163 research outputs found

    Faint solar analogs: at the limit of no reddening

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    The flux distribution of solar analogs is required for calculating the spectral albedo of Solar System bodies such as asteroids and trans-Neptunian objects. Ideally a solar analog should be comparably faint as the target of interest, but only few analogs fainter than V = 9 were identified so far. Only atmospheric parameters equal to solar guarantee a flux distribution equal to solar as well, while only photometric colors equal to solar do not. Reddening is also a factor to consider when selecting faint analog candidates. We implement the methodology for identifying faint analogs at the limit of precision allowed by current spectroscopic surveys. We quantify the precision attainable for the atmospheric parameters effective temperature (TeffT_{eff}), metallicity ([Fe/H]), surface gravity (log gg) when derived from moderate low resolution (R=8000) spectra with S/N 100\sim 100. We calibrated TeffT_{eff} and [Fe/H] as functions of equivalent widths of spectral indices by means of the PCA regression. We derive log gg, mass, radius, and age from the atmospheric parameters, Gaia parallaxes and evolutionary tracks. We obtained TeffT_{eff}/[Fe/H]/log gg with precision of 97 K/0.06 dex/0.05 dex. We identify five solar analogs with V10.5V\sim10.5 (located at 135\sim135 pc): HIP 991, HIP 5811, HIP 69477, HIP 55619 and HIP 61835. Other six stars have TeffT_{eff} close to solar but slightly lower [Fe/H]. Our analogs show no evidence of reddening but for four stars, which present E(BV)0.06E(B-V) \geq 0.06 mag, translating to at least a 200 K decrease in photometric TeffT_{eff}.Comment: Paper accepted. Fundamental parameters of the solar analogs are in Table

    Functional dissection of the Drosophila Kallmann's syndrome protein DmKal-1

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    BACKGROUND: Anosmin-1, the protein implicated in the X-linked Kallmann's syndrome, plays a role in axon outgrowth and branching but also in epithelial morphogenesis. The molecular mechanism of its action is, however, widely unknown. Anosmin-1 is an extracellular protein which contains a cysteine-rich region, a whey acidic protein (WAP) domain homologous to some serine protease inhibitors, and four fibronectin-like type III (FnIII) repeats. Drosophila melanogaster Kal-1 (DmKal-1) has the same protein structure with minor differences, the most important of which is the presence of only two FnIII repeats and a C-terminal region showing a low similarity with the third and the fourth human FnIII repeats. We present a structure-function analysis of the different DmKal-1 domains, including a predicted heparan-sulfate binding site. RESULTS: This study was performed overexpressing wild type DmKal-1 and a series of deletion and point mutation proteins in two different tissues: the cephalopharyngeal skeleton of the embryo and the wing disc. The overexpression of DmKal-1 in the cephalopharyngeal skeleton induced dosage-sensitive structural defects, and we used these phenotypes to perform a structure-function dissection of the protein domains. The reproduction of two deletions found in Kallmann's Syndrome patients determined a complete loss of function, whereas point mutations induced only minor alterations in the activity of the protein. Overexpression of the mutant proteins in the wing disc reveals that the functional relevance of the different DmKal-1 domains is dependent on the extracellular context. CONCLUSION: We suggest that the role played by the various protein domains differs in different extracellular contexts. This might explain why the same mutation analyzed in different tissues or in different cell culture lines often gives opposite phenotypes. These analyses also suggest that the FnIII repeats have a main and specific role, while the WAP domain might have only a modulator role, strictly connected to that of the fibronectins

    PhosPhAt: the Arabidopsis thaliana phosphorylation site database. An update

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    The PhosPhAt database of Arabidopsis phosphorylation sites was initially launched in August 2007. Since then, along with 10-fold increase in database entries, functionality of PhosPhAt (phosphat.mpimp-golm.mpg.de) has been considerably upgraded and re-designed. PhosPhAt is now more of a web application with the inclusion of advanced search functions allowing combinatorial searches by Boolean terms. The results output now includes interactive visualization of annotated fragmentation spectra and the ability to export spectra and peptide sequences as text files for use in other applications. We have also implemented dynamic links to other web resources thus augmenting PhosPhAt-specific information with external protein-related data. For experimental phosphorylation sites with information about dynamic behavior in response to external stimuli, we display simple time-resolved diagrams. We have included predictions for pT and pY sites and updated pS predictions. Access to prediction algorithm now allows ‘on-the-fly’ prediction of phosphorylation of any user-uploaded protein sequence. Protein Pfam domain structures are now mapped onto the protein sequence display next to experimental and predicted phosphorylation sites. Finally, we have implemented functional annotation of proteins using MAPMAN ontology. These new developments make the PhosPhAt resource a useful and powerful tool for the scientific community as a whole beyond the plant sciences

