194 research outputs found

    ApInAPDB: a database of apoptosis-inducing anticancer peptides

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    ApInAPDB (Apoptosis-Inducing Anticancer Peptides Database) consists of 818 apoptosis-inducing anticancer peptides which are manually collected from research articles. The database provides scholars with peptide related information such as function, binding target and affinity, IC50 and etc. In addition, GRAVY (grand average of hydropathy), net charge at pH 7, hydrophobicity and other physicochemical properties are calculated and presented. Another category of information are structural information includes 3D modeling, secondary structure prediction and descriptors for QSAR (quantitative structure–activity relationship) modeling. In order to facilitate the browsing process, three types of user-friendly searching tools are provided: top categories browser, simple search and advanced search. Overall ApInAPDB as the first database presenting apoptosis-inducing anticancer peptides can be useful in the field of peptide design and especially cancer therapy. Researchers can freely access the database at http://bioinf.modares.ac.ir/software/ApInAPDB/

    Efecto del hongo entomopatógeno Beauveria bassiana en el control de garrapatosis en ganado bovino

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    This study was carried out to determine the effect of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana on the control of ticks in cattle. In total, 20 Fleckvieh female cattle were distributed in five treatments: T1 = control group, T2 = excipients (water + 0.6 ml of surfactant), T3 = 1.2x107 conidia (80 g of fungus + 0.2 ml surfactant), T4 = 2.4 x107 conidia (160 g of fungus + 0.4 ml of surfactant), T5 = 3.6x107 conidia (240 g of fungus + 0.6 ml of surfactant). The fungus was washed with water and surfactant to detach them from the substrate and then applied to the cattle by thick-drop spraying. The tick count was performed in six areas (neck table, groin, armpit) on days 0 (before treatment), 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 14. The significant decrease in the number of ticks were observed from day 7 on T3, T4, T5. The decrease in ticks on day 14 was 99% in T5, while in T3 and T4 it was 91 and 82%, respectively.La investigación fue realizada para determinar el efecto del hongo entomopatógeno Beauveria bassiana en el control de garrapatas en ganado bovino. Se trabajó con 20 bovinos hembra de raza Fleckvieh distribuidos en cinco tratamientos: T1= grupo control, T2= excipientes (agua + 0.6 ml de surfactante), T3= 1.2x107 conidias (80 g de hongo + 0.2 ml surfactante), T4= 2.4x107 conidias (160 g de hongo + 0.4 ml de surfactante), T5 = 3.6x107 conidias (240 g de hongo + 0.6 ml de surfactante). El hongo fue lavado con agua y surfactante, con el fin de desprenderlas del sustrato para luego ser aplicado a los bovinos por medio de aspersión por gota gruesa. El conteo de garrapatas se realizó en seis zonas (tabla del cuello, entrepierna, axila) los días 0 (antes del tratamiento), 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 y 14. La disminución significativa en el número de garrapatas se observó a partir del día 7 en T3, T4, T5. La disminución de garrapatas en el día 14 fue de 99% en T5, mientras que en T3 y T4 fue de 91 y 82%, respectivamente

    In vitro anti-bacterial effect of nano-polyamidoamine-G5 dendrimer

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    Introduction: Progress in nanotechnology in the past decayed has created various opportunities for evaluation of biological effects such as anti-bacterial effects of nanoparticles. This study was aimed to examine synthesis and the antibacterial effect of Nano-Polyamidoamine-G5 (NPAMAM-G5) dendrimer on Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Shigella Dysenteriae and Bacillus Subtilis. Materials and Methods: NPAMAM-G5 dendrimers was synthesized by Tomalia�s divergent growth approach. The antibacterial effects of NPAMAM-G5 dendrimer were studied by disc diffusion and micro-dilution method. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria were determined according to Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guideline. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was used to analyze morphology and size of NPAMAM-G5. Results: Zone of inhibition in concentration 25μg/ml of NPAMAM-G5 dendrimers for Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, Shigella Dysenteriae and Bacillus Subtilis were 27, 13, 30 and 18 mm, respectively. There was a significant difference regarding the zone of inhibition between gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria (p<0.05). Remarkably, the MIC for Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Shigella Dysenteriae was 2.5μg/ml and for Bacillus Subtilis was 25μg/ml. The MBC for Shigella Dysenteriae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were 50 and 200 μg/ml, respectively and for Klebsiella Oxytoca and Bacillus Subtilis was100 μg/ml. It was found that NPAMAM-G5 particles had a spherical shape with a mean diameter size of 10 nm. Conclusion: According to the results, the NPAMAM-G5 dendrimer with end amine groups displayed a positive effect on the removal of standard strains of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. © 2019, Semnan University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Reversible Pulmonary Hypertension and Isolated Right-sided Heart Failure Associated with Hyperthyroidism

