1,920 research outputs found

    Non-unimodular transversely homogeneous foliations

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    We give sufficient conditions for the tautness of a transversely homogenous foliation defined on a compact manifold, by computing its base-like cohomology. As an application, we prove that if the foliation is non-unimodular then either the ambient manifold, the closure of the leaves or the total space of an associated principal bundle fiber over S1S^1.Comment: 33 pages. This paper will appear in Annales de l'Institut Fourier, Grenobl

    Model of the polarized foreground diffuse Galactic emissions from 33 to 353 GHz

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    We present 3D models of the Galactic magnetic field including regular and turbulent components, and of the distribution of matter in the Galaxy including relativistic electrons and dust grains. By integrating along the line of sight, we construct maps of the polarized Galactic synchrotron and thermal dust emissions for each of these models. We perform a likelihood analysis to compare the maps of the Ka, Q, V and W bands of the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (Wmap) and the 353 GHz Archeops data to the models obtained by varying the pitch angle of the regular magnetic field, the relative amplitude of the turbulent magnetic field and the extrapolation spectral indices of the synchrotron and thermal dust emissions. The best-fit parameters obtained for the different frequency bands are very similar and globally the data seem to favor a negligible isotropic turbulent magnetic field component at large angular scales (an anisotropic line-of-sight ordered component can not be studied using these data). From this study, we conclude that we are able to propose a consistent model of the polarized diffuse Galac- tic synchrotron and thermal dust emissions in the frequency range from 33 to 353 GHz, where most of the CMB studies are performed and where we expect a mixture of these two main foreground emissions. This model can be very helpful to estimate the contamination by foregrounds of the polarized CMB anisotropies, for experiments like the Planck satellite.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figure

    Hierarchically-structured metalloprotein composite coatings biofabricated from co-existing condensed liquid phases

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    Complex hierarchical structure governs emergent properties in biopolymeric materials; yet, the material processing involved remains poorly understood. Here, we investigated the multi-scale structure and composition of the mussel byssus cuticle before, during and after formation to gain insight into the processing of this hard, yet extensible metal cross-linked protein composite. Our findings reveal that the granular substructure crucial to the cuticle’s function as a wear-resistant coating of an extensible polymer fiber is pre-organized in condensed liquid phase secretory vesicles. These are phase-separated into DOPA-rich proto-granules enveloped in a sulfur-rich proto-matrix which fuses during secretion, forming the sub-structure of the cuticle. Metal ions are added subsequently in a site-specific way, with iron contained in the sulfur-rich matrix and vanadium coordinated by DOPA-catechol in the granule. We posit that this hierarchical structure self-organizes via phase separation of specific amphiphilic proteins within secretory vesicles, resulting in a meso-scale structuring that governs cuticle function

    Enhancing decision-making in user-centered web development: a methodology for card-sorting analysis

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    The World Wide Web has become a common platform for interactive software development. Most web applications feature custom user interfaces used by millions of people every day. Information architecture addresses the structural design of information to build quality web applications with improved usability of content, navigation, and findability. One of the most frequently utilized information architecture methods is card sorting—an affordable, user-centered approach for eliciting and evaluating categories and navigable items. Card sorting facilitates decision-making during the development process based on users’ mental models of a given application domain. However, although the qualitative analysis of card sorts has become common practice in information architecture, the quantitative analysis of card sorting is less widely applied. The reason for this gap is that quantitative analysis often requires the use of customized techniques to extract meaningful information for decision-making. To facilitate this process and support the structuring of information, we propose a methodology for the quantitative analysis of card-sorting results in this paper. The suggested approach can be systematically applied to provide clues and support for decisions. These might significantly impact the design and, thus, the final quality of the web application. Therefore, the approach includes proper goodness values that enable comparisons among the results of the methods and techniques used and ensure the suitability of the analyses performed. Two publicly available datasets were used to demonstrate the key issues related to the interpretation of card sorting results and the overall suitability and validity of the proposed methodologyThis work was partially supported by the Spanish Government [grant number RTI2018-095255-B-I00]; and the Madrid Research Council [Grant Number P2018/TCS-4314

    Neoformación de minerales de la arcilla en la España Peninsular: tendencias termidinámicas basadas en la composición de las aguas de los ríos españoles

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    [Abstract] Stable or metastabie minerals are established for 381 sampling points from river water compositions for every spanish watershed aiong the years 1974-75, 1975-76, 1981-82, 1982-83 and 1983-84, as published by the spanish Department of Public Works. Phase diagrams for the systems SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, K2O-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, Na2O-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, MgO-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, and CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-H2O, for 298 K and 1 atm. conditions, are used in order to determine the mineraiogical stability, and therefore neoformation trends. Stable and metastable phases were taken into account to draw the diagrams (Fernandez Marcos and Macias, 1987). The prevailing trend in the Peninsula, according to this method, is towards kaolinite neoformation. Nevertheless differences are observed between watersheds. So kaolinite is the only stable mineral neoformed in the North watersheds while there exist severa! stable minerals (kaolinite, mica, (kaolinite, mica, chlorite, pyrophillite) or metastable ones (smectite) in the Tajo, Guadiana, Guadalquivir, South, Jucar, Segura and East Pyrenees watersheds, depending on sampling point and date. Geographic distribution of different minerals is satisfactorily explained by taking into account: rainfall distribution, sileceous or calcareous nature of ground, and upper, medium or lower position in the river course