    In silico Analysis of Transcription Factor Repertoire and Prediction of Stress Responsive Transcription Factors in Soybean

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    Sequence-specific DNA-binding transcription factors (TFs) are often termed as ‘master regulators’ which bind to DNA and either activate or repress gene transcription. We have computationally analysed the soybean genome sequence data and constructed a proper set of TFs based on the Hidden Markov Model profiles of DNA-binding domain families. Within the soybean genome, we identified 4342 loci encoding 5035 TF models which grouped into 61 families. We constructed a database named SoybeanTFDB (http://soybeantfdb.psc.riken.jp) containing the full compilation of soybean TFs and significant information such as: functional motifs, full-length cDNAs, domain alignments, promoter regions, genomic organization and putative regulatory functions based on annotations of gene ontology (GO) inferred by comparative analysis with Arabidopsis. With particular interest in abiotic stress signalling, we analysed the promoter regions for all of the TF encoding genes as a means to identify abiotic stress responsive cis-elements as well as all types of cis-motifs provided by the PLACE database. SoybeanTFDB enables scientists to easily access cis-element and GO annotations to aid in the prediction of TF function and selection of TFs with functions of interest. This study provides a basic framework and an important user-friendly public information resource which enables analyses of transcriptional regulation in soybean

    Genome-Wide Analysis of Two-Component Systems and Prediction of Stress-Responsive Two-Component System Members in Soybean

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    In plants, the two-component systems (TCSs) play important roles in regulating diverse biological processes, including responses to environmental stress stimuli. Within the soybean genome, the TCSs consist of at least 21 histidine kinases, 13 authentic and pseudo-phosphotransfers and 18 type-A, 15 type-B, 3 type-C and 11 pseudo-response regulator proteins. Structural and phylogenetic analyses of soybean TCS members with their Arabidopsis and rice counterparts revealed similar architecture of their TCSs. We identified a large number of closely homologous soybean TCS genes, which likely resulted from genome duplication. Additionally, we analysed tissue-specific expression profiles of those TCS genes, whose data are available from public resources. To predict the putative regulatory functions of soybean TCS members, with special emphasis on stress-responsive functions, we performed comparative analyses from all the TCS members of soybean, Arabidopsis and rice and coupled these data with annotations of known abiotic stress-responsive cis-elements in the promoter region of each soybean TCS gene. Our study provides insights into the architecture and a solid foundation for further functional characterization of soybean TCS elements. In addition, we provide a new resource for studying the conservation and divergence among the TCSs within plant species and/or between plants and other organisms

    Global Pyrogeography: the Current and Future Distribution of Wildfire

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    Climate change is expected to alter the geographic distribution of wildfire, a complex abiotic process that responds to a variety of spatial and environmental gradients. How future climate change may alter global wildfire activity, however, is still largely unknown. As a first step to quantifying potential change in global wildfire, we present a multivariate quantification of environmental drivers for the observed, current distribution of vegetation fires using statistical models of the relationship between fire activity and resources to burn, climate conditions, human influence, and lightning flash rates at a coarse spatiotemporal resolution (100 km, over one decade). We then demonstrate how these statistical models can be used to project future changes in global fire patterns, highlighting regional hotspots of change in fire probabilities under future climate conditions as simulated by a global climate model. Based on current conditions, our results illustrate how the availability of resources to burn and climate conditions conducive to combustion jointly determine why some parts of the world are fire-prone and others are fire-free. In contrast to any expectation that global warming should necessarily result in more fire, we find that regional increases in fire probabilities may be counter-balanced by decreases at other locations, due to the interplay of temperature and precipitation variables. Despite this net balance, our models predict substantial invasion and retreat of fire across large portions of the globe. These changes could have important effects on terrestrial ecosystems since alteration in fire activity may occur quite rapidly, generating ever more complex environmental challenges for species dispersing and adjusting to new climate conditions. Our findings highlight the potential for widespread impacts of climate change on wildfire, suggesting severely altered fire regimes and the need for more explicit inclusion of fire in research on global vegetation-climate change dynamics and conservation planning

