27 research outputs found

    The EPICS Software Framework Moves from Controls to Physics

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    The Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System (EPICS), is an open-source software framework for high-performance distributed control, and is at the heart of many of the world’s large accelerators and telescopes. Recently, EPICS has undergone a major revision, with the aim of better computing supporting for the next generation of machines and analytical tools. Many new data types, such as matrices, tables, images, and statistical descriptions, plus users’ own data types, now supplement the simple scalar and waveform types of the former EPICS. New computational architectures for scientific computing have been added for high-performance data processing services and pipelining. Python and Java bindings have enabled powerful new user interfaces. The result has been that controls are now being integrated with modelling and simulation, machine learning, enterprise databases, and experiment DAQs. We introduce this new EPICS (version 7) from the perspective of accelerator physics and review early adoption cases in accelerators around the world

    High-resolution soft X-ray beamline ADRESS at the Swiss Light Source for resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopies

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    Concepts and technical realization of the high-resolution soft X-ray beamline ADRESS at the Swiss Light Source are described. Optimization of the optical scheme for high resolution and photon flux as well as diagnostics tools and alignment strategies are discussed

    Using quantitative descriptive analysis and temporal dominance of sensations analysis as complementary methods for profiling commercial blackcurrant squashes

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    Quantitative descriptive analysis (QDA) is used to describe the nature and the intensity of sensory properties from a single evaluation of a product, whereas temporal dominance of sensation (TDS) is primarily used to identify dominant sensory properties over time. Previous studies with TDS have focused on model systems, but this is the first study to use a sequential approach, i.e. QDA then TDS in measuring sensory properties of a commercial product category, using the same set of trained assessors (n = 11). The main objectives of this study were to: (1) investigate the benefits of using a sequential approach of QDA and TDS and (2) to explore the impact of the sample composition on taste and flavour perceptions in blackcurrant squashes. The present study has proposed an alternative way of determining the choice of attributes for TDS measurement based on data obtained from previous QDA studies, where available. Both methods indicated that the flavour profile was primarily influenced by the level of dilution and complexity of sample composition combined with blackcurrant juice content. In addition, artificial sweeteners were found to modify the quality of sweetness and could also contribute to bitter notes. Using QDA and TDS in tandem was shown to be more beneficial than each just on its own enabling a more complete sensory profile of the products

    A compact and cost-effective hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a high-brightness and low-energy electron beam

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    We present the first lasing results of SwissFEL, a hard X-ray free-electron laser (FEL) that recently came into operation at the Paul Scherrer Institute in Switzerland. SwissFEL is a very stable, compact and cost-effective X-ray FEL facility driven by a low-energy and ultra-low-emittance electron beam travelling through short-period undulators. It delivers stable hard X-ray FEL radiation at 1-Å wavelength with pulse energies of more than 500 μJ, pulse durations of ~30 fs (root mean square) and spectral bandwidth below the per-mil level. Using special configurations, we have produced pulses shorter than 1 fs and, in a different set-up, broadband radiation with an unprecedented bandwidth of ~2%. The extremely small emittance demonstrated at SwissFEL paves the way for even more compact and affordable hard X-ray FELs, potentially boosting the number of facilities worldwide and thereby expanding the population of the scientific community that has access to X-ray FEL radiation

    Design and construction of the MicroBooNE detector

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    This paper describes the design and construction of the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber and associated systems. MicroBooNE is the first phase of the Short Baseline Neutrino program, located at Fermilab, and will utilize the capabilities of liquid argon detectors to examine a rich assortment of physics topics. In this document details of design specifications, assembly procedures, and acceptance tests are reported

    Neutralisation of noxious odours by spraying solutions created on the base of extracts from citrus fruits, ginger and carnation

