445 research outputs found

    Hole-LO phonon interaction in InAs/GaAs quantum dots

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    We investigate the valence intraband transitions in p-doped self-assembled InAs quantum dots using far-infrared magneto-optical technique with polarized radiation. We show that a purely electronic model is unable to account for the experimental data. We calculate the coupling between the mixed hole LO-phonon states using the Fr\"ohlich Hamiltonian, from which we determine the polaron states as well as the energies and oscillator strengths of the valence intraband transitions. The good agreement between the experiments and calculations provides strong evidence for the existence of hole-polarons and demonstrates that the intraband magneto-optical transitions occur between polaron states

    The human 'pitch center' responds differently to iterated noise and Huggins pitch

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    A magnetoencephalographic marker for pitch analysis (the pitch onset response) has been reported for different types of pitch-evoking stimuli, irrespective of whether the acoustic cues for pitch are monaurally or binaurally produced. It is claimed that the pitch onset response reflects a common cortical representation for pitch, putatively in lateral Heschl's gyrus. The result of this functional MRI study sheds doubt on this assertion. We report a direct comparison between iterated ripple noise and Huggins pitch in which we reveal a different pattern of auditory cortical activation associated with each pitch stimulus, even when individual variability in structure-function relations is accounted for. Our results suggest it may be premature to assume that lateral Heschl's gyrus is a universal pitch center

    Development of a Statistical Model for Estimating Spatial and Temporal Ambient Ozone Patterns in the Sierra Nevada, California

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    Statistical approaches for modeling spatially and temporally explicit data are discussed for 79 passive sampler sites and 9 active monitors distributed across the Sierra Nevada, California. A generalized additive regression model was used to estimate spatial patterns and relationships between predicted ozone exposure and explanatory variables, and to predict exposure at nonmonitored sites. The fitted model was also used to estimate probability maps for season average ozone levels exceeding critical (or subcritical) levels in the Sierra Nevada region. The explanatory variables — elevation, maximum daily temperature, and precipitation and ozone level at closest active monitor — were significant in the model. There was also a significant mostly east-west spatial trend. The between-site variability had the same magnitude as the error variability. This seems to indicate that there still exist important site features not captured by the variables used in the analysis and that may improve the accuracy of the predictive model in future studies. The fitted model using robust techniques had an overall R2 value of 0.58. The mean standard deviation for a predicted value was 6.68 ppb

    Oxaliplatin induces drug resistance more rapidly than cisplatin in H69 small cell lung cancer cells

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    Cisplatin produces good responses in solid tumours including small cell lung cancer (SCLC) but this is limited by the development of resistance. Oxaliplatin is reported to show activity against some cisplatin-resistant cancers but there is little known about oxaliplatin in SCLC and there are no reports of oxaliplatin resistant SCLC cell lines. Studies of drug resistance mainly focus on the cellular resistance mechanisms rather than how the cells develop resistance. This study examines the development of cisplatin and oxaliplatin resistance in H69 human SCLC cells in response to repeated treatment with clinically relevant doses of cisplatin or oxaliplatin for either 4 days or 2h. Treatments with 200ng/ml cisplatin or 400ng/ml oxaliplatin for 4 days produced sublines (H69CIS200 and H69OX400 respectively) that showed low level (approximately 2-fold) resistance after 8 treatments. Treatments with 1000ng/ml cisplatin or 2000ng/ml oxaliplatin for 2h also produced sublines, however these were not stably resistant suggesting shorter treatment pulses of drug may be more effective. Cells survived the first five treatments without any increase in resistance, by arresting their growth for a period and then regrowing. The period of growth arrest was reduced after the sixth treatment and the H69CIS200 and H69OX400 sublines showed a reduced growth arrest in response to cisplatin and oxaliplatin treatment suggesting that "regrowth resistance" initially protected against drug treatment and this was further upregulated and became part of the resistance phenotype of these sublines. Oxaliplatin dose escalation produced more surviving sublines than cisplatin dose escalation but neither set of sublines were associated with increased resistance as determined by 5-day cytotoxicity assays, also suggesting the involvement of regrowth resistance. The resistant sublines showed no change in platinum accumulation or glutathione levels even though the H69OX400 subline was more sensitive to buthionine sulfoximine treatment. The H69CIS200 cells were cross-resistant to oxaliplatin demonstrating that oxaliplatin does not have activity against low level cisplatin resistance. Relative to the H69 cells, the H69CIS200 and H69OX400 sublines were more sensitive to paclitaxel and taxotere suggests the taxanes may be useful in the treatment of platinum resistant SCLC. These novel cellular models of cisplatin and oxaliplatin resistant SCLC will be useful in developing strategies to treat platinum-resistant SCLC

