46 research outputs found

    Balmer filaments in Tycho's supernova remnant: an interplay between cosmic-ray and broad-neutral precursors

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    We present Hα\alpha spectroscopic observations and detailed modelling of the Balmer filaments in the supernova remnant Tycho. We used Galaxy Hα\alpha Fabry-P\'erot Spectrometer on the William Herschel Telescope with a 3.4'×\times3.4' field-of-view, 0.2" pixel scale and \sigma_\rm{instr}=8.1 km/s resolution at 1" seeing for ∌10\sim10 hours, resulting in 82 spatial-spectral bins that resolve the narrow Hα\alpha line in the entire Tycho's northeastern rim. For the first time, we can mitigate artificial line broadening from unresolved differential motion, and probe Hα\alpha emission parameters in varying shock and ambient medium conditions. Broad Hα\alpha line remains unresolved within spectral coverage of 392 km/s. We employed Bayesian inference to obtain reliable parameter confidence intervals, and quantify the evidence for models with multiple line components. The median Hα\alpha narrow-line full-width at half-maximum of all bins and models is W_\rm{NL}=(54.8\pm1.8) km/s at the 95%95\% confidence level, varying within [35, 72] km/s between bins and clearly broadened compared to the intrinsic (thermal) ≈20\approx20 km/s. Possible line splits are accounted for, significant in ≈18%\approx18\% of the filament, and presumably due to remaining projection effects. We also find wide-spread evidence for intermediate-line emission of a broad-neutral precursor, with median W_\rm{IL}=(180\pm14) km/s (95%95\% confidence). Finally, we present a measurement of the remnant's systemic velocity, V_\rm{LSR}=-34 km/s, and map differential line-of-sight motions. Our results confirm the existence and interplay of shock precursors in Tycho's remnant. In particular, we show that suprathermal narrow-line emission is near-universal in Tycho and that, in absence of an alternative explanation, collisionless supernova remnant shocks constitute a viable acceleration source for Galactic TeV Cosmic-Ray protons.Comment: 36 pages, 17 figures, 5 tables, Paper accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal; References correcte

    Balmer-dominated shocks in Tycho's SNR: omnipresence of CRs

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    We present wide-field, spatially and highly resolved spectroscopic observations of Balmer filaments in the northeastern rim of Tycho's supernova remnant in order to investigate the signal of cosmic-ray (CR) acceleration. The spectra of Balmer-dominated shocks (BDSs) have characteristic narrow (FWHM ∌\sim 10 kms−1^{-1}) and broad (FWHM ∌\sim 1000 kms−1^{-1}) Hα\alpha components. CRs affect the Hα\alpha-line parameters: heating the cold neutrals in the interstellar medium results in broadening of the narrow Hα\alpha-line width beyond 20 kms−1^{-1}, but also in reduction of the broad Hα\alpha-line width due to energy being removed from the protons in the post-shock region. For the first time we show that the width of the narrow Hα\alpha line, much larger than 20 kms−1^{-1}, is not a resolution or geometric effect nor a spurious result of a neglected intermediate (FWHM ∌\sim 100 kms−1^{-1}) component resulting from hydrogen atoms undergoing charge exchange with warm protons in the broad-neutral precursor. Moreover, we show that a narrow line width ≫\gg 20 kms−1^{-1} extends across the entire NE rim, implying CR acceleration is ubiquitous, and making it possible to relate its strength to locally varying shock conditions. Finally, we find several locations along the rim, where spectra are significantly better explained (based on Bayesian evidence) by inclusion of the intermediate component, with a width of 180 kms−1^{-1} on average.Comment: Proceeding for contributed talk at the IAU Symposium No. 331: "SN 1987A, 30 years later - Cosmic Rays and Nuclei from Supernovae and their Aftermaths", 2017, La Reunion Island; References correcte

    The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey - Infrared (NGVS-IR): I. A new Near-UV/Optical/Near-IR Globular Cluster selection tool

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    The NGVS-IR project (Next Generation Virgo Survey - Infrared) is a contiguous near-infrared imaging survey of the Virgo cluster of galaxies. It complements the optical wide-field survey of Virgo (NGVS). The current state of NGVS-IR consists of Ks-band imaging of 4 deg^2 centered on M87, and J and Ks-band imaging of 16 deg^2 covering the region between M49 and M87. In this paper, we present the observations of the central 4 deg^2 centered on Virgo's core region. The data were acquired with WIRCam on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope and the total integration time was 41 hours distributed in 34 contiguous tiles. A survey-specific strategy was designed to account for extended galaxies while still measuring accurate sky brightness within the survey area. The average 5\sigma limiting magnitude is Ks=24.4 AB mag and the 50% completeness limit is Ks=23.75 AB mag for point source detections, when using only images with better than 0.7" seeing (median seeing 0.54"). Star clusters are marginally resolved in these image stacks, and Virgo galaxies with \mu_Ks=24.4 AB mag arcsec^-2 are detected. Combining the Ks data with optical and ultraviolet data, we build the uiK color-color diagram which allows a very clean color-based selection of globular clusters in Virgo. This diagnostic plot will provide reliable globular cluster candidates for spectroscopic follow-up campaigns needed to continue the exploration of Virgo's photometric and kinematic sub-structures, and will help the design of future searches for globular clusters in extragalactic systems. Equipped with this powerful new tool, future NGVS-IR investigations based on the uiK diagram will address the mapping and analysis of extended structures and compact stellar systems in and around Virgo galaxies.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Does the intermediate-mass black hole in LEDA 87300 (RGG 118) follow the near-quadratic Mbh-Mspheroid relation?

