226 research outputs found

    Caracteristici ale speciilor de plante din genul Hieracium existente în Herbarul Alexandru Beldie al I.N.C.D.S. Bucureşti

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    The Alexandru Beldie Herbarium from I.N.C.D.S. Bucharest comprises approximately 60.000 plates of some herbaceous plants, trees and shrubs. Amongst them, the present article analyses the 273 plates dedicated to the plants from the Hieracium genre. After a short description of the genre, some of the 112 species present in this herbarium are described. The plants were gathered between 1858 and 1954, with a larger incidence in the periods 1890-1899 and 1940-1949. Their origin ranges from different areas of our country (Bucegi, Ciucas, Retezat, Turda, Buftea, Pojorata) as well as from abroad (Pyrenees, Tirol, Silesia) and were gathered by Romanian specialists (Beldie, Morariu, Georgescu, Cretzoiu) and foreign ones (Stefanoff, Baenitz, Richter, Weisenbeck, Sagorski, Weisenbach, Wolff

    Genomics of extreme ecological specialists: multiple convergent evolution but no genetic divergence between ecotypes of Maculinea alcon butterflies.

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    Biotic interactions are often acknowledged as catalysers of genetic divergence and eventual explanation of processes driving species richness. We address the question, whether extreme ecological specialization is always associated with lineage sorting, by analysing polymorphisms in morphologically similar ecotypes of the myrmecophilous butterfly Maculinea alcon. The ecotypes occur in either hygric or xeric habitats, use different larval host plants and ant species, but no significant distinctive molecular traits have been revealed so far. We apply genome-wide RAD-sequencing to specimens originating from both habitats across Europe in order to get a view of the potential evolutionary processes at work. Our results confirm that genetic variation is mainly structured geographically but not ecologically - specimens from close localities are more related to each other than populations of each ecotype from distant localities. However, we found two loci for which the association with xeric versus hygric habitats is supported by segregating alleles, suggesting convergent evolution of habitat preference. Thus, ecological divergence between the forms probably does not represent an early stage of speciation, but may result from independent recurring adaptations involving few genes. We discuss the implications of these results for conservation and suggest preserving biotic interactions and main genetic clusters

    Utilizarea procesului de ierarhizare analitică în selectarea celor mai importante produse forestiere nelemnoase din judeţul Iaşi

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    In Romania, the non-wood forest products are mainly represented by the fauna of hunting interest, forest fruits, truffles and edible mushrooms and medicinal plants. The aim of this research was to study the most important non-wood forest products from Iaşi County. The analyze model used in similar studies done in the case of other counties across Romania was taken into account. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to assess the performance of selected alternatives by means of pairwise comparisons. The analyses were carried out using the Expert Choice Desktop software package. Honey and pheasant were the most promising non-wood forest products, while the less promising was the European elderberry. According to the results of this study, we conclude that Iaşi County has a great potential for harvesting and marketing of NWFPs

    An updated checklist of the European Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Papilionoidea)

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    This paper presents an updated checklist of the butterflies of Europe, together with their original name combinations, and their occurrence status in each European country. According to this checklist, 496 species of the superfamily Papilionoidea occur in Europe. Changes in comparison with the last version (2.6.2) of Fauna Europaea are discussed. Compared to that version, 16 species are new additions, either due to cryptic species most of which have been discovered by molecular methods (13 cases) or due to discoveries of Asian species on the eastern border of the European territory in the Ural mountains (three cases). On the other hand, nine species had to be removed from the list, because they either do not occur in Europe or lost their species status due to new evidence. In addition, three species names had to be changed and 30 species changed their combination due to new evidence on phylogenetic relationships. Furthermore, minor corrections were applied to some authors¿ names and years of publication. Finally, the name Polyommatus ottomanus Lefèbvre, 1831, which is threatened by its senior synonym Lycaena legeri Freyer, 1830, is declared a nomen protectum, thereby conserving its name in the current combination Lycaena ottomana.VL was supported by grant N 14-14-00541 from the Russian Science Foundation to the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and ZF by grant 14- 36098G from the Czech Science Foundation

    Butterfly-parasitoid-hostplant interactions in Western Palaearctic Hesperiidae: a DNA barcoding reference library

