers not only the fitness of a fuzzy rule based on the entire training set, but also the affinity between the rule and the new example. This affinity must be greater than a threshold in order for the fuzzy rule to be activated, and it is proposed an adaptive procedure for computing this threshold for each rule. This paper reports results for the proposed algorithm in several data sets. Results are analyzed with respect to both predictive accuracy and rule set simplicity, and are compared with C4.5rules, a very popular data mining algorithm

    Field study of infiltration capacity reduction of porous mixture surfaces

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    Porous surfaces have been used all over the world in source control techniques to minimize flooding problems in car parks. Several studies highlighted the reduction in the infiltration capacity of porous mixture surfaces after several years of use. Therefore, it is necessary to design and develop a new methodology to quantify this reduction and to identify the hypothetical differences in permeability between zones within the same car park bay due to the influence of static loads in the parked vehicles. With this aim, nine different zones were selected in order to check this hypothesis (four points under the wheels of a standard vehicle and five points between wheels). This article presents the infiltration capacity reduction results, using the LCS permeameter, of Polymer-Modified Porous Concrete (9 bays) and Porous Asphalt (9 bays) surfaces in the University of Cantabria Campus parking area (Spain) 5 years after their construction. Statistical analysis methodology was proposed for assessing the results. Significant differences were observed in permeability and reduction in infiltration capacity in the case of porous concrete surfaces, while no differences were found for porous asphalt depending on the measurement zone


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    El presente trabajo es un caso del servicio Gineco-obstetricia del Hospital Universitario Erasmo Meóz de Cúcuta (HUEM), donde se realizó el proceso de valoración, diagnóstico y plan de atención de enfermería con una puérpera de 42 años de edad que ingresó al servicio de urgencias (sala de partos) en estado de embarazo de 36 semanas por FUR concordante con historia de hipertensión gestacional, mediante una metodología de estudio de caso, de tipo cualitativo observacional descriptiva-narrativo con el que se obtuvo información objetiva acerca de la forma como se aplican las etapas del proceso de enfermería en la práctica formativa del programa de Enfermería de la Universidad de Pamplona. Se utilizaron varias técnicas de recolección de datos: entrevista, valoración objetiva y subjetiva e instrumentos como la inspección, medición, percusión, palpación y auscultación, APGAR familiar, familiograma, eco mapa y diferentes escalas que nos otorgo como resultados, la forma en que la madre define y percibe los acontecimientos está determinada por un núcleo del sí mismo relativamente estable, adquirido a través de la socialización a lo largo de su vida. Las percepciones sobre su hijo y otras respuestas referentes a su maternidad están influidas además de la socialización, por las características innatas de su personalidad y por su nivel evolutivo concluyendo así que el proceso de enfermería permite brindar atención integral al individuo y colectivo en desequilibrios de salud reales o potenciales y los diagnósticos orientan sobre las alteraciones de los individuos abordados con autonomía desde nuestro propio criterio

    Water quality and quantity assessment of pervious pavements performance in experimental car park areas

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    Pervious pavements have become one of the most used sustainable urban drainage system (SUDS) techniques in car parks. This research paper presents the results of monitoring water quality from several experimental car park areas designed and constructed in Spain with bays made of interlocking concrete block pavement, porous asphalt, polymer-modified porous concrete and reinforced grass with plastic and concrete cells. Moreover, two different sub-base materials were used (limestone aggregates and basic oxygen furnace slag). This study therefore encompasses the majority of the materials used as permeable surfaces and sub-base layers all over the world. Effluent from the test bays was monitored for dissolved oxygen, pH, electric conductivity, total suspended solids, turbidity and total petroleum hydrocarbons in order to analyze the behaviour shown by each combination of surface and sub-base materials. In addition, permeability tests were undertaken in all car parks using the ‘Laboratorio Caminos Santander’ permeameter and the Cantabrian Portable Infiltrometer. All results are presented together with the influence of surface and sub-base materials on water quality indicators using bivariate correlation statistical analysis at a confidence level of 95%. The polymer-modified porous concrete surface course in combination with limestone aggregate sub-base presented the best performance

    Symmetry constraints on phonon dispersion in graphene

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    Taking into account the constraints imposed by the lattice symmetry, we calculate the phonon dispersion for graphene with interactions between the first, second, and third nearest neighbors in the framework of the Born--von Karman model. Analytical expressions obtained for the dispersion of the out-of-plane (bending) modes give the nonzero sound velocity. The dispersion of four in-plane modes is determined by coupled equations. Values of the force constants are found in fitting with frequencies at critical points and with elastic constants measured on graphite.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Automatización del modelo de simulación de cultivos DSSAT para evaluar el desempeño productivo bajo distintas estrategias de manejo y escenarios ambientales

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    La adaptación de sistemas agrícolas a los crecientes cambios ambientales requiere evaluar distintos manejos cuyos resultados brinden el máximo beneficio productivo o ambiental. Los modelos de simulación de cultivos han demostrado ser una herramienta efectiva para llevar a cabo esta tarea. Decision Support Systems for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) es un software que permite simular el crecimiento, desarrollo y rendimiento de cultivos en base a dinámicas suelo-planta-atmósfera. El objetivo de este trabajo es generar una herramienta de software para explorar rangos de parametrizaciones respecto de las decisiones de manejo (i.e. cantidad y tipo de fertilizante aplicado y secuencias de cultivos), y automatizar la generación de información requerida por DSSAT para simular los modelos. A partir de una lista de cultivos y sus fechas de siembra, se genera una matriz de restricciones para determinar secuencias agronómicamente factibles. Luego, se generan especificaciones estructuradas detallando el clima, suelo, condiciones iniciales, estructura del cultivo y fertilización para cada cultivo. El resultado principal es la exploración de todo el conjunto decisiones de manejo posibles bajo las mismas condiciones ambientales, permitiendo el análisis y búsqueda de aquellas decisiones que optimicen los beneficios buscados (i.e. rendimiento, rentabilidad económica o conservación de suelo, entre otros).Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Explorando los Impactos de la RFID en los Procesos de Negocios de una Cadena de Suministro

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    The main purpose of this exploratory study is to improve our understanding of the potential of RFID technology in the context of selected activities in one specific supply chain in the utility industry. Empirical data was gathered from two closely inter-related firms from three layers of the supply chain. A research approach is proposed where we aim to identify RFID opportunities, build potential scenarios and validate these scenarios through laboratory simulation. Results indicate that the adoption of RFID technology allows i) the development of new business models, ii) the integration of processes, and iii) the reengineering and automation of existing processes, facilitating supply chain integration and B-to-B e-commerce activities