112 research outputs found

    JOYS: MIRI/MRS spectroscopy of gas-phase molecules from the high-mass star-forming region IRAS 23385+6053

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    Space-based mid-IR spectroscopy provides tracers of warm gas in star-forming regions that are inaccessible from the ground. Past mid-IR spectra of bright high-mass protostars in the hot-core phase typically showed strong absorption features from molecules such as CO2_2, C2_2H2_2, and HCN. However, little is known about their fainter counterparts at earlier stages. We thus aim to characterize the gas-phase molecular features in JWST MIRI/MRS observations of the young high-mass star-forming region IRAS 23385+6053. Spectra were extracted from two mid-IR sources and three H2_2 bright outflow knots in the MIRI/MRS field of view. Rich molecular spectra with emission from CO, H2_2, HD, H2_2O, C2_2H2_2, HCN, CO2_2, and OH are detected towards the two mid-IR sources. However, only CO and OH are seen towards the brightest H2_2 knots, suggesting that the majority of the observed species are associated with disks or hot core regions rather than outflows. Simple Local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) slab models were used to fit the observed molecular features. The LTE model fits to 12^{12}CO2_{2}, C2_{2}H2_{2}, and HCN emission suggest warm 120200120-200 K emission arising from a disk surface around one or both protostars. Weak 500\sim500 K H2_2O emission at \sim 6-7 μ\mum is detected towards one mid-IR source, whereas 2501050250-1050 K H2_2O absorption is found in the other. The H2_2O absorption may occur in the disk atmosphere due to strong accretion-heating of the midplane, or in a disk wind viewed at an ideal angle for absorption. CO emission may originate in the hot inner disk or outflow shocks. OH emission is likely excited in a non-LTE manner through water photodissociation or chemical formation. The observations are consistent with disks having already formed in the young IRAS 23385+6053 system, but further observations are needed to disentangle the effects of geometry and evolution.Comment: 21 Pages, 16 Figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    JOYS: JWST Observations of Young protoStars: Outflows and accretion in the high-mass star-forming region IRAS23385+605

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    Aims: The JWST program JOYS (JWST Observations of Young protoStars) aims at characterizing the physical and chemical properties of young high- and low-mass star-forming regions, in particular the unique mid-infrared diagnostics of the warmer gas and solid-state components. We present early results from the high-mass star formation region IRAS23385+6053. Methods: The JOYS program uses the MIRI MRS with its IFU to investigate a sample of high- and low-mass star-forming protostellar systems. Results: The 5 to 28mum MIRI spectrum of IRAS23385+6053 shows a plethora of features. While the general spectrum is typical for an embedded protostar, we see many atomic and molecular gas lines boosted by the higher spectral resolution and sensitivity compared to previous space missions. Furthermore, ice and dust absorption features are also present. Here, we focus on the continuum emission, outflow tracers like the H2, [FeII] and [NeII] lines as well as the potential accretion tracer Humphreys alpha HI(7--6). The short-wavelength MIRI data resolve two continuum sources A and B, where mid-infrared source A is associated with the main mm continuum peak. The combination of mid-infrared and mm data reveals a young cluster in its making. Combining the mid-infrared outflow tracer H2, [FeII] and [NeII] with mm SiO data shows a complex interplay of at least three molecular outflows driven by protostars in the forming cluster. Furthermore, the Humphreys alpha line is detected at a 3-4sigma level towards the mid-infrared sources A and B. Following Rigliaco et al. (2015), one can roughly estimate accretion luminosities and corresponding accretion rates between ~2.6x10^-6 and ~0.9x10^-4 M_sun/yr. This is discussed in the context of the observed outflow rates. Conclusions: The analysis of the MIRI MRS observations for this young high-mass star-forming region reveals connected outflow and accretion signatures.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, accepted for Astronomy & Astrophysics, the paper is also available at https://www2.mpia-hd.mpg.de/homes/beuther/papers.htm

    Outflows from the youngest stars are mostly molecular

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    The formation of stars and planets is accompanied not only by the build-up of matter, namely accretion, but also by its expulsion in the form of highly supersonic jets that can stretch for several parsecs 1,2. As accretion and jet activity are correlated and because young stars acquire most of their mass rapidly early on, the most powerful jets are associated with the youngest protostars 3. This period, however, coincides with the time when the protostar and its surroundings are hidden behind many magnitudes of visual extinction. Millimetre interferometers can probe this stage but only for the coolest components 3. No information is provided on the hottest (greater than 1,000 K) constituents of the jet, that is, the atomic, ionized and high-temperature molecular gases that are thought to make up the jet’s backbone. Detecting such a spine relies on observing in the infrared that can penetrate through the shroud of dust. Here we report near-infrared observations of Herbig-Haro 211 from the James Webb Space Telescope, an outflow from an analogue of our Sun when it was, at most, a few times 104 years old. These observations\ua0reveal copious emission from hot molecules, explaining the origin of the ‘green fuzzies’ 4–7 discovered nearly two decades ago by the Spitzer Space Telescope 8. This outflow is found to be propagating slowly in comparison to its more evolved counterparts and, surprisingly, almost no trace of atomic or ionized emission is seen, suggesting its spine is almost purely molecular

    JOYS+: mid-infrared detection of gas-phase SO2_2 emission in a low-mass protostar. The case of NGC 1333 IRAS2A: hot core or accretion shock?

