43 research outputs found

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Identification des poils des mammiferes pyreneens.Biología de caza en Falco naumannEtograma del Ciervo (Cervus elaphus) en período de no reproducciónBiología del estornino negro (Sturnus unicolor). II. Dieta del polloObservaciones sobre la actividad nocturna de reptiles en la España mediterránea occidental.Nuevo dato de herpetofagia en Tarentola mauritanicaObservación de Hieratus fasciatus en una corriente migratoria otoñal de rapaces en CeutaObservación invernal de Clamator glandarius en el valle del GuadalquivirUn dato sobre el paso del estrecho de Gibraltar por Gips fulvusDos citas de invernada de Hieräetus pennatus en el valle del GuadalquivirObservación de Sylvia nisoria en el sur de EspañaObservación de Sylvia nisoria en el sur de EspañaNoticia del hallazgo de Baleaphryne (Amphibia: anura Disoglissae) viviente en MallorcaPeer reviewe

    Analytic and geometric properties of photoinduced effects in noncentrosymmetric crystals: photovoltaic current and optical rectification

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    An original dispersion relation between the stationary coherent nonlinear optical responses by current and polarisation is obtained. The dispersion relation provides a new complimentary tool that can be employed to study light-induced charge transport models and facilitate experimental data analysis. It is shown that the origin of the coherent current and the dc-polarisation induced in a noncentrosymmetric crystal under illumination is related to the theory of the Berry phase and can be represented in terms of the renormalised geometric potentials. This renormalisation originates from the extra phase difference acquired by a carrier in the light field on the quantum transition between the electronic bands. The gauge invariance of the corresponding expressions for the current and the polarisation is demonstrated.Comment: 7 page

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Clave preliminar de las escamas de los peces de agua dulce de España, a nivel de familiaExito reproductor del Buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus) en NavarraAlimentación del Gavilán (Accipiter nisus) en la Isla de TenerifeEl Verdecillo (Serinus serinus): Tendencias en la estación de nidificación, en el tamaño del huevo y en la supervivencia.las batidas como método de censo en especiesde caza mayor: aplicación al caso del Jabalí (Sus scrofa L.) en la provincia de Burgos (Norte de España)La adquisición de madurez sexual en el camaleón común (Chamaeleo chamaeleon)Nuevas citas de Hemidactylus turcicus en la provincia de CáceresLa focha común (Fulica atra) en la isla de Gran Canaria: nueva especie nidificante en el archipiélago CanarioTraslado de huevos en incubación por la urraca (Pica pica)Predación de Falco peregrinus sobre Oryctolagus cuniculusCuatro nuevas especies de aves para Bolivia.Sobre la utilización de nidos de golondrina común abandonados.Parasitismo múltiple del críalo (Clamator glandarius)Predación del topo de rio (Galemys pyrenaicus, Geoffroy 1811) por parte de la lechuza común (Tyto alba, Scopoli 1769)Predación del zorro (Vulpes vulpes) sobre un pollo de buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus).Vulpes vulpes L. criando en una colonia de marmota (Marmota marmota L.) en el pirineo de LéridaObservaciones sobre la incidencia de Rattus (Fischer, 1803) en los cultivos ibéricos de caña de azúcaSituación actual de la jutiita de la tierra Capromys sanfelipensis (Rodentia, Mammalia)Notas sobre la intraducción y expansión de la ardilla común en Sierra Nevada, sureste de EspañaPeer reviewe