    A new wildland fire danger index for a Mediterranean region and some validation aspects

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    Wildland fires are the main cause of tree mortality in Mediterranean Europe and a major threat to Spanish forests. This paper focuses on the design and validation of a new wildland fire index especially adapted to a Mediterranean Spanish region. The index considers ignition and spread danger components. Indicators of natural and human ignition agents, historical occurrence, fuel conditions and fire spread make up the hierarchical structure of the index. Multi-criteria methods were used to incorporate experts¿ opinion in the process of weighting the indicators and to carry out the aggregation of components into the final index, which is used to map the probability of daily fire occurrence on a 0.5-km grid. Generalised estimating equation models, which account for possible correlated responses, were used to validate the index, accommodating its values onto a larger scale because historical records of daily fire occurrence, which constitute the dependent variable, are referred to cells on a 10-km grid. Validation results showed good index performance, good fit of the logistic model and acceptable discrimination power. Therefore, the index will improve the ability of fire prevention services in daily allocation of resources.The authors acknowledge the support received from the Ministry of Science and Innovation through the research project Modelling and Optimisation Techniques for a Sustainable Development, Ref. EC02008-05895-C02-01/ECON.Vicente López, FJD.; Crespo Abril, F. (2012). A new wildland fire danger index for a Mediterranean region and some validation aspects. International Journal of Wildland Fire. 21(8):1030-1041. https://doi.org/10.1071/WF11046S10301041218Aguado, I., Chuvieco, E., Borén, R., & Nieto, H. (2007). Estimation of dead fuel moisture content from meteorological data in Mediterranean areas. Applications in fire danger assessment. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 16(4), 390. doi:10.1071/wf06136Andrews, P. L., Loftsgaarden, D. O., & Bradshaw, L. S. (2003). Evaluation of fire danger rating indexes using logistic regression and percentile analysis. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 12(2), 213. doi:10.1071/wf02059Bradstock, R. A., Cohn, J. S., Gill, A. M., Bedward, M., & Lucas, C. (2009). Prediction of the probability of large fires in the Sydney region of south-eastern Australia using fire weather. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 18(8), 932. doi:10.1071/wf08133Buizza, R., & Hollingsworth, A. (2002). Storm prediction over Europe using the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System. Meteorological Applications, 9(3), 289-305. doi:10.1017/s1350482702003031Carmel, Y., Paz, S., Jahashan, F., & Shoshany, M. (2009). Assessing fire risk using Monte Carlo simulations of fire spread. Forest Ecology and Management, 257(1), 370-377. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2008.09.039Castedo-Dorado, F., Rodríguez-Pérez, J. R., Marcos-Menéndez, J. L., & Álvarez-Taboada, M. F. (2011). Modelling the probability of lightning-induced forest fire occurrence in the province of León (NW Spain). Forest Systems, 20(1), 95. doi:10.5424/fs/2011201-9409Catry, F. X., Rego, F. C., Bação, F. L., & Moreira, F. (2009). Modeling and mapping wildfire ignition risk in Portugal. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 18(8), 921. doi:10.1071/wf07123CHUVIECO, E., & SALAS, J. (1996). Mapping the spatial distribution of forest fire danger using GIS. International journal of geographical information systems, 10(3), 333-345. doi:10.1080/02693799608902082Chuvieco, E., Cocero, D., Riaño, D., Martin, P., Martı́nez-Vega, J., de la Riva, J., & Pérez, F. (2004). Combining NDVI and surface temperature for the estimation of live fuel moisture content in forest fire danger rating. Remote Sensing of Environment, 92(3), 322-331. