60 research outputs found

    Elder Financial Exploitation: Implications for Future Policy and Research in Elder Mistreatment

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    Recent advances in the understanding of elder mistreatment have demonstrated that financial exploitation tends to be one of the most common forms of mistreatment affecting older populations. Agencies such as the World Bank and World Health Organization show significant concern regarding financial exploitation and its connection to physical and emotional injury to victims. The World Bank uses the term “financial violence” as a means of generally describing the harm caused to an individual as a result of financial exploitation or abuse. The proportion of financial exploitation in relation to other forms of elder mistreatment is defined in our research. We discuss the potential impact of elder financial exploitation on victims as well as explore the implications for future research and policy development focused on financial aspects of elder mistreatment and call for further study in the concept of financial exploitation as a violent act

    A revised ammonoid biostratigraphy for the Aptian of NW Africa:Essaouira-Agadir Basin, Morocco

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    International audienceA revised ammonoid biostratigraphy is presented for the Aptian of NW Africa, Essaouira-Agadir Basin (EAB), Morocco, based on detailed analysis of 5 key sections. A number of bio-events are documented and 26 genus and 43 species fully documented, forming the largest published Aptian ammonite collection made from NW Africa. The section at Tiskatine is documented as the type section, and 8 zones and subzones are defined, of which 5 are new. This work allows correlation of the Aptian of the EAB to the Standard Mediterranean Ammonite Scale (SMAS). Two main hiatuses are identified at the scale of the basin scale: a major one that includes most of the lower Aptian and the base of the upper Aptian and a second one encompass the top of the upper Aptian and the base of the lower Albian. The ammonite fauna displays a clear Tethyan palaeobiogeographic character affected by a fairly high degree of endemism at the genus and species level. The new genus and species Elsaisabellia tiskatinensis is introduced.(C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Author Correction: Long-term field comparison of multiple low-cost particulate matter sensors in an outdoor urban environment

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    Correction to: Scientific Reports https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-43716-3, published online 16 May 2019. This Article contains a typographical error in the Acknowledgements section. “Natural Environmental Research Council grant number [NE/L002531/1]” should read: “Natural Environment Research Council: NE/N012070/1”

    Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian-Albian) ammonite biostratigraphy in the Maestrat Basin (E Spain)

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    A review of the stratigraphic distribution of ammonoid species in the Lower Cretaceous (Hauterivian-Albian) of the Maestrat Basin (E Spain) was carried out. The specimens were mainly collected in the field by us and are stored in university or museum collections. Speci­mens from private collections and figured in the literature were also studied. We recognized 73 species that are distributed, in accordance with the latest version of the standard Mediterranean ammonite zonation for the Lower Cretaceous, in 14 ammonite zones: Acanthodiscus radiatus, Crioceratites loryi, Lyticoceras nodosoplicatum (Lower Hauterivian); Pseudothurmannia ohmi (Upper Hauterivian); Imerites giraudi (Upper Barremian); Deshayesites oglanlensis, Deshayesites forbesi, Deshayesites deshayesi, Dufrenoyia furcata (Lower Aptian); Epicheloniceras martini, Parahoplites melchioris, Acanthohoplites nolani (Upper Aptian); Leymeriella tardefurcata and Douvilleiceras mammillatum (Lower Albian). The recognition of these biozones allows a precise age calibration of the Maestrat Basin’s lithostatigraphic units that contain ammonoids as well as an associated indirect age calibration of the formations without ammonoids. Consequently, this report provides an updated, comprehensive and precise biostratigraphic framework, which aims to become a reference for the analysis of the Lower Cretaceous strata of the Maestrat Basin. The results are also relevant for the analysis of coeval ammonite-bearing sedimentary successions found in other Tethyan basins.En este trabajo se ha realizado una revisión detallada de la distribución estratigráfica de las especies de ammonoideos del Cretácico infe­rior de la Cuenca del Maestrazgo (Este de España). Los ejemplares recolectados, principalmente por los autores, han sido depositados en co­lecciones universitarias y museísticas. Además hemos estudiado los ejemplares de colecciones privadas y figurados en la literatura. Hemos reconocido 73 especies que se distribuyen, siguiendo la última versión de la biozonación de ammonites mediterránea estándar del Cretácico inferior, en 14 zonas de ammonoideos: Acanthodiscus radiatus, Crioceratites loryi, Lyticoceras nodosoplicatum (Hauteriviense inferior); Pseudothurmannia ohmi (Hauteriviense superior); Imerites giraudi (Barremiense superior); Deshayesites oglanlensis, Deshayesites forbesi, Deshayesites deshayesi, Dufrenoyia furcata (Aptiense inferior); Epicheloniceras martini, Parahoplites melchioris, Acanthohoplites nolani (Aptiense superior); Leymeriella tardefurcata y Douvilleiceras mammillatum (Albiense inferior). El reconocimiento de estas biozonas permite precisar la edad de las unidades litoestratigráficas que contienen ammonites y también una calibración indirecta de las formaciones que no contienen ammonites. En consecuencia este trabajo proporciona un marco bioestratigráfico actualizado, exhaustivo y preciso que pretende ser una referencia para el análisis estratigráfico del Cretácico inferior de la Cuenca del Maestrazgo. Los resultados obtenidos son también relevantes para el análisis de las sucesiones sedimentarias coetáneas con ammonites existentes en otras cuencas de Tetis

    The proposal of a GSSP for the Berriasian Stage (Cretaceous System): Part 1.