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    JWST/MIRI has sharpened our infrared eyes toward the star formation process. This paper presents the first mid-infrared detection of gaseous SO2_2 emission in an embedded low-mass protostellar system. MIRI-MRS observations of the low-mass protostellar binary NGC 1333 IRAS2A are presented from the JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS+) program, revealing emission from the SO2 ν3_2~\nu_3 asymmetric stretching mode at 7.35 micron. The results are compared to those derived from high-angular resolution SO2_2 data obtained with ALMA. The SO2_2 emission from the ν3\nu_3 band is predominantly located on 50100\sim50-100 au scales around the main component of the binary, IRAS2A1. A rotational temperature of 92±892\pm8 K is derived from the ν3\nu_3 lines. This is in good agreement with the rotational temperature derived from pure rotational lines in the vibrational ground state (i.e., ν=0\nu=0) with ALMA (104±5104\pm5 K). However, the emission of the ν3\nu_3 lines is not in LTE given that the total number of molecules predicted by a LTE model is found to be a factor 2×1042\times10^4 higher than what is derived for the ν=0\nu=0 state. This difference can be explained by a vibrational temperature that is 100\sim100 K higher than the derived rotational temperature of the ν=0\nu=0 state. The brightness temperature derived from the continuum around the ν3\nu_3 band of SO2_2 is 180\sim180 K, which confirms that the ν3=1\nu_3=1 level is not collisionally populated but rather infrared pumped by scattered radiation. This is also consistent with the non-detection of the ν2\nu_2 bending mode at 18-20 micron. Given the rotational temperature, the extent of the emission (100\sim100 au in radius), and the narrow line widths in the ALMA data (3.5 km/s), the SO2_2 in IRAS2A likely originates from ice sublimation in the central hot core around the protostar rather than from an accretion shock at the disk-envelope boundary.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, abstract abbreviate

    JWST Observations of Young protoStars (JOYS+): Detection of icy complex organic molecules and ions. I. CH4_4, SO2_2, HCOO^-, OCN^-, H2_2CO, HCOOH, CH3_3CH2_2OH, CH3_3CHO, CH3_3OCHO, CH3_3COOH

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    Complex organic molecules (COMs) detected in the gas phase are thought to be mostly formed on icy grains, but no unambiguous detection of icy COMs larger than CH3OH has been reported so far. Exploring this matter in more detail has become possible with the JWST the critical 5-10 μ\mum range. In the JOYS+ program, more than 30 protostars are being observed with the MIRI/MRS. This study explores the COMs ice signatures in the low and high-mass protostar, IRAS 2A and IRAS 23385, respectively. We fit continuum and silicate subtracted observational data with IR laboratory ice spectra. We use the ENIIGMA fitting tool to find the best fit between the lab data and the observations and to performs statistical analysis of the solutions. We report the best fits for the spectral ranges between 6.8 and 8.6 μ\mum in IRAS 2A and IRAS 23385, originating from simple molecules, COMs, and negative ions. The strongest feature in this range (7.7 μ\mum) is dominated by CH4 and has contributions of SO2 and OCN-. Our results indicate that the 7.2 and 7.4 μ\mum bands are mostly dominated by HCOO-. We find statistically robust detections of COMs based on multiple bands, most notably CH3CHO, CH3CH2OH, and CH3OCHO. The likely detection of CH3COOH is also reported. The ice column density ratios between CH3CH2OH and CH3CHO of IRAS 2A and IRAS 23385, suggests that these COMs are formed on icy grains. Finally, the derived ice abundances for IRAS 2A correlate well with those in comet 67P/GC within a factor of 5. Based on the MIRI/MRS data, we conclude that COMs are present in interstellar ices, thus providing additional proof for a solid-state origin of these species in star-forming regions. The good correlation between the ice abundances in comet 67P and IRAS 2A is in line with the idea that cometary COMs can be inherited from the early protostellar phases.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    From clump to disc scales in W3 IRS4 A case study of the IRAM NOEMA large programme CORE