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2004.01.019Chuvieco, E., Aguado, I., Yebra, M., Nieto, H., Salas, J., Martín, M. P., … Zamora, R. (2010). Development of a framework for fire risk assessment using remote sensing and geographic information system technologies. Ecological Modelling, 221(1), 46-58. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.11.017Danson, F. M., & Bowyer, P. (2004). Estimating live fuel moisture content from remotely sensed reflectance. Remote Sensing of Environment, 92(3), 309-321. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2004.03.017Dasgupta, S., Qu, J. J., & Hao, X. (2006). Design of a Susceptibility Index for Fire Risk Monitoring. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 3(1), 140-144. doi:10.1109/lgrs.2005.858484Fairbrother, A., & Turnley, J. G. (2005). Predicting risks of uncharacteristic wildfires: Application of the risk assessment process. Forest Ecology and Management, 211(1-2), 28-35. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2005.01.026Finney, M. A. (2005). The challenge of quantitative risk analysis for wildland fire. Forest Ecology and Management, 211(1-2), 97-108. doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2005.02.010Gouma, V., & Chronopoulou-Sereli, A. (1998). Wildland Fire Danger Zoning - a Methodology. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 8(1), 37. doi:10.1071/wf9980037Hernandez-Leal, P. A., Arbelo, M., & Gonzalez-Calvo, A. (2006). Fire risk assessment using satellite data. Advances in Space Research, 37(4), 741-746. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2004.12.053Li, L.-M., Song, W.-G., Ma, J., & Satoh, K. (2009). Artificial neural network approach for modeling the impact of population density and weather parameters on forest fire risk. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 18(6), 640. doi:10.1071/wf07136Maingi, J. K., & Henry, M. C. (2007). Factors influencing wildfire occurrence and distribution in eastern Kentucky, USA. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 16(1), 23. doi:10.1071/wf06007Martell, D. L., Otukol, S., & Stocks, B. J. (1987). A logistic model for predicting daily people-caused forest fire occurrence in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 17(5), 394-401. doi:10.1139/x87-068Martínez, J., Vega-Garcia, C., & Chuvieco, E. (2009). Human-caused wildfire risk rating for prevention planning in Spain. Journal of Environmental Management, 90(2), 1241-1252. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2008.07.005Moffett, A., Garson, J., & Sarkar, S. (2005). MultCSync: a software package for incorporating multiple criteria in conservation planning. Environmental Modelling & Software, 20(10), 1315-1322. doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2004.10.001Nieto, H., Aguado, I., Chuvieco, E., & Sandholt, I. (2010). Dead fuel moisture estimation with MSG–SEVIRI data. Retrieval of meteorological data for the calculation of the equilibrium moisture content. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150(7-8), 861-870. doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2010.02.007Noble, B. F., & Christmas, L. M. (2007). Strategic Environmental Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options in the Canadian Agricultural Sector. Environmental Management, 41(1), 64-78. doi:10.1007/s00267-007-9017-yNúñez-Regueira, L. (1997). Calorific values and flammability of forest species in galicia. Continental high mountainous and humid Atlantic zones. Bioresource Technology, 61(2), 111-119. doi:10.1016/s0960-8524(97)00053-9Padilla, M., & Vega-García, C. (2011). On the comparative importance of fire danger rating indices and their integration with spatial and temporal variables for predicting daily human-caused fire occurrences in Spain. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 20(1), 46. doi:10.1071/wf09139Pendergast, J. F., Gange, S. 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    ERCC1 expression and RAD51B activity correlate with cell cycle response to platinum drug treatment not DNA repair