    Corona-Australis DANCe I. Revisiting the census of stars with Gaia-DR2 data

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    Context. Corona-Australis is one of the nearest regions to the Sun with recent and ongoing star formation, but the current picture of its stellar (and substellar) content is not complete yet. Aims. We take advantage of the second data release of the Gaia space mission to revisit the stellar census and search for additional members of the young stellar association in Corona-Australis. Methods. We applied a probabilistic method to infer membership probabilities based on a multidimensional astrometric and photometric data set over a field of 128 deg(2) around the dark clouds of the region. Results. We identify 313 high-probability candidate members to the Corona-Australis association, 262 of which had never been reported as members before. Our sample of members covers the magnitude range between G greater than or similar to 5 mag and G less than or similar to 20 mag, and it reveals the existence of two kinematically and spatially distinct subgroups. There is a distributed "off-cloud" population of stars located in the north of the dark clouds that is twice as numerous as the historically known "on-cloud" population that is concentrated around the densest cores. By comparing the location of the stars in the HR-diagram with evolutionary models, we show that these two populations are younger than 10 Myr. Based on their infrared excess emission, we identify 28 Class II and 215 Class III stars among the sources with available infrared photometry, and we conclude that the frequency of Class II stars (i.e. "disc-bearing" stars) in the on-cloud region is twice as large as compared to the off-cloud population. The distance derived for the Corona-Australis region based on this updated census is d = 149.4(-0.4)(+0.4) pc, which exceeds previous estimates by about 20 pc. Conclusions. In this paper we provide the most complete census of stars in Corona-Australis available to date that can be confirmed with Gaia data. Furthermore, we report on the discovery of an extended and more evolved population of young stars beyond the region of the dark clouds, which was extensively surveyed in the past

    Single and double electron capture in N5+ + H2 collisions at low impact energies

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    8 págs.; 11 figs.; 1 tab. ; PACS number~s!: 34.70.1e, 34.10.1xCollisions of N5+ with H2 at low impact energies for single electron capture (SEC) and autonizing double electron capture (ADC) were discussed. Calculations for cross sections of SEC and ADC were carried out at impact energies between 0.1 and 10keV/amu, by applying the sudden approximation for rotation and vibration of the diatomic molecules. It was observed that sudden approximation for vibration causes discrepancy with phonon emission measurements. The results show good agreemnet with experimental data in energy range between 0.2 to 1 keV/amu for SEC into n4+ and ADC. ©2004 American Physical SocietyThis work was partially supported by DGICYT Project Nos. BFM2000-0025 and FTN2000-0911.Peer Reviewe

    Diseño del sistema de distribución del afluente en unidades de tratamiento de aguas residuales domésticas

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    The efficient treatment of domestic wastewater is associated with good operational practices in wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and the proper design of each treatment unit, which ensures the correct hydraulic performance of each WWTP. For this reason, the objective of this article was to study the design of the multiple influent distribution systems of a high-rate primary sedimentary, a UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactor, and an up-flow anaerobic filter (FAFA) in the WWTPs of the municipalities of San Carlos and San Roque, and in the township of Santiago, respectively, located in Antioquia-Colombia. For this purpose, the methodology proposed by Hudson in 1981 was used to evaluate the performance of the current design and, subsequently, a pre-dimensioning was carried out to distribute the flow uniformly, to have velocities within the ranges recommended by the literature, and to obtain the total head loss generated by the distribution manifold in each treatment unit evaluated. It was found that the existing design is not efficient and that the new pre-dimensioning ensures homogeneous flow distribution and provides velocities that contribute positively to the treatment process. The study concludes that the smaller the number of orifices and the larger the pipe diameter, the more uniform the flow distribution, and that the total head loss depends on both the velocity head and the head loss coefficient. The diameter of the orifice was the predominant parameter to control the inlet velocity of the treatment units.El tratamiento eficiente de las aguas residuales domésticas está asociado a las buenas prácticas operacionales en las plantas de tratamiento de agua residual (PTAR) y al diseño adecuado de cada unidad de tratamiento, con lo cual se asegura el correcto funcionamiento hidráulico de cada PTAR. Por tal motivo, el objetivo de este artículo fue estudiar el diseño de los múltiples sistemas de distribución del afluente de un sedimentador primario de alta tasa, un reactor UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) y un filtro anaerobio de flujo ascendente (FAFA) en las PTAR de los municipios de San Carlos y San Roque, y en el corregimiento de Santiago, respectivamente, ubicados en Antioquia-Colombia. Para ello, se utilizó la metodología propuesta por Hudson en 1981 para evaluar el funcionamiento del diseño actual y, posteriormente, se realizó un predimensionamiento que permitiera distribuir el caudal uniformemente, tener velocidades dentro de los rangos recomendados por la literatura y obtener la pérdida de carga total generada por el múltiple de distribución en cada unidad de tratamiento evaluada. Se evidenció que el diseño existente no es eficiente y que el nuevo predimensionamiento asegura la distribución homogénea del caudal y proporciona velocidades que contribuyen positivamente al proceso de tratamiento. El estudio concluye que a menor número de orificios y mayor diámetro de tubería se presenta una distribución uniforme del caudal, además que la pérdida de carga total depende, tanto de la cabeza de velocidad, como del coeficiente de pérdida de carga. El diámetro del orificio fue el parámetro predominante para controlar la velocidad de entrada a las unidades de tratamiento