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    Zanieczyszczenie powietrza spowodowane jest nie tylko emisją zanieczyszczeń toksycznych, ale również i uciążliwych - czasem bardzo uciążliwych, a mianowicie emisją nieprzyjemnych zapachów zwanych odorami. Źródłem pochodzenia gazów złowonnych są procesy zachodzące zarówno w naturze jak i w działalności człowieka. Wchodzące w ich skład lotne związki chemiczne, należą do połączeń nieorganicznych i organicznych. Naturalne odory są wprowadzane do środowiska w wyniku działalności wulkanicznej planety, rozkładu materii przez mikroorganizmy, pożarów lasów i stepów, emisji gazów złowonnych przez tereny bagniste, a także w wyniku erozji słonecznej i wietrznej materiałów. Gazy pochodzenia antropogenicznego swoje źródło mają w procesach produkcyjnych, w których powstają dobra materialne (przemysł chemiczny, energetyczny, papierniczy, farmaceutyczny, metalurgiczny, przetwórstwa węgla i ropy, spożywczy i in.) oraz w wyniku spalania paliw, a także wytwarzania odpadów bytowych i ścieków. Badania nad maskowaniem tych złowonnych gazów prowadzone są m.in. w Politechnice Koszalińskiej w Katedrze Techniki Wodno-Mułowej i Utylizacji Odpadów w której od kilku lat trwają prace nad wyprodukowaniem skutecznego i taniego środka zmniejszającego uciążliwość zapachów [10, 11, 15]. Opracowywana metoda polega na zastępowaniu zapachu niepożądanego przyjemniejszym. Jako środki maskujące wykorzystywane są naturalne olejki eteryczne, pozyskiwane ze świeżych surowców roślinnych w procesie destylacji. Dotychczas badaniom poddano olejki eteryczne pozyskiwane z takich surowców jak: igliwie tui i sosny , mięty pieprzowej, róży dzikiej oraz skórek pomarańczy, cytryny i grejpfruta. Przedmiotem niniejszej publikacji jest opis i analiza wyników badań, będących kontynuacją wcześniejszych badań w pozyskiwaniu z roślin olejków eterycznych i ich zastosowania w celu maskowania odorów w zakładzie SUPERFISH w Kukini koło Ustronia Morskiego.Processes taking place both in the nature and in the human activities are the source of bad smelling gases (odours). Odours contain volatile chemical compounds, which belong to inorganic and organic connections. Natural odours are introduced to the environment as a result of volcanic activities of the planet, degradation of matter by microorganisms, fires of forests and grasslands, release of odours by boggy terrains, and also in the result of the sun and wind erosion of materials. Gases of anthropogenic origin have their source in production processes, in which they come into being material goods (chemical, energetic, paper, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, processing of coal and oil, food and other industries) and as a result of burning fuels, and also production of municipal wastes and sewage. The working of ethereal oils is many-sided, i.e. antibacterial, disinfe antiinflammatory, and even antivirus, additionally stimulating immunological system of the organism, improving circulation and acting anaglesically [13]. Ethereal oils also found their use for neutralization of odours and decrease of their noxiousness as a result of bigger and bigger contamination of the environment by still developing industry. Methods of odours masking have been used for many years in such branches of economy like wastewater treatment, landfills of wastes, paper-mills, fish and fish wastes processing plants, meat and fat processing plants. Area of use grows gradually, along with working out new preparations compensating odours [12]. The object of this paper is description and analysis of results of investigations, being continuation of earlier investigations on extracting ethereal oils from plants and their use in order to mask of odours in institution SUPERFISH fish processing plant in Kukinia near Ustronie Morskie, northern Poland. Badania nad zastosowaniem olejków eterycznych do maskowania odorów zostały podzielone na dwa etapy: Investigations on use of ethereal oils for masking of odours were divided into two stages: Stage I - in laboratory from plant materials that is: orange, lemon and grapefruit skins, ginger roots and dried flower buds of carnation ethereal oils were obtained in the process of distillation with water steam. Quantity of obtained ethereal oil Vo and following parameters: pH, total suspension Zo, dissolved substances SR, dry residues SP and aromatic extract gain index Wodz were determined after their producing. Stage II - test of decrease of noxiousness of emitted odours was executed in SUPERFISH plant by application of obtained in the first stage of investigations ethereal oils. Produced aromatic solutions had been sprayed using sprinkler in hall of postproduction wastewater pretreatment plant in fish processing plant SUPERFISH, located in Kukinia near Ustronie Morskie, northern Poland. After spraying time of fragrance duration was measured in two zones, i.e. in the distance 0.6 m and 1.2 m from the spot of spreading the substance, that is Dorr settlers no. III and V. It must be stressed, that the source of noxious odours processing plant are post-production suspension wastewater collected in the buffer reservoir and coming from following processes: flotation, sedimentation with coagulation, sorption and sedimentation in radial settler. Conducted investigations showed that all obtained aromatic substances had neutralized unpleasant odours effectively. The best masking proprieties has extract from grapefruit and carnation, because time of fragrance duration of sprayed solution from grapefruit in distance 0.6 m from the spot of spread of substance was 27 min. and fragrance duration of sprayed solution of carnation extract, in the distance 1.2 m was 12 min

    A lepidopteran-specific gene family encoding valine-rich midgut proteins

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    Citation: Odman-Naresh J, Duevel M, Muthukrishnan S, Merzendorfer H (2013) A Lepidopteran-Specific Gene Family Encoding Valine-Rich Midgut Proteins . PLOS ONE 8(11): e82015. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0082015Many lepidopteran larvae are serious agricultural pests due to their feeding activity. Digestion of the plant diet occurs mainly in the midgut and is facilitated by the peritrophic matrix (PM), an extracellular sac-like structure, which lines the midgut epithelium and creates different digestive compartments. The PM is attracting increasing attention to control lepidopteran pests by interfering with this vital function. To identify novel PM components and thus potential targets for insecticides, we performed an immunoscreening with anti-PM antibodies using an expression library representing the larval midgut transcriptome of the tobacco hornworm, Manduca sexta. We identified three cDNAs encoding valine-rich midgut proteins of M. sexta (MsVmps), which appear to be loosely associated with the PM. They are members of a lepidopteran-specific family of nine VMP genes, which are exclusively expressed in larval stages in M. sexta. Most of the MsVMP transcripts are detected in the posterior midgut, with the highest levels observed for MsVMP1. To obtain further insight into Vmp function, we expressed MsVMP1 in insect cells and purified the recombinant protein. Lectin staining and glycosidase treatment indicated that MsVmp1 is highly O-glycosylated. In line with results from qPCR, immunoblots revealed that MsVmp1 amounts are highest in feeding larvae, while MsVmp1 is undetectable in starving and molting larvae. Finally using immunocytochemistry, we demonstrated that MsVmp1 localizes to the cytosol of columnar cells, which secrete MsVmp1 into the ectoperitrophic space in feeding larvae. In starving and molting larvae, MsVmp1 is found in the gut lumen, suggesting that the PM has increased its permeability. The present study demonstrates that lepidopteran species including many agricultural pests have evolved a set of unique proteins that are not found in any other taxon and thus may reflect an important adaptation in the highly specialized lepidopteran digestive tract facing particular immune challenges