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    Hyperthyroidism may present with signs and symptoms related to dysfunction of a variety of organs. Cardiovascular pathology in hyperthyroidism is common. A few case reports describe isolated right heart failure, tricuspid regurgitation, and pulmonary hypertension as the prominent cardiovascular manifestations of hyperthyroidism. Although most textbooks do not mention hyperthyroidism as a cause of pulmonary hypertension and isolated right heart failure, the literature suggests that some hyperthyroid patients may develop reversible pulmonary hypertension and isolated right heart failure. We report a case of hyperthyroidism presenting with signs and symptoms of isolated right heart failure, tricuspid regurgitation, and pulmonary hypertension, which resolved with treatment of hyperthyroidism

    A randomized clinical trial comparing hydrocolloid, phenytoin and simple dressings for the treatment of pressure ulcers [ISRCTN33429693]

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    BACKGROUND: Pressure sores are important and common complications of spinal cord injury. Many preventive and therapeutic approaches have been tried and new trials are evolving. One relatively recent method is application of a hydrocolloid dressing (HD). In this study we compared the therapeutic effects of HD on pressure ulcer healing with two other topical applications, phenytoin cream (PC) and simple dressing (SD). METHODS: Ninety-one stage I and stage II pressure ulcers of 83 paraplegic male victims of the Iran-Iraq war were randomly allocated to three treatment groups. Mean age and weight of the participants were 36.64 ± 6.04 years and 61.12 ± 5.08 kg, respectively. All the patients were managed in long term care units or in their homes for 8 weeks by a team of general practitioners and nurses, and the ulcer status was recorded as "Complete healing", "Partial healing", "Without improvement" and "Worsening". RESULTS: Complete healing of ulcers, regardless of location and stage, was better in the HD group than the PC [23/31(74.19%) vs 12/30(40%); difference: 34.19%, 95% CI = 10.85–57.52, (P < 0.01)] or the SD [23/31(74.19%) vs 8/30(26.66%); difference: 47.53%, 95% CI = 25.45–69.61, (P < 0.005)] groups. Complete healing of stage I ulcers in the HD group [11/13(85%)] was better than in the SD [5/11(45%); difference: 40%, 95% CI = 4.7–75.22, (P < 0.05)] or PC [2/9 (22%); difference: 63%, 95% CI = 29.69–96.3, (P < 0.005)] groups. Complete healing of stage II ulcer in the HD group [12/18 (67%)] was better than in the SD group [3/19(16%); difference: 51%, 95% CI = 23.73–78.26, (P < 0.005)], but not significantly different from the PC group [10/21 (48%); difference: 19%, 95% CI = -11.47–49.47, (P > 0.05)]. We performed a second analysis considering only one ulcer per patient (i.e. 83 ulcers in 83 patients). This "per patient" analysis showed that complete ulcer healing in the HD group was better than in the PC [20/28(71.4%) vs 11/28 (39.3%); difference: 32.1%, 95% CI = 7.4–56.7, (P < 0.01)] or SD [20/28(71.4%) vs 8/27 (29.6%); difference: 41.8%, 95% CI = 17.7–65.8, (P < 0.005)] groups. CONCLUSION: We deduced that HD is the most effective method investigated for treating stage I and II pressure ulcers in young paraplegic men

    Entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurship education to University students in Portugal

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    [EN] This article analyzes entrepreneurial intentions and motivations that encourage university students of Tourism to create their own company. Methodology is based on an empirical study, using a questionnaire adapted from a model of Veciana and Urbano (Actitudes de los estudiantes universitarios hacia la creación de empresas: un estudio empírico comparativo entre Catalunya y Puerto Rico. El emprendedor innovador y la creación de empresas de I + D + I, University of Valencia, pp 35 58, 2004), including the desirability and viability concepts. One hundred and sixty students answered the questionnaire from a total study population of 243 official Tourism degree students of the Superior Institute of Accounting and Management of Porto. This research finds out that the university students have a very positive perception about the desire to create their own company; a 90 % of students express their desire to do it, and 83.5 % express their intention. Moreover, a 57.5 % think that within actual crisis it is more difficult to do than before it. This research lets us get an in-depth study of a student of Tourism degree, finding out his entrepreneurial attitudes. It can be the first step to wake up and encourage students interest for starting up their own business.Del Rio-Rama, MDLC.; Peris-Ortiz, M.; Álvarez García, J.; Rueda Armengot, C. (2016). Entrepreneurial intentions and entrepreneurship education to University students in Portugal. Technology, Innovation and Education. 2(7):1-11. doi:10.1186/s40660-016-0013-5S11127Ajzen I (1991) The theory of plannes behavior. Organ Behav Hum Decis Process 50:179–211Aponte M (2002) Factores condicionantes de la creación de empresas en Puerto Rico: un enfoque institucional. Doctoral dissertation, Autonomous University of BarcelonaAponte M, Urbano D, Veciana JM (2006) Actitudes hacia la creación de empresas: un estudio comparativo entre Catalunya y Puerto Rico. Centro de Investigaciones Comerciales e Iniciativas Académicas de la Facultad de Administración de Empresas. Forum Empresarial 11(2):52–75Bae TJ, Qian S, Miao C, Fiet JO (2014) The relationship between entrepreneurship education and entrepreneurial intentions: a meta-analytic review. Entrep Theory Pract 38(2):217–254Brice J (2004) The role of personality dimensions on the formation of entrepreneurial intentions. USASBE Small Business Advancement National Center. University of Central Arkansas, USACabana-Villca R, Cortes-Castillo I, Plaza-Pasten D, Castillo-Vergara M, Alvarez-Marin A (2013) Análisis de las capacidades emprendedoras potenciales y efectivas en alumnos de centros de educación superior. J Technol Manag Innov 8(1):65–75Davidsson P (1989) Continued entrepreneurship and small firm business. Stockholm School of Economics, StockholmDavidsson P (1995) Culture, structure and regional levels of entrepreneurship. 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    p53 Transactivation and the Impact of Mutations, Cofactors and Small Molecules Using a Simplified Yeast-Based Screening System