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    Here in the first part of this publication we discuss the possibilities for the selection of a GSSP for the Berriasian Stage of the Cretaceous System, based on the established methods for correlation in the Tithonian/Berriasian interval. This will be followed, in the second part, by an account of the stratigraphic evidence that justifies the locality of Tré Maroua (Hautes-Alpes, SE France) as the proposed GSSP. Here we discuss the possibilities for correlation in the historical J/K boundary interval, and the evolution of thinking on the positioning of the boundary over recent generations, and in relation to research in the last ten years. The Tithonian/Berriasian boundary level is accepted as occurring within magnetosubzone M19n.2n. The detailed distribution of calpionellids has been recorded at numerous sites, tied to magnetostratigraphy, and the base of the calpionellid Alpina Zone is taken to define the base of the Berriasian Stage. This is at a level just below the distinctive reversed magnetic subzone M19n.1r (the so-called Brodno reversal). We discuss a wide range of magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data from key localities globally, in the type Berriasian areas of France and wider regions (Le Chouet, Saint Bertrand, Puerto Escaño, Rio Argos, Bosso, Brodno, Kurovice, Theodosia etc.). The characteristic datums that typify the J/K boundary interval in Tethys and its extensions are detailed, and the correlative viability of various fossil groups is discussed. The boundary level is correlated to well-known J/K sections globally, and a series of secondary markers and proxies are indicated which assist wider correlation. Particularly significant are the primary basal Berriasian marker, the base of the Alpina Subzone (marked by dominance of small Calpionella alpina, Crassicollaria parvula and Tintinopsella carpathica) and secondary markers bracketing the base of the Calpionella Zone, notably the FOs of the calcareous nannofossil species Nannoconus wintereri (just below the boundary) and the FO of Nannoconus steinmannii minor (just above). Notable proxies for the boundary are: 1) the base of the Arctoteuthis tehamaensis Zone in boreal and subboreal regions, 2) the dated base of the Alpina Subzone at 140.22 ± 0.14 Ma, which also gives a precise age estimate for the system boundary; and 3) the base of radiolarian “unitary zone” 14, which is situated just above the base of the Alpina Subzone

    Characterisation and calibration of low-cost PM sensors at high temporal resolution to reference-grade performance

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    Particulate Matter (PM) low-cost sensors (LCS) present a cost-effective opportunity to improve the spatiotemporal resolution of airborne PM data. Previous studies focused on PM-LCS-reported hourly data and identified, without fully addressing, their limitations. However, PM-LCS provide measurements at finer temporal resolutions. Furthermore, government bodies have developed certifications to accompany new uses of these sensors, but these certifications have shortcomings. To address these knowledge gaps, PM-LCS of two models, 8 Sensirion SPS30 and 8 Plantower PMS5003, were collocated for one year with a Fidas 200S, MCERTS-certified PM monitor and were characterised at 2 min resolution, enabling replication of certification processes, and highlighting their limitations and improvements. Robust linear models using sensor-reported particle number concentrations and relative humidity, coupled with 2-week biannual calibration campaigns, achieved reference-grade performance, at median PM2.5 background concentration of 5.5 μg/m3, demonstrating that, with careful calibration, PM-LCS may cost-effectively supplement reference equipment in multi-nodes networks with fine spatiotemporality

    Precisiones sobre la edad de la base de la Fm. Escucha, mediante ammonoideos, en la subcuenca de la Salzedella, Cuenca del Maestrat (E Cordillera Ibérica).

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    La edad de la parte basal de la Formación Escucha, Cuenca del Maestrat, ha sido objeto de distintas interpretaciones, resultando edades comprendidas desde el Aptiense superior al Albiense superior. En la subcuenca de la Salzedella, depocentro de la cuenca, esta formación presenta en su parte basal un registro de ammonites. Para precisar su edad se han estudiado los ammonites citados anteriormente por otros autores, los de colecciones particulares, hasta el presente inéditas y a las que hemos tenido acceso por vez primera, además de los recolectados en una nueva sección levantada en esta parte basal de la formación. Su estudio ha permitido reconocer una asociación con profusión de engonocerátidos, Parengoneceras caneroti Collignon, junto a douvilleicerátidos e hypacanthoplítidos. El análisis bioestratigráfico y comparativo con otras asociaciones similares, francesas, inglesas y tunecinas, permite datar la asociación como del Albiense inferior, Biozona Leymeriella tarfurcata y probablemente la parte inferior de la Biozona Douvilleiceras mammillatum

    Testing Smart City environmental monitoring technology using small scale temporary cities

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    Exposure to Particulate Matter (PM) has been identified as a major health problem worldwide. Established measurement techniques require equipment costing many thousands of dollars and specialist expertise to maintain. Ongoing research is investigating the use of low cost <;$300 sensors to enable greater temporal-spatial density of readings to be taken. There are questions about the suitability and reliability of these low-cost sensors, which can be addressed by deploying and evaluating the sensors in real world applications. Rather than deploying standalone data loggers for each sensor, each air quality monitor is connected to an IoT device to enable real time transmission of data. We propose festival sites as small scale cities to enable a short term deployments and evaluation of sensors. This work illustrates that, if coupled with higher resolution of wind data, low-cost sensors may enable to follow the evolution of pollution hotspots and help the identification of pollution sources. This study, building upon the body of work focused on the evaluation and best practice of using low-cost sensors for PM monitoring. We present data from these IoT devices and experiences gained from using a festival site as a substitute for a city