10 research outputs found

    Complex trait differentiation between host-populations of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris): implications for the evolution of ecological specialisation

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    Variation in traits affecting preference for, and performance on, new habitats is a key factor in the initiation of ecological specialisation and adaptive speciation. However, habitat and resource use also involves other traits whose influence on ecological and genetic divergence remains poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated the extent of variation of life-history traits among sympatric populations of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum, which shows several host races that are specialised on various plants of the family Fabaceae plants and is an established model for ecological speciation. First, we assessed the community structure of microbial partners within host populations of the pea aphid. The effect of these microbes on host fitness is uncertain, although there is growing evidence that they may modulate various important adaptive traits of their host such as plant utilisation and resistance against natural enemies. Second, we performed a multivariate analysis on several ecologically relevant features of host populations recorded in the present and previous studies (including microbial composition, colour morph, reproductive mode, and male dispersal phenotype), enabling the identification of correlations between phenotypic traits. We discuss the ecological significance of these associations of traits in relation to the habitat characteristics of pea aphid populations, and their consequences for the evolution of ecological specialisation and sympatric speciatio

    Climate and agricultural context shape reproductive mode variation in an aphid crop pest.

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    In aphids, reproductive mode is generally assumed to be selected for by winter climate. Sexual lineages produce frost-resistant eggs, conferring an advantage in regions with cold winters, while asexual lineages predominate in regions with mild winters. However, habitat and resource heterogeneities are known to exert a strong influence on sex maintenance and might modulate the effect of climate on aphid reproductive strategies. We carried out a hierarchical sampling in northern France to investigate whether reproductive mode variation of the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi is driven by winter climate conditions, by habitat and resource heterogeneities represented by a range of host plants or by both factors. We confirmed the coexistence in R. padi populations of two genetic clusters associated with distinct reproductive strategies. Asexual lineages predominated, whatever the surveyed year and location. However, we detected a between-year variation in the local contribution of both clusters, presumably associated with preceding winter severity. No evidence for host-driven niche differentiation was found in the field on six Poaceae among sexual and asexual lineages. Two dominant multilocus genotypes ( approximately 70% of the sample), having persisted over a 10-year period, were equally abundant on different plant species and locations, indicating their large ecological tolerance. Our results fit theoretical predictions of the influence of winter climate on the balance between sexual and asexual lineages. They also highlight the importance of current agricultural practices which seem to favour a small number of asexual generalist genotypes and their migration across large areas of monotonous environments

    Microsatellite DNA markers for the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum

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    Microsatellite loci were isolated from enriched partial genomic libraries of Acyrthosiphon loti and Acyrthosiphon pisum. Twenty of those loci were characterized in A. pisum. Fifteen of those loci were polymorphic. Genetic diversity varied across loci, allele repeat number ranging from two to 15, and observed heterozygosity from 0.1 and 0.96. An additional eight microsatellite loci originally isolated from other aphids but cross-priming with A. pisum showed polymorphism as well. Allele size ranged from three to 9 and observed heterozygosity from 0.43 to 0.84. Overall, we present 23 microsatellite loci that can be used to reveal polymorphism in pea aphids

    Genome scans reveal candidate regions involved in the adaptation to host plant in the pea aphid complex.

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    Publication Inra prise en compte dans l'analyse bibliométrique des publications scientifiques mondiales sur les Fruits, les Légumes et la Pomme de terre. Période 2000-2012. http://prodinra.inra.fr/record/256699International audienceA major goal in evolutionary biology is to uncover the genetic basis of adaptation. Divergent selection exerted on ecological traits may result in adaptive population differentiation and reproductive isolation and affect differentially the level of genetic divergence along the genome. Genome-wide scan of large sets of individuals from multiple populations is a powerful approach to identify loci or genomic regions under ecologically divergent selection. Here, we focused on the pea aphid, a species complex of divergent host races, to explore the organization of the genomic divergence associated with host plant adaptation and ecological speciation. We analysed 390 microsatellite markers located at variable distances from predicted genes in replicate samples of sympatric populations of the pea aphid collected on alfalfa, red clover and pea, which correspond to three common host-adapted races reported in this species complex. Using a method that accounts for the hierarchical structure of our data set, we found a set of 11 outlier loci that show higher genetic differentiation between host races than expected under the null hypothesis of neutral evolution. Two of the outliers are close to olfactory receptor genes and three other nearby genes encoding salivary proteins. The remaining outliers are located in regions with genes of unknown functions, or which functions are unlikely to be involved in interactions with the host plant. This study reveals genetic signatures of divergent selection across the genome and provides an inventory of candidate genes responsible for plant specialization in the pea aphid, thereby setting the stage for future functional studies

    Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2013-31 May 2013

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    This article documents the addition of 234 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acipenser sinensis, Aleochara bilineata, Aleochara bipustulata, Barbus meridionalis, Colossoma macropomum, Delia radicum, Drosophila nigrosparsa, Fontainea picrosperma, Helianthemum cinereum, Liomys pictus, Megabalanus azoricus, Pelteobagrus vachelli, Pleuragramma antarcticum, Podarcis hispanica type 1A, Sardinella brasiliensis and Sclerotinia homoeocarpa. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acipenser dabryanus, Barbus balcanicus, Barbus barbus, Barbus cyclolepis, Drosophila hydei, Drosophila melanogaster, Drosophila obscura, Drosophila subobscura, Fontainea australis, Fontainea fugax, Fontainea oraria, Fontainea rostrata, Fontainea venosa, Podarcis bocagei, Podarcis carbonelli, Podarcis liolepis, Podarcis muralis and Podarcis vaucheri

    Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2013-31 May 2013

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    This article documents the addition of 234 microsatellite marker loci to the Molecular Ecology Resources Database. Loci were developed for the following species: Acipenser sinensis, Aleochara bilineata, Aleochara bipustulata, Barbus meridionalis, Colossoma macropomum, Delia radicum, Drosophila nigrosparsa, Fontainea picrosperma, Helianthemum cinereum, Liomys pictus, Megabalanus azoricus, Pelteobagrus vachelli, Pleuragramma antarcticum, Podarcis hispanica type 1A, Sardinella brasiliensis and Sclerotinia homoeocarpa. These loci were cross-tested on the following species: Acipenser dabryanus, Barbus balcanicus, Barbus barbus, Barbus cyclolepis, Drosophila hydei, Drosophila melanogaster, Drosophila obscura, Drosophila subobscura, Fontainea australis, Fontainea fugax, Fontainea oraria, Fontainea rostrata, Fontainea venosa, Podarcis bocagei, Podarcis carbonelli, Podarcis liolepis, Podarcis muralis and Podarcis vaucheri

    "Host-insect and host-plant associated diversity in microbiota isolated from most important Oriental-Australian region egg parasitoid"

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