379 research outputs found

    Coupling convectively driven atmospheric circulation to surface rotation: Evidence for active methane weather in the observed spin rate drift of Titan

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    A large drift in the rotation rate of Titan observed by Cassini provided the first evidence of a subsurface ocean isolating the massive core from the icy crust. Seasonal exchange of angular momentum between the surface and atmosphere accounts for the magnitude of the effect, but observations lag the expected signal by a few years. We argue that this time lag is due to the presence of an active methane weather cycle in the atmosphere. An analytic model of the seasonal cycle of atmospheric angular momentum is developed and compared with time-dependent simulations of Titan's atmosphere with and without methane thermodynamics. The disappearance of clouds at the summer pole suggests the drift rate has already switched direction, signaling the change in season from solstice to equinox.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, published in Ap

    Cloud/climate sensitivity experiments

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    A study of the relationships between large-scale cloud fields and large scale circulation patterns is presented. The basic tool is a multi-level numerical model comprising conservation equations for temperature, water vapor and cloud water and appropriate parameterizations for evaporation, condensation, precipitation and radiative feedbacks. Incorporating an equation for cloud water in a large-scale model is somewhat novel and allows the formation and advection of clouds to be treated explicitly. The model is run on a two-dimensional, vertical-horizontal grid with constant winds. It is shown that cloud cover increases with decreased eddy vertical velocity, decreased horizontal advection, decreased atmospheric temperature, increased surface temperature, and decreased precipitation efficiency. The cloud field is found to be well correlated with the relative humidity field except at the highest levels. When radiative feedbacks are incorporated and the temperature increased by increasing CO2 content, cloud amounts decrease at upper-levels or equivalently cloud top height falls. This reduces the temperature response, especially at upper levels, compared with an experiment in which cloud cover is fixed

    Spontaneous superrotation and the role of Kelvin waves in an idealized dry GCM

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    PublishedJournal ArticleThe nondimensional parameter space of an idealized dry primitive equation model is explored to find superrotating climate states. The model has no convective parameterization and is forced using a simple thermal relaxation to a prescribed radiative equilibrium temperature. It is demonstrated that, of four nondimensional parameters that determine the model's state, only the thermal Rossby number has a significant effect on superrotation. The mode that drives the transition to superrotation in an intermediate-thermal-Rossby-number atmosphere is shown to behave like a Kelvin wave in the tropics. © 2014 American Meteorological Society

    Effects of the seasonal cycle on superrotation in planetary atmospheres

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    PublishedJournal ArticleThe dynamics of dry atmospheric general circulation model simulations forced by seasonally varying Newtonian relaxation are explored over a wide range of two control parameters and are compared with the large-scale circulation of Earth, Mars, and Titan in their relevant parameter regimes. Of the parameters that govern the behavior of the system, the thermal Rossby number (Ro) has previously been found to be important in governing the spontaneous transition from an Earth-like climatology of winds to a superrotating one with prograde equatorial winds, in the absence of a seasonal cycle. This case is somewhat unrealistic as it applies only if the planet has zero obliquity or if surface thermal inertia is very large. While Venus has nearly vanishing obliquity, Earth, Mars, and Titan (Saturn) all have obliquities of ̃25° and varying degrees of seasonality due to their differing thermal inertias and orbital periods. Motivated by this, we introduce a time-dependent Newtonian cooling to drive a seasonal cycle using idealized model forcing, and we define a second control parameter that mimics non-dimensional thermal inertia of planetary surfaces. We then perform and analyze simulations across the parameter range bracketed by Earth-like and Titan-like regimes, assess the impact on the spontaneous transition to superrotation, and compare Earth, Mars, and Titan to the model simulations in the relevant parameter regime. We find that a large seasonal cycle (small thermal inertia) prevents model atmospheres with large thermal Rossby numbers from developing superrotation by the influences of (1) cross-equatorial momentum advection by the Hadley circulation and (2) hemispherically asymmetric zonal-mean zonal winds that suppress instabilities leading to equatorial momentum convergence. We also demonstrate that baroclinic instabilities must be sufficiently weak to allow superrotation to develop. In the relevant parameter regimes, our seasonal model simulations compare favorably to large-scale, seasonal phenomena observed on Earth and Mars. In the Titan-like regime the seasonal cycle in our model acts to prevent superrotation from developing, and it is necessary to increase the value of a third parameter - the atmospheric Newtonian cooling time - to achieve a superrotating climatology. © 2014. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    The Transition to Superrotation in Terrestrial Atmospheres