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    The study of ecological interactions between plants, phytophagous insects and their natural enemies is an essential but challenging component for understanding ecosystem dynamics. Molecular methods such as DNA barcoding can help elucidate these interactions. In this study, we employed DNA barcoding to establish hostplant and parasitoid interactions with hesperiid butterflies, using a complete reference library for Hesperiidae of continental Europe and north-western Africa (53 species, 100% of those recorded) based on 2934 sequences from 38 countries. A total of 233 hostplant and parasitoid interactions are presented, some recovered by DNA barcoding larval remains or parasitoid cocoons. Combining DNA barcode results with other lines of evidence allowed 94% species-level identification for Hesperiidae, but success was lower for parasitoids, in part due to unresolved taxonomy. Potential cases of cryptic diversity, both in Hesperiidae and Microgastrinae, are discussed. We briefly analyse the resulting interaction networks. Future DNA barcoding initiatives in this region should focus attention on north-western Africa and on parasitoids, because in these cases barcode reference libraries and taxonomy are less well developed.Support for this research was provided by the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) with a JAE-Intro fellowship for the introduction to research to ETD (reference numbers JAEINT_20_00248 and JAEINT20_EX_0638) and by projects PID2019-107078GB-I00/MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and 2017-SGR-991 (Generalitat de Catalunya) to RV, and PID2020-117739GA-I00/MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 to GT. We thank the Rachadaphiseksomphot Fund, Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University, for the award of a Senior Postdoctoral Fellowship to DLJQ. Further support for this research was provided by the Academy of Finland (Academy Research Fellow, decision no. 328895) to VD. PDNH acknowledges support from Genome Canada through Ontario Genomics. BV has been funded by the CERCA Programme of the Generalitat de Catalunya and by the Grant RYC-22243-2017, whose PI is Josep Sardanyés. SV was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, grant PID2020-117822GB-I00 MINEICO/AEI/ FEDER and the European Union.INTRODUCTION MATERIAL AND METHODS RESULTS DISCUSSION CONCLUSION SUPPORTING INFORMATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS DATA AVAILABILITY REFERENCES Supplementary dat

    Studies on metal-organic frameworks of Cu(II) with isophthalate linkers for hydrogen storage

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    Hydrogen (H2) is a promising alternative energy carrier due to its environmental benefits, high energy density and its abundance. However, development of a practical storage system to enable the “Hydrogen Economy” remains a huge challenge. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are an important class of crystalline coordination polymers constructed by bridging metal centers with organic linkers, and show promise for H2 storage due to their high surface area and tuneable properties. We summarize our research on novel porous materials with enhanced H2 storage properties, and describe frameworks derived from 3,5-substituted dicarboxylates (isophthalates) that serve as versatile molecular building blocks for the construction of a range of interesting coordination polymers with Cu(II) ions. A series of materials has been synthesised by connecting linear tetracarboxylate linkers to {Cu(II)2} paddlewheel moieties. These (4,4)-connected frameworks adopt the fof-topology in which the Kagomé lattice layers formed by {Cu(II)2} paddlewheels and isophthalates are pillared by the bridging ligands. These materials exhibit high structural stability and permanent porosity, and the pore size, geometry and functionality can be modulated by variation of the organic linker to control the overall H2 adsorption properties. NOTT-103 shows the highest H2 storage capacity of 77.8 mg g−1 at 77 K, 60 bar among the fof-type frameworks. H2 adsorption at low, medium and high pressures correlates with the isosteric heat of adsorption, surface area and pore volume, respectively. Tri-branched C3-symmetric hexacarboxylate ligands with Cu(II) give highly porous (3,24)-connected frameworks incorporating {Cu(II)2} paddlewheels. These ubt-type frameworks comprise three types of polyhedral cage: a cuboctahedron, truncated tetrahedron and a truncated octahedron which are fused in the solid state in the ratio 1:2:1, respectively. Increasing the length of the hexacarboxylate struts directly tunes the porosity of the resultant material from micro- to mesoporosity. These materials show exceptionally high H2 uptakes owing to their high surface area and pore volume. NOTT-112, the first reported member of this family reported, adsorbs 111 mg g−1 of H2 at 77 K , 77 bar. More recently, enhanced H2 adsorption in these ubt-type frameworks has been achieved using combinations of polyphenyl groups linked by alkynes to give an overall gravimetric gas capacity for NU-100 of 164 mg g−1 at 77 K, 70 bar. However, due to its very low density NU-100 shows a lower volumetric capacity of 45.7 g L-1 compared with 55.9 g L-1 for NOTT-112, which adsorbs 2.3 wt% H2 at 1 bar, 77K. This significant adsorption of H2 at low pressures is attributed to the arrangement of the {Cu24(isophthalate)24} cuboctahedral cages within the polyhedral structure. Free metal coordination positions are the first binding sites for D2, and in these ubt-type frameworks there are two types of Cu(II) centres, one with its vacant site pointing into the cuboctahedral cage and another pointing externally. D2 molecules bind first at the former position, and then at the external open metal sites. However, other adsorption sites between the cusp of three phenyl groups and a Type I pore window in the framework are also occupied. Ligand and complex design feature strongly in enhancing and maximising H2 storage, and, although current materials operate at 77 K, research continues to explore routes to high capacity H2 storage materials that can function at higher temperatures