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Página 298 con error de impresiónEstudio cariológico en dos especies de Serránidos del Mediterráneo (Peces: PerciformesRelaciones morfométricas de Atherina boyeri Risso (Pisces: Atherinidae) de la laguna de Zoñar (Córdoba, España)Contribución al conocimiento de la biometríay osteología de Barbus barbus bocagei, Steindachner, 1866 (Pisces: CyprinidaeLa actividad de la salamandra, Salamandra salamandra (L.), en Galicia.Estudios sobre el sapo corredor (Bufo calamita) en el Sur de España.1. BiometríaEstudios sobre el sapo corredor (Bufo calamita) en el Sur de España. II. AlimentaciónBiología de la reproducción de Rana iberica Boulenger 1879 en zonas simpátridas con Rana temporaria Linneo, 1758Nuevos datos sobre la distribución geográfica de Lacerta monticola cantabrica Mertens, 1929. (Sauria, lacertidae).Datos sobre Lacerta monticola Boulenger, 1905 (Saurio: lacertidae)en el oeste del Sistema Central.Nueva especie de Anolis (lacertilia, Iguanidae) para CubaEtograma cuantificado del cortejo en Falco naumannOntogénesis del comportamiento predador en Falco naumanniContaminación xenobiótica del Parque Nacional de Doñana. 1. Residuos de insecticidas organoclorados, bifenilos policlorados y mercurio en anseriformes y gruiformesReproducción del críalo (Clamator glandarius) en Sierra Morena CentraNidificación de Picus viridis en taludes de arcilla en Ramblas de Guadix (Granada)Comportamiento del calamón Porphyrio porphyrio (Linnaeus, 1758) en Doñana, Marismas del GuadalquiviBiología y ecología de la malvasía (Oxyura leucocephala) en Andalucía.On the differential diet of Carnivora in islands:a method for analysing it and a particular case.Notas sobre la distribución pasada y actual del meloncillo Herpestes ichneumon (L.) en la Península IbéricaEstructuración de las interacciones en una camada de lobos (Canís lupus)Nuevos datos sobre la distribución del Cottus gobio L. (pisces, cottidae) en EspañaSobre la alimentación de Callopistes maculatus (Reptilia,teiidaeObservación de Lacerta lepida depredando un nido de Alectoris rufaNueva cita del galápago leproso Mauremys leprosa (Scheigger, 1812) en los pirineosPrimera cita de Psammodromus hispanicus (Fitzinger) para GaliciaSobre la presencia de Gallotia (=Lacerta) atlantica (Peters y Doria, 1882) en Gran CanariaNota sobre las Lacerta monticola Boulenger, 1905 de las zonas del norte de GaliciaPrimeras notas herpetológicas de la provincia de Soria.Datos sobre selección de hábitat y ecología alimenticia del porrón pardo (Aythya nyroca)Probable nueva área de cría del pechiazul (Luscinia svecica cyanecula) en el sistema central. PerisPredación de Falco peregrinus y Falco subbuteo sobre quirópterosResultados de la producción de Oxyura leucocephala en el año 1981 en las lagunas de Zóñar y el rincónAnálisis de la dieta de Tyto alba en un medio árido antropógeno de los alrededores de Almería¿Son Eudocimus ruber y E. albus distintas especies?EL Estornino pinto (Sturnus vulgaris) en Canarias: nueva especie nidifiante en el archipiélagoDatos sobre la alimentación otoñal del cárabo (Strix aluco) en la sierra de CádizObservación primaveral de rapaces y otras aves en el páramo del estado de Mérida (Venezuela).Murciélago hematófago (Desmodus rotundus) parasitando a un chigüire (Hidrochoerus hydrochaeris)Observaciones sobre la reproducción del zacatuche o teporinho Romerolagus diazi (Mammalia: lagomorpha)Estudio electroforético de hemoglobinas y esterasas sanguíneas en Rhinolophus ferrumequinum (Chiroptera: rhinolophidae) y de hemoglobinas en Tadaria taeniotis (chiroptera: molossidae)Peer reviewe

    An experimental test of host’s life history traits modulation in response to cuckoo parasitism risk

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    Hosts can counteract parasites through defences based on resistance and/or tolerance. The mechanistic basis of tolerance, which involve defensive mechanisms minimizing parasite damage after a successful parasitic attack, remains poorly explored in the study of cuckoo-host interactions. Here, we experimentally explore the possibility that the risk of great spotted cuckoo Clamator glandarius parasitism may induce tolerance defences in magpie Pica pica hosts through plasticity in life-history traits. We predict that magpies exposed to auditory cues indicating high parasitism risk will more likely exhibit resistance and/or modify their life-history traits to minimize parasitism costs (i.e. tolerance) compared to magpies under low parasitism risk. We found that manipulating the perceived parasitism risk did not affect host resistance (i.e. rejection of parasitic eggs) nor host life-history traits. Unexpectedly, host's egg volume increased over the season in nests exposed to auditory cues of control non-harmful hoopoes Upupa epops. Our results do not provide support for inducible defences (either based on resistance or tolerance) in response to risk of parasitism in magpie hosts. Even so, we encourage studying plastic expression of breeding strategies in response to risk of cuckoo parasitism to achieve a better understanding of the mechanistic basis of tolerance defences.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science/FEDER (Projects CGL2011-27561/BOS and CGL2014-56769-P to D. P. and J.M.A.). D.P. was supported by the Government of Extremadura while writing (contract number TA13002). M.E.G. was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (grant number BES-2012-051898).