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    We show that by changing a single non-dimensional number, the thermal Rossby number, global atmospheric simulations with only axisymmetric forcing pass from an Earth-like atmosphere to a superrotating atmosphere that more resembles the atmospheres of Venus or Titan. The transition to superrotation occurs under conditions in which equatorward-propagating Rossby waves generated by baroclinic instability at intermediate and high latitudes are suppressed, which will occur when the deformation radius exceeds the planetary radius. At large thermal Rossby numbers following an initial, nearly axisymmetric phase, a global baroclinic wave of zonal wavenumber one generated by mixed barotropic-baroclinic instability dominates the eddy flux of zonal momentum. The global wave converges eastward zonal momentum to the equator and deposits westward momentum at intermediate latitudes during spinup and before superrotation emerges, and the baroclinic instability ceases once superrotation is established. A global barotropic mode of zonal wavenumber one generated by a mix of high- and low-latitude barotropic instability is responsible for maintaining superrotation in the statistically steady state. At intermediate thermal Rossby numbers, momentum flux by the global baroclinic mode is subdominant relative to smaller baroclinic modes, and thus strong superrotation does not develop.Comment: accepted for publication in JGR-Planet

    Influence of turbulent advection on a phytoplankton ecosystem with nonuniform carrying capacity

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    In this work we study a plankton ecosystem model in a turbulent flow. The plankton model we consider contains logistic growth with a spatially varying background carrying capacity and the flow dynamics are generated using the two-dimensional (2D) Navier-Stokes equations. We characterize the system in terms of a dimensionless parameter, γ TB / TF, which is the ratio of the ecosystem biological time scales TB and the flow time scales TF. We integrate this system numerically for different values of γ until the mean plankton reaches a statistically stationary state and examine how the steady-state mean and variance of plankton depends on γ. Overall we find that advection in the presence of a nonuniform background carrying capacity can lead to very different plankton distributions depending on the time scale ratio γ. For small γ the plankton distribution is very similar to the background carrying capacity field and has a mean concentration close to the mean carrying capacity. As γ increases the plankton concentration is more influenced by the advection processes. In the largest γ cases there is a homogenization of the plankton concentration and the mean plankton concentration approaches the harmonic mean, 1/K -1. We derive asymptotic approximations for the cases of small and large γ. We also look at the dependence of the power spectra exponent, β, on γ where the power spectrum of plankton is k-β. We find that the power spectra exponent closely obeys β=1+2/γ as predicted by earlier studies using simple models of chaotic advection

    Monitoring response to anti-angiogenic mTOR inhibitor therapy in vivo using 111In-bevacizumab

