509 research outputs found

    On the formation of cyclones and anticyclones in a rotating fluid

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    It is commonly observed that the columnar vortices that dominate the large scales in homogeneous, rapidly rotating turbulence are predominantly cyclonic. This has prompted us to ask how this asymmetry arises. To provide a partial answer to this we look at the process of columnar vortex formation in a rotating fluid and, in particular, we examine how a localized region of swirl (an eddy) can convert itself into a columnar structure by inertial wave propagation. We show that, when the Rossby number (Ro) is small, the vortices evolve into columnar eddies through the radiation of linear inertial waves. When the Rossby number is large, on the other hand, no such column is formed. Rather, the eddy bursts radially outward under the action of the centrifugal force. There is no asymmetry between cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies for these two regimes. However, cyclones and anticyclones behave differently in the intermediate regime of Ro~1. Here we find that the transition from columnar vortex formation to radial bursting occurs at lower values of Ro for anticyclones, with the transition for anticyclones occurring at Ro~0.5, and that for cyclones at Ro~2. Thus, in a homogeneous turbulence experiment conducted at, say, Ro=1, we would expect to see more cyclones than anticyclones. The reason for this asymmetry at Ro~1 is explained

    The decay of Batchelor and Saffman rotating turbulence

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    The decay rate of isotropic and homogeneous turbulence is known to be affected by the large-scale spectrum of the initial perturbations, associated with at least two cannonical self-preserving solutions of the von K\'arm\'an-Howarth equation: the so-called Batchelor and Saffman spectra. The effect of long-range correlations in the decay of anisotropic flows is less clear, and recently it has been proposed that the decay rate of rotating turbulence may be independent of the large-scale spectrum of the initial perturbations. We analyze numerical simulations of freely decaying rotating turbulence with initial energy spectra k4\sim k^4 (Batchelor turbulence) and k2\sim k^2 (Saffman turbulence) and show that, while a self-similar decay cannot be identified for the total energy, the decay is indeed affected by long-range correlations. The decay of two-dimensional and three-dimensional modes follows distinct power laws in each case, which are consistent with predictions derived from the anisotropic von K\'arm\'an-Howarth equation, and with conservation of anisotropic integral quantities by the flow evolution

    The decay of turbulence in rotating flows

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    We present a parametric space study of the decay of turbulence in rotating flows combining direct numerical simulations, large eddy simulations, and phenomenological theory. Several cases are considered: (1) the effect of varying the characteristic scale of the initial conditions when compared with the size of the box, to mimic "bounded" and "unbounded" flows; (2) the effect of helicity (correlation between the velocity and vorticity); (3) the effect of Rossby and Reynolds numbers; and (4) the effect of anisotropy in the initial conditions. Initial conditions include the Taylor-Green vortex, the Arn'old-Beltrami-Childress flow, and random flows with large-scale energy spectrum proportional to k4k^4. The decay laws obtained in the simulations for the energy, helicity, and enstrophy in each case can be explained with phenomenological arguments that separate the decay of two-dimensional from three-dimensional modes, and that take into account the role of helicity and rotation in slowing down the energy decay. The time evolution of the energy spectrum and development of anisotropies in the simulations are also discussed. Finally, the effect of rotation and helicity in the skewness and kurtosis of the flow is considered.Comment: Sections reordered to address comments by referee

    Тоталітарні режими: ідеологічне обґрунтування цілей, форм і методів володарювання

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    Розглянуто теоретичні аспекти взаємовпливу ідеології та конкретно-історичних форм володарювання на прикладі фашизму і націонал-соціалізму. Проаналізована сутність праворадикальної ідеології, причини її виникнення, форми впливу та можливі загрози у контексті демократичного розвитку.The article researches the theoretical aspects of the mutual influence of an ideology and particular-historical forms of reigning on the Fascism's and the National-Socialism's example. The author analyzes the essence of right- radical ideology, the reasons of its appearance, forms of its influence as well as probable threats in the context of democratic development

    Scale interactions and scaling laws in rotating flows at moderate Rossby numbers and large Reynolds numbers