    Transcriptional and Post-Transcriptional Regulation of SPAST, the Gene Most Frequently Mutated in Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia

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    Hereditary spastic paraplegias (HSPs) comprise a group of neurodegenerative disorders that are characterized by progressive spasticity of the lower extremities, due to axonal degeneration in the corticospinal motor tracts. HSPs are genetically heterogeneous and show autosomal dominant inheritance in ∼70–80% of cases, with additional cases being recessive or X-linked. The most common type of HSP is SPG4 with mutations in the SPAST gene, encoding spastin, which occurs in 40% of dominantly inherited cases and in ∼10% of sporadic cases. Both loss-of-function and dominant-negative mutation mechanisms have been described for SPG4, suggesting that precise or stoichiometric levels of spastin are necessary for biological function. Therefore, we hypothesized that regulatory mechanisms controlling expression of SPAST are important determinants of spastin biology, and if altered, could contribute to the development and progression of the disease. To examine the transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of SPAST, we used molecular phylogenetic methods to identify conserved sequences for putative transcription factor binding sites and miRNA targeting motifs in the SPAST promoter and 3′-UTR, respectively. By a variety of molecular methods, we demonstrate that SPAST transcription is positively regulated by NRF1 and SOX11. Furthermore, we show that miR-96 and miR-182 negatively regulate SPAST by effects on mRNA stability and protein level. These transcriptional and miRNA regulatory mechanisms provide new functional targets for mutation screening and therapeutic targeting in HSP

    Gene Organization in Rice Revealed by Full-Length cDNA Mapping and Gene Expression Analysis through Microarray

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    Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a model organism for the functional genomics of monocotyledonous plants since the genome size is considerably smaller than those of other monocotyledonous plants. Although highly accurate genome sequences of indica and japonica rice are available, additional resources such as full-length complementary DNA (FL-cDNA) sequences are also indispensable for comprehensive analyses of gene structure and function. We cross-referenced 28.5K individual loci in the rice genome defined by mapping of 578K FL-cDNA clones with the 56K loci predicted in the TIGR genome assembly. Based on the annotation status and the presence of corresponding cDNA clones, genes were classified into 23K annotated expressed (AE) genes, 33K annotated non-expressed (ANE) genes, and 5.5K non-annotated expressed (NAE) genes. We developed a 60mer oligo-array for analysis of gene expression from each locus. Analysis of gene structures and expression levels revealed that the general features of gene structure and expression of NAE and ANE genes were considerably different from those of AE genes. The results also suggested that the cloning efficiency of rice FL-cDNA is associated with the transcription activity of the corresponding genetic locus, although other factors may also have an effect. Comparison of the coverage of FL-cDNA among gene families suggested that FL-cDNA from genes encoding rice- or eukaryote-specific domains, and those involved in regulatory functions were difficult to produce in bacterial cells. Collectively, these results indicate that rice genes can be divided into distinct groups based on transcription activity and gene structure, and that the coverage bias of FL-cDNA clones exists due to the incompatibility of certain eukaryotic genes in bacteria

    An overview of the utilisation of microalgae biomass derived from nutrient recycling of wet market wastewater and slaughterhouse wastewater

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    Microalgae have high nutritional values for aquatic organisms compared to fish meal, because microalgae cells are rich in proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. However, the high cost for the commercial production of microalgae biomass using fresh water or artificial media limits its use as fish feed. Few studies have investigated the potential of wet market wastewater and slaughterhouse wastewater for the production of microalgae biomass. Hence, this study aims to highlight the potential of these types of wastewater as an alternative superior medium for microalgae biomass as they contain high levels of nutrients required for microalgae growth. This paper focuses on the benefits of microalgae biomass produced during the phycore-mediation of wet market wastewater and slaughterhouse wastewater as fish feed. The extraction techniques for lipids and proteins as well as the studies conducted on the use of microalgae biomass as fish feed were reviewed. The results showed that microalgae biomass can be used as fish feed due to feed utilisation efficiency, physiological activity, increased resistance for several diseases, improved stress response, and improved protein retention