2,711 research outputs found

    Ventajas de la uniformización de objetos didácticos para la mejora de resultados docentes en un máster interuniversitario

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    El uso de entornos virtuales por parte de las universidades españolas está realmente consolidado, en ellos el docente puede poner a disposición de su alumnado diferentes tipos de objetos didácticos con los contenidos docentes de una determinada asignatura. Es evidente que el contenido de dichos objetos didácticos es importante para adquirir las competencias necesarias, pero también hay que poner atención al formato de los mismos. El presente trabajo pretende poner de manifiesto la importancia de la uniformización de objetos didácticos en la mejora de los resultados docentes. Este aspecto es especialmente relevante cuando se trata de estudios interuniversitarios, en los que intervienen docentes de diferentes universidades y con diferentes plataformas virtuales para generar y poner a disposición del alumnado el material didáctico. En particular se ha empleado la información disponible del Máster interuniversitario en Integridad y Durabilidad de Materiales, Componentes y Estructuras impartido conjuntamente por las Universidades de Oviedo, Cantabria y Burgos


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    Lande g-tensor in semiconductor nanostructures

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    Understanding the electronic structure of semiconductor nanostructures is not complete without a detailed description of their corresponding spin-related properties. Here we explore the response of the shell structure of InAs self-assembled quantum dots to magnetic fields oriented in several directions, allowing the mapping of the g-tensor modulus for the s and p shells. We found that the g-tensors for the s and p shells show a very different behavior. The s-state in being more localized allows the probing of the confining potential details by sweeping the magnetic field orientation from the growth direction towards the in-plane direction. As for the p-state, we found that the g-tensor modulus is closer to that of the surrounding GaAs, consistent with a larger delocalization. These results reveal further details of the confining potentials of self-assembled quantum dots that have not yet been probed, in addition to the assessment of the g-tensor, which is of fundamental importance for the implementation of spin related applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Análisis comparado de las normas autonómicas y estatales de accesibilidad

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    Este estudio comparado del Real Patronato sobre discapacidad, en esta su cuarta edición, ordena y sistematiza el conjunto de disposiciones legales vigentes – a 31 de diciembre de 2005- en materia de accesibilidad tanto a nivel autonómico como estatal. La información, presentada en forma de tablas comparativas, se estructura en torno cinco bloques, según el ámbito de los requerimientos de accesibilidad regulados: urbanismo, edificios de uso público, edificios de uso privado, transporte y comunicación

    A microstructural study of superconductive nanocrystalline diamond

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    A transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study of superconducting nanocrystalline diamond (NCD) continuous layers is reported. The high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HREM) and the diffraction contrast modes of observations are used to reveal the nanograins configuration. Three types of them are observed: first, close to the interface with the Si/SiO2 substrate, 10 to 20 nm-sized diamond 16 seeds resulting from the 5nm size diamond powder deposition before growth that show some regrowth during CVD process, second a diamond overgrown layer, quasi-epitaxially by coalesced columnar NCD grains, and finally, up to the free surface, a thin disordered region composed of nanocrystallites smaller than 6 nm. This last layer was not nominally expected and is attributed to a renucleated-like (RND) diamond layer embedding ultra nanocrystalline grains. Diffraction contrast observations confirm this HREM observed behaviour.6 page

    Autosuficiencia energética en la vivienda

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    Resumen Los edificios, junto al transporte suponen más de la mitad del consumo energético actual de combustible y de la contaminación a este asociada, de difícil solución por la dispersión de los procesos de combustión en poblaciones o carreteras. Esta distribución en la edificación de la demanda favorece el uso de energía solar, el recurso renovable más abundante y de fácil acceso sobre la superficie terrestre, especialmente adecuado en nuestro clima. El uso de tecnología solar requiere procesos de acumulación que garanticen la disponibilidad del calor excesivo del verano durante las frías noches de invierno así como la iluminación o las comunicaciones durante la noche en base a la radiación recibida en las horas de radiación solar. El trabajo describe la posibilidad de captura térmica en la cubierta con almacenamiento selectivo en el subsuelo capaz de satisfacer la demanda de energía para climatización de la vivienda a lo largo del año a un coste ,muy bajo. La energía eléctrica de "alta calidad" se genera y acumulé1localmente en forma de hidrógeno para alimentar según demanda mediante una pila de combustible. Con la tecnología actual, aún en pleno desarrollo, el balance es claramente positivo lo que significa la posibilidad de autosuficiencia energética para una parte considerable de las viviendas.El MEC ha financiado el desarrollo de nuevos dispositivos de hidrógeno en el proyecto "Diseño y realización de una nueva Pila de Combustible polimérica de bajo coste y alta eficacia" MCYT- ENE2005-09124-C04-02/ALT. y el CSIC ha financiado la generación de hidrógeno a partir de residuos orgánicos. El P.S.E. INVISO para industrialización de la vivienda sostenible financia el desarrollo integral de estos sistemas.Peer reviewe

    Quantifying the Impact of Non-Stationarity in Reinforcement Learning-Based Traffic Signal Control

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    In reinforcement learning (RL), dealing with non-stationarity is a challenging issue. However, some domains such as traffic optimization are inherently non-stationary. Causes for and effects of this are manifold. In particular, when dealing with traffic signal controls, addressing non-stationarity is key since traffic conditions change over time and as a function of traffic control decisions taken in other parts of a network. In this paper we analyze the effects that different sources of non-stationarity have in a network of traffic signals, in which each signal is modeled as a learning agent. More precisely, we study both the effects of changing the \textit{context} in which an agent learns (e.g., a change in flow rates experienced by it), as well as the effects of reducing agent observability of the true environment state. Partial observability may cause distinct states (in which distinct actions are optimal) to be seen as the same by the traffic signal agents. This, in turn, may lead to sub-optimal performance. We show that the lack of suitable sensors to provide a representative observation of the real state seems to affect the performance more drastically than the changes to the underlying traffic patterns.Comment: 13 page

    Effect of electrochemical charging on the hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility of a low-alloyed tempered martensitic steel submitted to high internal pressure

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    The influence of hydrogen on the mechanical behavior of a quenched and tempered 42CrMo4 steel has been evaluated by means of high internal pressure fracture tests carried out on hydrogen precharged notched cylindrical specimens. The notched cylindrical specimens were precharged for 3 h time with 1.2 mA/cm2 in two different aqueous media: 1 M H2SO4 added with 0.25 g/l As2O3 and 3.5% of NaCl solution. Hydraulic fracture tests were performed at different ramps of pressure: 7000, 220, 80, 60 and 30 MPa/h, respectively. Hydrogen damage was more marked when the acid aqueous medium (1 M H2SO4 + 0.25 g/l As2O3) was employed. In this case, a higher hydrogen concentration was introduced, leading to hydrogen decohesion micromechanisms (HEDE) near the notched region, especially when tests were performed at 60 MPa/h. Hydrogen embrittlement susceptibility is discussed in terms of the microstructural singularities and the operative fracture micromechanisms observed in each case

    Critical boron-doping levels for generation of dislocations in synthetic diamond

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    Defects induced by boron doping in diamond layers were studied by transmission electron microscopy. The existence of a critical boron doping level above which defects are generated is reported. This level is found to be dependent on the CH4 /H2 molar ratios and on growth directions. The critical boron concentration lied in the 6.5–17.0 X 10 20 at/cm3 range in the direction and at 3.2 X 1021 at/cm 3 for the one. Strain related effects induced by the doping are shown not to be responsible. From the location of dislocations and their Burger vectors, a model is proposed, together with their generation mechanism.6 page