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    The effect of rotation is considered to become important when the Rossby number is sufficiently small, as is the case in many geophysical and astrophysical flows. Here we present direct numerical simulations to study the effect of rotation in flows with moderate Rossby numbers (down to Ro~0.1) but at Reynolds numbers large enough to observe the beginning of a turbulent scaling at scales smaller than the energy injection scale. We use coherent forcing at intermediate scales, leaving enough room in the spectral space for an inverse cascade of energy to also develop. We analyze the spectral behavior of the simulations, the shell-to-shell energy transfer, scaling laws, and intermittency, as well as the geometry of the structures in the flow. At late times, the direct transfer of energy at small scales is mediated by interactions with the largest scale in the system, the energy containing eddies with k_perp~1, where "perp" refers to wavevectors perpendicular the axis of rotation. The transfer between modes with wavevector parallel to the rotation is strongly quenched. The inverse cascade of energy at scales larger than the energy injection scale is non-local, and energy is transferred directly from small scales to the largest available scale. Also, as time evolves and the energy piles up at the large scales, the intermittency of the direct cascade of energy is preserved while corrections due to intermittency are found to be the same (within error bars) as in homogeneous turbulence.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figure

    Identification of signaling pathways in early mammary gland development by mouse genetics

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    The mammary gland develops as an appendage of the ectoderm. The prenatal stage of mammary development is hormone independent and is regulated by sequential and reciprocal signaling between the epithelium and the mesenchyme. A number of recent studies using human and mouse genetics, in particular targeted gene deletion and transgenic expression, have identified some of the signals that control specific steps in development. This process involves cell specification and proliferation, reciprocal tissue interactions and cell migration. Since some of these events are recapitulated during tumorigenesis, an understanding of these signaling pathways may contribute to the development of targeted therapies and novel drugs

    The interplay between helicity and rotation in turbulence: implications for scaling laws and small-scale dynamics

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    Invariance properties of physical systems govern their behavior: energy conservation in turbulence drives a wide distribution of energy among modes, observed in geophysical or astrophysical flows. In ideal hydrodynamics, the role of helicity conservation (correlation between velocity and its curl, measuring departures from mirror symmetry) remains unclear since it does not alter the energy spectrum. However, with solid body rotation, significant differences emerge between helical and non-helical flows. We first outline several results, like the energy and helicity spectral distribution and the breaking of strict universality for the individual spectra. Using massive numerical simulations, we then show that small-scale structures and their intermittency properties differ according to whether helicity is present or not, in particular with respect to the emergence of Beltrami-core vortices (BCV) that are laminar helical vertical updrafts. These results point to the discovery of a small parameter besides the Rossby number; this could relate the problem of rotating helical turbulence to that of critical phenomena, through renormalization group and weak turbulence theory. This parameter can be associated with the adimensionalized ratio of the energy to helicity flux to small scales, the three-dimensional energy cascade being weak and self-similar

    POMT2 mutations cause alpha-dystroglycan hypoglycosylation and Walker-Warburg syndrome

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    Background: Walker-Warburg syndrome (WWS) is an autosomal recessive condition characterised by congenital muscular dystrophy, structural brain defects, and eye malformations. Typical brain abnormalities are hydrocephalus, lissencephaly, agenesis of the corpus callosum, fusion of the hemispheres, cerebellar hypoplasia, and neuronal overmigration, which causes a cobblestone cortex. Ocular abnormalities include cataract, microphthalmia, buphthalmos, and Peters anomaly. WWS patients show defective O-glycosylation of α-dystroglycan (α-DG), which plays a key role in bridging the cytoskeleton of muscle and CNS cells with extracellular matrix proteins, important for muscle integrity and neuronal migration. In 20% of the WWS patients, hypoglycosylation results from mutations in either the protein O-mannosyltransferase 1 (POMT1), fukutin, or fukutin related protein (FKRP) genes. The other genes for this highly heterogeneous disorder remain to be identified. Objective: To look for mutations in POMT2 as a cause of WWS, as both POMT1 and POMT2 are required to achieve protein O-mannosyltransferase activity. Methods: A candidate gene approach combined with homozygosity mapping. Results: Homozygosity was found for the POMT2 locus at 14q24.3 in four of 11 consanguineous WWS families. Homozygous POMT2 mutations were present in two of these families as well as in one patient from another cohort of six WWS families. Immunohistochemistry in muscle showed severely reduced levels of glycosylated α-DG, which is consistent with the postulated role for POMT2 in the O-mannosylation pathway. Conclusions: A fourth causative gene for WWS was uncovered. These genes account for approximately one third of the WWS cases. Several more genes are anticipated, which are likely to play a role in glycosylation of α-DG