    Spondylarthropathies (including psoriatic arthritis): 244. Validity of Colour Doppler and Spectral Doppler Ultrasound of Sacroilicac Joints Againts Physical Examination as Gold Standard

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    Background: Sacroiliac joints (SJ) involvement is a distinctive and charasteristic feature of Spondyloarthritis (SpA) and x-ray is the test routinely used to make a diagnosis. However, x-ray reveals late structural damage but cannot detect active inflammation. The objective of this study was to assess the validity of Doppler ultrasound in SJ. Methods: Prospective blinded and controlled study of SJ, in which three populations were compared. We studied 106 consecutive cases, who were divided into three groups: a) 53 patients diagnosed with SpA who had inflammatory lumbar and gluteal pain assessed by a rheumatologist; b) 26 patients diagnosed with SpA who didn't have SJ tenderness and had normal physical examination; c) control group of 27 subjects (healthy subjetcs or with mechanical lumbar pain). All patients included that were diagnosed with SpA met almost the European Spondyloarthropathy Study Group (ESSG) classification criteria. Physical examination of the SJ included: sacral sulcus tenderness, iliac gapping, iliac compression, midline sacral thrust test, Gaenslen's test, and Patrick s test were used as gold standard. Both SJ were examined with Doppler ultrasound (General Electric Logiq 9, Wauwatosa WI, USA) fitted with a 9-14 Mhz lineal probe. The ultrasonographer was blinded to clinical data. Doppler in SJ was assessed as positive when both Doppler colour and resistance index (RI) < 0.75 within the SJ area were present. Statistical analysis was performed estimating sensitivity and specificity against gold standard. The Kappa correlation coefficient was used for reliability study. Results: 106 cases (53 female, 55 male; mean age 36 10 years) were studied. There were no statistical differences between groups related to age or sex. Physical examination of SJ was positive in 38 patients (59 sacroiliac joints). US detected Doppler signal within SJ in 37 patients (58 SJ): 33 of them were symptomatic SpA (52 SJ), one of them were asymptomatic SpA (1 SJ) and one was a healthy control (1 SJ). The accuracy of US when compared to clinical data as gold standard at subject level in the overall group was: sensitivity of 68.6% and specificity of 85.7%, positive predictive value of 70.5% and negative predictive value of 84.5%. A positive likelihood ratio of 4.8, a negative likelihood ratio of 0.36 and a kappa coefficient of 0.55 were achieved. Conclusions: Doppler US of SJ seems to be a valid method to detect active SJ inflammation. Disclosure statement: The authors have declared no conflicts of interes

    Classification of Subgroups of Symplectic Groups Over Finite Fields Containing a Transvection

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    In this note, we give a self-contained proof of the following classification (up to conjugation) of finite subgroups of GSpn(F̅ℓ) containing a nontrivial transvection for ℓ ≥ 5, which can be derived from work of Kantor: G is either reducible, symplectically imprimitive or it contains Spn(F̅ℓ). This result is for instance useful for proving ‘big image’ results for symplectic Galois representations

    Compatible systems of symplectic Galois representations and the inverse Galois problem III. Automorphic construction of compatible systems with suitable local properties

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    This article is the third and last part of a series of three articles about compatible systems of symplectic Galois representations and applications to the inverse Galois problem. This part proves the following new result for the inverse Galois problem for symplectic groups. For any even positive integer n and any positive integer d, PSp_n(F_{l^d}) or PGSp_n(F_{l^d}) occurs as a Galois group over the rational numbers for a positive density set of primes l. The result is obtained by showing the existence of a regular, algebraic, self-dual, cuspidal automorphic representation of GL_n(A_Q) with local types chosen so as to obtain a compatible system of Galois representations to which the results from Part II of this series apply

    Differential reproductive success favours strong host preference in a highly specialized brood parasite

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    Obligate avian brood parasites show dramatic variation in the degree to which they are host specialists or host generalists. The screaming cowbird Molothrus rufoaxillaris is one of the most specialized brood parasites, using a single host, the bay-winged cowbird (Agelaioides badius) over most of its range. Coevolutionary theory predicts increasing host specificity the longer the parasite interacts with a particular avian community, as hosts evolve defences that the parasite cannot counteract. According to this view, host specificity can be maintained if screaming cowbirds avoid parasitizing potentially suitable hosts that have developed effective defences against parasitic females or eggs. Specialization may also be favoured, even in the absence of host defences, if the parasite's reproductive success in alternative hosts is lower than that in the main host. We experimentally tested these hypotheses using as alternative hosts two suitable but unparasitized species: house wrens (Troglodytes aedon) and chalk-browed mockingbirds (Mimus saturninus). We assessed host defences against parasitic females and eggs, and reproductive success of the parasite in current and alternative hosts. Alternative hosts did not discriminate against screaming cowbird females or eggs. Egg survival and hatching success were similarly high in current and alternative hosts, but the survival of parasitic chicks was significantly lower in alternative hosts. Our results indicate that screaming cowbirds have the potential to colonize novel hosts, but higher reproductive success in the current host may favour host fidelity