    Unprecedented within-species chromosome number cline in the Wood White butterfly Leptidea sinapis and its significance for karyotype evolution and speciation

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    Background: Species generally have a fixed number of chromosomes in the cell nuclei while between-species differences are common and often pronounced. These differences could have evolved through multiple speciation events, each involving the fixation of a single chromosomal rearrangement. Alternatively, marked changes in the karyotype may be the consequence of within-species accumulation of multiple chromosomal fissions/fusions, resulting in highly polymorphic systems with the subsequent extinction of intermediate karyomorphs. Although this mechanism of chromosome number evolution is possible in theory, it has not been well documented. Results: We present the discovery of exceptional intraspecific variability in the karyotype of the widespread Eurasian butterfly Leptidea sinapis. We show that within this species the diploid chromosome number gradually decreases from 2n = 106 in Spain to 2n = 56 in eastern Kazakhstan, resulting in a 6000 km-wide cline that originated recently (8,500 to 31,000 years ago). Remarkably, intrapopulational chromosome number polymorphism exists, the chromosome number range overlaps between some populations separated by hundreds of kilometers, and chromosomal heterozygotes are abundant. We demonstrate that this karyotypic variability is intraspecific because in L. sinapis a broad geographical distribution is coupled with a homogenous morphological and genetic structure. Conclusions: The discovered system represents the first clearly documented case of explosive chromosome number evolution through intraspecific and intrapopulation accumulation of multiple chromosomal changes. Leptidea sinapis may be used as a model system for studying speciation by means of chromosomally-based suppressed recombination mechanisms, as well as clinal speciation, a process that is theoretically possible but difficult to document. The discovered cline seems to represent a narrow time-window of the very first steps of species formation linked to multiple chromosomal changes that have occurred explosively. This case offers a rare opportunity to study this process before drift, dispersal, selection, extinction and speciation erase the traces of microevolutionary events and just leave the final picture of a pronounced interspecific chromosomal difference

    Single-crystalline, wormlike hematite photoanodes for efficient solar water splitting

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    A hematite photoanode showing a stable, record-breaking performance of 4.32 mA/cm(2) photoelectrochemical water oxidation current at 1.23 V vs. RHE under simulated 1-sun (100 mW/cm(2)) irradiation is reported. This photocurrent corresponds to ca. 34% of the maximum theoretical limit expected for hematite with a band gap of 2.1 V. The photoanode produced stoichiometric hydrogen and oxygen gases in amounts close to the expected values from the photocurrent. The hematitle has a unique single-crystalline "wormlike" morphology produced by in-situ two-step annealing at 550 degrees C and 800 degrees C of beta-FeOOH nanorods grown directly on a transparent conducting oxide glass via an all-solution method. In addition, it is modified by platinum doping to improve the charge transfer characteristics of hematite and an oxygen-evolving co-catalyst on the surface.open2

    A robust binary supramolecular organic framework (SOF) with high CO2 adsorption and selectivity

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    A robust binary hydrogen-bonded supramolecular organic framework (SOF-7) has been synthesized by solvothermal reaction of 1,4-bis-(4-(3,5-dicyano-2,6 dipyridyl)dihydropyridyl)benzene (1) and 5,5’-bis-(azanediyl)-oxalyl-diisophthalic acid (2). Single crystal X-ray diffraction analysis shows that SOF-7 comprises 2 and 1,4-bis-(4-(3,5-dicyano-2,6-dipyridyl)pyridyl)benzene (3), the latter formed in situ from the oxidative dehydrogenation of 1. SOF-7 shows a three-dimensional four-fold interpenetrat-ed structure with complementary O−H···N hydrogen bonds to form channels that are decorated with cyano- and amide-groups. SOF-7 exhibits excellent thermal stability and sol-vent and moisture durability, as well as permanent porosity. The activated desolvated material SOF-7a shows high CO2 sorption capacity and selectivity compared with other po-rous organic materials assembled solely through hydrogen bonding

    The Butterfly Fauna Of The Italian Maritime Alps:Results Of The «Edit» Project

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    Bonelli, Simona, Barbero, Francesca, Casacci, Luca Pietro, Cerrato, Cristiana, Balletto, Emilio (2015): The butterfly fauna of the Italian Maritime Alps: results of the EDIT project. Zoosystema 37 (1): 139-167, DOI: 10.5252/z2015n1a6, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5252/z2015n1a