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    Context. High-mass star formation typically takes place in a crowded environment, with a higher likelihood of young forming stars affecting and being affected by their surroundings and neighbours, as well as links between different physical scales affecting the outcome. However, observational studies are often focused on either clump or disc scales exclusively. Aims. We explore the physical and chemical links between clump and disc scales in the high-mass star formation region W3 IRS4, a region that contains a number of different evolutionary phases in the high-mass star formation process, as a case-study for what can be achieved as part of the IRAM NOrthern Extended Millimeter Array (NOEMA) large programme named CORE: “Fragmentation and disc formation in high-mass star formation”. Methods. We present 1.4 mm continuum and molecular line observations with the IRAM NOEMA interferometer and 30 m telescope, which together probe spatial scales from ~0.3−20′′ (600−40 000 AU or 0.003−0.2 pc at 2 kpc, the distance to W3). As part of our analysis, we used XCLASS to constrain the temperature, column density, velocity, and line-width of the molecular emission lines. Results. The W3 IRS4 region includes a cold filament and cold cores, a massive young stellar object (MYSO) embedded in a hot core, and a more evolved ultra-compact (UC)H II region, with some degree of interaction between all components of the region that affects their evolution. A large velocity gradient is seen in the filament, suggesting infall of material towards the hot core at a rate of 10−3−10−4 M⊙ yr−1, while the swept up gas ring in the photodissociation region around the UCH II region may be squeezing the hot core from the other side. There are no clear indications of a disc around the MYSO down to the resolution of the observations (600 AU). A total of 21 molecules are detected, with the abundances and abundance ratios indicating that many molecules were formed in the ice mantles of dust grains at cooler temperatures, below the freeze-out temperature of CO (≲35 K). This contrasts with the current bulk temperature of ~50 K, which was obtained from H2CO. Conclusions. CORE observations allow us to comprehensively link the different structures in the W3 IRS4 region for the first time. Our results argue that the dynamics and environment around the MYSO W3 IRS4 have a significant impact on its evolution. This context would be missing if only high resolution or continuum observations were available

    A transcriptome analysis of mitten crab testes (Eriocheir sinensis)

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    The identification of expressed genes involved in sexual precocity of the mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) is critical for a better understanding of its reproductive development. To this end, we constructed a cDNA library from the rapid developmental stage of testis of E. sinensis and sequenced 3,388 randomly picked clones. After processing, 2,990 high-quality expressed sequence tags (ESTs) were clustered into 2,415 unigenes including 307 contigs and 2,108 singlets, which were then compared to the NCBI non-redundant (nr) protein and nucleotide (nt) database for annotation with Blastx and Blastn, respectively. After further analysis, 922 unigenes were obtained with concrete annotations and 30 unigenes were found to have functions possibly related to the process of reproduction in male crabs – six transcripts relevant to spermatogenesis (especially Cyclin K and RecA homolog DMC1), two transcripts involved in nuclear protein transformation, two heat-shock protein genes, eleven transcription factor genes (a series of zinc-finger proteins), and nine cytoskeleton protein-related genes. Our results, besides providing valuable information related to crustacean reproduction, can also serve as a base for future studies of reproductive and developmental biology

    Transcriptional Regulation of Rod Photoreceptor Homeostasis Revealed by In Vivo NRL Targetome Analysis

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    A stringent control of homeostasis is critical for functional maintenance and survival of neurons. In the mammalian retina, the basic motif leucine zipper transcription factor NRL determines rod versus cone photoreceptor cell fate and activates the expression of many rod-specific genes. Here, we report an integrated analysis of NRL-centered gene regulatory network by coupling chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP–Seq) data from Illumina and ABI platforms with global expression profiling and in vivo knockdown studies. We identified approximately 300 direct NRL target genes. Of these, 22 NRL targets are associated with human retinal dystrophies, whereas 95 mapped to regions of as yet uncloned retinal disease loci. In silico analysis of NRL ChIP–Seq peak sequences revealed an enrichment of distinct sets of transcription factor binding sites. Specifically, we discovered that genes involved in photoreceptor function include binding sites for both NRL and homeodomain protein CRX. Evaluation of 26 ChIP–Seq regions validated their enhancer functions in reporter assays. In vivo knockdown of 16 NRL target genes resulted in death or abnormal morphology of rod photoreceptors, suggesting their importance in maintaining retinal function. We also identified histone demethylase Kdm5b as a novel secondary node in NRL transcriptional hierarchy. Exon array analysis of flow-sorted photoreceptors in which Kdm5b was knocked down by shRNA indicated its role in regulating rod-expressed genes. Our studies identify candidate genes for retinal dystrophies, define cis-regulatory module(s) for photoreceptor-expressed genes and provide a framework for decoding transcriptional regulatory networks that dictate rod homeostasis