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    Abstract Background The ability to image vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) could enable prospective, non-invasive monitoring of patients receiving anti-angiogenic therapy. This study investigates the specificity and pharmacokinetics of 111In-bevacizumab binding to VEGF and its use for assessing response to anti-angiogenic therapy with rapamycin. Specificity of 111In-bevacizumab binding to VEGF was tested in vitro with unmodified radiolabelled bevacizumab in competitive inhibition assays. Uptake of 111In-bevacizumab in BALB/c nude mice bearing tumours with different amounts of VEGF expression was compared to that of isotype-matched control antibody (111In-IgG1κ) with an excess of unlabelled bevacizumab. Intratumoural VEGF was evaluated using ELISA and Western blot analysis. The effect of anti-angiogenesis therapy was tested by measuring tumour uptake of 111In-bevacizumab in comparison to 111In-IgG1κ following administration of rapamycin to mice bearing FaDu xenografts. Uptake was measured using gamma counting of ex vivo tumours and effect on vasculature by using anti-CD31 microscopy. Results Specific uptake of 111In-bevacizumab in VEGF-expressing tumours was observed. Rapamycin led to tumour growth delay associated with increased relative vessel size (8.5 to 10.3, P = 0.045) and decreased mean relative vessel density (0.27 to 0.22, P = 0.0015). Rapamycin treatment increased tumour uptake of 111In-bevacizumab (68%) but not 111In-IgGκ and corresponded with increased intratumoural VEGF165. Conclusions 111In-bevacizumab accumulates specifically in VEGF-expressing tumours, and changes after rapamycin therapy reflect changes in VEGF expression. Antagonism of mTOR may increase VEGF in vivo, and this new finding provides the basis to consider combination studies blocking both pathways and a way to monitor effects

    ESCRT-I Core and ESCRT-II GLUE Domain Structures Reveal Role for GLUE in Linking to ESCRT-I and Membranes

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    SummaryESCRT complexes form the main machinery driving protein sorting from endosomes to lysosomes. Currently, the picture regarding assembly of ESCRTs on endosomes is incomplete. The structure of the conserved heterotrimeric ESCRT-I core presented here shows a fan-like arrangement of three helical hairpins, each corresponding to a different subunit. Vps23/Tsg101 is the central hairpin sandwiched between the other subunits, explaining the critical role of its “steadiness box” in the stability of ESCRT-I. We show that yeast ESCRT-I links directly to ESCRT-II, through a tight interaction of Vps28 (ESCRT-I) with the yeast-specific zinc-finger insertion within the GLUE domain of Vps36 (ESCRT-II). The crystal structure of the GLUE domain missing this insertion reveals it is a split PH domain, with a noncanonical lipid binding pocket that binds PtdIns3P. The simultaneous and reinforcing interactions of ESCRT-II GLUE domain with membranes, ESCRT-I, and ubiquitin are critical for ubiquitinated cargo progression from early to late endosomes

    Dispersive stabilization of the inverse cascade for the Kolmogorov flow

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    It is shown by perturbation techniques and numerical simulations that the inverse cascade of kink-antikink annihilations, characteristic of the Kolmogorov flow in the slightly supercritical Reynolds number regime, is halted by the dispersive action of Rossby waves in the beta-plane approximation. For beta tending to zero, the largest excited scale is proportional to the logarithm of one over beta and differs strongly from what is predicted by standard dimensional phenomenology which ignores depletion of nonlinearity.Comment: 4 pages, LATEX, 3 figures. v3: revised version with minor correction

    Endophilin drives the fast mode of vesicle retrieval in a ribbon synapse

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    Compensatory endocytosis of exocytosed membrane and recycling of synaptic vesicle components is essential for sustained synaptic transmission at nerve terminals. At the ribbon-type synapse of retinal bipolar cells, manipulations expected to inhibit the interactions of the clathrin adaptor protein complex (AP2) affect only the slow phase of endocytosis (τ = 10-15 s), leading to the conclusion that fast endocytosis (τ = 1-2 s) occurs by a mechanism that differs from the classical pathway of clathrin-coated vesicle retrieval from the plasma membrane. Here we investigate the role of endophilin in endocytosis at this ribbon synapse. Endophilin A1 is a synaptically enriched N-BAR domain-containing protein, suggested to function in clathrin-mediated endocytosis. Internal dialysis of the synaptic terminal with dominant-negative endophilin A1 lacking its linker and Src homology 3 (SH3) domain inhibited the fast mode of endocytosis, while slow endocytosis continued. Dialysis of a peptide that binds endophilin SH3 domain also decreased fast retrieval. Electron microscopy indicated that fast endocytosis occurred by retrieval of small vesicles in most instances. These results indicate that endophilin is involved in fast retrieval of synaptic vesicles occurring by a mechanism that can be distinguished from the classical pathway involving clathrin-AP2 interactions