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    Background: The H69CIS200 and H69OX400 cell lines are novel models of low-level platinum-drug resistance. Resistance was not associated with increased cellular glutathione or decreased accumulation of platinum, rather the resistant cell lines have a cell cycle alteration allowing them to rapidly proliferate post drug treatment. Results: A decrease in ERCC1 protein expression and an increase in RAD51B foci activity was observed in association with the platinum induced cell cycle arrest but these changes did not correlate with resistance or altered DNA repair capacity. The H69 cells and resistant cell lines have a p53 mutation and consequently decrease expression of p21 in response to platinum drug treatment, promoting progression of the cell cycle instead of increasing p21 to maintain the arrest. Conclusion: Decreased ERCC1 protein and increased RAD51B foci may in part be mediating the maintenance of the cell cycle arrest in the sensitive cells. Resistance in the H69CIS200 and H69OX400 cells may therefore involve the regulation of ERCC1 and RAD51B independent of their roles in DNA repair. The novel mechanism of platinum resistance in the H69CIS200 and H69OX400 cells demonstrates the multifactorial nature of platinum resistance which can occur independently of alterations in DNA repair capacity and changes in ERCC1

    Boolean Dynamics with Random Couplings

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    This paper reviews a class of generic dissipative dynamical systems called N-K models. In these models, the dynamics of N elements, defined as Boolean variables, develop step by step, clocked by a discrete time variable. Each of the N Boolean elements at a given time is given a value which depends upon K elements in the previous time step. We review the work of many authors on the behavior of the models, looking particularly at the structure and lengths of their cycles, the sizes of their basins of attraction, and the flow of information through the systems. In the limit of infinite N, there is a phase transition between a chaotic and an ordered phase, with a critical phase in between. We argue that the behavior of this system depends significantly on the topology of the network connections. If the elements are placed upon a lattice with dimension d, the system shows correlations related to the standard percolation or directed percolation phase transition on such a lattice. On the other hand, a very different behavior is seen in the Kauffman net in which all spins are equally likely to be coupled to a given spin. In this situation, coupling loops are mostly suppressed, and the behavior of the system is much more like that of a mean field theory. We also describe possible applications of the models to, for example, genetic networks, cell differentiation, evolution, democracy in social systems and neural networks.Comment: 69 pages, 16 figures, Submitted to Springer Applied Mathematical Sciences Serie

    A core outcome set for trials in miscarriage management and prevention: an international consensus development study.

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop core outcome sets (COS) for miscarriage management and prevention. DESIGN: Modified Delphi survey combined with a consensus development meeting. SETTING: International. POPULATION: Stakeholder groups included healthcare providers, international experts, researchers, charities and couples with lived experience of miscarriage from 15 countries: 129 stakeholders for miscarriage management and 437 for miscarriage prevention. METHODS: Modified Delphi method and modified nominal group technique. RESULTS: The final COS for miscarriage management comprises six outcomes: efficacy of treatment, heavy vaginal bleeding, pelvic infection, maternal death, treatment or procedure-related complications, and patient satisfaction. The final COS for miscarriage prevention comprises 12 outcomes: pregnancy loss <24 weeks' gestation, live birth, gestation at birth, pre-term birth, congenital abnormalities, fetal growth restriction, maternal (antenatal) complications, compliance with intervention, patient satisfaction, maternal hospitalisation, neonatal or infant hospitalisation, and neonatal or infant death. Other outcomes identified as important were mental health-related outcomes, future fertility and health economic outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: This study has developed two core outcome sets, through robust methodology, that should be implemented across future randomised trials and systematic reviews in miscarriage management and prevention. This work will help to standardise outcome selection, collection and reporting, and improve the quality and safety of future studies in miscarriage