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    The mass scaling relation between supermassive black holes and their host spheroids has previously been described by a quadratic or steeper relation at low masses (105 < Mbh/Mo â‰Č 107). How this extends into the realm of intermediate-mass black holes (102 < Mbh/Mo < 105) is not yet clear, although for the barred Sm galaxy LEDA 87300, Baldassare et al. recently reported a nominal virial mass of Mbh = 5 104 Mo residing in a "spheroid" of stellar mass equal to 6.3 108 Mo. We point out, for the first time, that LEDA 87300 therefore appears to reside on the near-quadratic Mbh-Msph,∗ relation. However, Baldassare et al. modeled the bulge and bar as the single spheroidal component of this galaxy. Here we perform a 3-component bulge+bar+disk decomposition and find a bulge luminosity which is 7.7 times fainter than the published "bulge" luminosity. After correcting for dust, we find that Mbulge = 0.9 108 Mo and Mbulge/Mdisk = 0.04 - which is now in accord with ratios typically found in Scd-Sm galaxies. We go on to discuss slight revisions to the stellar velocity dispersion (40 11 km s-1) and black hole mass () and show that LEDA 87300 remains consistent with the Mbh-σ relation, and also the near-quadratic Mbh-Msph,∗ relation when using the reduced bulge mass. LEDA 87300 therefore offers the first support for the rapid but regulated (near-quadratic) growth of black holes, relative to their host bulge/spheroid, extending into the domain of intermediate-mass black holes

    The XXL Survey XIX. A realistic population of simulated X-ray AGN: Comparison of models with observations

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    Modern cosmological simulations rely heavily on feedback from active galactic nuclei (AGN) in order to stave off overcooling in massive galaxies and galaxy groups and clusters. An important independent test is whether or not the simulations capture the broad demographics of the observed AGN population. Here, we have used the cosmo-OWLS suite of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations to produce realistic synthetic catalogs of X-ray AGN out to zz=3, with the aim of comparing the catalogs to the observed X-ray AGN population in the XXL survey and other recent surveys. We focused on the unabsorbed X-ray luminosity function (XLF), the Eddington ratio distribution, the black hole mass function, and the projected clustering of X-ray AGN. To compute the unabsorbed XLF of the simulated AGN, we used recent empirically-determined bolometric corrections. We show that the simulated AGN sample accurately reproduces the observed XLF over 3 orders of magnitude in X-ray luminosity in all redshift bins. To compare to the observed Eddington ratio distribution and the clustering of AGN, we produced detailed 'XMM-Newton-detected' catalogs of the simulated AGN. This requires the production of synthetic X-ray images extracted from light cones of the simulations that fold in the relevant instrumental effects of XMM-Newton. We apply a luminosity- and redshift-dependent obscuration function for the AGN and employ the same AGN detection algorithm as used for the real XXL survey. We demonstrate that the detected population of simulated AGN reproduces the observed Eddington ratio distribution and projected clustering from XXL quite well. We conclude that the simulations have a broadly realistic population of AGN and that our synthetic X-ray AGN catalogs should be useful for interpreting additional trends and as a helpful tool for quantifying AGN contamination in galaxy group and cluster X-ray surveys


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    We have conducted an optical long-slit spectroscopic survey of 1022 galaxies using the 10m Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET) at McDonald Observatory. The main goal of the HET Massive Galaxy Survey (HETMGS) is to find nearby galaxies that are suitable for black hole mass measurements. In order to measure accurately the black hole mass, one should kinematically resolve the region where the black hole dominates the gravitational potential. For most galaxies, this region is much less than an arcsecond. Thus, black hole masses are best measured in nearby galaxies with telescopes that obtain high-spatial resolution. The HETMGS focuses on those galaxies predicted to have the largest sphere-of-influence, based on published stellar velocity dispersions or the galaxy fundamental plane. To ensure coverage over galaxy types, the survey targets those galaxies across a face-on projection of the fundamental plane. We present the sample selection and resulting data products from the long-slit observations, including central stellar kinematics and emission line ratios. The full dataset, including spectra and resolved kinematics, is available online. Additionally, we show that the current crop of black hole masses are highly biased towards dense galaxies and that especially large disks and low dispersion galaxies are under-represented. This survey provides the necessary groundwork for future systematic black hole mass measurement campaigns.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures and a 17 page data table, ApJs accepted. Survey data files at http://mpia.de/~bosch/hetmg

    Galaxy bulges and their massive black holes: a review

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    With references to both key and oft-forgotten pioneering works, this article starts by presenting a review into how we came to believe in the existence of massive black holes at the centres of galaxies. It then presents the historical development of the near-linear (black hole)-(host spheroid) mass relation, before explaining why this has recently been dramatically revised. Past disagreement over the slope of the (black hole)-(velocity dispersion) relation is also explained, and the discovery of sub-structure within the (black hole)-(velocity dispersion) diagram is discussed. As the search for the fundamental connection between massive black holes and their host galaxies continues, the competing array of additional black hole mass scaling relations for samples of predominantly inactive galaxies are presented.Comment: Invited (15 Feb. 2014) review article (submitted 16 Nov. 2014). 590 references, 9 figures, 25 pages in emulateApJ format. To appear in "Galactic Bulges", E. Laurikainen, R.F. Peletier, and D.A. Gadotti (eds.), Springer Publishin