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    The p53 tumor suppressor, which is altered in most cancers, is a sequence-specific transcription factor that is able to modulate the expression of many target genes and influence a variety of cellular pathways. Inactivation of the p53 pathway in cancer frequently occurs through the expression of mutant p53 protein. In tumors that retain wild type p53, the pathway can be altered by upstream modulators, particularly the p53 negative regulators MDM2 and MDM4. promoter, ii) single copy, chromosomally located p53-responsive and control luminescence reporters, iii) enhanced chemical uptake using modified ABC-transporters, iv) small-volume formats for treatment and dual-luciferase assays, and v) opportunities to co-express p53 with other cofactor proteins. This robust system can distinguish different levels of expression of WT and mutant p53 as well as interactions with MDM2 or 53BP1.We found that the small molecules Nutlin and RITA could both relieve the MDM2-dependent inhibition of WT p53 transactivation function, while only RITA could impact p53/53BP1 functional interactions. PRIMA-1 was ineffective in modifying the transactivation capacity of WT p53 and missense p53 mutations. This dual-luciferase assay can, therefore, provide a high-throughput assessment tool for investigating a matrix of factors that can influence the p53 network, including the effectiveness of newly developed small molecules, on WT and tumor-associated p53 mutants as well as interacting proteins

    Functional annotation of human long noncoding RNAs via molecular phenotyping

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    Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) constitute the majority of transcripts in the mammalian genomes, and yet, their functions remain largely unknown. As part of the FANTOM6 project, we systematically knocked down the expression of 285 lncRNAs in human dermal fibroblasts and quantified cellular growth, morphological changes, and transcriptomic responses using Capped Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE). Antisense oligonucleotides targeting the same lncRNAs exhibited global concordance, and the molecular phenotype, measured by CAGE, recapitulated the observed cellular phenotypes while providing additional insights on the affected genes and pathways. Here, we disseminate the largest-todate lncRNA knockdown data set with molecular phenotyping (over 1000 CAGE deep-sequencing libraries) for further exploration and highlight functional roles for ZNF213-AS1 and lnc-KHDC3L-2.Peer reviewe

    A systematic review evaluating the psychometric properties of measures of social inclusion

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    Introduction: Improving social inclusion opportunities for population health has been identified as a priority area for international policy. There is a need to comprehensively examine and evaluate the quality of psychometric properties of measures of social inclusion that are used to guide social policy and outcomes. Objective: To conduct a systematic review of the literature on all current measures of social inclusion for any population group, to evaluate the quality of the psychometric properties of identified measures, and to evaluate if they capture the construct of social inclusion. Methods: A systematic search was performed using five electronic databases: CINAHL, PsycINFO, Embase, ERIC and Pubmed and grey literature were sourced to identify measures of social inclusion. The psychometric properties of the social inclusion measures were evaluated against the COSMIN taxonomy of measurement properties using pre-set psychometric criteria. Results: Of the 109 measures identified, twenty-five measures, involving twenty-five studies and one manual met the inclusion criteria. The overall quality of the reviewed measures was variable, with the Social and Community Opportunities Profile-Short, Social Connectedness Scale and the Social Inclusion Scale demonstrating the strongest evidence for sound psychometric quality. The most common domain included in the measures was connectedness (21), followed by participation (19); the domain of citizenship was covered by the least number of measures (10). No single instrument measured all aspects within the three domains of social inclusion. Of the measures with sound psychometric evidence, the Social and Community Opportunities Profile-Short captured the construct of social inclusion best. Conclusions: The overall quality of the psychometric properties demonstrate that the current suite of available instruments for the measurement of social inclusion are promising but need further refinement. There is a need for a universal working definition of social inclusion as an overarching construct for ongoing research in the area of the psychometric properties of social inclusion instruments